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Old 02-17-2021, 07:04 AM   #31
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Originally Posted by offshoredrilling View Post

LOL even your ATF posted that

What are you talking about?

Just go follow the twitter threads if curious to what is going on... its all there... see it for yourself... the girls arent holding back anymore.
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Old 02-17-2021, 08:27 AM   #32
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Hi I'm a guy and like I try to rule this forum, and I like to put women down, and I like to talk about all the things wrong with the tail here in upset, regardless of my own personal insecurities. I'm just going to project all that shit on the women who will fuck me but I have to pay them so I'm a little bit angry about that. And then there's ones that won't even take my money so I'm just going to shit talk them even more than the other ones because well I'm an entitled prick and I deserve anything that I see. And then I'm going to get really offended when one of those women stand up for themselves and others oh, and I'm going to point the finger and every other direction than back at myself because I'm the one that started all this shit
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Old 02-17-2021, 08:29 AM   #33
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Originally Posted by Tappin'That View Post
Hi I'm a guy and like I try to rule this forum, and I like to put women down, and I like to talk about all the things wrong with the tail here in upset, regardless of my own personal insecurities. I'm just going to project all that shit on the women who will fuck me but I have to pay them so I'm a little bit angry about that. And then there's ones that won't even take my money so I'm just going to shit talk them even more than the other ones because well I'm an entitled prick and I deserve anything that I see. And then I'm going to get really offended when one of those women stand up for themselves and others oh, and I'm going to point the finger and every other direction than back at myself because I'm the one that started all this shit
Accurate of a lot of the boards... sadly.
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Old 02-17-2021, 08:34 AM   #34
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Did I hit the nail on the head? I'm sure that you're all just going to deny it and say no no that's not what it is you're wrong. I'm not wrong. It's a really sad State of Affairs what a provider is willing to throw away her whole reputation on this board, for her own fucking safety. Why you guys stick up for so-called friend that wouldn't do the same for you( I know I've got almost a decade of emails) especially about such a sensitive topic. You guys clearly don't go over to Twitter enough to know that the outer never bulshit. But when she says she's got proof of this incident you better believe it. And the only thing that's holding her back from talking to LE is the shit she's going to get dragged through dealing with the court system. But go ahead guys challenge her some more that's what she likes. If you have done nothing wrong to someone else then there should be no concern here. But if you keep poking the bear it's going to attack what do you expect? OSD you are not out of the water either here pal. There's a lot of people in this world that have nothing but time on their hands. And that's Apparent from you, in fact you make a perfect example of a board loser who is probably going to cry when their whole world comes Crashing Down. Yeah I want review board gone. It's a toxic environment, it's like the secret cop Union where you guys are all circle jerking and patting each other on the back for treating people like shit
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Old 02-17-2021, 08:45 AM   #35
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How many of you have daughters? If your daughter came to you and said this man hurt me with his private parts, that man hurt me with his hands and he meant it in a bad way. Would you look at your daughter and tell her she was lying? Or would you ask her who the hell that bastard was so that you could make it right? It doesn't matter if it's a sex worker or not. She's a human being deserving of being believed. It's even more disgusting that there's little evidence and fellas like OSD or trying to claim lies. Why don't you guys go talk to her. Why don't you hear her side of the story? Are you scared? Again if you haven't done anything wrong then you really shouldn't have anything to worry about. What a guilty conscience will cause others to lash out and lie even more
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Old 02-17-2021, 09:02 AM   #36
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Shit is on twitter for all to read... go check it out. She is pretty clear about what happen and as far as i know, even has evidence.
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Old 02-17-2021, 09:06 AM   #37
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you two could be almost believable if outer did not have a long long list of guested, disabled and dead handles of guys that related/dealt with her. Its almost like a wake in the water. of dead handles.

LOL so outer outed the guy to same as was being mishandled by him per outer. LOL

sound more like politics than do good

and if she would not see him, how she know so much about ????

and to sayin replying to another and out to the same is not believable other than is a twisted mind
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Old 02-17-2021, 09:07 AM   #38
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Originally Posted by Rainbird4668 View Post
Shit is on twitter for all to read... go check it out. She is pretty clear about what happen and as far as i know, even has evidence.
a long with others defending
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Old 02-17-2021, 09:26 AM   #39
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Originally Posted by offshoredrilling View Post
you two could be almost believable if outer did not have a long long list of guested, disabled and dead handles of guys that related/dealt with her.

LOL so outer outed the guy to same as was being mishandled by him per outer. LOL

sound more like politics than do good

and if she would not see him, how she know so much about ????

and to sayin replying to another and out to the same is not believable other than is a twisted mind
Someone having alt accounts is a far leap from abusive rape. You can't see the damage outted has done to MULTIPLE ladies... go listen to their side.
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Old 02-17-2021, 09:36 AM   #40
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Originally Posted by Rainbird4668 View Post
Someone having alt accounts is a far leap from abusive rape. You can't see the damage outted has done to MULTIPLE ladies... go listen to their side.
outer could have told other Ahem lady's to stay away n why.. Rather than the BULLSHIT trying to sell without outing to family.
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Old 02-17-2021, 10:07 AM   #41
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Originally Posted by offshoredrilling View Post
outer could have told other Ahem lady's to stay away n why.. Rather than the BULLSHIT trying to sell without outing to family.
That's where you're wrong. She did tell other ladies to stay away! But when you have an asshole that is constantly harassing through fake emails and text apps , what the hell are the girls supposed to do? The only reason the outer knew his identity is because he came up on people you may know, while stalking her personal Facebook. She kept that a secret for years, even from other providers, mostly because fear of retaliation and ruined reputation. But you fail to realize that he outed her first! She did nothing about it for over 2 years! You guys will sit behind the scenes and give up girls numbers even though you were told not to. You guys will give out their personal Facebooks, so I really don't see what issue y'all are having with this. You guys created this system because you want to control women oh, and you want to put a rate cap to your liking. Men want sex and women find a way to profit from it, and men in general will do anything they can to abolish that. You guys really need to sit back and think about how we got to this point. It's a bunch of vile male humans bearing down on something that you guys supposedly crave and desire. Only for you to start bitching that these women value themselves and their bodies, are unwavering on their worth, and God forbid they have an opinion or speak their truth. If this whole situation is not an eye-opener for the good gents out there, as well as an eye opener for those living in fear because of their bad behaviors, this really is a fucked planet.

Here's a good challenge, get a text app number, make an ad on any site with that number. Make that ad have your do's and don'ts. Post said ad, and then see the kind of messages that you get. Even within 3 to 6 hours it's exhausting. And then maybe you'll understand what we go through every single day before even meeting any of you. So the next time you guys want to say oh oh that's just a jaded whore who didn't get her way, maybe you guys can pause because you realize what women actually put up with to give you these things that you want
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Old 02-17-2021, 10:40 AM   #42
the jeepguy
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This is all kinda crazy!! I dont do twitter so have no idea who is involved. Damn.
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Old 02-17-2021, 11:26 AM   #43
Willie Wanker
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Originally Posted by the jeepguy View Post
This is all kinda crazy!! I dont do twitter so have no idea who is involved. Damn.
I do have Twitter. But how do you know who or what to read about this? I don't have eccie members on my Twitter.
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Old 02-17-2021, 11:54 AM   #44
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Follow me then, Willie... I follow the ladies...
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Old 02-17-2021, 01:13 PM   #45
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But let's not overshadow an issue that is just as important. This outed individual has caused a lot of personal turmoil with other providers creating smear propaganda from stolen content. The outed as a master manipulator used another providers mental illness and obsessive tendencies to stalk another into submission. What what provider wouldn't question the antics of this client trying to harm other women and think it's okay? Unbelievable. And you wonder why Pf spoke up about all of this.
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