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Old 08-11-2020, 12:48 PM   #1
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Default The Overnight!!! Ultimate topic for lots of opinions! Do you? Should you? What if?

Lets talk about a menu offering full of choices, variety, uncertainties...trepidation with a touch of fear thrown in.
I wonder how popular this is? Why do or don't you ladies offer it?
Do guys splurge now and then? I know personally how hard some of you work, and you deserve it!
But each person has their own expectations. So should you meet in advance and talk about details and specifics?
Anyone have a "Guidebook for an Night You Won't Forget"?
Hmmm...I kinda like that...but too many rules spoils the fun!
Who makes the rules? Does the girl offer this and that? Or the gentleman say " I would love this...would you like it too?"
I asked that because there are a handful...ok 2 handfuls...of men I would love to do this with! Like a date first, doing whatever we decide. I am not even talking Pretty Woman style with jewels! A reasonable date for fun. But I can't ask them! You guys have lots of choices, it would be a hard decision...hard as can be!
I assume hotel with a guy in town for business. But plenty of us have places of our own to entertain from....locals and travelers.
I have always wanted to 'escort' a classy, powerful businessman to a ritzy function...pretend I am his girlfriend. Talk politics and stocks and tell the big wigs what an amazing man he is and that he would do anything for the company. A role play that would out of a movie!
Ok...I am rambling. Thoughts?
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Old 08-11-2020, 01:33 PM   #2
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Have done many overnights with an ATF since retired, it became our usual evening after a dinner date. A nice dinner somewhere, maybe out to a show and then play later before turning in for the night. Since we had seen each other for several years she gave me an extreme discount, about half what her normal overnight fee was. For me this has to be someone you know very well, so I don't think the traveling guy would be a good idea unless you've seen him several times. You need to have a REALLY high level of trust built up with this person, and it goes both ways. If your going to actually SLEEP with them, do you trust that they won't be going through your belongings while your asleep? Again this goes both directions. Personally would not have done this with someone I hadn't developed a friendship and a great amount of trust in. It takes time and consistency to build that. Just IMHO of course..
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Old 08-11-2020, 02:42 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by KCFalcon77 View Post
Have done many overnights with an ATF since retired, it became our usual evening after a dinner date. A nice dinner somewhere, maybe out to a show and then play later before turning in for the night. Since we had seen each other for several years she gave me an extreme discount, about half what her normal overnight fee was. For me this has to be someone you know very well, so I don't think the traveling guy would be a good idea unless you've seen him several times. You need to have a REALLY high level of trust built up with this person, and it goes both ways. If your going to actually SLEEP with them, do you trust that they won't be going through your belongings while your asleep? Again this goes both directions. Personally would not have done this with someone I hadn't developed a friendship and a great amount of trust in. It takes time and consistency to build that. Just IMHO of course..
I completely agree. I've only had one provider that I've had that level of trust in, and it was a great experience. Did it up right - dinner date, sex-o-rama, sleep, repeat in the morning. But not only do you have to have trust, you have to also truly enjoy the chemistry and connection. It's a rare thing.
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Old 08-11-2020, 05:21 PM   #4
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I think it could be popular, but a large percentage of guys can't do it very often at home because trying to explain to a wife that he is going somewhere to spend the night would raise suspicion. Now if they are on business travel game on... lol

Other guys can't or won't afford it. Some girls want $2-3000 for an overnight. Basically their hourly rate times hours.... I think it is stupid but "it is what it is" Think about it, a girl could do 5-10 overnights (at say $1000) in a month and make upwards of 5-10k per month. Is that not enough to live on? Mix in some regular appointments here and there during the month and you are looking at $15k a month.
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Old 08-11-2020, 05:36 PM   #5
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I've done a few, but I'm not into paying a woman to sleep so I'm not usually interested. When their overnight rate is basically their hourly rate times eight, it makes no sense. Also, I'm hesitant to spend so much time with someone unless I know them and am sure we will click. If there is no chemistry, it's not worth it.

Most of my overnights have been when the provider and I got along well and our late night appointment just continued overnight. Usually I don't pay substantially more than the hour, since I wouldn't be prepared to spend much more. Lots of strippers who came back to my place after their shift and just stayed over. Easier than going back to their hotel.

Also quite a few nights at all-inclusive resorts where the girl is with me for 24 hours, so that's kind of a given.
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Old 08-11-2020, 05:57 PM   #6
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With you on this 100% goes for both
Originally Posted by Kshunter View Post
I completely agree. I've only had one provider that I've had that level of trust in, and it was a great experience. Did it up right - dinner date, sex-o-rama, sleep, repeat in the morning. But not only do you have to have trust, you have to also truly enjoy the chemistry and connection. It's a rare thing.
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Old 08-11-2020, 06:06 PM   #7
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I have a hard time sleeping with strangers over night .
So for me I have to see you for a bit and know we have a trust level . Take me to dinner and maybe a show or something .

My one over night every month we been doing this for yeas and we talk a lot , so we have a good trust
I'v been to both of his homes on his boat to his office
met some of his friends , But I can sleep with him in all trust and sleep like a baby lol,after we are done till the AM . We have a set rate every time and often he gives me more or buys me something ..
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Old 08-11-2020, 07:29 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by LustyBustyGina38FF View Post
I have a hard time sleeping with strangers over night .
So for me I have to see you for a bit and know we have a trust level . Take me to dinner and maybe a show or something .

My one over night every month we been doing this for yeas and we talk a lot , so we have a good trust
I'v been to both of his homes on his boat to his office
met some of his friends , But I can sleep with him in all trust and sleep like a baby lol,after we are done till the AM . We have a set rate every time and often he gives me more or buys me something ..
Exactly right Miss Gina. This is the type of chemistry and trust level I was referring to, and as I said it goes both ways. Obviously the lady needs to be comfortable or its not going to be a pleasurable experience for either. And really when you spend that kind of time with someone, more of who they REALLY are is going to come out, so be prepared for that.
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Old 08-11-2020, 07:39 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by Kshunter View Post
I completely agree. I've only had one provider that I've had that level of trust in, and it was a great experience. Did it up right - dinner date, sex-o-rama, sleep, repeat in the morning. But not only do you have to have trust, you have to also truly enjoy the chemistry and connection. It's a rare thing.
Exactly right Kshunter. Chemistry is huge. If you spend that much straight time with someone, your liable to see more of the real them, warts and all, so you better know them fairly well. Like you I had one lady that I had this with and I knew her for years, had been to her home. For me it had to be someone who I knew enjoyed being with me. I couldn't and wouldn't have paid the exorbitant prices that gals list. This had to be a mutual decision. And, YES waking up to a playmate in the morning is glorious!
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Old 08-12-2020, 09:11 AM   #10
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As noted above, trust is the biggest factor. You can only do it with someone you really know. That you have seen a lot and know some of their history. Otherwise you would have to sleep with one eye open. Will I get robbed, car stolen, etc.
Then like it has been said, the cost factor. There were a number of girls that offered this, that I would have loved to see. It is just that I could have also seen 3 others or so with the money I was basically paying that girl to sleep. So this is my basic drawback.

I only did this with one girl. It was at her place and was just like real life. Some mornings I would wake up with the dog in between us. LOL. It cost me more than a regular appointment but not her rate times 8hrs.
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Old 08-12-2020, 10:30 AM   #11
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If you all don't want sleep over's due to the cost ,but like to spend more time .
Just book a few hr's it's easy and less costly .
Say like 4h-6h I like this better then a sleep over with a new date .. You can still get the same out of it
Lunch - Dinner - Drinks - And Mr.Johnny can reset and go again or you can just enjoy pleasing the Lady
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Old 08-12-2020, 12:22 PM   #12
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Some providers are more reasonable with donations.
Or a date that has a fun outing, dinner then playtime. No sleeping..just a long date....great rate?
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Old 08-12-2020, 12:34 PM   #13
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nope on overnites for me
i belch,i fart,i snore.....i admit it...all those yukky features that would make overnites NOT fun lol
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Old 08-12-2020, 12:52 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by DallasRain View Post
nope on overnites for me
i belch,i fart,i snore.....i admit it...all those yukky features that would make overnites NOT fun lol
So you're human??
Till now I thought you were a netherworld ruler.

But getting back to Suzanna's original question:
The planets have to align. That said, and similar to other posts above, yes there's a couple gals I click with to that degree (trust, fun, attitude, etc.). Both gals have been on my dance card for more than a decade. One has also done long weekends and travel. Me being single is easily part of the planets aligning thing. We've been known to make dinner in, vs. go out. One gave me a full size outdoor bbq grill. Both will throw me out of my own kitchen and both have given me kitchen equipment shopping lists for my kitchen.
Before covid, one was into theater movies as she's into horror flicks. So we'd do that also from time to time.
Both have long time fav client rates.
Both are also wondering about the civie that's been hanging around.
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Old 08-12-2020, 02:32 PM   #15
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Gotta chime in because I LOVE overnights and have done many. Some of the best have been with another male friend and two ladies. Usually steak dinner at my house (wife has to be out of town), lots of adult beverages/other looseners, play with partner one for a while, more partying an socializing, then switching partners and retiring for the night (never had a group orgy). Morning wood is the best so maybe in shower together before group breakfast, then goodbye. Advantage here is the guys can watch out for each other as can the girls.
Also done several without my friend, usually with known trusted companions, but sometimes strangers. Never any issue, but I do keep my guard up. Most of the girls enjoy being in a safe environment, having a good meal, and being with a respectful client.
I've also done overnights on business trips, sometimes taking her with me, sometimes hooking up with someone at my destination. Prices have been wildly variable, ranging from $300 for a local that just needed some fun chill time to $3000 in Vegas with 4 different providers (thats a bargain there, but honestly, the $300 girl was much more enjoyable). Controversial I know, but all my overnights have been bbfs, either prearranged or spontaneous. One very well known provider a few years back only did that with overnights, but didn't want that fact leaked.
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