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Old 11-11-2020, 10:21 AM   #121
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[QUOTE=tannana;1062262802]Well, it isn't that nothing was found. Is that the republicans in the Senate are for the most part akin to Nazi sympathizers and wouldn't impeach him for using the government to try to smear the guy who just laid a historical beating on him durign the election.

Please show one just one thing in the Mueller report which showed trump was shown to have any involvement or collusion with russia....
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Old 11-11-2020, 10:31 AM   #122
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The governor's and mayors had to do something, because the orange asshole with the dead rat on his head was busy ignoring it!
He was given the intelligence briefing, as I has said he did, that he later publicly denied getting!
He knew how deadly it was and ignored the science and the scientists!
Dont give me that use don't use a mask BS that came out first, there wasn't enough PPE for the doctors and the general public because asshole had disbanded the pandemic response program put in place by Obama, why did he do that???
Because it was created by Obama!!!
Why does he want to get rid of the ACA, same fucking reason!
And the latter during a pandemic!
He's a POS!
If it were not for the ACA my wife would be dead or dying now!
Or we would be living under a bridge!
The actions the governors and mayors took saved lives!
And yes Chizzy, it is all his fault!
Remember Truman the little placard he had on his desk?
The Buck Stops Here!
Contrast this to:
No! I dont take responsibly!
Everything that happens in country from a national security standpoint is his responsibility
All of it!
He can pick experts to deal with situations but he makes the final decisions!
He abdicated his responsibility!
He ignored fact and science, we had to endure press briefings with instead of Dr. Fauci doing the briefs and giving us sound advice to go by.
We had to watch this asshole dominating the briefings and making stupid remarks and statements and Brix and Fauci wiping their faces with their hands!
Since Clorox wipes were so effective in killing the virus on surfaces, he wanted a few brave souls to inject bleach or shove a UV light up their asses.
Didn't that cost him at least a couple of votes when some of them tried it?
Hydroxychloroquine definitely cost him a couple of votes!
Did you try either of those solutions?
Since your still here defending the indefensible, I guess that would be a no!
And dont tell me he was joking, I saw the footage!
He was at a complete loss as to what to do!
But don't fucking dare bring the experts into it, my God they would want to shut down the economy! And yes,that made seniors expendable with at least one Republican coming out and saying the quite part out loud.
The seniors should be willing to sacrifice their lives so that their children can have a better future!
The Trump version of Logans run!
And of course we now figured out that that was a fucking bullshit also, because it seems to kill everybody.
And now with our manboy in chief!
Bitching up because of his loss!
El Paso is running out of morgue space as well as South Dakota!
While our petulant manboy golf's!
And yes he did brible an ally of ours in a time of war, and was impeached for it!
Russian collusion is not such a stretch from there!
He has done Russia so many favors that I find it nearly impossible for him not to have colluded!
The bribery attempt on Ukraine delayed the funding, that benefits Russia!
I remember him bragging about himself giving the Javelin SS missle to the Ukraine, whereas Obama did not!
Well there was a reason Obama didn't give them those missiles!
We didn't want the Russians to get their hands on them with a battlefield pick up!
It was highly classified, Obama realised this! Russia to Trump!
Thank you, you useful idiot!
Syria, pulled our troops out, hung the Kurds our allies out for slaughter leaving the region to th Russians and the Turks!
Pulling our troops out of Germany, dont give the NATO money arguement, something's are more important than money!
That Muller chose not to go any further because of all of the bullshit he had to put up with to do the investigation he knew he was getting nowhere!
It will be investigated later without the roadblocks!
Notice Muller never said the President was innocent!
If SDNY dosent get him somebody else will!

Originally Posted by chizzy View Post
ok then it was the governors and mayors that did everything. so then it is their fault so many people died because they didnt do enough then. it was gov coumo's fault that instead of sending covid positive people to a huge naval medical ship sitting in his harbor empty, he decided to send the patients into the old folks rest homes resulting in thousands of eldery dying.
you cant have it both ways
as far as trump lying? oh so he is GOD and only he knew the truth about the virus from the beginning, not the hundreds of scientists here and in china, not any of the govenors, not any one else but trump? not the media who somehow can find out when anyone takes a dump if they want to? please, in your mind, if something is bad, its trumps fault, if something is good, its in spite of trump

I agree, i doubt anyone was rooting for people to die but the liberals pounce on anything they can and turn a medical crisis into politcal fight.
gee fours years of saying trump was in bed with the russians and fours years of investigations with what? nada, zip, nothing, no proof not polictical? give me a fucking break
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Old 11-11-2020, 01:58 PM   #123
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Originally Posted by tannana View Post
You don't know how compound interest works, do you? Trump got 300 million in the mid 1970s. Let's say 1976. At 8% (S&P without dividends), it is worth 6.3 billion in 2016. Had he reinvested the dividends, it would be worth almost 20 billion. (S&P, 1976 to 2016).

I assume your accountant is the "fucking idiot" in your financial world.

I know how stupidity compounds in TDS sufferers, do you? You know even less about finance than you do about fascism or wealth creation. It is facile and meaningless to compare the increase in Donald Trump’s net worth to the S&P 500. You just parrot what you read in the New York Times, which specializes in spewing facile, meaningless anti-trump propaganda. The S&P has no expenses and no taxes. Trump has both. His expenses include thousands of employees and two ex-wives. The only person you employ by sitting at home making passive stock investments is your portfolio manager. If Trump had done that, you would have blasted him for being too timid to build real, tangible wealth.

Plus your figures and timeline are way off. Trump’s father died in 1999, not in the mid-70s. The NYT claims he inherited $413 million in current dollars, which is $265 million in 1999 dollars. Forbes magazine estimated his net worth at $3.7 billion in 2016 when he ran for President. That’s a 14-fold increase over 17 years. Only the nitpicking lib-retards at the NYT and their TDS-afflicted parrots like you would fail to be impressed.

I don't particularly give two shits what you have explained to whom. I am likely to your right on the size of government (if you get any government benefits except food, I'd reduce it), I'm almost certainly more heavily armed, I'm likely more familiar with "wealth creation." But please, continue.

Keep telling yourself how smart you are. Your posts say otherwise.

Pfizer wasn't a part of warp speed. They funded it themselves. Facts. Try them. I realize that isn't in your wheelhouse as a Cheetotaler, but try it.

Pfizer and its covid vaccine partner BioNTech are VERY MUCH a participant in Operation Warp Speed. The company issued a press release on Monday saying as much:

“Pfizer is proud to be one of various vaccine manufacturers participating in Operation Warp Speed as a supplier of a potential COVID-19 vaccine.”

Pfizer is churning out their new Trump vaccine as I type. They wouldn’t have started manufacturing in sizeable quantities without an advance-purchase contract from the feds. Thanks to Warp Speed, we don’t have to wait months for production to ramp up after FDA emergency-use authorization. This means their new Trump vaccine can be distributed faster, saving untold thousands of lives! Did you hear that, tannana? TRUMP'S FORESIGHT WILL SAVE THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE FROM COVID-19! Can you say, “Thank you, Donald!” Go ahead and try. It’s good therapy for TDS sufferers!

FACTS. TRY THEM, TANNANA. And try paying attention to the previous comments before you post. I even furnished a chart to shore up your weak comprehension skills. Here it is again. Pfizer/BioNTech is the third one down, in case you missed it.

I'm going to enjoy living rent free in your head until Biden's inauguration and based on your complete whiff on how finance and the facts around the Pfizer vaccine, you might assume that I'm not at all concerned about where you believe I fall in your worldview.

??? You’re flattering yourself (again) if you think you live in anyone’s head the way trump continues to occupy yours. And yes, you do whiff a lot. You’ve come up short on the facts of nearly every argument you’ve engaged in.

You know, I spent some quality time looking over the Berlin wall and IGB at the commies and fascists who had built the thing. On your ancestors, I can only observe that their biggest mistake was clearly when the rubber broke.

Wow! So you think a visit to the Brandenburg Gate makes you an expert on fascism? Did you practice your goosestep and fascist salutes at Checkpoint Charlie? Sorry, but I have to go with my late relatives on this one. I tend to think they had a more immersive and enlightening experience with fascism while serving under Patton’s 3rd Army directing 105mm howitzer fire on Nazi front lines, freeing the battered bastards of Bastogne, and driving the krauts back across the Rhine until they tossed down their weapons and surrendered by the tens of thousands. And that was the easy part. Then came the job of feeding them, resettling them, and making sure they had every vestige of Nazi thinking stomped out of their brainwashed heads and replaced by the freedom-loving, democratic values that used to guide our country before the dim-retards started censoring free speech and fiddling with our election rules and results.

But don’t be discouraged, tannana. Once you finish reading Dinesh d’Souza’s book, you can take a crack at Hannah Arendt’s 704-page classic “The Origins of Totalitarianism”. Present a review of both books here and maybe we’ll consider you to be minimally knowledgeable on the subject of fascism.
Wouldn't it be great if the TDS-afflicted trump haters in this thread showed a fraction of the interest they have in trashing the Donald toward getting the full picture of the Biden family's multi-tentacled corruption?

(Shhh, shhh - quick, change the subject, move along folks, nothing to see here!)

Hey tannana, do you support the appointment of a Special Counsel to investigate the Biden scandals?

I do!

After you finish d'Souza and Arendt, add this to your book list. It's chock full of FACTS! Try them!

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Old 11-11-2020, 03:12 PM   #124
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Originally Posted by jmichael View Post
Funny how you try to discredit the source but not the statement it self. If you forgot you posted " By the end of that month, Trump shut down all airline flights to/from China." a little different then an ineffective travel ban, as I said before....
I didn't discredit Ron Klain. Ron Klain discredited himself. Do I really have to explain it to you? Ok, I'll try.

If you oppose a travel ban altogether, then you can't turn around after one is announced and criticize it as being less than 100% effective. Well, I suppose you can, but you make yourself look really, really stupid.

The effectiveness of NO travel ban in curtailing the virus is 0%. Yet that's what Ron Klain was advocating in January. Then in February he gripes that the travel ban (which he opposed altogether) isn't 100% airtight.

This from a dim-retard who has been in government long enough to know that ALL travel bans take time to implement and include provisions allowing our citizens (in China) and theirs (Chinese nationals in this country) to return to their respective homes. Had those provisions been excluded, assholes like Ron Klain would have been the first to scream how could trump have stranded and abandoned so many Americans in the midst of a pandemic!
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Old 11-11-2020, 03:21 PM   #125
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Originally Posted by jmichael View Post
I will admit I don't think Biden can pull us of the hole Trump Left the country in without another major economic down turn. especially with an unsupported Congress.
What hole?

US real GDP soared at an annual rate of 33.1% in the July-September quarter. That's the fastest snap-back in our recorded history. If Biden decides to shutter the economy again, he will own it.

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Old 11-11-2020, 03:29 PM   #126
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Originally Posted by jmichael View Post
Because the Governors shut down the states, much to Trump objections.
Wrong. Trump didn't oppose the initial shutdowns. He criticized some Governors (not all) months later for not reopening fast enough or broadly enough after we had flattened the curve.
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Old 11-11-2020, 03:30 PM   #127
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Rent Free. Best stuff ever.

Lusty, the best part: President Biden.

Trumplestiltskins are fun.

By the way, the reason for the S&P comparison is that you, a trained monkey (with respect to the trained monkey), etc can get that return for breathing. Trump couldn't.

It's cute you think otherwise. It'll be better, should you not throw enough shit against the wall to get the thread locked, when I come back and dunk on inauguration day. And you get to look at Hunter Biden on the dias.
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Old 11-11-2020, 03:37 PM   #128
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Originally Posted by Dogface78 View Post
And yes he did brible an ally of ours in a time of war, and was impeached for it!
Russian collusion is not such a stretch from there!
He has done Russia so many favors that I find it nearly impossible for him not to have colluded!
Hey dawg, I looked up the word brible and couldn't find anything. Do you mean bridle? Or maybe dribble?

Oh wait... you mean BRIBE, dontcha? Got it!

Speaking of favors to Russia, remember this one?

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Old 11-11-2020, 03:49 PM   #129
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Originally Posted by Dogface78 View Post
Notice Muller never said the President was innocent!
So he's guilty until proven innocent, eh? Kinda like Brett Kavanaugh?

Did you learn that one from Stalin's secret police chief?

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Old 11-11-2020, 04:07 PM   #130
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Originally Posted by tannana View Post
Rent Free. Best stuff ever.

Lusty, the best part: President Biden.

Trumplestiltskins are fun.

By the way, the reason for the S&P comparison is that you, a trained monkey (with respect to the trained monkey), etc can get that return for breathing. Trump couldn't.

It's cute you think otherwise. It'll be better, should you not throw enough shit against the wall to get the thread locked, when I come back and dunk on inauguration day. And you get to look at Hunter Biden on the dias (sic).
That's all you got? Lame! And disappointing. Please catch up on reading those 3 books, they may help you think more clearly and frame more cogent arguments.

Btw I'm not a trumpy. I can live with Biden and a GOP Senate. And the word is dais, not dias.

I just happen to believe in old-fashioned verities - like fair play, equal justice, do unto others as you would have them do unto you, motherhood, apple pie, etc. The things you TDS afflictees have worked so hard to destroy and deny trump over the past 4 years. Sorry, but the end doesn't justify the means. Now go ahead and taunt all you want. That's all you got, apparently.
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Old 11-11-2020, 04:59 PM   #131
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It looks like the guy who did all the shit President Trump was accused of has a chance at becoming President, the most compromised one in history, and people are actually happy about it.

Selling out your country because you don’t like a boorish personality isn’t something I’m personally willing to do, it’s sad to see so many are.

Edit: LMAO at Dogface. That has got to be the dumbest, least informed post I’ve seen in a WHILE.
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Old 11-11-2020, 06:07 PM   #132
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Originally Posted by lustylad View Post
What hole?

US real GDP soared at an annual rate of 33.1% in the July-September quarter. That's the fastest snap-back in our recorded history. If Biden decides to shutter the economy again, he will own it.

I know you don't read, or if you do, understand the articles you post for proof or you wouldn't link it.
From the last paragraph of the linked story
The annualized measure represents how much GDP would grow over the course of a year at the current pace from the same level a year ago. In terms of raw percent change from a year earlier, the economy contracted 9% in the second quarter and 2.9% in Q3.

That hole!
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Old 11-11-2020, 06:12 PM   #133
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Lusty you make my point for me.
Refer back to the discussion about the intelligence services!
There is never any of the concrete evidence that you crave!
Putin was involved, I dont doubt he knew about it. Possibly ordered it.
But he has deniability.
Hey one of my warlords went rogue,
I knew nothing about it!
Now what are you gonna do about it!
And then Putin says by the way Trumpy, were gonna do it again if you dont GTFO!
Trumps response, withdraw our forces from Syria within months, hanging the Kurds out to dry!
If he wanted to stick ot to Putin then we would still be there!
The troops didn't want to leave that was evident in their responses when asked!
WTF lusty!
They the US troops didn't know who was out there, they defended them selves soliders tend to do that!
What seems to be missing was Trumps outrage over our forces being attacked by Russians or did that come in a later article?
Much like the Bounty situation!
Lack of outrage!

Your going to go there with me on misspelling a word that I didn't have time to edit because I was going out the door?
What's next you gonna call me names too?

Originally Posted by lustylad View Post
Hey dawg, I looked up the word brible and couldn't find anything. Do you mean bridle? Or maybe dribble?

Oh wait... you mean BRIBE, dontcha? Got it!

Speaking of favors to Russia, remember this one?

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Old 11-11-2020, 06:13 PM   #134
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Originally Posted by lustylad View Post
So he's guilty until proven innocent, eh? Kinda like Brett Kavanaugh?

Did you learn that one from Stalin's secret police chief?

I guess you are correct, and I though that Clinton did get a blow job, but since he wasn't convicted I guess he didn't
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Old 11-11-2020, 06:18 PM   #135
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I'm still waiting for someone to post all the really amazing, really great, outstanding things he did, that I keep hearing about
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