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Old 08-07-2020, 11:18 PM   #1
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Default Texas a Battleground State?

Could it really be? Texas being in the mix of states in play for Biden. If Biden were to win Texas and that is a HUGE "IF" the Whitehouse is gone for Republicans and most likely for a long time to come. "So goes Texas, so goes the Whitehouse"

If true, making Texas competitive for the Democrats would be the best thing Trump has ever done. Biden would have many paths to 270 if that were to happen. In my entire voting life (which dates back to 2000) I have never voted in a battleground state. The only other state I have voted in being Tennessee, which is probably deeper red than Texas.

I personally don't think Biden will pull it off, but if he were to come within 5 percent that will spell doom for the Republicans. And American would truly be great again!!!
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Old 08-08-2020, 10:23 AM   #2
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I think you are correct. I do, however, think Cornyn is a goner. And soon Lyin' Ted will be DOA as well.
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Old 08-08-2020, 12:26 PM   #3
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Biden doesn’t even remember Texas... Dems are failures!!! No matter what you think!
One decent Democrat since 1960 and you think they are successful, GEEZ!!!
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Old 08-08-2020, 04:10 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by stikiwikit View Post
I think you are correct. I do, however, think Cornyn is a goner. And soon Lyin' Ted will be DOA as well.
I would love to see Cornyn go down, but once again that may be a tall order. Cornyn isn't as much of a polarizing figure like Lying Ted. This is an election where people are going to vote for the guy who keeps quite and just does his job, not a loud mouth like Trump.

Originally Posted by pleasurem View Post
Biden doesn’t even remember Texas... Dems are failures!!! No matter what you think!
One decent Democrat since 1960 and you think they are successful, GEEZ!!!

Case & point right here. The last two Democrat presidents we had were by and far better than any Republican president in recent history. No matter what you think. This coming November we will be successful at removing Trump, taking the Senate back, and making Texas competitive again after over 40 years. Deal with it.
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Old 08-08-2020, 04:16 PM   #5
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Funny, Clinton was a favorable President, Obama was and is “ A FOOL “ Obama and Carter were not Presidential!!!
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Old 08-08-2020, 04:48 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by pleasurem View Post
Funny, Clinton was a favorable President, Obama was and is “ A FOOL “ Obama and Carter were not Presidential!!!
Well right now one would much rather be in Bidens position than Trumps. So are you not the least bit worried that a state like Texas is very much in play?
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Old 08-08-2020, 05:49 PM   #7
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I'm very worried, especially if non-absentee mass mail-in goes live for some retarded reason. Voter ID is one of the things that keeps this state from being a runaway corruption pool like California and Illinois.

Generally I don't give a damn about the rest of the world's opinion, but even the Europeans the left wants to emulate so bad think Voter ID is a must-have for legitimate elections. This "it's racist" shit is a joke.
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Old 08-09-2020, 06:30 AM   #8
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Doubtful Biden will win Texas. I have predicted for quite a while that Trump will not win Texas by the 9% margin he did in 2016, with the margin in 2020 probably being under 5%.

Texas is turning more blue each year. I predict in 2024 the state will vote Democratic, all things being equal. Once that happens, and Texas becomes a reliable blue state, it will be difficult for a Republican candidate to be elected POTUS. Texas, California, and NY, 3 of the 4 most populous states will be Democratic, and Florida is far from a reliable Republican state. I am not saying whether or not this is a good thing, just that it looks inevitable.
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Old 08-09-2020, 09:37 AM   #9
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Obama and Carter were not Presidential!!!

It defies any description, explanation as to why a Trump butt kisser can accuse any other president of not being presidential when your fool of a president is butt fucking his supporters constantly. When did all these people who support T. lose their sanity?
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Old 08-09-2020, 01:34 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by GastonGlock View Post
I'm very worried, especially if non-absentee mass mail-in goes live for some retarded reason. Voter ID is one of the things that keeps this state from being a runaway corruption pool like California and Illinois.

Generally I don't give a damn about the rest of the world's opinion, but even the Europeans the left wants to emulate so bad think Voter ID is a must-have for legitimate elections. This "it's racist" shit is a joke.

From what I've read there is little to zero evidence that there would be mass voter fraud if we did an all mail in election. That appears to be nothing more than Trump making stuff up, cause even he knows and has said himself that a mail in election would not go well for Republicans.

Here in Texas I worry a lot more about the gerrymandering that the Republicans love to do than anything else. In 2018 it backfired on them. But that may not always be the case.
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Old 08-09-2020, 01:35 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX View Post
Doubtful Biden will win Texas. I have predicted for quite a while that Trump will not win Texas by the 9% margin he did in 2016, with the margin in 2020 probably being under 5%.

Texas is turning more blue each year. I predict in 2024 the state will vote Democratic, all things being equal. Once that happens, and Texas becomes a reliable blue state, it will be difficult for a Republican candidate to be elected POTUS. Texas, California, and NY, 3 of the 4 most populous states will be Democratic, and Florida is far from a reliable Republican state. I am not saying whether or not this is a good thing, just that it looks inevitable.

Could not agree more with this post right here!
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Old 08-09-2020, 05:23 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by Little Monster View Post
From what I've read there is little to zero evidence that there would be mass voter fraud if we did an all mail in election. That appears to be nothing more than Trump making stuff up, cause even he knows and has said himself that a mail in election would not go well for Republicans.

Here in Texas I worry a lot more about the gerrymandering that the Republicans love to do than anything else. In 2018 it backfired on them. But that may not always be the case.
The ONLY reason Trump is fighting mail-in voting is because he believes it will benefit Democrats more than Republicans.
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Old 08-09-2020, 06:36 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by Little Monster View Post
From what I've read there is little to zero evidence that there would be mass voter fraud if we did an all mail in election. That appears to be nothing more than Trump making stuff up, cause even he knows and has said himself that a mail in election would not go well for Republicans.

Here in Texas I worry a lot more about the gerrymandering that the Republicans love to do than anything else. In 2018 it backfired on them. But that may not always be the case.
We don't have a large concerted effort like what is and other large countries do to smaller countries we bully, but we've got a lot of people who think they're slick:











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Old 08-10-2020, 02:06 PM   #14
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Years and years ago, before most of you were born, I read a story about how in one precinct in Houston on the way to the voting center, or something like that, the ballot box was driven around for a couple of hours so it could be stuffed with fake ballots. Have you also heard the joke about the Mexican man walking down the street crying in south Texas. Someone asked what was wrong. He said that he was distressed because his deceased father came from the grave to vote for Lyndon but didn't come see him.

There are many ways to cheat if people want to. It is not just limited to mail in ballots. Also read the research that has been done on voting and the cheaters are a miniscule portion of the overall number of votes cast.
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Old 08-10-2020, 05:03 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by stikiwikit View Post
...the Mexican man walking down the street crying in south Texas. Someone asked what was wrong. He said that he was distressed because his deceased father came from the grave to vote for Lyndon but didn't come see him...
That was a joke probably from Duval County, where three generations of Parrs held court as the Dukes of Duval County, from the 1890s until 1975. Their control was absolute, and influence extended throughout South Texas. The 1948 U.S. Senate election between LBJ and Coke Stevenson was not decided until after the infamous Ballot Box 13 was "discovered" in Duval County on the last day of the election, when Stevenson was ahead statewide. All the 202 votes had identical handwriting and ink, and all but two were for LBJ. LBJ won the statewide election, in which more than a million votes were cast, by 87 votes. He was sarcastically called "Landslide Lyndon".

Fortunately, we don't have that level of absolute control anymore, anywhere, including Chicago and Southern Louisiana. Mayor Richard Daley delivered Chicago votes for Kennedy in 1960, most people know. But Daley's Chicago or Parr's Duval County weren't as blatant as Plaquemines Parish and its king, Leander Perez. He reigned absolutely for nearly half a century, from the 1920s until his death in 1968. There, votes were "signed" in alphabetical order, and famous names such as Babe Ruth and Charlie Chaplin were in the voter lists.

Anyway, now we have multiple poll-watchers from different parties and organizations. We have roving TV crews. We have hair-trigger lawyers with pre-drafted writs of injunction, on call. There are still counties with caudillos and bosses, of course, and these surely influence elections, but nobody is a Duke any more.

Well, now you know or are reminded of some voting history. You may now resume your badinage.
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