Originally Posted by adav8s28
your lack of common sense is appalling. these stylists rent space. they have access to the space. they have keys to allow them access to the space they rent. in fact the owner cannot deny them access as long as they aren't behind on the rent. so they use their key and go in the door. that doesn't mean the owner is or must be present. under normal circumstances the suite is open and the owner is there, working as it's certain this lady also is a stylist. and for all you and i know these stylists have separate areas, they don't share with anyone else. it's like going into an office building then going into a certain office to see whatever you are there to see.
the girl that cuts my hair used to work out of an office style setting. you walk in, go to her room and she'd cut my hair. if she wasn't there the door would be locked, because it was her space and it had a different key that only opened that door and there were dozens of rooms there. some would be open, some not. depends if they had appointments at that time.
the new place she has, has 4 chairs and no separate rooms. she and another "own" the space i.e. they control it overall and they rent the other two chairs to other stylists. there is only one door .. so they all have to have a key. one key. if she wasn't working that day and another stylist had appointments they would use their key to open up. see how that works? i don't know or care how that lady in San Fran does it. she could have dozens of separate rooms to rent. or a more open setting like the one this girl who cuts my hair does now.
bottom line it's common for these salons to rent space either open or separate but everyone has access via a key, or probably these days a keypad or scan card.
just because this guy had access doesn't prove your claim this lady was open illegally or had to get access from her. i doubt your claim she was there when this happened and knew of it in advance.
so let this law firm prove it or you'll keep defending that cunt Nancy by making up all kinds of wild scenarios on how this was some setup.