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Old 09-28-2020, 04:00 PM   #1021
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Thats some fucked up shit to say WD, Karma is a bitch.
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Old 09-28-2020, 04:34 PM   #1022
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Default Follow the procedures you say?!?

Originally Posted by Precious_b View Post
...Follow procedures, no backlash.
The procedures are:
  • President nominates SC Justice - Done
  • Senate advises and consents - In process
  • SC Justice is appointed for life
Got backlash? Good luck with that. But you should be more focused on praying that another SC Justice doesn't kick the bucket in the next four years.
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Old 09-28-2020, 04:41 PM   #1023
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Default Go on with yo fine self

Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX View Post
...His mishandling of the COVID-19 has negatively impacted my life though. His imposing tariffs has negatively impacted my life...

And I have to figure out how to deduct $70,000 on my income taxes for getting my hair cut.

How much did you say Bill Clinton paid for his haircuts when he flew his stylist in? Any idea how much SanFranNan paid for a blow-out, when blow-outs were banned? Is this the part where you wax eloqutenly about exactly what you and/or Joe-mentia Hiden would have done regarding COVID? Because, ya never know, it might be interesting to hear you arm chair quarterbacking skills.
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Old 09-28-2020, 06:33 PM   #1024
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Originally Posted by LuvYogaPants View Post
Thats some fucked up shit to say WD, Karma is a bitch.
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Old 09-28-2020, 07:45 PM   #1025
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Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do View Post
The procedures are:
  • President nominates SC Justice - Done
  • Senate advises and consents - In process
  • SC Justice is appointed for life
Got backlash? Good luck with that. But you should be more focused on praying that another SC Justice doesn't kick the bucket in the next four years.
Go back and read it again. You are doing a weak trumpesque move:

Originally Posted by Precious_b View Post
If they would have just done the vote for Merrick and shot him down, we wouldn't have this to contribute to all the other stuff flying in todays shit storm.

Follow procedures, no backlash.
As you see, I said that. As you fail to see, the repubs earned the moniker party of no. As in, "No, we ain't gonna do our job." And they say do nothing demos. Right.

BTW nobody has answered the question of how many Bills are on mitches table from the House that he is ignoring.
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Old 09-29-2020, 05:26 AM   #1026
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Default Defective copy of the Constitution?

Originally Posted by Precious_b View Post
...BTW nobody has answered the question of how many Bills are on mitches table from the House that he is ignoring.
Maybe I have an outdated copy of the Constitution, as my copy doesn't say anything where the House can tell the Senate what to work on or to set their priorities. Was there a revision made somewhere along the way?

Though I do recall reading where George Washington made mention of the Senate thusly: "we pour our legislation into the senatorial saucer to cool it." I'm guessing he and Thomas Jefferson saw the House as a bunch of hot heads. Funny how that remains consistent with modern times. No?
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Old 09-29-2020, 06:47 AM   #1027
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Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do View Post
How much did you say Bill Clinton paid for his haircuts when he flew his stylist in? Any idea how much SanFranNan paid for a blow-out, when blow-outs were banned? Is this the part where you wax eloqutenly about exactly what you and/or Joe-mentia Hiden would have done regarding COVID? Because, ya never know, it might be interesting to hear you arm chair quarterbacking skills.
Did Clinton try to deduct the cost of his haircuts from his income tax? Doubtful. That is the difference.

The answer to what could have been done by Trump regarding COVID? Shut down earlier people coming into the country from Europe from which the epidemic came into the U.S.for the most part. Push for mandatory use of masks and large gatherings. Stop criticizing the CDC, the WHO, and other EXPERTS. Stop advising people to wear masks and practice social distancing and then hold rallies where that is not enforced.

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Old 09-29-2020, 08:39 AM   #1028
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Default Vote for Trump and check the polls afterwards

So you have not seen Intern abuser's taxes? Why is that? Would it be illegal by chance? Regarding Armchair quarterbacking of COVID, we can easily rewind the tape. Queue the highlight reel:

Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do View Post
They also like to spout off about how much better they would have handled things, even though their actual track record is:
  • Dec 2019 - Emergency impeachment of the President
  • Jan 15th, 2020 - wait 30 days to deliver to Senate, remember it was an emergency
    • Same day first case of Wuhan-Flu, from chYna appeared here
  • Jan 30th Trump bans flights from chYna
    • Joe-mentia Hiden says he is xenpphobic for it
  • Feb - SanFranNan bakes fortune cookies in chYnatown, it's open for business
  • March Trump banns flights from EU countries
    • Joe-mentia Hiden says he is racist for it
  • March Bill DeBlowsMe-o says NYC is open for business at a parade
  • April Govoner Oh-No Cuomo forces Nursing homes to accept COVID patients
    • Thousands die

If time allows later, I will be happy to decimate your other absurdities. Failing that, you've read my posts enough to know it would be a simple copy paste for me, except for the Joe-mentia Hiden flip-flop-fap on National mask mandating - gheeze, what a dolt. And no, it would not be from anything from he Always Been Clinton (ABC) network. But I gots to jet.

Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX View Post
Did Clinton try to deduct the cost of his haircuts from his income tax? Doubtful. That is the difference.

The answer to what could have been done by Trump regarding COVID? Shut down earlier people coming into the country from Europe from which the epidemic came into the U.S.for the most part. Push for mandatory use of masks and large gatherings. Stop criticizing the CDC, the WHO, and other EXPERTS. Stop advising people to wear masks and practice social distancing and then hold rallies where that is not enforced.

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Old 09-29-2020, 09:11 AM   #1029
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Update -- - they are not rallies anymore - they are peaceful protests.

Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX View Post
Did Clinton try to deduct the cost of his haircuts from his income tax? Doubtful. That is the difference.

The answer to what could have been done by Trump regarding COVID? Shut down earlier people coming into the country from Europe from which the epidemic came into the U.S.for the most part. Push for mandatory use of masks and large gatherings. Stop criticizing the CDC, the WHO, and other EXPERTS. Stop advising people to wear masks and practice social distancing and then hold rallies where that is not enforced.

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Old 09-29-2020, 10:59 AM   #1030
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Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX View Post
Push for mandatory use of masks and large gatherings.
Best answer for the mask thing is that the local government can mandate it on gov property, businesses can mandate on their property, and people can mandate it at their homes.

No one has a right to make you wear a mask or bear the financial burden of procuring them, but no one has the right disobey the rules of your property and therefore trespass.

Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX View Post
Stop criticizing the CDC, the WHO, and other EXPERTS.
COVID has been an excellent demonstration that "expert" advice should be taken with a grain of salt, because the cult the left has built around experts and "science" has reached an almost catholic church-esque state, where people are no longer allowed to question the veracity of statements, and those inside care less about doing good, and more about politics and making money.

No one at the CDC, WHO, and other health agencies had a clue what they were doing, would not admit it, and it cost lives.

Respirators? Useless. Hydroxychlorquine? Has some preventative benefits, but has problematic side effects. Vaccines? None of the different Coronavirus vaccines like SARS and MERS have a high efficacy due to the nature of how coronaviruses work.

Everyone is so focused on the symptoms and talking about symptoms that no one is talking about how the virus interacts chemically with the body. It's cough-medicine doctoring.

Also, the WHO and the UN can go fuck themselves. It's widely known that they're crooked and corrupt as fuck, with their leadership treating themselves like royalty, and anyone who's in China's pocket isn't to be trusted.
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Old 09-29-2020, 08:36 PM   #1031
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Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do View Post
Maybe I have an outdated copy of the Constitution, as my copy doesn't say anything where the House can tell the Senate what to work on or to set their priorities. Was there a revision made somewhere along the way?

Though I do recall reading where George Washington made mention of the Senate thusly: "we pour our legislation into the senatorial saucer to cool it." I'm guessing he and Thomas Jefferson saw the House as a bunch of hot heads. Funny how that remains consistent with modern times. No?
Can you show me exactly where I said what work the Senate can do? It's okay Why. Everyone knows you can't answer a direct question and can't supply a source that is extremely biased. We know. It's okay if you don't know the answer to what I ask. Just asking for a friend
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Old 09-29-2020, 08:37 PM   #1032
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This debate ain't worth a squat.
Same old same old.

Now, if the canidates are put into sound proof boxes and Wallace controls the mic....
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Old 09-30-2020, 07:15 AM   #1033
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Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do View Post
So you have not seen Intern abuser's taxes? Why is that? Would it be illegal by chance? Regarding Armchair quarterbacking of COVID, we can easily rewind the tape. Queue the highlight reel:

If time allows later, I will be happy to decimate your other absurdities. Failing that, you've read my posts enough to know it would be a simple copy paste for me, except for the Joe-mentia Hiden flip-flop-fap on National mask mandating - gheeze, what a dolt. And no, it would not be from anything from he Always Been Clinton (ABC) network. But I gots to jet.
Biden just released his 2019 tax return. I have not read it but I'll bet everything is legit.

You have lost just about every argument we've had on this board. You can continue with your ridiculous statements if you like.

I can pick apart every one of your points if you like. Here are just a couple.

Biden never called Trump xenophobic regarding the shutdown of flights from China.

Mostly false: Speaking of his restriction on travel from China, President Donald Trump claims: “I had (Joe) Biden calling me xenophobic … He called me a racist, because of the fact that he felt it was a racist thing to stop people from China coming in.”

Explanation: Joe Biden has not directly said that the restrictions were xenophobic. Around the time the Trump administration announced the travel restriction, Biden said Trump had a “record of hysteria, xenophobia and fear-mongering.”


Cuomo has an approval rating of 81% for his handling of the coronavirus. Trump's approval rating hovers around 33%. Cuomo has certainly made mistakes but his handling of the virus has been very effective in the eyes of those who try to see.

Anytime you want me to tear apart your other claims I am here.
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Old 09-30-2020, 09:52 AM   #1034
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Trump - 1
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Old 09-30-2020, 12:26 PM   #1035
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That debate was a shitshow.

Donny needs to learn to shut his mouth for two minutes. You'd think he'd learn what we all know by now that if you just let Grandpa Joe keep talking he'll put his own foot in his mouth, you don't need to help him.

BOTH of them need to learn how to answer a damn question, because failure to use proper terms for things is what's fucking all their arguments up.

Biden: "We need to push the nomination back so Americans get to make the choice."

What Trump SHOULD have said: "They made the choice in 2016, and those choices continue until January 20th, 2020. Soon they get to make that choice again for the next 4 years."

Chris Wallace: "Do you disavow White Supremacists and Right Wing Militias?"

What Trump SHOULD have said: "I don't need to disavow them, they disavow me. Ask Richard Spencer and David Duke why they're voting for Biden, they'll tell you it's because they support the Left's racist, segregationist policies. Tell you what, I'll disavow them right now if Joe will disavow Antifa with me at the same time."

Joe: "Antifa isn't real."

What Trump SHOULD have said: "If they don't exist, then disavow them, are you also afraid to disavow the Tooth Fairy, Joe? Hard to believe something doesn't exist when you see it burning cities down and assaulting people every night."
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