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Old 01-25-2021, 07:43 AM   #46
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Yeah, fossil fuels fucked up those Martians huh?
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Old 01-25-2021, 08:40 AM   #47
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Originally Posted by boardman View Post
Yeah, fossil fuels fucked up those Martians huh?
naw the big man upstairs had it in for the martians. they need more greenhouse gases, not less. so we can definitely "pollute" Mars with SUVs and ginormous texas-sized trucks..
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Old 01-25-2021, 08:52 AM   #48
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So what happened to their greenhouse gasses that once regulated their climate to something more "earthlike"?
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Old 01-25-2021, 09:00 AM   #49
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Someone has fully drank the Kool Aid
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Old 01-25-2021, 06:00 PM   #50
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^^^^^ This shit....Fucking H. Tebow....now I’m agreeing?....bm, WTF?

Originally Posted by pxmcc View Post
ginormous texas-sized trucks..
What’s the problem with Texas-sized trucks? Living on the Gulf Coast, how else are we supposed to go out and buy beer, bacon and ammo during hurricane season when one hits?.....
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Old 01-26-2021, 08:36 AM   #51
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Originally Posted by boardman View Post
So what happened to their greenhouse gasses that once regulated their climate to something more "earthlike"?
they didn't have enough texas-sized trucks spewing out CO2 by the gigaton..

no actually Mars got fucked by 3 things: low gravity, zero magnetic field, and no ozone layer.

the ozone layer on earth has a bunch of unstable oxygen-O3-which is great at soaking up ultraviolet radiation. without the ozone layer, all that uv came right into Mars' atmosphere, splitting water vapor into hydrogen and oxygen. hydrogen is so light it drifts up and up and finally peters off into space.

secondly, earth's magnetic field deflects numerous high energy packets of light around earth rather than allowing them to make it to earth, including more uv, a good amount of infrared, and other forms of light as well. Mars doesn't have a magnetic field, so none of that energy gets deflected, and it hits the planet directly, perfect for boiling off its oceans.

finally, Mars' weak gravity makes it hard to hold onto what's left of its atmosphere, allowing it to slowly be cooked off with all the unimpeded radiation hitting the planet.

voila no oceans, no atmosphere, and if it ever had anything living on it, it probably doesn't now.

as far as drinking the coolaid, it would take about 500 years to burn through all of our fossil fuels at current usage rates (coal would be the last fuel we'd run out of), with the exception of methane, which we may never burn through because it can be regenerated so easily. (think landfills.)

if we change nothing, ya we'll be fucked when all the ice sheets have melted. Massive storms regularly hitting cities like Houston that would make Harvey look like child's play. the major coastal cities would be underwater-Tokyo, NYC, London etc.

if we do a Manhattan Project type of approach for developing alternative energies, worse case scenarios can be avoided. we can use our economic power to get upstarts like China and India on board. eventually earth will probably heal itself. otherwise, in a couple hundred years, ya earth will be pretty fucked up. and it's happening faster than scientists projected. it's not coolaid, it's just science-straight cause and effect.

but ya, Mars could use some texas size trucks to spew out as much CO2 and water vapor as possible and maybe help rebuild its atmosphere. there's an oxygen problem but maybe we can send some oxygen canisters with the settlers when they head for redder pastures. hopefully there will be some left after all this covid fuckery..
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Old 01-26-2021, 10:39 AM   #52
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But PX, by your own admission Mars once had an earth-like atmosphere. If that's the case then other than man made reasons obviously contributed to the loss of the things that caused it to be able to have that atmosphere. As you said, and I've been saying... gravity, sunlight, magnetic fields.

Speaking of magnetic fields, ours is currently in a weakening which can cause less shielding from solar winds and cosmic rays, some of which may have contributed to the loss of Mars' atmosphere and may be contributing to climate changes on Earth. Weakening of the magnetic field is not new. Shifts in the outer liquid core of earth, kind of like how the white of an egg moves around the yolk as you spin the egg, is the cause for ebbs and flows in the strength of the magnetic field and even swapping polarity of magnetic north and south which has happened as well. The last time about 780,000 years ago so we are kind of due for another flip.

I'm just kind of wondering how getting rid of my pick up and riding a bicycle is going to change the progress of Earth's magnetic field doing what it's going to do.
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Old 01-26-2021, 02:42 PM   #53
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Originally Posted by Russ38 View Post
^^^^^ This shit....Fucking H. Tebow....now I’m agreeing?....bm, WTF?

What’s the problem with Texas-sized trucks? Living on the Gulf Coast, how else are we supposed to go out and buy beer, bacon and ammo during hurricane season when one hits?.....
Gotta add Dr.Pepper snuff and fried pies to that shopping list!
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Old 01-27-2021, 12:56 AM   #54
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Originally Posted by boardman View Post
But PX, by your own admission Mars once had an earth-like atmosphere. If that's the case then other than man made reasons obviously contributed to the loss of the things that caused it to be able to have that atmosphere. As you said, and I've been saying... gravity, sunlight, magnetic fields.

Speaking of magnetic fields, ours is currently in a weakening which can cause less shielding from solar winds and cosmic rays, some of which may have contributed to the loss of Mars' atmosphere and may be contributing to climate changes on Earth. Weakening of the magnetic field is not new. Shifts in the outer liquid core of earth, kind of like how the white of an egg moves around the yolk as you spin the egg, is the cause for ebbs and flows in the strength of the magnetic field and even swapping polarity of magnetic north and south which has happened as well. The last time about 780,000 years ago so we are kind of due for another flip.

I'm just kind of wondering how getting rid of my pick up and riding a bicycle is going to change the progress of Earth's magnetic field doing what it's going to do.
pretty much everything you said is accurate. earth's field is always on the move-even now-and it has also flipped a number of times. our magnetic field is one of the reasons we haven't lost our water or our atmosphere like Mars has.

riding a bicycle or driving a monster truck won't affect earth's magnetic field. it will be there either way. what it will affect is how much CO2 ends up in our atmosphere. the more CO2 in the atmosphere, the more heat that gets trapped without being able to get bounced back into space. that's why you can have working greenhouses in Alaska with minimal electricity use when it's 20 below outside but sunny. i think it starts out as uv (the stuff that gives you sunburns), loses some energy, and ends up getting stuck as infrared (the stuff your oven produces.)

it's great when your goal is to have a working greenhouse in Alaska. it's not great if your goal is to have an earth that is not slowly cooking itself.

should you get rid of your monster truck? naw just plant some trees. the more, the better. CO2 is basically "food" for them through the magic of photosynthesis. (oh ya, and ride a bike too. the benefits are crazy.) and maybe go biodiesel when you upgrade your monster truck; it's a closed loop.

burning of fossil fuels:
CH stuff +O2>CO2 +H2O

Carbon fixation by plants:
6CO2+6H2O>C6H12O6 +6O2
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Old 01-27-2021, 08:44 AM   #55
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Plant some trees huh?
I'm all for trees but please explain how even the reforestation of much of the Amazon area is going to change anything to do with Earth's rotation or magnetic field.

My point is we(humanity) are fucked regardless of what we do, whether we eliminate CO2 emissions or cows. It's not going to matter. Much larger forces are at work that we can't control and those will be our undoing. As I have said elsewhere we(humanity) will eventually perish from a loss of our atmosphere due to those larger forces or the more likely scenario of being hit by an ELE that leaves us in a 1000 years of darkness.

Of course if Bruce Willis is still alive maybe he can save us from an asteroid.
This climate change alarmism is nothing more that political posturing. Dumb asses will vote for the alarmists because they are scared. They are so eaten up by that one singular issue they don't see what else they are voting for. They don't care. When someone like AOC says we have 12 years to live and gets voted into office you know you've got a severely uninformed electorate.
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Old 01-27-2021, 06:14 PM   #56
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^^^^^ And as you pointed out in post #39......if “they” actually gave a fuck about CO2 emissions/global warming....then go after the shithole “developing countries” like China and India that produce 90% of the world’s pollution....good luck with that, they are as developed as they’re ever gonna be......We’ve had environmental measures in place for decades......but for the love of Tebow don’t fuck with the cows.....flatulence or not, red meat is as necessary as fossil fuel itself....ijs

And px.....only fags use bio-fuels......
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Old 01-28-2021, 04:23 AM   #57
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Originally Posted by Russ38 View Post
^^^^^ And as you pointed out in post #39......if “they” actually gave a fuck about CO2 emissions/global warming....then go after the shithole “developing countries” like China and India that produce 90% of the world’s pollution....good luck with that, they are as developed as they’re ever gonna be......We’ve had environmental measures in place for decades......but for the love of Tebow don’t fuck with the cows.....flatulence or not, red meat is as necessary as fossil fuel itself....ijs

And px.....only fags use bio-fuels......
wait whats up with fags and biofuels. i never knew. i learn all kinds of cool stuff on this here hooker board oops i mean on this here Encounter Board..

i always thought it was only the size of your..umm ahem cough cough.. truck that mattered..

the rule in texas is that your truck should always be the biggest thing on the road short of any 18-wheelers..

and btw, your big screen should be almost the same size as your truck..

and your man cave betta be motha-fuckin lit..

and finally, yes we should take out china now while we still can. india and japan are our are peeps tho. lets gang up on china and show those red commies whats up and how it's done with some democratic badassery and a bunch of "go fuck yourself" aircraft carrier strike groups patrolling the south and east china seas in battle formation..

and ya china, we are mothafuckin unhelpful. you can kiss our unhelpful patriotic asses..
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Old 01-28-2021, 10:32 AM   #58
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Originally Posted by pxmcc View Post
and ya china, we are mothafuckin unhelpful. you can kiss our unhelpful patriotic asses..
Your buddies in the White House do not feel that way. You only have to look at a handful of the Executive Orders this idiot has signed (and BTW it is more in the first 10 days than the 5 previous administrations combined) and you will see we will be right back to the Obama/Biden years where China produced most everything for us and jobs went back overseas again.

Biden can't legislate like a regular President. He has to push his liberal bullshit through with the stroke of a pen. He knows he mostly does not have the votes for his agenda in the Senate since there are actually still some moderate Dems there that has basically said hell know.

First President in decades to begin his first 10 days increasing unemployment. Stopping the pipeline is actually going to increase CO2 emissions since that oil is still going to get shipped out of Canada. Only this time by rail or truck which is decidedly more unsafe than by pipeline. The only true increase in jobs will be overseas. But hey! He's YOUR President.
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Old 01-28-2021, 11:48 AM   #59
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Originally Posted by CryptKicker View Post
Your buddies in the White House do not feel that way. You only have to look at a handful of the Executive Orders this idiot has signed (and BTW it is more in the first 10 days than the 5 previous administrations combined) and you will see we will be right back to the Obama/Biden years where China produced most everything for us and jobs went back overseas again.

Biden can't legislate like a regular President. He has to push his liberal bullshit through with the stroke of a pen. He knows he mostly does not have the votes for his agenda in the Senate since there are actually still some moderate Dems there that has basically said hell know.

First President in decades to begin his first 10 days increasing unemployment. Stopping the pipeline is actually going to increase CO2 emissions since that oil is still going to get shipped out of Canada. Only this time by rail or truck which is decidedly more unsafe than by pipeline. The only true increase in jobs will be overseas. But hey! He's YOUR President.
Crypt, America's future isn't mainly a left/right issue. Great powers do not run trade deficits and budget deficits year after year. We need to rebuild our manufacturing and actually try to compete with China. Eventually the market will solve our dysfunction for us if we can't solve our own dysfunction. Currently, we're on the road to perdition.
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Old 01-28-2021, 12:25 PM   #60
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You will not rebuild our manufacturing by increasing taxes, increasing regulations, and ending jobs. 42000 estimated jobs lost (per the Dept of Labor) from keystone alone.

And now Biden is about to sign another round of executive orders today to push him to closer to 40. Biden stated in debates and interviews that only a dictator governs by executive orders. Well if you have watched the signings you see the dictator standing behind him.
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