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Old 11-14-2020, 09:53 PM   #121
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Originally Posted by Levianon17 View Post
Ya know those commercials on T.V. specifying people who have taken a prescribed drug and experienced adverse reactions? Some of the side affects are worse than the disease it's intended to treat. some of these Pharma Companies are up to their necks in Law suits over these litigation. Vaccine injuries exist as well but you can't sue vaccine companies. When you find out what's in the Covid-19 vaccine you will probably have already taken it and it might piss ya off when you find out what's in your system.
They're up to their necks in lawsuits because the plaintiffs attorneys have bought off Democratic Party politicians, lock, stock and barrel. So it's open season for any lawyer who wants to sue doctors, hospitals, insurance companies, and drug companies for any reason. This is one of the reasons health care costs, including the cost of pharmaceuticals, are so much higher here than anywhere else. And why those commercials mention every common and uncommon side effect associated with the drugs.

And yeah, it does pay to read up on what you're taking. Just don't get bogged down on those adverse reactions that are extremely unlikely to occur.
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Old 11-14-2020, 10:27 PM   #122
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Originally Posted by Tiny View Post
They're up to their necks in lawsuits because the plaintiffs attorneys have bought off Democratic Party politicians, lock, stock and barrel. So it's open season for any lawyer who wants to sue doctors, hospitals, insurance companies, and drug companies for any reason. This is one of the reasons health care costs, including the cost of pharmaceuticals, are so much higher here than anywhere else. And why those commercials mention every common and uncommon side effect associated with the drugs.

And yeah, it does pay to read up on what you're taking. Just don't get bogged down on those adverse reactions that are extremely unlikely to occur.
I think you just have that mindset that it can't happen to you, so the possibilities are remote. They are not remote and people have had debilitating consequences to many commonly prescribed drugs. My point is You can't sue a vaccine company for injury. People do claim legitimate injury to a Vaccine apart from just catching the disease that it was suppose to prevent, which is often disclosed anyway. This country is too Drug happy and vaccine Happy. Nobody wants to hear anything but "there's a drug for that or a Vaccine for that", and we still have a very unhealthy society.
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Old 11-14-2020, 10:47 PM   #123
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Originally Posted by Levianon17 View Post
I think you just have that mindset that it can't happen to you, so the possibilities are remote. They are not remote and people have had debilitating consequences to many commonly prescribed drugs. My point is You can't sue a vaccine company for injury. People do claim legitimate injury to a Vaccine apart from just catching the disease that it was suppose to prevent, which is often disclosed anyway. This country is too Drug happy and vaccine Happy. Nobody wants to hear anything but "there's a drug for that or a Vaccine for that", and we still have a very unhealthy society.
The Japanese take more drugs than we do and they're healthier and live longer. Maybe we are too drug happy, but I'd attribute it to bad diet and not enough exercise. People end up with hypertension, heart disease and the like and are prescribed drugs for those conditions.

As to the country being vaccine happy, I just don't see that. Vaccinations save the lives of something like 2 million to 3 million people worldwide every year, and deaths from vaccinations are rare.
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Old 11-14-2020, 11:03 PM   #124
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Originally Posted by Tiny View Post
The Japanese take more drugs than we do and they're healthier and live longer. Maybe we are too drug happy, but I'd attribute it to bad diet and not enough exercise. People end up with hypertension, heart disease and the like and are prescribed drugs for those conditions.

As to the country being vaccine happy, I just don't see that. Vaccinations save the lives of something like 2 million to 3 million people worldwide every year, and deaths from vaccinations are rare.
Bad diet and lack of exercise is definitely a factor and it is one of the major reasons people end up on medications that may have been better controlled through better diet and exercise programs. In fact I am really surprised that our Government in it's quest to bring us better healthcare they haven't got a section in the Healthcare Law that would enable a person who has health issues that may be improved by a exercise program to have their gym fee be part of their healthcare just like drugs and Doctor visits. But that probably won't ever be the case. It's easier and much more profitable for doctors to dispense medications.
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Old 11-14-2020, 11:12 PM   #125
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Originally Posted by Levianon17 View Post
Bad diet and lack of exercise is definitely a factor and it is one of the major reasons people end up on medications that may have been better controlled through better diet and exercise programs. In fact I am really surprised that our Government in it's quest to bring us better healthcare they haven't got a section in the Healthcare Law that would enable a person who has health issues that may be improved by a exercise program to have their gym fee be part of their healthcare just like drugs and Doctor visits. But that probably won't ever be the case. It's easier and much more profitable for doctors to dispense medications.
That we agree on, 100%. Not only would your idea and similar measures improve our health, it would cut our health care expenditures.
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Old 11-15-2020, 12:31 AM   #126
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Originally Posted by Tiny View Post
That we agree on, 100%. Not only would your idea and similar measures improve our health, it would cut our health care expenditures.
Probably so. Unfortunately Doctors receive minimal training on diet in Med school. They don't make any money discussing diet to patients. Patients don't want to hear that anyway, they want a prescription. I am not Anti-Medication or Anti-Vaccine. I am Anti-Bullshit which is rampant in the Health community. The Covid19 Vaccine Eight Months in a Pandemic and it's 90% Safe and effective? I really have to wonder about that.
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Old 11-15-2020, 05:27 AM   #127
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I'm not against vaccines. My concern is brand new things 1st to market... for example, I never buy brand new cars when they change the model because I don't know whether there is going to be a fuck up there or not. If there are no recalls after a year, I'll buy it. Yeah, I know. It's just another stupid analogy from me but it's just how I view things.

I'm sure the vaccine is fine. It's not like a company the size of Pfizer does not employ the best of the best. I'm just going to wait though unless I am forced to take it. I wear masks and I keep my distance. For now, I'm cool with that as far as safety concerns.

I was reckless about that months ago but now with more information, everyone in my family I make sure they have their masks on and I don't give a fuck if they don't like wearing it because I don't like wearing mine either but that's just the world we live in now. You adapt to this world because it is not going to change to adapt to you. The sooner people understand that realization IMO, the better off they will be so they can stop bitching about stupid shit and get with reality.
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Old 11-15-2020, 06:26 AM   #128
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Originally Posted by Lucas McCain View Post
My concern is brand new things 1st to market.......
That explains your obsession with Henry rifles and old hags ... in basements.
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Old 11-15-2020, 06:33 AM   #129
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Originally Posted by Levianon17 View Post
Bad diet and lack of exercise is definitely a factor and it is one of the major reasons people end up on medications that may have been better controlled through better diet and exercise programs. In fact I am really surprised that our Government in it's quest to bring us better healthcare they haven't got a section in the Healthcare Law that would enable a person who has health issues that may be improved by a exercise program to have their gym fee be part of their healthcare just like drugs and Doctor visits. But that probably won't ever be the case. It's easier and much more profitable for doctors to dispense medications.
My Medicare Advantage plan, and most other Medicare Advantage plans, include free Silver Sneaker gym memberships. The plan also inludes a yearly wellness check in the home and frequent advisories on how to maintain and improve one's health, from exercise to diet. And, in my case, the plan is free.
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Old 11-15-2020, 06:56 AM   #130
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Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX View Post
...The plan also inludes a yearly wellness check in the home and frequent advisories on how to maintain and improve one's health, from exercise to diet. And, in my case, the plan is free.
And your point?

Those provisions were implemented/mandated by the ACA in health insurance plans. Before someone jumps all over the "home wellness checks" one might want to visit the "standards" for a "healthy home" implemented by the Obaminable Administration ... and will become a part of the Bitten-Kumola "social service" requirements.

The presence of FIREARMS was considered a "health risk" and they requested a disclosure of the presence of FIREARMS ... just to mention one of them.

Poor Little Lucas is going to be in a world of hurt! Beto is on his way!

My carrier harrassed me about having a home visit ANNUALLY to determine if I am "living" a "healthy lifestyle"!

My response: Look at the blood work I get 3-4 times a year and my follow ups by two physicians afterwards. Exactly what else do you want to know about my "lifestyle"?

That's why people should want to get off government assistance ... and they'll get even more tired of it in the next four years if those LOONATICKS presumptively elected final squeeze out a victory after the voting fraud is sorted out.
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Old 11-15-2020, 07:06 AM   #131
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Originally Posted by Tiny View Post
So it's open season for any lawyer who wants to sue doctors, hospitals, insurance companies, and drug companies for any reason. This is one of the reasons health care costs, including the cost of pharmaceuticals, are so much higher here than anywhere else.
That's what the propaganda says anyway.

But that doesn't explain why the pharma industry contributed primarily to DumboCrats ... in this immediate past election and scrambled to oust Trump who reduced drug costs with a stroke of his pen UNTIL Congress got off their asses to control the cost of public health care for the U.S. public. Trump was also shifting the manufacturing of Rxs to the U.S. that would create millions of jobs instead of packing China's wallet on the backs of U.S. citizens.

Now, perhaps, Hunter can scoop up some more cash from Asia. He's "earned" it!
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Old 11-15-2020, 07:10 AM   #132
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Originally Posted by LexusLover View Post
And your point?

Those provisions were implemented/mandated by the ACA in health insurance plans. Before someone jumps all over the "home wellness checks" one might want to visit the "standards" for a "healthy home" implemented by the Obaminable Administration ... and will become a part of the Bitten-Kumola "social service" requirements.

The presence of FIREARMS was considered a "health risk" and they requested a disclosure of the presence of FIREARMS ... just to mention one of them.

Poor Little Lucas is going to be in a world of hurt! Beto is on his way!

My carrier harrassed me about having a home visit ANNUALLY to determine if I am "living" a "healthy lifestyle"!

My response: Look at the blood work I get 3-4 times a year and my follow ups by two physicians afterwards. Exactly what else do you want to know about my "lifestyle"?

That's why people should want to get off government assistance ... and they'll get even more tired of it in the next four years if those LOONATICKS presumptively elected final squeeze out a victory after the voting fraud is sorted out.
My point was rather simple. The Medicare Advantage plans do try to provide access to wellness plans and preventive measures that Levianon said were missing in healthcare programs. If one chooses not to participate that is their choice.
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Old 11-15-2020, 07:18 AM   #133
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Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX View Post
My point was rather simple. The Medicare Advantage plans do try to provide access to wellness plans and preventive measures that Levianon said were missing in healthcare programs. If one chooses not to participate that is their choice.
Intrusions into one's private life is an unacceptable price to pay!

That's not "offering" shit! That's access and leverage. Not "freedom"!

I personally don't need some "social worker" to determine my health condition based on fictitious standards founded upon some UnConstitutional political agenda. Perhaps you don't care, but that's because you haven't spent your professional/business life protecting the victims of government intrusion from excesses.

So, it doesn't mean shit to you in your "narrow" assessment. And everyone on "government assistance" knows what it means to lack control over their lives and the privacy of THEIR HOMES!

That's what you voted earlier this month. Government INTRUSION!
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Old 11-15-2020, 07:27 AM   #134
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Originally Posted by LexusLover View Post
Intrusions into one's private life is an unacceptable price to pay!

That's not "offering" shit! That's access and leverage. Not "freedom"!

I personally don't need some "social worker" to determine my health condition based on fictitious standards founded upon some UnConstitutional political agenda. Perhaps you don't care, but that's because you haven't spent your professional/business life protecting the victims of government intrusion from excesses.

So, it doesn't mean shit to you in your "narrow" assessment. And everyone on "government assistance" knows what it means to lack control over their lives and the privacy of THEIR HOMES!

That's what you voted earlier this month. Government INTRUSION!
As I said, no one is forced to do anything they prefer not to do under my Medicare Advantage program. I don't have to use the Silver Sneaker free gym membership program. I can decline the free in-home health screening. I can ignore their health recommendations.
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Old 11-15-2020, 07:34 AM   #135
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Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX View Post
My Medicare Advantage plan, and most other Medicare Advantage plans, include free Silver Sneaker gym memberships. The plan also inludes a yearly wellness check in the home and frequent advisories on how to maintain and improve one's health, from exercise to diet. And, in my case, the plan is free.
Too bad not all Healthcare plans have that.
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