Let's be clear about this: Increasingly, cause of death is being listed as Covid, when Covid played a role or can be identified as the central cause. It is also noted on death certificates when Covid is a secondary cause of death. Check out the death certificate format in your state or in a deceased loved one's state. As far as Trump's relationship to the pandemic, I would argue that he has been, at best, disinterested, and at worst, deceptive. His recordings with journalist Woodward were evidence of his attitude and response. Also, everybody saw and heard him describe the pandemic as a Democrat hoax. That was a crock of shit. His foolhardy statements about the pandemic slowing down and disappearing were juvenile. First it was Easter. Then it was by the 4th of July. And on and on went his nonsense. Utter stupid nonsense. Repeated over and over. Where has he been for the last three months, as the pandemic surges again? No leadership at all. No interest, it seems. Either that or he is completely unsure about how to proceed. Trump deserved to lose the presidency for many reasons, in my opinion, but no reason was as telling as his inadequate and foolhardy efforts regarding the pandemic. Trump finally ran into an issue he couldn't manipulate with tweets, hairbrained proposals, distractions or misdirection. The pandemic kept coming, and Trump's response or effort was practically nonexistent or sorely lacking. That is how history will accurately remember his presidency.