Originally Posted by GaGambler
So is that a yes or a no in regards to Alice being 28?
It's a "I couldn't give less of a f*ck what her age is".
You desperately (and pathetically) searched my reviews to find one I did on her so you can come strolling in here with your chest out thinking you were going to get one over on me, when the truth is that when I wrote that review, it's 99.9% likely I either took the age that someone else put on their review of her, or just took the age from her bio and called it good enough, because when it comes to putting together a review, sleuthing a girl's true age is something I (and most guys) simply do not care about, and any experienced or intelligent guy reading a review understands that of all the things in a review to take with a grain of salt, age is one of the first.
The fact that of all the hills to go die on, you've picked this one is equally confusing and amusing. Add to that bringing a bunch of unintelligent racial comments into it, and it actually illustrates your inferiority complex quite perfectly.
You're the only one in here who cares about this age thing. You don't know more than anyone else here, you're just the only one who cares this much about something so trivial, and you're embarrassing yourself in the process.
Cut your losses and just move on.