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Old 04-09-2020, 11:24 PM   #1
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Default With all the LSM blaming trump for this epic disaster and everything he is doing...he now has the HIGHEST approval of this Presidency...HOW CAN THIS BE!!

All the leftwing members starting Trump bashing thread in regards to this disaster ain't working. Now just waiting for the unhinged threads and subsequent triggered nonsensical posts that will follow. I see your presumptive nominee can't string two cogent sentences together, that has got to suck for you guys on the left!! The LSM is getting their FAKE NEWS thrown right back in their faces...they get what they deserve. What the left doesn't understand is the American people don't buy the Trump bashing...it doing just the opposite. KEEP IT UP BECAUSE YOU ON THE LEFT CAN'T HELP YOURSELVES...BUT IT'S HELPING TRUMP!!

Cue the Liberal Implosion: Trump Has Highest Approval of His Presidency
Posted at 10:30 pm on April 9, 2020 by Nick Arama

President Donald Trump speaks about the coronavirus in the James Brady Press Briefing Room of the White House, Tuesday, April 7, 2020, in Washington. (AP Photo/Alex Brandon)
Looks like despite the constant media hounding of President Donald Trump over the virus response, people are disregarding the media’s negative attitude and are giving the president the highest approval rating of his presidency on Thursday.

From The Hill:
The Fox News poll found 49 percent of registered voters approve of Trump, his highest point since becoming president. The approval rating is a slight increase from 48 percent in March and 47 percent in February.
The president’s disapproval rating dipped to 49 percent.
Eighty-nine percent of Republicans approve of Trump, 2 percentage points lower than his highest point, 91 percent, in January. He scored at or almost at his records among women, Democrats, whites and white evangelical Christians.
When specifically looking at the pandemic, 51 percent of voters backed Trump.
Astonishing that people just seem to be refusing delivery on the constant efforts by the media to attack Trump, that he’s even getting approval from Democrats and independents. Imagine if media were actually honest and truthfully reporting.

According to Fox, Republican pollster Daron Shaw said, “It could be consequential that he’s closing in on 50 percent, which is critical for his reelection chances.” The economy isn’t good right now, with everything having to be put on hold but about forty four percent believe it can come back within the next year and that’s critical to Trump winning as well. It’s hard to imagine Biden doing anything for the economy while Trump is already a known factor for delivering a great economy pre-pandemic.
Trump has gone all in with informing the American people as to what is going on, holding briefings everyday as to what is going on in the fight against the virus. That’s engendered a lot of confidence from people including some independents and even Democrats.
57 percent thought the fight against the virus was going in the right direction, while 30 percent thought it was going in the wrong direction. 56 percent approve of the federal response.
Democrats looking at this have to be troubled even with the economy presently tanked that Trump can still command such a high approval. It definitely is not spelling good news for Joe Biden.
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Old 04-09-2020, 11:37 PM   #2
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Old 04-10-2020, 06:35 AM   #3
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The Democrats, and their willing allies in the Main Stream Media think that all Americans are as stupid as the typical Democrat demographic.

More and more, when Americans tune in to any of the MSM networks, MSNBC, or CNN, and there is a story about the President, they just assume it’s packed with lies.

Log on to any of the home page entities on the Internet, such as MSN, AOL, etc, and 95 percent of the articles which involve the President are presented in a negative tone.

America has caught on to this. True, there will always be that 30 to 35 percent of liberal morons who hate the President because he threatens their Liberal/Socialist/Progressive agenda, but they are on the loosing end of the American Experience.

Trump/Pence 2020.
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Old 04-10-2020, 07:33 AM   #4
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This was a single poll. I've stated several times the fallacy of taking the results of a single poll and making assumptions about anything, in this case Trump's approval rating, whether the poll is positive or negative. A Reuters/Ipsos poll taken 3/4 days ago has Trump with a -13% approval rating.

According to RealClearPolitics, which summarizes ALL polls, Trump had closed the gap to 2.3% unfavorable on March 27th. It is now 5.2% unfavorable. That is an almost 3% drop in approval in less than 2 weeks. The good news for Trump supporters is the polls were at 8.6% unfavorable on March 9th.


The question is whether the downward swing of approval will continue in the next few weeks/months.
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Old 04-10-2020, 07:49 AM   #5
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So yous quote redstate like it’s the Bible, beebsy.

A fresh poll shows Trumps “rally round the flag” bumps has gone and your fellow countrymen feel he’s done a, well, Trumpian job of mucking things up again.

It’s not redstate, but likely scientific.
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Old 04-10-2020, 08:01 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX View Post
This was a single poll. I've stated several times the fallacy of taking the results of a single poll and making assumptions about anything, in this case Trump's approval rating, whether the poll is positive or negative.

According to RealClearPolitics, which summarizes ALL polls, Trump had closed the gap to 2.3% unfavorable on March 27th. It is now 5.2% unfavorable. That is an almost 3% drop in approval in less than 2 weeks. The good news for Trump supporters is the polls were at 8.6% unfavorable on March 9th.


The question is whether the downward swing of approval will continue in the next few weeks/months.
Yeah, I saw several recent polls quoted yesterday where Trump had lost his bounce and was basically back to even prior to dealing with the Wuhan Virus.

On average he has indeed dropped back to where he's run through much of his Presidency.
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Old 04-10-2020, 08:10 AM   #7
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Except for his handling of the epidemic, where he’s tanking badly.

But at least he’s making money from this, eh?

So in the span of a day, beebsy, your bold pronouncement is debunked.

As is your braggadocio.

LOLLING! One star performance, beebsy.
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Old 04-10-2020, 08:36 AM   #8
friendly fred
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Originally Posted by HoeHummer View Post
Except for his handling of the epidemic, where he’s tanking badly.

But at least he’s making money from this, eh?

So in the span of a day, beebsy, your bold pronouncement is debunked.

As is your braggadocio.

LOLLING! One star performance, beebsy.
I would imagine, given the reduction in travel, that many of Trump's properties are taking substantial losses, like many other travel related businesses.

I hope this has wiped out your retirement completely, and you have to move into an indigent old folks home (that doesn't have internet so we can be spared your bullshit) with members of aggrieved minority groups that hate you. I hope they spit in your food and steal the tennis balls off the bottom of your walker.

My temperature is 97.3°...what's yours, old man?
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Old 04-10-2020, 01:44 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by friendly fred View Post

My temperature is 97.3°...what's yours, old man?
That was an interesting statement so I looked up what average body temperature should be:

Normal body temperature is not a single number, but rather a range of temperatures. The average normal body temperature is most often said to be 98.6° F (37° C). This may have been correct when it was first determined 150 years ago. But our bodies have changed.

More recent research suggests that the average adult body temperature is about one degree lower, 97.5° F (36.4° C). Older adults often have an even lower body temperature without it indicating any health problems.

However, recent studies indicate that 98.2° F (36.8°C) is a more accurate average, and in older individuals it may be about 1°F lower. One small study even suggested that in healthy older patients, body temperature ranged from 94° F to 99.6° F, with an average of 97.7° F.


Now I'm interested in knowing what my average body temperature is.
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Old 04-10-2020, 01:59 PM   #10
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Regarding polling on Trump's approval rating.

Rasmussen has historically shown a Republican bias over the years. The latest Rasmussen poll (April 7-9) has Trump at =13, the worst of any recent poll by any polling company.

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Old 04-10-2020, 02:28 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX View Post
That was an interesting statement so I looked up what average body temperature should be:

Normal body temperature is not a single number, but rather a range of temperatures. The average normal body temperature is most often said to be 98.6° F (37° C). This may have been correct when it was first determined 150 years ago. But our bodies have changed.

More recent research suggests that the average adult body temperature is about one degree lower, 97.5° F (36.4° C). Older adults often have an even lower body temperature without it indicating any health problems.

However, recent studies indicate that 98.2° F (36.8°C) is a more accurate average, and in older individuals it may be about 1°F lower. One small study even suggested that in healthy older patients, body temperature ranged from 94° F to 99.6° F, with an average of 97.7° F.


Now I'm interested in knowing what my average body temperature is.
Then of course, you have the issue of instrument reliability and repeatability, measurement error, time of day, room conditions, activity level and food and drink intake of patient, etc.

Then, instrument calibration. So, for me, with the same instrument at the same time each day, at least an hour after exercise and thirty minutes after drinking cold water, then I measure it.
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Old 04-10-2020, 02:33 PM   #12
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I’d agree with President Trump fucking up handling of KungFlu, he shouldn’t have shut the entire economy off. To be fair, the “modelers” scared the shit out of him, and everyone else. They should be lined up and shot.
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Old 04-10-2020, 05:29 PM   #13
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Default It’s official from Trump

Attachment 871914

Well there you have it. Confirmed from your fearless leader.
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Old 04-10-2020, 05:52 PM   #14
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Trump's average approval rating in all polls on 538 is 44.4.
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Old 04-10-2020, 07:10 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by Munchmasterman View Post
Trump's average approval rating in all polls on 538 is 44.4.
What is your approval rating when you suck cock?

Yssup Rider wants to know, and so does Lucas McCain.
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