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Old 07-28-2020, 06:37 AM   #1
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Default Medicare for all!!!!!

Yes, the Bernie “wing” of the Democratic Party are revolting because Medicare for all isn’t a part of the DNC platform. Seems like Creepy Joe has a Bernie problem! Who didn’t know this was going to happen.


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Old 07-28-2020, 06:48 AM   #2
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Amusing that Dim leadership is finally disenfranchising the even dimmer party socialists. Maybe there will be armed protests in the convention hall.
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Old 07-28-2020, 06:51 AM   #3
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Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter View Post
Amusing that Dim leadership is finally disenfranchising the even dimmer party socialists. Maybe there will be armed protests in the convention hall.
If it’s a protest they don’t have to social distance or wear masks! Brilliant!!!!!!
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Old 07-28-2020, 06:56 AM   #4
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Can you imagine changing the system we have now where you can make an appointment, show up on time and wait maybe at most an hour in a busy office for routine exams, and be treated well - to a huge government room where you wait 6-8 hours to get pushed around by a system like the social security office?

It seems like people would opt out of such a system if they could.

Fuck Bernie and his commie sympathizers.
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Old 07-28-2020, 07:31 AM   #5
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And that, ff - will be the best of the system under Bernie and his communist ilk!
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Old 07-28-2020, 07:39 AM   #6
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maybe medicare for all isn't in the platform

but racial attacks on whites are in it 15 times

maybe its they just want to be elected, but they sure are dividing America along racial lines

According to one analysis:

The theme in much of the document is that America is divided between whites and minorities, the situation is unfair and needs to be remedied, and that most issues, even military court-martials, are a racial crisis.

seems, according to the dim platform being circulated, its all the minorities against white people

the gaps between whites and minorities are "holding our country back"

and our counterterrorism priorities must shift to confront white supremacy and right wingers, they add the word terrorists to "right wing" but anything that makes them "uncomfortable" like disagreeing with them would soon enough qualify
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Old 07-28-2020, 07:59 AM   #7
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The DNC is trying to be clever. They know Medicare for all is a loser. But if they win all three, house, senate and POTUS, it’s the first thing they’ll do.
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Old 07-28-2020, 08:16 AM   #8
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Joey is having buyer's remorse for letting Bernie crawl up his ass.

ya think??

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Old 07-28-2020, 08:40 AM   #9
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And this will happen on every single issue that the Progressives want. In one sense, it will be the same as having elected Bernie. Democrats will get a taste of the "Freedom Caucus" in the Republican party but I suspect the "Bernie wing" will do much better in effecting policy.

Have you heard the latest chant from BLM? "All the cities, all the towns, burn the precincts down", referring to police precincts. This group, as I said before, doesn't want a formal police department. They think they can organize a "community force" ( because that is working so well in Chicago ) akin to the "Guardian Angels" in New York.

The reception the supportive, cheer leading Mayor got in Portland tells me what I already knew. This group doesn't want any elected official from either the Democrat party or the Republican party. The mob cursed at, spit at the Mayor, called him a Nazi and demanded he resign and this is a guy who at every opportunity told the mob he was on their side. Doesn't matter. They want to put their own people in charge not by election but by the "Politburo".

Anybody that thinks this ends if Biden is elected is kidding themselves. Do you really think if Biden becomes President and he pulls all federal officers out of these cities, that every federal building will not be torched? No offices and no court rooms is the goal even if Biden is elected. Biden can say he isn't for defunding the police all day long but if he doesn't stop this rioting and he won't, the police will defund and disband and what do you suppose that will look like.

Yeah, we are in for an interesting next few years no matter who is elected and the country will suffer either way but I'd rather see a robust response to the riots and an economic downturn than no response and an economic downturn. Either way, we are looking at a disastrous 2021.
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Old 07-28-2020, 08:46 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by HedonistForever View Post

This group doesn't want any elected official from either the Democrat party or the Republican party.

The mob cursed at, spit at the Mayor, called him a Nazi and demanded he resign and this is a guy who at every opportunity told the mob he was on their side. Doesn't matter.

They want to put their own people in charge not by election but by the "Politburo".

read about the reign of terror, or watch the couple of movies about it

idiots who know nothing of history are doomed to repeat it

the french revolution was death, the American revolution birthed man's freedom
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Old 07-28-2020, 08:51 AM   #11
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HF - well written.

Regretfully - i believe You are correct.

The vocal radicals and LSM want to control the country - and unless the 'silent majority' rise and vote - the tail will wag the dog and the radicals may get the votes to impose their 'socialist paradise' ala Maduro on America.

Why is this happening? Is it that our educational system has been skewed to Leftist marxism education in our schools and universities - enabled by Marxists infiltrating and directing the course of our educational system ??? did we as conservatives not see and demand change when marxism became the major study topic of our Universities???
Is this the result of removing Civics from our curriculums??

If our young people are indeed indoctrinated and convinced of the correctness of marxism and Socialism - they will inherit the country and vote their system in.

Have we already lost our representative democracy - Constitution, and Rule of Law?
If my questions are answered yes - it may well be.

What happens when our young grow older - and see the results (ala Venezuela) of Marxism/socialist Rule in America - likely Civil War - if not then, likely earlier when marxists attempt to destroy our representative democracy.

Arm yourselves - Civil War is coming - sooner or later.

The 'Racist' riots are just a cover for destabilizing the government we voted into being.
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Old 07-28-2020, 10:13 AM   #12
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Originally Posted by bambino View Post
The DNC is trying to be clever. They know Medicare for all is a loser. But if they win all three, house, senate and POTUS, it’s the first thing they’ll do.
If they win all three branches then we are truly fucked...but at least the COVID-19 crisis will be instantly and magically solved by royal decree.
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Old 07-28-2020, 10:14 AM   #13
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Originally Posted by oeb11 View Post
And that, ff - will be the best of the system under Bernie and his communist ilk!
Although Bernie and AOC will still get the Cadillac treatment...
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Old 07-28-2020, 10:21 AM   #14
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Yupper, read up on Gramsci ,""""rights coalition ""its here / covid 19 will be solved with vaccine ( that will kill more then help) right after election
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Old 07-28-2020, 11:08 AM   #15
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You guys are so Doomsday on here. Freakin' out !!

Are any of you guys on Medicare or know people on Medicare ?

If so do you or your friends have complaints regarding Medicare coverage ?

Generally Medicare is appreciated by patients and also the administration of it.They just make an appointment with their doctor who accepts Medicare.And most doctors do accept it.

It would provide a foundation for medical coverage for so many.
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