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Old 08-27-2020, 10:57 AM   #46
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Originally Posted by Lucas McCain View Post
I don't even know why these dumb motherfuckers are even out on the streets unless they are just looking for trouble. With Covid-19 and how people are acting so irrationally now with racial strife, keep your ass in your house at night as much as you can if possible.

When people are not thinking straight, you don't go join a group of them and go against other people who oppose your views unless you just want to be combative. It goes for both sides of those idiots. That's just my opinion.

Edit: I get the protests, but the rioting, looting and violence completely negates the cause of it for many people including me.
To me its like a "The Riflemen" TV show gone wrong WTF they put Mark McCain in jail LOL Daddy Lucas gonna be pissed off. Get out his old .44-40 lever action n kick ass

Cops should give him the rifle back. And if the shop he was protecting is history. Ask him to stand in from of Police Station and protect it as they be busy

LOL Who I quoted was by intent LOL
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Old 08-27-2020, 11:20 AM   #47
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IBH - Thank You - Sir'These race riots are not spontneous of teh people in teh communities - they are organized and enabled by DPST leadership - and composed of outsiders descending on communities to riot , loot, and terroize with arson and assault, and murder.

I am not surrised at the criminal records of these outsiders coordinated by the DPST - and the LSM are apologist adn protectors of them.

Glad Kyle is getting some help - he may well need it against teh DPST wisconsin forces of evil planning to make an example of him for defending himself against their pet terrorists.

The DA and governor need to be charged for the crime inflicted on Kyle - and tried in a neutral venue - like Texas. Then hung from a tree.
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Old 08-27-2020, 11:58 AM   #48
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The two people killed were locals from Kenosha and a nearby town.

The murderous "teen" was the agitator from out of state.He is a high school drop out.And a Trump supporter.Obsessed with police.He got all Trumped up at a recent rally.

He seemed to have some misguided idea about a Militia ?

The crowd he was with looked like fucking scary nut cases.

How does a 17yo get an AR-15 and be allowed to run loose in the streets to murder people ?

It's very similar to a loser white boy from Dallas that went to El Paso and murdered over 20 Mexican people at Walmart.

According to the media the El Paso kid had harbored ill thoughts regarding Mexicans prior to Trump becoming president but Trump's rhetoric validated his racist bullshit and his constant raving about an "invasion" of immigrants being on the way led to his mass murder spree.
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Old 08-27-2020, 12:49 PM   #49
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Originally Posted by sportfisherman View Post
The two people killed were locals from Kenosha and a nearby town.

The murderous "teen" was the agitator from out of state.He is a high school drop out.And a Trump supporter.Obsessed with police.He got all Trumped up at a recent rally.

He seemed to have some misguided idea about a Militia ?

The crowd he was with looked like fucking scary nut cases.

How does a 17yo get an AR-15 and be allowed to run loose in the streets to murder people ?

It's very similar to a loser white boy from Dallas that went to El Paso and murdered over 20 Mexican people at Walmart.

According to the media the El Paso kid had harbored ill thoughts regarding Mexicans prior to Trump becoming president but Trump's rhetoric validated his racist bullshit and his constant raving about an "invasion" of immigrants being on the way led to his mass murder spree.
Even the sainted Washington Post said they could find no militia ties. You puttin out fake news?
So, the first thug killed was a 36 year old, registered child sex offender. The second thug killed had a record of battery and domestic abuse. The third surviving thug had a gun that he pointed at Rittenhouse.
Sounds like self defense to me. He is going to have to answer for the open carry since he's not 18 yet. Funny, I joined the service at 17 and they gave me an M-14.

We could talk about but cases but a couple are dead. What kind of a nut case chases a scared, armed 17 year old with intent. They wanted his rifle and then what?
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Old 08-27-2020, 01:08 PM   #50
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He was under attack

It seems he is well within his rights!!!
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Old 08-27-2020, 02:31 PM   #51
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Kyle is a caucasin - and fair game for the OBLM and Antifa thugs and brownshirt terrorists.

Wisconsin liberal marxist weenies will do their best to put Kyle down permanently.

Circumstances, arms - self-defense - None of that matters to the marxist DPST governor and DA - their marxist narrative against Caucasians/Republicans /Conservatives is what matters. The kid was supporting the police force - totally unforgiveable to DPST marxist radical Groupthink!!!

The DA will empanel a stacked grand jury - and a slanted trial jury to convict Kyle . he will need good legal aid to fund and take up appeals .

But DPST marxist 'Justice" must be done by Wisconsin - in the name of The marxist DPST party and their pet terrorists - OBLM and AntiFa.
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Old 08-27-2020, 02:33 PM   #52
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Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm View Post
These fucking SOBs with assault rifles were colluding with the police to trap the protesters in order for the armed ruffians to "deal with them" without hindrances from the police. It's crystal clear these so-called "community vigilantes" were essentially plotting a military operation with the police to ambush the protesters. Self defense my ass!

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Old 08-27-2020, 02:38 PM   #53
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Little AM is horrified that people would want to protect their homes from imported marxist DPST terrorists attacking, rioting, looting, and burning their town.

and little AM gives no One the right to self defense against Am's favorite AntiFa and OBLM terrorists.

When they come for little AM - i guarantee I will not stand or speak for little AM!

and the avatar - remember - AM - you are for all guns confiscated in America - and if you think you have the right to protect yourself against attacks by terrorists - the fact that you refuse that right to self-protection from your favorite terrorists means you too have no right to protect yourself.

I leave out family - DPST's don't believe in family any more in their commune/ cancel culture.

I am posting under the assumption AM knows what to do with a weapon - a highly debateable assumption.
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Old 08-27-2020, 02:40 PM   #54
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Originally Posted by andymarksman View Post
These fucking SOBs with assault rifles were colluding with the police to trap the protesters in order for the armed ruffians to "deal with them" without hindrances from the police. It's crystal clear these so-called "community vigilantes" were essentially plotting a military operation with the police to ambush the protesters. Self defense my ass!

there is no defense for yer ass, not even you can defend yer ass.
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Old 08-27-2020, 02:43 PM   #55
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Originally Posted by andymarksman View Post
These fucking SOBs ...
Were they fucking each other or was this a gangbang?

I can safely assume you have not inspected their birth certificates to determine parentage.

Carry on with your speculative, conspiratorial hysteria. (You should work for CNN!)
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Old 08-27-2020, 02:47 PM   #56
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am is great at spouting the XiNn and marxist DPST narrative.

he should be a writer for the LSM.
am is able to deny reality and post completely twisted, politically correct DPST narrative with no problems with anything called FACTS, TRUTH, Or Ethics.
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Old 08-27-2020, 04:30 PM   #57
I B Hankering
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Originally Posted by sportfisherman View Post
The two people killed were locals from Kenosha and a nearby town.

The murderous "teen" was the agitator from out of state.He is a high school drop out.And a Trump supporter.Obsessed with police.He got all Trumped up at a recent rally.

He seemed to have some misguided idea about a Militia ?

The crowd he was with looked like fucking scary nut cases.

How does a 17yo get an AR-15 and be allowed to run loose in the streets to murder people ?

It's very similar to a loser white boy from Dallas that went to El Paso and murdered over 20 Mexican people at Walmart.

According to the media the El Paso kid had harbored ill thoughts regarding Mexicans prior to Trump becoming president but Trump's rhetoric validated his racist bullshit and his constant raving about an "invasion" of immigrants being on the way led to his mass murder spree.

Bull Shit! One of the dead antifa thugs was from Waco, Tx, and lefty the "disarmed lefty" was from West Allis, Wisconsin, which is twice as far away from Kenosha as Antioch, Illinois, where Rittenhouse lived.

BTW, everybody involved had a weapon and everybody involved was fucking WHITE. So you can use your race cards as anal suppositories for your chapped ass.

And it's a case more similar to that of Richard Jewell who was wrongly maligned by a vicious press corps that was never interested in looking for the truth.

And the Koreans during the Los Angeles riots were instructional on how to protect businesses from arson, looting and vandalism.

Originally Posted by andymarksman View Post
These fucking SOBs with assault rifles were colluding with the police to trap the protesters in order for the armed ruffians to "deal with them" without hindrances from the police. It's crystal clear these so-called "community vigilantes" were essentially plotting a military operation with the police to ambush the protesters. Self defense my ass!
The only SOBs in Kenosha that night were the antifa jackasses in the street. Your convicted hole-in-dome pedophile "hero" is the one shouting racial epithets @ https://twitter.com/Julio_Rosas11/st...57915202314240
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Old 08-27-2020, 04:36 PM   #58
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Good to have you back IBH - Thank You, sir!
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Old 08-27-2020, 04:54 PM   #59
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Default Ruh Rho

Originally Posted by sportfisherman View Post
The two people killed were locals from Kenosha and a nearby town....
The actual reality for you and the Agi-Prop, Soy Mafia, is going to be dealing with a Not Guilty verdict. The videos are pretty compelling on two fronts: clear self defense and he had outstanding Presence of Mind and control in that situation - especially for a 17 year old, which adds yet another challenge in attempted prosecution. Not to mention that he is going to get Top-Flight legal defense for free.

Best get your mental affairs in order for that verdict. Though that won't happen until long after the election
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Old 08-27-2020, 05:23 PM   #60
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WYID - I hope you are correct
This verdict may well cause the DPST's to direct another round of riots and looting from their trucked in agitators and rioters.
Perhaps if the town pulls in the bikers from Sturgis - the idiots might think twice about rioting and looting free of consequences.

martial law declaration would be good - and those rioting and looting should be shot on sight!

It is very sad to write - but the DPST enabled rioting and looting may well hurt them badly in the election .

People see what is going on - the DPST enabling of the violence - and the hannah Jones faux acade mics pontificating that property destruction is not violence.

yet it is clear that their rioting leads to assault, rape, and injury and loss of life - as long as Biden wins - the DPST leaders care not.

and if biden loses - they will unleash rioting and violence all across America.

They should be arrested and tried for conspiracy in their enabling of the violence.
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