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Old 04-24-2020, 09:02 PM   #196
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Talking Only Blowhards & Fools believe FAUX fake news is credible !

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Old 04-24-2020, 09:20 PM   #197
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Spoken like a cool human whew

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Old 04-24-2020, 09:23 PM   #198
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Originally Posted by Carlos Danger View Post
Spoken like a cool human whew

Worry not buddy in awhile things will blow over, then you can see them again!....
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Old 04-24-2020, 10:40 PM   #199
Willie Wanker
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Originally Posted by Zollner View Post
An old trick used by Degenerate don, FAUX fake news, Cons and trumptards forever!!!
Wedge Issues are what they are called, intended to foment fear and incite hate amongst the feeble minded they appeal to.

Sorry to burst your delusional bubble but putting a M or F on a shitter door won't stop that type behavior. Maybe you should look into creating a uniformed 'Potty Patrol', with bold PP Armbands and PP Helmets on patrol everywhere, to apprehend these creatures!!! Your bible thumping base will positively go into raptures over it!
Exactly what I expected from you Zollner, an indignant dismissive response peppered with unprovoked insults and silly cartoons.
You gave a lazy answer. "An M and an F isn't going to prevent that behavior" Still not a direct answer, but let's go with it. Your answer is the same as saying "A deadbolt won't prevent a burglary". It's a deterrent. We don't make it easy for them. Democrats are handing them the keys.
How about really answering the question?

Please explain how your justify Democrats giving guys like Yanniv a legal excuse to lye in wait in a girls bathroom stall?

You know damn well it's a bad decision. But you will never admit it. You call out the right for mindless loyalty and all of the other BS, but that's exactly what you do. I have never heard you criticize a democrat, ever. Or agree with one thing Trump, or a Republican has done, ever.
I've called out Trump for stupid statements and disagree with him on some issues. I'm sure NBT has done the same.. Sorry if that doesn't jive with your shtick. But you go ahead and keep on projecting. You're so good at it.
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Old 04-24-2020, 10:57 PM   #200
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Originally Posted by Willie Wanker View Post
Exactly what I expected from you Zollner, an indignant dismissive response peppered with unprovoked insults and silly cartoons.
You gave a lazy answer. "An M and an F isn't going to prevent that behavior" Still not a direct answer, but let's go with it. Your answer is the same as saying "A deadbolt won't prevent a burglary". It's a deterrent. We don't make it easy for them. Democrats are handing them the keys.
How about really answering the question?

Please explain how your justify Democrats giving guys like Yanniv a legal excuse to lye in wait in a girls bathroom stall?
Just did answer and gave you a direct true answer that I knew you dismiss, not accept or understand, which is your sides MO!
A PP Patrol stationed in every shitter WILL DEFINITELY stop those pervs who BTW are both DEMS, REPS & CONS. It is a better deterrent also than M & F symbols you endorse.

There see I did criticize DEMS!

Please document your BS claim that Democrats gave guys like Yanniv a legal excuse to lye in wait in a girls bathroom stall????

Honestly Willie....

Hey got any more tunes from back in the Golden Era of Spyro Gyra?

Used to watch them play at the Belle Star in Colden before they had that 'insurance fire'.
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Old 04-24-2020, 11:40 PM   #201
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Originally Posted by Zollner View Post
Just did answer and gave you a direct true answer that I knew you dismiss, not accept or understand, which is your sides MO!
A PP Patrol stationed in every shitter WILL DEFINITELY stop those pervs who BTW are both DEMS, REPS & CONS. It is a better deterrent also than M & F symbols you endorse.

There see I did criticize DEMS!

Please document your BS claim that Democrats gave guys like Yanniv a legal excuse to lye in wait in a girls bathroom stall????

Hey got any more tunes from back in the Golden Era of Spyro Gyra?
The M F signs have been fine. We've had way more problems with trangender male to females. Same in prisons. Keep them with their birth gender. No pp patrol necessary.
Here is some local transgender bathroom legislation. my neighborhood yikes!

Gimme a few for the Spyro Gyra. That's a deep dive request. Maybe some local shows recorded.
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Old 04-24-2020, 11:46 PM   #202
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Looks like you have to create a new Third shitter for trannies then.....LOL

Only in the backwards Puritanical bible thumping USA!

Hope you never travel to some European countries that ONLY have Universal shitters used by ALL!!!

Would probably give you a freaking heart-attack....LOL

Honestly it's really hysterical to see the things that get you Cons panties in a bunch, in spite of being on a hook board!
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Old 04-24-2020, 11:59 PM   #203
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Originally Posted by Willie Wanker View Post
Gimme a few for the Spyro Gyra. That's a deep dive request. Maybe some local shows recorded.
YouTube is gold here!
YT has stuff from the Inferno with Raven with Tony Galla lead singer, who is still singing! Wilmer & The Dukes, Barbara St. Clair, Stan Szelest and the Ravens who played at the Hideaway. Hermie The Spermie at that bar near MLK park now, are just a few I recall. There probably are more.
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Old 04-25-2020, 12:29 AM   #204
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Yeah. YouTube is pretty good. Copyright can get in the way. I should have downloaded some of Good Rats official videos years ago when it was the wild west. There's a lot of live stuff out there
My childhood best friend lived across the street, his father used to book shows for the Good Rats. I got to hang out with them a few times. Coolest guys ever. I jammed with Joe Franco in their attic. He was playing on my friends cheapo Slingerland Drum kit. He still sounded amazing. I had a cheap Tiesco DelRey electric guitar with mirror pickguard and 5 pickups. Worst guitar ever. We played Fairies Wear Boots by Black Sabbath, I butchered it pretty badly back then. Lol. Good time.
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Old 04-25-2020, 01:34 AM   #205
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Zollner and I:
- Punched in, and tore each other a new asshole disussing politics.
- Punched out, and had a civilized discussion about music.
Reminds of Sam & Ralph from Looney Tunes

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Old 04-25-2020, 01:54 AM   #206
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Looks like you have to create a new Third shitter for trannies then.....LOL

No. They use the shitter that matches their birth gender

Only in the backwards Puritanical bible thumping USA!

Yes. USA Christian Judeo values. There are other countries if you're into society based on other values.

Hope you never travel to some European countries that ONLY have Universal shitters used by ALL!!!
Would probably give you a freaking heart-attack....LOL

Not really. If I visit Europe I would respect their customs while visiting. Might be awkward taking a dump with a want in the next stall, but I can handle it

Honestly it's really hysterical to see the things that get you Cons panties in a bunch, in spite of being on a hook board!

Don't want men in the girls room to appease people with a mental condition, gender dysphoria. We also don't give people with split personalities multiple social security cards.
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Old 04-25-2020, 02:21 AM   #207
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Originally Posted by Zollner View Post
Just did answer and gave you a direct true answer that I knew you dismiss, not accept or understand, which is your sides MO!
A PP Patrol stationed in every shitter WILL DEFINITELY stop those pervs who BTW are both DEMS, REPS & CONS. It is a better deterrent also than M & F symbols you endorse.

There see I did criticize DEMS!

Please document your BS claim that Democrats gave guys like Yanniv a legal excuse to lye in wait in a girls bathroom stall????

Honestly Willie....

Hey got any more tunes from back in the Golden Era of Spyro Gyra?

Used to watch them play at the Belle Star in Colden before they had that 'insurance fire'.
That's not criticizing when you add qualifiers. But at least you tried.
Debates usually go better when your don't intenionally try to offend the other person. It's just flaming at that point. I do it too, but you see the tone. It didn't have be this nasty. We have different ideologies. That won't change. Why constantly focus on what we disagree on? Maybe a goodwill effort to try and find a smidgen of common ground and expand from there. Republican and Democrat politcians used to pull it off once in a while.

In regard to the meme: If my head could reach my ass, I would do my best to get my head to reach the other side.
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Old 04-25-2020, 05:34 AM   #208
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Originally Posted by Willie Wanker View Post
Looks like you have to create a new Third shitter for trannies then.....LOL

No. They use the shitter that matches their birth gender

No need to create a third shitter. trump has made lying the "new normal" so you just lie about your birth gender and use whatever shitter you want.
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Old 04-25-2020, 06:16 AM   #209
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Old 04-25-2020, 10:01 AM   #210
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Oh good! You've got it all figured out for us.
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