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Old 07-09-2020, 08:42 AM   #61
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'a' - in general your posts on the medical aspects are reasonable - and appear well read.

Issue - Quote - Mortality rate for CV19 much closer to 99.0%, which means if 300 Million people in the USA got infected, there would be 3 million deaths

You meant survival rate. Please proof your writings.

It ain't a temp of 103 as diagnostic of Wuhan virus.

Case Mortality rate in the LSM has been sparse - they are presenting infection cases as scare tactics to cow the populace into submission.

While the 1% case mortality rate has been published - overall for healthy young people and very young people - it is less than 0.1%. elderly with underlying disease processes and those with immune deficiency disorders are moe at risk for mortality.

we still don't ahvea good handle on teh infected asymptomatic - although you did post an interesting suggestive article - that number is not known - and likely greater than U posted - IMHO.

Let's keep mortality rate and survival rate clear and separate.
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Old 07-09-2020, 08:44 AM   #62
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Originally Posted by sportfisherman View Post
I don't know why you guys get caught up in the minutiae of all this esoteric bullshit when simplistically we need a new Pres.Once Chump is voted out things will immediately get better.

The whole country will exhale and relax.

Oh what a pipe dram - the radical DPST's have every plan for bankruptinig america and imposing marxist socialism.

If that makes U take a breath and relax - be prepared for very rude surprises as they drive the US into a Venezuela olike anerika.

and any privileged, educated whitey will be sent to the walls and ovens. Count on it.

Civil War is coming is Biden wins.

Civil war may come anyway when the Marxist DPST's try a forcible armed revolution if Trump wins.
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Old 07-09-2020, 10:56 AM   #63
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Default Self immolation

Originally Posted by sportfisherman View Post

1.Discredit testing.
2.Discredit masks
3.Discredit social distancing
4.Demonize China,the press,Obama (as if he still has anything to do with it),Governors,Mayors,CDC,WHO,e tc.

  1. Discredit testing
    1. What % of the population has been tested?
    2. What is the accuracy rate of tests?
  2. 2.Discredit masks
    1. Sorry stoonad, science does that for ya
    2. Not to mention WHO and CDC
  3. 3.Discredit social distancing
    1. You must be a hair sniffer like Creepy Joe
    2. Or do you just routinely snuzzle it up with strangers in public settings. There are existing laws against that
  4. 4.Demonize China,the press,Obama (as if he still has anything to do with it),Governors,Mayors,CDC,WHO,e tc.
    1. Because chYna was forth coming, open and honest about Muh Corona - when exactly?
    2. Because OVomit and Joe Finger Bang did such a cracker jack job of building up stockpiles of what? Marlarky? Oh, that's right, they wrote a paper - well whoopty-freakn-do
    3. Because Governors, Mayors and local health officials are just paid to go to conventions and get free stuff. They don't actually have to be responsible to the people that elected them or do anything to benefit the peole. Did they tell the voters that before the election?
    4. Because the CDC has been what percent correct on every step of the way since January? You probably believe in screen doors in submarines too.
    5. Because the WHO makes the CDC look good by covering for chYna, lieing and later backtracking on pretty much everything they have said to date on Muh Corona.
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Old 07-09-2020, 11:08 AM   #64
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Default You wouldn't understand

Because as rational and functioning adults we tend to use our brains to make decisions that affect our lives and make independent choices so we live our life with liberty while we pursue our happiness. Nothing that a deep-sheep like you can possibly comprehend. Just follow the herd through the sluice gate like a good little Comrade. Utopia and eternal relaxation is just mere steps away for you.

Originally Posted by sportfisherman View Post
I don't know why you guys get caught up in the minutiae of all this esoteric bullshit when simplistically we need a new Pres.Once Chump is voted out things will immediately get better.

The whole country will exhale and relax.
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Old 07-09-2020, 03:29 PM   #65
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You are just upset that Chump will be voted out in Nov.

And because of that YOUR view of how things "used to be" and how YOU think they "should be" is threatened.It's actually a Fear of "not getting what you want" or "losing something you already have or feel like you are entitled to".It manifests as Anger.

I think this overly dramatic "last man standing" to save our way of life from a Marxist horde is a Republican ploy to scare people to avoid Biden and continue with Chump.

It is not and will not work.

It's only going to be you and a handful of other Chumpettes up on the battlements defending your archaic outdated ideas.
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Old 07-09-2020, 04:30 PM   #66
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SF - you and the DPST party has thrown a four yar shit-fit over losing.

Look in a mirror at the acceptable conduct of DPST's.
They plan on never -ever- giving up power once they grasp it again.

don't be a sheeple - or OBLM will come for you and your property for a 'burning down whitey"!!

YOu best prepare yourself for the coming civil war violence.

Starting it is strictly at the feet of the hannah Jones definition of violence loving DPST's.

In other words -" if it directed at Whitey and Republicans - it ain't violence"

Take a long look in a mirror - while you can.
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Old 07-09-2020, 04:37 PM   #67
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Default Are you sure. Let's try this scenario

Originally Posted by matchingmole View Post
Bullshit...no civil wars are going to happen.

Let's try this probability:

  • Trump relected in a landslide
  • GOP gets House and Senate
  • Trump appoints 2, maybe 3 Supreme court justices
  • Trump bounces a few former coup plotters away for years
So we have your word that there will be no violence or civil war. Right?
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Old 07-09-2020, 04:39 PM   #68
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It is hard to pronosticate from a burrow while depending on DPST XiNN propaganda.
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Old 07-09-2020, 07:21 PM   #69
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Trump needs Fauci to retire. Fauci's 79. He can be Biden's VP.
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Old 07-09-2020, 07:37 PM   #70
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Originally Posted by sportfisherman View Post
You are just upset that Chump will be voted out in Nov.

And because of that YOUR view of how things "used to be" and how YOU think they "should be" is threatened.It's actually a Fear of "not getting what you want" or "losing something you already have or feel like you are entitled to".It manifests as Anger.

I think this overly dramatic "last man standing" to save our way of life from a Marxist horde is a Republican ploy to scare people to avoid Biden and continue with Chump.

It is not and will not work.

It's only going to be you and a handful of other Chumpettes up on the battlements defending your archaic outdated ideas.

Trump has 91% chance of winning second term, professor’s model predicts


Mr Norpoth told the outlet that his model, which he curated in 1996, would have correctly predicted the outcome for 25 of the 27 elections since 1912, when primaries were introduced.

The professor also said the model, which predicted Mr Trump’s election in 2016, worked partially by discounting opinion surveys.

“Polls and poll-based forecasts all handed Hillary Clinton a certain victory,” he said.

The prediction comes as a number other election models have suggested that Mr Trump will lose to Mr Biden as a result of a number of factors including the ongoing pandemic.
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Old 07-10-2020, 02:08 PM   #71
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Originally Posted by gnadfly View Post
COVID deaths are closing in on lows in TX. If masks are working, then how did 100K people die? We've been wearing them and social distancing for months now.
This post was on July 7. On July 8, there were 98 Covid deaths in Texas and on July 9 there were 105 deaths. Previously the high was 58 deaths.

How did 100K people die if masks work? Well, most or all people have to wear them. They worked wonders in Hong Kong, South Korea, Japan, Taiwan, Slovakia, and the Czech Republic. How long have people been wearing them in Texas? Where I live no one was until about a weak ago. And still a lot people aren't doing it, or they're not covering their noses.

Once someone is exposed to the disease, it takes days to show symptoms and weeks to die. You can't start wearing masks and suddenly people who died come back to life. It takes time.

As to the empty spots in the hospital parking lot in Houston in another thread, so what. Do you gentlemen believe there's some kind of massive hoax going on? All is hunky dory in Houston hospitals? Some small part of the reason the parking lots aren't bulging could be that Covid patients can't have visitors, and people are putting off hospital visits because they're afraid of catching the disease.

The irony is that steps like wearing masks and closing bars are the best way to avoid destroying jobs and the economy.
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Old 07-10-2020, 02:31 PM   #72
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Closing bars - I differ - while restaurants are open - if bars exercise using masks and social distancing - what is the difference with a restaurant? On a practical basis

None that I can see - except to put a lot of the economy and small business owner out of business -
Hey 'destroy capitalism' - the radical left and OBLM mantra - they like it just fine.

marxist control for all - just wait for after Nov 2020 if Biden wins - the radicals will never permit another free election in America.

That - means civil War.
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Old 07-10-2020, 02:35 PM   #73
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Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do View Post
Let's try this probability:

  • Trump relected in a landslide
  • GOP gets House and Senate
  • Trump appoints 2, maybe 3 Supreme court justices
  • Trump bounces a few former coup plotters away for years
So we have your word that there will be no violence or civil war. Right?

DPST's define "violence" as against themselves - not against conservative republicans.

In that circumstance, Hannah-Jones defines rioting, looting, arson, assault, robbery, mugging, burglary - likely even Murder - as Not Violence".

Unless it is directed at the home or property or person of a Liberall/DPST --That is different.

mm - We understand your doublespeak - just like Orwell in 1984.

Civil War is coming - brought on by the DPST's - and an armed society will put down the Liberal DPST weenies who have no idea what armed conflict is - but will find out the hard way.
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Old 07-10-2020, 08:17 PM   #74
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Originally Posted by sportfisherman View Post
You are just upset that Chump will be voted out in Nov.

And because of that YOUR view of how things "used to be" and how YOU think they "should be" is threatened.It's actually a Fear of "not getting what you want" or "losing something you already have or feel like you are entitled to".It manifests as Anger.

I think this overly dramatic "last man standing" to save our way of life from a Marxist horde is a Republican ploy to scare people to avoid Biden and continue with Chump.

It is not and will not work.

It's only going to be you and a handful of other Chumpettes up on the battlements defending your archaic outdated ideas.
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Old 07-10-2020, 08:33 PM   #75
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Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do View Post
Let's try this probability:

  • Trump relected in a landslide
  • GOP gets House and Senate
  • Trump appoints 2, maybe 3 Supreme court justices
  • Trump bounces a few former coup plotters away for years
So we have your word that there will be no violence or civil war. Right?
No. Not mine. If you want to push Fascist totalitarianism that far.

Let the record reflect, we consider the "church and bible photo opportunity" to be an extreme offense and affront to decency. Trampling on civil disobedience just to get people to beleive you somehow hold value in black lives, under false pretenses, would be the lighing of the fuse.

Keep it up. Hide behind the church. And you will get a severe backlash. Mark it. I keep trying to warn you racist fucks.

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