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Old 07-04-2020, 05:27 PM   #196
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Originally Posted by friendly fred View Post
They should have also built homes like that exclusively for blacks.

Shit, why not do that now and call it reparations?
Well, it goes deeper than that. We would need other provisions in place as well. Protection from potential acts of terror (wouldn’t want another Tulsa/Black Wall Street situation, now would we).

Education and health benefits, as well.


Sustainable income growth.

Oh,and the housing needs to be of quality construction. None of that plastic or trailer park crap. I’m talking brick, stone, marble, cobblestone, etc (I’ve been to a few open houses...sure, I was posing, but, whatever). We need housing that will build equity, not some BS that we gotta tear down in a 10 years.

Put stipulations on it, and HOA type of rules in place. No selling for at least 5 years (except for extenuating circumstances, that are provable). No selling your house for drugs and shit for $1,000 or whatever.

Once people get used to better living, they live better.

Shit, help poor white people, too. Other races as well.

There’s tons of money to go around, it’s just being poorly distributed.

Fuck anyone needs $100B for??
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Old 07-04-2020, 08:03 PM   #197
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Originally Posted by Randall Creed View Post
Stumbled upon this here earlier today.


Check it out, if you have the balls, and aren't racist.
In the 1950's while Bill Levitt, who basically owned the town, made the decision to sell to only white buyers at the time to mainly in his opinion, to make a better standard of living. It is pretty bad to paint with such a large brush and blame every white person ever!

The funny part about that is Levittown is that it is diverse racially currently and has been for the last few decades and since it is New York, the residents tend to lean toward liberal, aka open borders, higher taxes and more govenment control.

No one today owes anyone anything. Quit living in the past and you might not be so racist.
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Old 07-04-2020, 08:42 PM   #198
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Originally Posted by Randall Creed View Post
Well, it goes deeper than that. We would need other provisions in place as well. Protection from potential acts of terror (wouldn’t want another Tulsa/Black Wall Street situation, now would we).

Education and health benefits, as well.


Sustainable income growth.

Oh,and the housing needs to be of quality construction. None of that plastic or trailer park crap. I’m talking brick, stone, marble, cobblestone, etc (I’ve been to a few open houses...sure, I was posing, but, whatever). We need housing that will build equity, not some BS that we gotta tear down in a 10 years.

Put stipulations on it, and HOA type of rules in place. No selling for at least 5 years (except for extenuating circumstances, that are provable). No selling your house for drugs and shit for $1,000 or whatever.

Once people get used to better living, they live better.

Shit, help poor white people, too. Other races as well.

There’s tons of money to go around, it’s just being poorly distributed.

Fuck anyone needs $100B for??
I can go along with all that except for the sustainable income growth. That is going to have to be up to each individual.
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Old 07-04-2020, 09:41 PM   #199
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Originally Posted by friendly fred View Post
I can go along with all that except for the sustainable income growth. That is going to have to be up to each individual.

To a degree.. yes... however, the concept of sustainable growth ties in to the least of us. A person working in a role that is deemed "necessary"... shouldn't have to worry about where their next meal comes from. Where would people be without grocery store employees? Most of us rely on them heavily... but then turn around and state that if they want a living wage they should get a better job. That's a problem.

Those who want to talk about how those jobs aren't valuable... should make it a point to not do anything to utilize their services for a month and see how that goes. Yes.. those jobs are not high skilled or highly educated.. but they are absolutely a necessity for life as we know it. I'm not saying that they should live in luxury-- but they shouldn't wonder if they'll have to choose between groceries or the light bill.
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Old 07-04-2020, 09:50 PM   #200
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Originally Posted by flappygilmore007 View Post
What specific nations are you talking about? How would you even follow the news of these nations that you refer to? I know your ignorant a$$ isn't multi-lingual.

"Indentured servitude" as you call it, did not end hundreds of years ago in the USA.
Actually, you don't know shit. I AM multi-lingual.

Korea, China, Vietnam, MOST OF ASIA were forced into slavery by imperialism. But do you hear them bitching about it as if everyone owes them shit? NOPE.

Shit, Jews were almost completely wiped out by the Germans and look how well they're doing as a group.

Fucking read history instead of crying like a bitch for others to notice you. How distinctly pathetic. The next time you post, it would benefit to know some history, boy.

And indentured slavery didn't end in the US?

Then where the fuck is it now?

Are you a slave? Where the fuck are your chains?
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Old 07-04-2020, 09:53 PM   #201
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Originally Posted by flappygilmore007 View Post
This is what people need to see. The US government freed blacks, said things were equal, let them server and die in wars, but actively blocked them from gaining wealth and educational benefits of wealth. There is NO disputing that.

If the US had freed blacks then said GTFO or die, then that's a whole nother story.
The US literally fought a fucking war to end slavery. Hundreds of thousands of whites died to save blacks from the DEMOCRAT racists.

The US gave blacks affirmative action. That means a smart asian won't get into a good school because a black guy with shit scores is admitted in specifically because the color of his skin.

If you want to preach about racism, knowing where the real racism is, would be a good start, instead of holding your hand out and asking for ANOTHER fucking handout.

You aren't rich?

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Old 07-04-2020, 10:28 PM   #202
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Originally Posted by Wile E Coyote View Post
In the 1950's while Bill Levitt, who basically owned the town, made the decision to sell to only white buyers at the time to mainly in his opinion, to make a better standard of living. It is pretty bad to paint with such a large brush and blame every white person ever!

The funny part about that is Levittown is that it is diverse racially currently and has been for the last few decades and since it is New York, the residents tend to lean toward liberal, aka open borders, higher taxes and more govenment control.

No one today owes anyone anything. Quit living in the past and you might not be so racist.
The point, which is probably like a kite to your thought process right now, is that there is an audience out there that takes BLATANT MEASURES to make sure...let's just say, certain people, don't get ahead.

The problem is, they use the cloak of YOUR skin color to do all of this. They use your naïveté, your silent consent, your unwillingness to be a part of any solutions, etc., to do these things.

From a distance, y'all all look alike. One can't tell who's racist and who isn't...in part because too many so called non racists are too unwilling to be a part of any solutions.

You're not saying anything that has any measurable substance, Coyote. Instead, you are just blabbering on, probably snickering behind your computer screen, almost seeming proud of what your forefathers used to do.
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Old 07-04-2020, 11:00 PM   #203
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Originally Posted by friendly fred View Post
I can go along with all that except for the sustainable income growth. That is going to have to be up to each individual.
Well, what I meant was, don't relegate us to bullshit jobs that don't go anywhere. Nobody should be flipping burgers for four years, because they can't get out of that low income rut, because no one wants to hire them because they're holding grudges over some form of reparations taking place.

Shitty living conditions is depressing. I know firsthand. Going home to a shit hole can make anyone want to destroy the world and make their outlook on life very tough.

That said, I've also lived in a nice house or two. Fenced in yards. Beautiful green grass. Older neighbors, so no yahoos and their wild parties (of course, the only 'problem' with old neighbors is that they want to cook for you all the time).

Give people a nice place to live, good food, and watch them suddenly not be in the mood to commit crimes.
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Old 07-04-2020, 11:07 PM   #204
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Originally Posted by Grace Preston View Post
To a degree.. yes... however, the concept of sustainable growth ties in to the least of us. A person working in a role that is deemed "necessary"... shouldn't have to worry about where their next meal comes from. Where would people be without grocery store employees? Most of us rely on them heavily... but then turn around and state that if they want a living wage they should get a better job. That's a problem.

Those who want to talk about how those jobs aren't valuable... should make it a point to not do anything to utilize their services for a month and see how that goes. Yes.. those jobs are not high skilled or highly educated.. but they are absolutely a necessity for life as we know it. I'm not saying that they should live in luxury-- but they shouldn't wonder if they'll have to choose between groceries or the light bill.
I've been to and worked in places where the janitor/custodial service workers had the week off...JUST A WEEK.

Dumpsters filling up. Office trash cans piling up. Dirty coffee mugs in office kitchen. It gets ugly...QUICK.

It's amazing how much of our society fancies themselves so above the basic levels of sanitation, hygiene, and general order.

I've seen bosses give lower employees a couple days off, and when said employee(s) come back, two days worth of trash is waiting on them to take out.

It's hilarious, and sad at the same time.
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Old 07-04-2020, 11:12 PM   #205
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Originally Posted by Randall Creed View Post
Well, what I meant was, don't relegate us to bullshit jobs that don't go anywhere. Nobody should be flipping burgers for four years, because they can't get out of that low income rut, because no one wants to hire them because they're holding grudges over some form of reparations taking place.

Give people a nice place to live, good food, and watch them suddenly not be in the mood to commit crimes.
GIVE people a nice place to live, and good food? get off your ass and work for it. nobody relegates you to bullshit jobs.. create your own job.

you mentioned Black Wall Street earlier, and the irony sailed right past you.. Black people were self-sufficient in the 1920's through the early 1960's.. then LBJ ushered in a new era, where blacks started living off the government tit, and crime exploded. out-of-wedlock births skyrocketed. you have yourselves to blame for crime and poverty. you should be mad at black people for fucking away what they had earned for themselves.
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Old 07-04-2020, 11:15 PM   #206
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Originally Posted by Aoi View Post
The US literally fought a fucking war to end slavery. Hundreds of thousands of whites died to save blacks from the DEMOCRAT racists.

The US gave blacks affirmative action. That means a smart asian won't get into a good school because a black guy with shit scores is admitted in specifically because the color of his skin.

If you want to preach about racism, knowing where the real racism is, would be a good start, instead of holding your hand out and asking for ANOTHER fucking handout.

You aren't rich?

Affirmative Action is just another way to say Token Black Guy (or Gal).

Hey, let's hire a couple blacks...you know, to make it look like we're trying. The jobs we give them won't be worth a flip, we'll keep their pay low, and for good measure we'll keep promotion potential at ZERO. Oh, and let's make sure we work 'em to death, call them in on weekends, create a unfavorable work environment (but make it hard to prove in court), manufacture some animosity, and basically make things so bad that they eventually quit.

That way we can say we tried, but they didn't want to work, couldn't hack it, no work ethic, etc.
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Old 07-04-2020, 11:24 PM   #207
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Originally Posted by Chung Tran View Post
GIVE people a nice place to live, and good food? get off your ass and work for it. nobody relegates you to bullshit jobs.. create your own job.

you mentioned Black Wall Street earlier, and the irony sailed right past you.. Black people were self-sufficient in the 1920's through the early 1960's.. then LBJ ushered in a new era, where blacks started living off the government tit, and crime exploded. out-of-wedlock births skyrocketed. you have yourselves to blame for crime and poverty. you should be mad at black people for fucking away what they had earned for themselves.
There you go, just fucking up the whole point and taking it out of context.

Auuuugh!! I really don't even want to respond to your stupidity, but...I've already started typing.

Ok, I'll type slow and make it Barney level for you.

The point was, if people had a better place to live, and better quality of life (that includes a comfy bed, full bellies, things to look forward to in life, living with some purpose, etc), what would be their incentive to live the street life of crime, and thuggery and mayhem and shit??

Edit: And for the second half of your comment, about post Black Wall Street...that's just bullshit.

Your parents failed you, grossly, in raising you.
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Old 07-04-2020, 11:24 PM   #208
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Originally Posted by Randall Creed View Post
Affirmative Action is just another way to say Token Black Guy (or Gal).

Hey, let's hire a couple blacks...you know, to make it look like we're trying. The jobs we give them won't be worth a flip, we'll keep their pay low, and for good measure we'll keep promotion potential at ZERO. Oh, and let's make sure we work 'em to death, call them in on weekends, create a unfavorable work environment (but make it hard to prove in court), manufacture some animosity, and basically make things so bad that they eventually quit.

That way we can say we tried, but they didn't want to work, couldn't hack it, no work ethic, etc.

You call it token black guy, I call it racism.

And it is work ethic.

Also, I don't want to hear your sob story. Cry to your mom. I don't give a shit about your "MORE HOURS!" crap.
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Old 07-04-2020, 11:41 PM   #209
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Originally Posted by Aoi View Post
You call it token black guy, I call it racism.

And it is work ethic.

Also, I don't want to hear your sob story. Cry to your mom. I don't give a shit about your "MORE HOURS!" crap.
You keep saying the same shit.

Guess I gotta go Barney level with you, too. I'm going to ask you a few (couple three) questions. The answer to all is either yes or no.

Was there a period of slavery in America?

Was there ever a Jim Crow era in America?

Was there ever a period of discriminate housing practices in America?

Are you a fucking moron, or a troll? Or both?
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Old 07-04-2020, 11:43 PM   #210
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Originally Posted by Randall Creed View Post

The point was, if people had a better place to live, and better quality of life (that includes a comfy bed, full bellies, things to look forward to in life, living with some purpose, etc), what would be their incentive to live the street life of crime, and thuggery and mayhem and shit??
but you made your point by saying Society should GIVE blacks the comforts of life, and you insinuate that it is OUR fault that many blacks live a fucked-up existence. you chose to fuck like Jack Rabbits, black men chose to abandon their kids, often for government welfare reasons.. you leave the household so baby-mama can get a SNAP card and section 8 housing.. you then hit the streets and kill other black guys by the dozens, yet when one white officer shoots a black CRIMINAL, you tear up your own cities and neighborhoods.. this is psychopathologistic. and if there is a black who gets good grades followed by a good job, you label him a "Tom", a "sell-out" and other pejorative terms. you insist that those blacks come down to YOUR LEVEL to be accepted.
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