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Old 09-02-2020, 12:36 PM   #1
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Default The Trump-Biden Debates Are On: Three Matchups, With a Solo Moderator for Each


President Trump and Joseph R. Biden Jr. will debate with a single moderator at each of their three matchups, the Commission on Presidential Debates announced on Wednesday.
The first debate of the general election, on Sept. 29, will be moderated by the “Fox News Sunday” anchor Chris Wallace. Mr. Wallace received high marks for his debut debate in 2016 and is known for his sharp interviewing style. He is also frequently a target of needling tweets by Mr. Trump.

The second debate, on Oct. 15, will be moderated by Steve Scully, the political editor at C-SPAN and a figure well-known in the Washington media community. Mr. Scully has served as an alternate moderator in past years but has never taken charge of a debate.
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Kristen Welker, a White House correspondent for NBC News and a co-anchor of the weekend “Today” program, will moderate the third debate on Oct. 22. This will be her first time moderating a general-election debate.
The debate commission turned to a print journalist, Susan Page, the Washington bureau chief of USA Today, to moderate the vice-presidential debate between Mike Pence and Senator Kamala Harris on Oct. 7.

Perhaps there actually will be 'debates' - how open and not scripted is another question

Hopefully wallace will be reasonably neutral - I do not know the other two 'moderators'.

we shall See - and there will be a debate between pence and harris - that should be fun
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Old 09-02-2020, 12:55 PM   #2
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the german nazis ( to distinguish them from the american antifa nazis)

would drug their soldiers to improve their performance and abilities and lasting qualities

methamphetamine was the drug of choice

just as debates have rules to prevent outside help

and as trump has mentioned....biden needs to be drug tested immediately before each debate (and searched for a substituted concealed urine bottle and hose device)
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Old 09-02-2020, 01:15 PM   #3
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Old 09-02-2020, 01:34 PM   #4
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it's gonna be gooood!!
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Old 09-02-2020, 01:52 PM   #5
friendly fred
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Biden was able to stand up for the debates with the other Democrats so do not underestimate him or set the bar too low. He may not be as sharp as he once was, and is making a mistake by not taking questions from the press right now, but he did manage to get himself elected many times over the years, mainly because of white privilege, I admit, but he could easily do well enough to look capable of being President.

The debates should be setup as who wins, not whether or not Trump destroys Biden.
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Old 09-02-2020, 02:21 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought View Post
the german nazis ( to distinguish them from the american antifa nazis)

would drug their soldiers to improve their performance and abilities and lasting qualities

methamphetamine was the drug of choice

just as debates have rules to prevent outside help

and as trump has mentioned....biden needs to be drug tested immediately before each debate (and searched for a substituted concealed urine bottle and hose device)

NGIT - your history is correct - it is well documented that hitler used methamphetamines to increase German soldiers in battle abilities and courage.

Would biden's performances be improved with methamphetamine - doubtful.

I am not advocating both candidates should not be drug tested.
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Old 09-02-2020, 02:30 PM   #7
Grace Preston
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I'm totally cool with Biden being drug tested.. as long as the same goes for President Sniffles.
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Old 09-02-2020, 02:35 PM   #8
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I agree testing should be done on all candidates -including pence and harris - maybe she should be worried.

With her history of admitted drug Use.

Any evidence that 'President sniffles" is using illegal drugs , grace???

Or , just hateful innuendo.

Vote Biden - the last time you will have the chore of voting in a free election.
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Old 09-02-2020, 03:42 PM   #9
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Biden will be destroyed in these debates ..... I really can't believe the DiPShiTs would willingly let Biden commit political suicide, unless maybe that's part of their plan to escort Commiela Harris to overthrow him?? .....
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Old 09-02-2020, 03:53 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by friendly fred View Post
Biden was able to stand up for the debates with the other Democrats so do not underestimate him or set the bar too low.
oeb11, as a doc, might confirm

but gerontologic frailty, as weeks and months go by ..........

well lets put it this way

the decline becomes ever more rapid

its like a dog age, at a certain time of life 20 years of normal decline gets truncated into 6 months

so don't rely on what he did 6 months ago

i think the unfettered biden, without drugs, electro shocking devices, instructions and answers from an ear piece, aides, controllers, teleprompter and handlers might well shock America

admiral stockdale, "who am i, why am i here?"
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Old 09-02-2020, 04:26 PM   #11
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As to general principles - NGIT- i believe you are correct!
I believe Biden is in pre-senile dementia - and it will worsen - over an unclear clinical course.

I do not feel he is fit to serve as POTUS.
It is a disease characterized by variances in an individual's condition - and can vary day by day - so Do Not underestimate Biden's performance on any One day or Night in Debate.
Are three debates enough to allow his dementia to show clearly - with careful moderators and teleprompters -coupled with clinical disease variance- possibly not .

but over Time - Biden's condition will worsen - and i do not feel he is fit for inauguration as POTUS in January 2021.
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Old 09-02-2020, 08:33 PM   #12
dilbert firestorm
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Originally Posted by oeb11 View Post
As to general principles - NGIT- i believe you are correct!
I believe Biden is in pre-senile dementia - and it will worsen - over an unclear clinical course.

I do not feel he is fit to serve as POTUS.
It is a disease characterized by variances in an individual's condition - and can vary day by day - so Do Not underestimate Biden's performance on any One day or Night in Debate.
Are three debates enough to allow his dementia to show clearly - with careful moderators and teleprompters -coupled with clinical disease variance- possibly not .

but over Time - Biden's condition will worsen - and i do not feel he is fit for inauguration as POTUS in January 2021.

big question is on when his dementia will pop up? its apparently unpredictable.

hed be fine one minute, then the next minute he's off course, then back to normal in the next minute.

those gaffes can be murder.
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Old 09-02-2020, 09:00 PM   #13
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It will be interesting to finally observe a debate where there is no crowd applause to interfere or over-emphasize some barb that a candidate lands.

But while I am sure that Biden will stumble and appear feeble, I am also sure that Trump will be a blowhard buffoon.

Trump will get asked some hard questions about the pandemic or some of his dumber race-baiting tweets. Instead of keeping cool and admitting that some things could have been handled better in hindsight, he will get vexed and start giving rambling, defensive answers. He'll deny everything and make utterly false assertions. His ego can't stand to admit fault.

In 2016, Trump could make any boast he wanted to make and there was no evidence to prove him wrong. The problem for him in 2020 is that he now has a track record and it has some huge holes in it.

He can't boast about Mexico paying for the wall when he hasn't even built it, let alone gotten Mexico to pay for it.

He can't brag about the economy since that has gone into the tank - NO MATTER WHOSE FAULT THAT IS.

He can't brag about making better deals with China, since practically NOTHING has changed in our trade deficit with them.

He can't brag about Americans getting tired of winning since it seems the last year has been nothing but losing.

He can't brag about any peace deals with North Korea, since that fell completely apart.

I don't have to explain why he can't claim any credit about maintaining law and order, do I?

He can claim credit for brokering peace between UAE and Israel and helping to form a coalition of Arab states more favorably disposed toward Israel due to their shared animus towards Iran.

He has to make a convincing case that he had the economy heading in the right direction before COVID wrecked it. Then he has to make the case that he has a better chance of fixing it afterward that Biden. That's a tough sell.

If he tries making assertions that fly in the face of plain facts that everyone sees, he will rightly be viewed as an out of control narcissist.

So, Trump does not have any easy row to hoe here.
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Old 09-02-2020, 09:25 PM   #14
Grace Preston
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Originally Posted by oeb11 View Post
I agree testing should be done on all candidates -including pence and harris - maybe she should be worried.

With her history of admitted drug Use.

Any evidence that 'President sniffles" is using illegal drugs , grace???

Or , just hateful innuendo.

Vote Biden - the last time you will have the chore of voting in a free election.

So.. I need evidence otherwise its a hateful innuendo-- but your Biden bashing buddies don't need evidence. Got it. I've made it clear that I have no intention of voting for either of the assclowns.. but the fact that what is good for the Goose isn't good for the Gander with you is absolutely comical.
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Old 09-02-2020, 09:27 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by Kinkster90210 View Post
It will be interesting to finally observe a debate where there is no crowd applause to interfere or over-emphasize some barb that a candidate lands.

But while I am sure that Biden will stumble and appear feeble, I am also sure that Trump will be a blowhard buffoon.

Trump will get asked some hard questions about the pandemic or some of his dumber race-baiting tweets. Instead of keeping cool and admitting that some things could have been handled better in hindsight, he will get vexed and start giving rambling, defensive answers. He'll deny everything and make utterly false assertions. His ego can't stand to admit fault.

In 2016, Trump could make any boast he wanted to make and there was no evidence to prove him wrong. The problem for him in 2020 is that he now has a track record and it has some huge holes in it.

He can't boast about Mexico paying for the wall when he hasn't even built it, let alone gotten Mexico to pay for it.

they are paying for it. Trump forced them to secure the southern border .. their border.

He can't brag about the economy since that has gone into the tank - NO MATTER WHOSE FAULT THAT IS.

he also can't be blamed for the current economic conditions either. let's see if Biden tries to do that.

He can't brag about making better deals with China, since practically NOTHING has changed in our trade deficit with them.

he did get an initial agreement done with China. there is more to do there however the pandemic has made that a low priority for now. he can say he re-worked NAFTA to be more fair to the US and both Canada and Mexico caved in fast. China for obvious reasons isn't going to give in as easily. their economy is a propped up house of cards and they know it.

He can't brag about Americans getting tired of winning since it seems the last year has been nothing but losing.

He can't brag about any peace deals with North Korea, since that fell completely apart.

I don't have to explain why he can't claim any credit about maintaining law and order, do I?

he can claim it's largely Democratic controlled cities allowing this shit. that is a fact. all of these cities wanted this shit because they thought it reflected bad on Trump where it really showed them up as condoning riots. now they are scrambling to stop it because it's hurting public perception of the Democratic party and Biden.

you seem smart enough to know that like the pandemic response, this is a state issue. had they cracked down immediately this wouldn't be happening now.

Trump can say he's offered help and that it was refused. now they likely will accept any help .. because they let the mob out of the bottle and can't put the cork back on without at least the state national guard.

He can claim credit for brokering peace between UAE and Israel and helping to form a coalition of Arab states more favorably disposed toward Israel due to their shared animus towards Iran.

He has to make a convincing case that he had the economy heading in the right direction before COVID wrecked it. Then he has to make the case that he has a better chance of fixing it afterward that Biden. That's a tough sell.

not really. he has the pre-pandemic numbers to prove it. even minorities will remember the "good times" under Trump. they had jobs in record numbers. so much for the Trump doesn't care about minorities mantra

If he tries making assertions that fly in the face of plain facts that everyone sees, he will rightly be viewed as an out of control narcissist.

So, Trump does not have any easy row to hoe here.

Trump being defensive is one thing. Biden flubbing up like the retard he is is quite another. while i agree Trump should not underestimate Biden and he won't, Biden is the ticking time bomb more so than Trump.

just look at his recent appearance in PA. that wasn't even an interview let alone a debate. and he couldn't even keep from fucking that up, with prepared remarks.
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