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Old 04-21-2020, 07:22 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by Jacuzzme View Post
By 2021-2022 President Trump will shepherd the economy back to greatness, doing the exact opposite of what whomever would actually be President if Sniffy Joe were frauded into office.

exactly. we all know Trump created the great economy by cutting out Obama's typical bs over-regulation. most voters know Biden would only fuck up with huge tax increases to pay for all his leftist platforms Bernie is forcing up his ass. all to pander to a few million young voters who are lazy pissants.

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Old 04-21-2020, 07:25 PM   #17
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Sounds like TWK describes all those ardent marxists living in mom's basement in austin, Tx - living on mom and maybe a government welfare check - if they got off their ass to apply!
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Old 04-21-2020, 07:57 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by HoeHummer View Post
One post from Jaxson666 and the avalanche of catcalls, insults, lies and attacks flood the board.

Dude, yous are playing these DPSHTS like a cheap fiddle!

Well playeds sir!
Tell us how it's done HOE...ALL the prerogative posts of YOUS about members you disagree with mothers?? Does that ring a bell??
Would you like me to link them ALL for you, to this thread, there are plenty...LMK!!
YOUS vile language is why YOUS perma-banned and shouldn't ever be here
You YR AKA HOE are a "DPSHTS"... board violating HYPOCRITE!!
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Old 04-21-2020, 08:34 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX View Post
At some point in the future the economy will recover. It won't be anytime near November 2020 in the opinion of most. Q2 2020 GDP will be horrible and Q3 GDP will be better only relative to Q2. Q4 GDO is still predicted to be negative.


Unemployment estimates are around 15% according to Goldman Sachs estimates. A litle lower by other estimates, but still high.

“The bottom line is that there is going to be damage and a lot of firms are not going to survive. So no, we’re not going to get back to where we were - and forget getting above that for quite a while. Ultimately, with time and stimulus, the economy will recover, I’m confident of that. But the real question is how long the recovery takes.”

Why are the democraps holding up money to help ALL these business that are either holding on by a thread or gone out of business and the millions that are in dire situations?? You and them don't give a fuck!! You and your leftwing buddies want to keep this going as long as possible...because it is going to hurt the orange man...you have said as much.

And you're just like Bullosey and your beloved leftwing run house that isn't being hurt by the lose of a job and an uncertain future. Your precious SS parachute is going to collapse sooner than expected because of this massive economy shutdown...say it ain't so SPEED!!

There are million of business that are either closed permanently or never reopen and millions of people who want to get back to work and provide for their families, hence the protests. Funny how the left protests the gumment not giving them enough and the hard working Americans protest not being allow to work and provide for themselves and their loved ones.You can spin this anyway your like but is all leftwing propaganda.

Still waiting for you to provide a link to where this unprecedented business shutdown by the gumment is allowed by the Constitution. It will be a cold day on the sun when you do. You keep saying...the Republicans are doing it too, I don't care what party they're from IT ISN'T CONSTITUTIONAL...the less the gumment is in our lives the better!!

22 millions Americans out of work...

45,000 deaths from virus...these number have been called into question by many in the medical field!!

Numbers of deaths from the yearly flu...60,000-80,00

US population 330 million+/- and 45,00 deaths...pandemic in the US...I'd call that a "landslide" SPEED.
22million out of work and 45,000 deaths...would you say that's a good trade off SPEED??

There is a lot more to this then meets the eye...SPEED.
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Old 04-21-2020, 10:55 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid View Post
exactly. we all know Trump created the great economy by cutting out Obama's typical bs over-regulation. most voters know Biden would only fuck up with huge tax increases to pay for all his leftist platforms Bernie is forcing up his ass. all to pander to a few million young voters who are lazy pissants.


There’s nobody more lazy or stupid than a Trump Turd.

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Old 04-21-2020, 10:59 PM   #21
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Trump loves folks like you Wacko

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Old 04-21-2020, 11:07 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by BlisswithKriss View Post
Trump loves folks like you Wacko

of course he does. college educated and raking in over 100k. he likes smart people with money. and the rest of America too. don't worry! oh snap u arse a Brit. Sorry! when will BP recall u from the Odessa oil fields with the price of oil now negative??

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Old 04-22-2020, 06:22 AM   #23
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Originally Posted by Jacuzzme View Post
By 2021-2022 President Trump will shepherd the economy back to greatness, doing the exact opposite of what whomever would actually be President if Sniffy Joe were frauded into office.
That could very well be. By 2021-2022 the economy may be fully on the road to recovery. My point was it won't happen by November 2020. The economy will still be in recession at that point in time. The potential negative impact on voters is unknown.
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Old 04-22-2020, 06:44 AM   #24
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Originally Posted by bb1961 View Post
Still waiting for you to provide a link to where this unprecedented business shutdown by the gumment is allowed by the Constitution. It will be a cold day on the sun when you do. You keep saying...the Republicans are doing it too, I don't care what party they're from IT ISN'T CONSTITUTIONAL...the less the gumment is in our lives the better!!
Read and learn.

States largely have authority over when to shut down, reopen

Under our constitutional system, states have the power and responsibility for maintaining public order and safety.

But for more than 100 years, the Supreme Court has upheld states’ robust use of their authority, even when it restricts people’s freedoms.


Yes, States and Local Governments Can Close Private Businesses and Restrict Your Movement

States—and their cities and counties by extension—possess what has long been known as a “police power” to govern for the health, welfare and safety of their citizens. This broad authority, which can be traced to English common law and is reserved to the states by the 10th Amendment, is far from radical; it justifies why states can regulate at all.

State and local governments can indeed decide to force even unwilling businesses to shut down, require people to stay mostly at home, impose curfews and even threaten noncompliance with arrest if necessary.


States Decide Own Shutdown Orders

Authority to order quarantines inside states rests almost entirely with states under provisions in the U.S. Constitution ceding power not explicitly delegated to the federal government to states, courts have ruled consistently for years.


Trump resists national shutdown, leaving it up to states

Authority to order quarantines inside states rests almost entirely with states under provisions in the U.S. Constitution ceding power not explicitly delegated to the federal government to states, courts have ruled consistently for years. While the federal government itself can’t order nationwide quarantines or impose quarantines on states, courts have said it has clear power under constitutional clauses regulating commerce to quarantine international travelers or those traveling state to state who might be carriers of deadly diseases.

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Old 04-22-2020, 06:47 AM   #25
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Anti-malarial drug Trump touted is linked to higher rates of death in VA coronavirus patients, study says

Patients treated with hydroxychloroquine and an antibiotic combination received no benefit in rates of death or in use of a ventilator

An anti-malarial drug President Trump has aggressively promoted to treat covid-19 had no benefit and was linked to higher rates of death for Veterans Affairs patients hospitalized with the novel coronavirus, according to a study, raising further questions about the safety and efficacy of a treatment that has seen widespread use in the pandemic.

The study by VA and academic researchers analyzed outcomes of 368 male patients nationwide, with 97 receiving hydroxychloroquine, 113 receiving hydroxychloroquine in combination with the antibiotic azithromycin, and 158 not receiving any hydroxychloroquine.

Rates of death in the groups treated with the drugs were worse than those who did not receive the drugs, the study found. Rates of patients on ventilators were roughly equal, with no benefit demonstrated by the drugs.

More than 27 percent of patients treated with hydroxychloroquine died, and 22 percent of those treated with the combination therapy died, compared with an 11.4 percent death rate in those not treated with the drugs, the study said. The results were from an observational study of outcomes and were not part of a randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trial, which is the gold standard for testing drugs.

The study was published on the site medrxiv.org, which is a clearinghouse for academic studies on the coronavirus that have not yet been peer-reviewed or published in academic journals.


Not to worry, the great leader is currently making another shit sandwich for his followers....those people will swallow anything that excretes from the great leaders daily carnival. The carnival the great leader tweeted about yesterday and the huge tremendous tv ratings it receives.

All hail the great leader!

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Old 04-22-2020, 07:32 AM   #26
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Originally Posted by Jaxson66 View Post
The results were from an observational study of outcomes and were not part of a randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trial, which is the gold standard for testing drugs.
Meaning they could have skewed the "ovservations" however they wanted and they "randomly" selected the cases from nationwide observations. No discussion of the quality of care, when diagnosed, what co-morbities any of them had. Just some casual "observations". Yeah that will fly scientifically.

Originally Posted by Jaxson66 View Post
The study was published on the site medrxiv.org, which is a clearinghouse for academic studies on the coronavirus that have not yet been peer-reviewed or published in academic journals.
So basically thrown out their like much of WAPO's shit on wall, hoping some academic group will pick it us and give it a thumbs up. Bring it back when it's been an actual study and peer reviewed.

More WAPO bullshit. Jax really needs to find a new source or at least broaden his reading, maybe learn some scientific method. There are as equal a number of anecdotal and observational reports that the drugs, especially in combination provide at least some relief to symptoms, but you'll never see the WAPO of Jax mention them. And if you do, whoa's me, that source isn't reputable. The hypocrisy just seethes from the them when challenged.
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Old 04-22-2020, 08:10 AM   #27
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Default The Pork or the Hammer

Originally Posted by Jaxson66 View Post
...Face it, you can open anything you want, a massage parlor, a tattoo house, your local swimming pool but if people don’t show up aren’t you spinning your wheels...

Known otherwise as the freedom to choose. Obviously, it requires knowledge and thinking like an adult to make an informed decision. Certainly plays to your weak side. Eh Comrade? Baaaaaaa...

Originally Posted by Jaxson66 View Post
Speaking of cooking, the Biden coalition is about to put a pig on a spit over a flaming fire and do a little cooking...

Wait! Whut?!? I thought he was not going to pick Stacy Abrahms as a running mate, but hoping to get the big swinging hammer Moochelle instead. Must have missed the memo...
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Old 04-22-2020, 08:23 AM   #28
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Default Sieg Heil! Eh Comrade?

Originally Posted by Jaxson66 View Post
Anti-malarial drug Trump touted is linked to higher rates of death in VA coronavirus patients, study says...

Assuming you stood smartly, erect and clapped your heals together briskly as you wrote your post and saluted, as usual. Eh Comrade? But since you mentioned it, Imma go with the 6,000+ Doctors world-wide that says it s effective versus going with your 4AM talking points, aka propaganda.

No doubt you earned another 2 credits on Socialist Credit Score Card though. Such an obedient little soldier you is. Eh Comrade?
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Old 04-22-2020, 08:55 AM   #29
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The media whips this shit up for no reason. Many doctors have had great results, others not as much. A study comes out that says it’s meh and the press goes ape shit, but when others have great results they’re completely silent. Appears to me that the only thing they care about is being against anything the President is for, and vice-versa. If we actually want to get the country working again, Trump can simply go on tv and say we’re closed indefinitely. The media will demand we open everything by lunch.
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Old 04-22-2020, 09:27 AM   #30
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Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do View Post
Known otherwise as the freedom to choose. Obviously, it requires knowledge and thinking like an adult to make an informed decision. Certainly plays to your weak side. Eh Comrade? Baaaaaaa...

El correct a mundo trumpster...freedom of choice that includes the choice not to participate in the ignorance of the great leaders desires.

Wait! Whut?!? I thought he was not going to pick Stacy Abrahms as a running mate, but hoping to get the big swinging hammer Moochelle instead. Must have missed the memo...
Are you sure you missed the memo...could you have chosen to ignore the memo? Just like the great leader chose to ignore the Senate Intelligence Committees briefings on the likelihood of a Pandemic sweeping across the country.

All hail the great leader, eh?
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