Originally Posted by pxmcc
@Boardman: talking about liberating 3 states and in the same breath citing the 2nd amendment is a pretty explicit dog whistle. the problem is some people will take him at his word and actually try to "liberate" those states by armed insurrection. at best it is irresponsible and at worst leads people to do what he suggests: try to overthrow the state governments. if people die in the attempt, Trump will have blood on his hands imo.
i'm not an infectious disease doc-heck i'm not even a doc-but i would trust an infectious disease doc's recommendation over trump's. i have heard some scary possible outcomes from going back to business as usual. people may die.
if trump included testing for those wanting to go back to work, i think his plan might actually work. without testing, it's basically russian roulette. and getting adequate testing is a CDC, NIH, HHS, and FEMA issue, not a state by state issue. Trump is sending state governors out into the rapids but without a paddle. my prediction is things will end badly in those states that go back to business as usual without testing.
trump is always reactive and never proactive. he should have prepared for this crisis but he didn't. now we're paying the piper for that lack of preparation. competence and planning are things.
Tebow, Let me pick this apart.
1st. Is anyone storming state houses this morning? That's what I thought.
2nd. Trumps tweet was nothing more than asking governors to liberate their people from ridiculous, illogical and even unconstitutional restrictions. That idiot/loser Beto took that and ran with it and you're following him.
Why would Trump want those states overthrown? To create a civil war that would ensure he stays in power somehow? You claim he doesn't think things through so how could he have some grand plan like that? Or are you just being obtuse on purpose?
I'm telling you that Dr. Birkes praised the health officials in Florida when she was asked about the reopening of the beaches. Yet she's good with the restrictions that some states have placed on their citizens and wants more testing before reopening. Something is not right about that. I'm not too keen on believing people who speak out of both sides of their mouth regardless of how educated they are...maybe especially because of how educated they are.
There is more and more evidence mounting that this may not be nearly as bad as we thought. That the mortality rate may be less than the flu. Those two studies from Santa Clara and LA counties suggest that it could be somewhere between .01% and .002%. Those studies are backed up by at least two others, one in Sweden. Dr. Fauci and Dr Birkes seem to be willfully ignoring that data. They seemingly want to fight a battle with an army they wish they had(long term peer reviewed clinical studies) instead of the army they do have, HCQ. Case in point is the growing evidence that is far more than anectdotal now about HCQ. OF those 39 patients in the Texas City nursing home with Covid, all were treated with HCQ and a Z-pack. 1 died. Dr. Daniel Wallace the leading RA and Lupus Dr in the country who has been treating patients for 40 years with HCQ says there is "Nil" chance of short term treatment causing any problems. Why does Dr. Fauci insist on rebuking it as a possible treatment? Either he doesn't think the protocol works in face of mounting evidence or he doesn't want it to work. Meaning he's either being neglectful or his ego is getting the better of him and he's making the most of his 15 minutes of fame.
Oh, one other possibility is he is paying attention to the data and knows that the mortality rate isn't as high as once predicted and this may be a much adieu about nothing.
Information coming from Italy is that doctors there were seeing these symptoms of Covid as early as the middle of October. Not knowing what it was or exactly how to treat it many cases manifested into pneumonia which ended up being the diagnosis. What they couldn't figure out was why so much ammonia all of a sudden in a population that is terrified of "the draft" Those people walk around in coats and scarves if the temps drop below 75 degrees. Once Covid was identified they knew what they had but the viral load was extremely high by then. That and an elderly population is the possible reason of why so many deaths there. They are finally starting to see a drop in the number of cases but based on the Santa Clara and LA studies along with the fact that it was going around there in October it may very well be due to building herd immunity rather than any kind of quarantine orders. Evidence is pointing that direction.
You don't want Trump dictating to the states how to lock down their states but you want him rolling out the Goddam military to each state to conduct testing? Is that what you're saying? The military is the only arm that Trump has with the kind of logistical know how to conduct that kind of testing. Who else do you think has that capability? The CDC? NIH? FEMA.

I've got news for you. They don't have that many people. I guess you could shut down the airports and use TSA agents but then you'd be using TSA agents.
The next best option is to let the states decide how they want to test and Trump has said ad-nauseum that the Feds will be there to provide whatever support they can provide. He's laid out the plan on how to reopen. That's not sending the States into the rapids without a paddle that's giving them a fucking motor boat and a shit load of gasoline.
And what testing? For Covid. What they need to be testing for, as the studies are now showing, is Covid antibodies. What gets people back to work quicker. Knowing they have it or knowing they already had it? Rapid testing for Covid needs to remain in the Drs offices and hospitals so the HC professionals know what they are dealing with. Testing someone from their car and sending them on their way doesn't do much to get someone back to work. Antibody tests need to be the standard now at pop up locations. Test positive for antibodies, get a certificate and go on about your job and your life. Simple.
How much more prepared were the Feds supposed to be? Have a 90 day supply of PPE for 330 million people along with 330 million ventilators, somewhere in some storage cave in Virgina? Fucking Andrew Cuomo was told in 2015, by an advisory task force, that the state nor NYC(target #1 for terrorist attacks including biological) had enough ventilators for a 1918 type pandemic. Rather than stock up he requested a ventilator rationing plan be devised while he spent 750 million dollars on a solar panel manufacturing plant that is now tits up. Is that Trumps fault?
How much protective gear and ventilators could have been bought with the $850 million of taxpayer dollars that Bill Deblasio's wife can't account for? Trumps fault?
You may feel the need to have the federal gov't be in control of every aspect of your life. That's fine. Give your stimulus check back to them and let them decide how best to spend it on you.
PX, I'm done with you. Spew your nonsense all you want from now on. I've been picking apart your arguments for weeks now. I'm getting bored. If people want to believe your nonsense, that's on them.