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Old 09-27-2020, 07:35 PM   #16
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You are a bunch of fools if you think Trump has paid little or nothing! You paid more in taxes my ass!!!
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Old 09-27-2020, 07:40 PM   #17
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Business week is a leftist hit rag - and prints demonstrable falsehoods regularly.
'fake news' - until proven with total open release of tax returns.

Regardless -I have no doubt Trump had expensive tax attorneys working on his returns - object to minimize taxes paid .

Any accusations / evidence/proof that .Fraud , malfeaseance or illegal activities were in the returns ???
Other than crying chuckie schumer, nazi pelosi, and the nadler Schiff hit squad - who cannot speak truth even if they were paid billions of chinese yen. and Are so paid.

Enquirinig minds would like to know!!!

CT - your tds and hatred is showing.

hatred is self-destructive -believe the lefties if U choose - it is your choice so far - until harris makes Amerika a One party marxist state.
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Old 09-27-2020, 08:03 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by pleasurem View Post
Still, not enough of a fool when Obama was President?

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Old 09-27-2020, 08:04 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by Chung Tran View Post
The Hard right on this Forum, is planning a mass thread bump of older threads, LOL. They want Trump's taxes off the front page!

well let me help ya out here by bumping this thread. and since the trollmole is too lazy to let's look at a summary of these shocking revelations ..

what you get is what everyone already knew. trump isn't as rich as he claims or even as rich a Forbes estimates him to be.this shouldn't surprise or frustrate anyone who supported Trump or those who can't stand him either.

i winder if the leftanistas here realize what this "stunning expose" .. again without really revealing documents to "protect the source" meaning what info if any the NYT has could have come from a source in the IRS which would be a crime and of course not even the "three pages" the Madcow obtained will likely be released by the NYT. i gonna give Madcow one here yeah?

what it does is take away two key claims by liberals against Trump. if the NYT report is accurate you can't say Trump ran for president just to enrich himself because this claims he's losing a lot of money. and it also claims no previously unknown connection to Russia is in the data.

so all it shows is Trump isn't as rich as he claims and he has no connection to Russia and by being president he's losing money.


Donald Trump, a self-proclaimed billionaire, paid only $750 in federal income taxes in the year he was elected US president, according to a stunning New York Times investigation that could shake up the presidential election.

“Trump taxes show chronic losses and years of tax avoidance,” was the banner headline on the paper’s website on Sunday. The president’s tax returns have long been the holy grail of American political reporting.

The president “paid $750 in federal income taxes the year he won the presidency”, the paper reported, adding that “in his first year in the White House, he paid another $750

“He had paid no income taxes at all in 10 of the previous 15 years – largely because he reported losing much more money than he made.”

In all, the paper said, Trump paid no federal income taxes in 11 of 18 years its reporters examined. Many of his businesses, including his golf courses, report significant financial losses – which have helped him to lower his taxes.

The Times also said the documents it had obtained “comprise information that Mr Trump has disclosed to the IRS, not the findings of an independent financial examination. They report that Mr Trump owns hundreds of millions of dollars in valuable assets, but they do not reveal his true wealth. Nor do they reveal any previously unreported connections to Russia.

The paper said it would not publish the documents, in order to protect its source.

the anonymous source thing again. someone in the IRS played vigilante and leaked some return data. that would be illegal. not surprised if Schiff's staff is negotiating with "source" via the NYT as we speak.

we'll even skip Trump's response of could he disputes it

what's left is .. no link to Russia, no enrichment by being prez and certainly Trump figured his brand would get a bump and this shows or claims to that Trump is perhaps overall losing money. probably not but his overall biz has dropped but some are reported doing well.

so let's repeat these shocking things this report "proves" about Trump.



The revelations threaten to damage Trump’s repeated claim to be a successful businessman and therefore a capable steward of the US economy.

yet that's what Trump did. even a failed businessman knows two ways to help business. remover over-regulation and cut the noncompetitive too high US Corp tax rate.

The Times also said he has used “questionable measures” to reduce his tax bill. He faced a possible hit of “more than $100m” if he lost “a decade-long audit battle with the IRS over the legitimacy of a $72.9m tax refund that he claimed, and received, after declaring huge losses”.

faced. which means settled. the NYT knows if it's an ongoing issue and they would point it out if so. they''d make a headline of it

It promised more stories in the coming weeks, adding: “The tax returns that Mr Trump has long fought to keep private tell a story fundamentally different from the one he has sold to the American public.”

Trump will face Joe Biden at the polls on 3 November. He has long resisted demands by political opponents and the media to release decades of tax information. He is the first president since the 1970s to keep his tax returns concealed.

The Times reported on Trump family tax affairs in late 2018, winning a Pulitzer Prize.

“Even while declaring losses, he has managed to enjoy a lavish lifestyle by taking tax deductions on what most people would consider personal expenses, including residences, aircraft and $70,000 in hairstyling for television,” the Times reported on Sunday.

“Ivanka Trump, while working as an employee of the Trump Organization, appears to have received ‘consulting fees’ that also helped reduce the family’s tax bill.”

The paper added: “Over the past two decades, Mr Trump has paid about $400m less in combined federal income taxes than a very wealthy person who paid the average for that group each year.”

another interesting item. so what did Trump pay over the period? at least the NYT could post the "average" is, right?

Alan Garten, a lawyer for the Trump Organization, told the Times that “most, if not all, of the facts appear to be inaccurate”.

He said: “Over the past decade, President Trump has paid tens of millions of dollars in personal taxes to the federal government, including paying millions in personal taxes since announcing his candidacy in 2015.”

Related: Only a fool would write off Trump. But there’s a reason he’s so desperate | Michael A Cohen

The newspaper pointed out that “personal taxes” appeared to cover other federal taxes, including social security and Medicare.

The report prompted instant criticism. Ryan Thomas, a spokesperson for the progressive advocacy organisation Stand Up America, said: “Four years ago, Donald Trump broke decades of precedent when he refused to release his tax returns to the public. At each turn since, he’s attempted to shield his financial records from the public – even as congressional and criminal investigators look into how he’s profited off the presidency and his decades of fraudulent tax schemes.

Sorry Dems. you've taken profiteering off the table the NYT says he's losing his financial ass . we must treat the NYT as FACT at their word!! can't say he's making money! Nope. bahaha

“We’ve demanded Trump’s tax returns for years because the American people deserve to know what he’s paying – and the answer appears to be very little. A man who uses dubious tax schemes to avoid paying taxes or lies to the public about his finances has no place in the Oval Office.

once again no one is disputing Trump's claims of an audit, repeatedly. you know they should probably flag all ultra wealthy closely for their own claims. you'd see some interesting stuff. yet this activist and Congress claim they can find what the IRS and NY State regulators and especially the tax assessment office between them all haven't found in 40 years on Trump.


what is more likely here .. that Trump simply isn't as rich as he wants to claim or that he's somehow hoodwinked a half a dozen fed/state agencies for decades.

maybe he is a stable genius after all


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Old 09-27-2020, 08:05 PM   #20
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Thanks for the usual denial and deflection - mole.

TWK - thanks for a thoughtful expose of the $750 cause celebre' of teh DPST's

- who are incapable of understanding or comprehending your post .

The 'legality' of teh information leak must be considered - but is irrelevant to the DPST's desperate for something to crucify trump with.

'Fake news' is fine with them - they have their nails and cross all ready - for another disappointment due to their own desperate need for 'fake news'!
After all - it is what XiNN feeds them, why should they change???
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Old 09-27-2020, 08:08 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by LustyBustyGina38FF View Post
Trump gets you all sucked in with his BS .
I paid more in income text then he did 2016/ 2017
2018 2019 and I bet 2020 i'll still pay more
then Orange cheese face
President Trump donated his entire salary to different government entities those years. Total will be 1.6 million when said and done, yet some bimbo thinks she’s contributed more. Goes to show how easily people are manipulated and don’t understand the concept of net worth.
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Old 09-27-2020, 08:15 PM   #22
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Gina - go ahead and vote Biden - if you think business is bad with wuhan virus - wait for harris to sit in the Oval office - hope you have substantial savings - and they are well hidden - because harris will come for your money as well as everyone elses!
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Old 09-27-2020, 08:33 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by oeb11 View Post
Thanks for the usual denial and deflection - mole.

trollmole earns a "YRA" the YSSUP RIDER Award ..

'where's the beef .. er link!!"

TWK - thanks for a thoughtful expose of the $750 cause celebre' of teh DPST's

- who are incapable of understanding or comprehending your post .

The 'legality' of teh information leak must be considered - but is irrelevant to the DPST's desperate for something to crucify trump with.

'Fake news' is fine with them - they have their nails and cross all ready - for another disappointment due to their own desperate need for 'fake news'!
After all - it is what XiNN feeds them, why should they change???

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Old 09-27-2020, 08:39 PM   #24
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Old 09-27-2020, 08:50 PM   #25
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i suggest mole and compatriots not come out of your burrows after results Nov3.
Rioting, violence, arson, and assault - are likely to be met by people tired of terrorist violence

And ready to defend themselves as militia under arms.

many Americans have had absolutely enough of DPST racist, marxist radical Violence.
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Old 09-27-2020, 09:09 PM   #26
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Originally Posted by oeb11 View Post
Gina - go ahead and vote Biden - if you think business is bad with wuhan virus - wait for harris to sit in the Oval office - hope you have substantial savings - and they are well hidden - because harris will come for your money as well as everyone elses!
Kamala Harris has a history of persecuting people involved in victimless crimes to grab headlines. She played a big part in shutting down Backpage and some AMP's, under the guise of human trafficking. The world is a more difficult and less safe place for many providers and their clients because of her.

As to Gina's point, about some of us paying more tax than Trump in some years, it's true. Supposedly Gary Cohn, Trump's economic advisor, had to talk him out of proposing to raise taxes on higher income earners. Cohn's a Democrat. But he told him you can't raise taxes, you're a Republican. I guess if your expenses exceed your income you don't have to worry about paying taxes anyway.
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Old 09-27-2020, 09:29 PM   #27
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Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post
Paid no income taxes 10 of past 15 years.

A liar and a cheat.

And a fucking fraud.

He’s going to jail.

The barking spiders will be scrambling to make excuses for this now, too.
No he won't. Billionaires like Trump have Tax Shelters. Smart people with money usually do. If anyone goes to jail it will be Biden's dumb ass son.
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Old 09-27-2020, 10:42 PM   #28
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The leftwing idiots don't know the difference between avoiding taxes and tax evasion...they want everyone to pay for THEIR free ride. They're the 50% of the people that pay no tax at all but cry because people who work hard for their money try AND LEGALLY have the least amount confiscated by the gumment.
Hell their hero bitten already said if he is elected taxes are going up...the tax and spend mantra of the left...confiscate hard earned money and "SPREAD THE WEALTH AROUND"...that's what obummer told "Joe the plumber" during this campaign!! That fucker need to share his multi million dollar mansion with the less fortunate...if he were true to his word.


Is this fucker a hypocrite??


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Old 09-27-2020, 10:58 PM   #29
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The shutdowns are costing Trump hotels millions, they’ll be able to expense it all and end up with huge tax credits. The longer Cuomo and Gavin ruin their states, the less taxes the Trump org will pay.
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Old 09-28-2020, 12:01 AM   #30
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Originally Posted by matchingmole View Post
Poor broke dumbass

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