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Old 04-02-2020, 07:05 AM   #1
Muy Largo
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Default COVID-19 is serious, not a subject for pranks

A guy going by the handle of Dilbert Firestorm posted a stupid, insensitive, and phony report about COVID-19 on the Dakotas board the other day. I’m not sure what his point was, though it appears he thought his post was funny. The Dakotas board is my area board, and Firestorm is from New Orleans, so I thought that was unusual. I then noticed that Mr. Firestorm posted his stupid and insensitive information on many boards across the entire country. Why is he posting his stupid and insensitive post in so many places? That’s not for me to understand. I lost a sister to this horrible pandemic, and I am angered when someone doesn’t take this problem seriously. Does this guy think this pandemic is fertile ground for joke-telling? Does he think this is a big prank, a conspiracy or a hoax? Mr. Firestorm, get your nose out of the sewer. We all need to maintain a sense of humor through this difficult time. There are reasonable things to laugh at, but COVID-19 is not one of them.
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Old 04-02-2020, 07:11 AM   #2
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It's not a conspiracy it's truth watch the video. You can't even get a virus from the air. Smh.
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Old 04-02-2020, 08:27 AM   #3
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Originally Posted by Muy Largo View Post
A guy going by the handle of Dilbert Firestorm posted a stupid, insensitive, and phony report about COVID-19 on the Dakotas board the other day. I’m not sure what his point was, though it appears he thought his post was funny. The Dakotas board is my area board, and Firestorm is from New Orleans, so I thought that was unusual. I then noticed that Mr. Firestorm posted his stupid and insensitive information on many boards across the entire country. Why is he posting his stupid and insensitive post in so many places? That’s not for me to understand. I lost a sister to this horrible pandemic, and I am angered when someone doesn’t take this problem seriously. Does this guy think this pandemic is fertile ground for joke-telling? Does he think this is a big prank, a conspiracy or a hoax? Mr. Firestorm, get your nose out of the sewer. We all need to maintain a sense of humor through this difficult time. There are reasonable things to laugh at, but COVID-19 is not one of them.
DelbertDildo is a member of the local trump cult. You can expect nothing but conspiracy propaganda and devout trump loyalty from him and the other members. He’s a moron and a daily test for everyone’s tolerance. You’ll learn.

My condolences to your family for your loss.
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Old 04-02-2020, 09:09 AM   #4
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Originally Posted by AMAZING.ALANNAH View Post
It's not a conspiracy it's truth watch the video. You can't even get a virus from the air. Smh.
It's not fair. It's micro droplets of water that to a virus seem like an aircraft carrier.
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Old 04-02-2020, 09:14 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by AMAZING.ALANNAH View Post
It's not a conspiracy it's truth watch the video. You can't even get a virus from the air. Smh.

Response- poster is seriously mistaken - the Wuhan virus is spread and acquired by air-borne tiny droplets - from sneezing and coughing - and can remain viable on surfaces for some hours - and hand contact from surface to nose/mouth canprovide access for the virus to infect a person.

AA - you are seriously mistaken. That post is without scientific/ medical basis.

i am responding to the statement quoted - i did not watch the video. disclaimer!
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Old 04-02-2020, 10:07 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by Muy Largo View Post
A guy going by the handle of Dilbert Firestorm posted a stupid, insensitive, and phony report about COVID-19 on the Dakotas board the other day. I’m not sure what his point was, though it appears he thought his post was funny. The Dakotas board is my area board, and Firestorm is from New Orleans, so I thought that was unusual. I then noticed that Mr. Firestorm posted his stupid and insensitive information on many boards across the entire country. Why is he posting his stupid and insensitive post in so many places? That’s not for me to understand. I lost a sister to this horrible pandemic, and I am angered when someone doesn’t take this problem seriously. Does this guy think this pandemic is fertile ground for joke-telling? Does he think this is a big prank, a conspiracy or a hoax? Mr. Firestorm, get your nose out of the sewer. We all need to maintain a sense of humor through this difficult time. There are reasonable things to laugh at, but COVID-19 is not one of them.
No good deed goes unpunished. You're being far too hard on Dilbert. His intention was to post something that might have saved the lives of people like your sister. Did the list actually come from Johns Hopkins? Hell if I know, but it's generally good advice. There were a couple of things I'd question. One is the recommendation is to mix one part bleach with 5 parts of water to create a disinfectant. I guess you could do that but you'd probably want to be careful with it and it wouldn't go far. The standard advice is one cup bleach to 5 gallons water. Also, this may be true:

The virus molecules remain very stable in external cold, or artificial as air conditioners in houses and cars. They also need moisture to stay stable, and especially darkness. Therefore, dehumidified, dry, warm and bright environments will degrade it faster.

However I believe influenza and coronaviruses aren't as likely to infect you when there's more humidity in the air. I'd probably be running a vaporizer during the winter and spring if I lived in North Dakota, where artificial heating dries out the air.

One huge thing that was left out, which runs counter to much of the standard medical advice, is it's a good idea to wear a mask, even a homemade one, or a scarf like President Trump recommends, when you're around a lot of people, at the supermarket or wherever. This is a good part of the reason shithole Asian countries have managed the pandemic much better than we have. See this:


Use at your own risk. As you imply getting your Covid 19 info from a hooker board may not be the best idea.

You came across as sanctimonious in your post, so I was going to invite you to come on over to the "How many people will die in the USA from the new coronavirus by December 31, 2021?" thread and give us your guess. But then I saw your sister died from this. Sorry for your loss, and yes, the more people who take this seriously (and I believe Dilbert is one of those), the fewer lives will be lost.
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Old 04-02-2020, 10:10 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by oeb11 View Post
Response- poster is seriously mistaken - the Wuhan virus is spread and acquired by air-borne tiny droplets - from sneezing and coughing - and can remain viable on surfaces for some hours - and hand contact from surface to nose/mouth canprovide access for the virus to infect a person.

AA - you are seriously mistaken. That post is without scientific/ medical basis.

i am responding to the statement quoted - i did not watch the video. disclaimer!
I watched 5 minutes of it and replied in Alannah's thread,


It's kind of weird. Again, I gave up after 5 minutes, but the gist appeared to be that we need to let the viruses take their course so they can eat up all the old tissue and make us healthy. I didn't watch the whole thing but am assuming that would apply to Covid 19, smallpox, HIV, the flu, etc. Which would mean you'd have hundreds of millions of people dead if you followed this guys advice.
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Old 04-02-2020, 10:15 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by Muy Largo View Post
A guy going by the handle of Dilbert Firestorm posted a stupid, insensitive, and phony report about COVID-19 on the Dakotas board the other day. I’m not sure what his point was, though it appears he thought his post was funny. The Dakotas board is my area board, and Firestorm is from New Orleans, so I thought that was unusual. I then noticed that Mr. Firestorm posted his stupid and insensitive information on many boards across the entire country. Why is he posting his stupid and insensitive post in so many places? That’s not for me to understand. I lost a sister to this horrible pandemic, and I am angered when someone doesn’t take this problem seriously. Does this guy think this pandemic is fertile ground for joke-telling? Does he think this is a big prank, a conspiracy or a hoax? Mr. Firestorm, get your nose out of the sewer. We all need to maintain a sense of humor through this difficult time. There are reasonable things to laugh at, but COVID-19 is not one of them.
I am truly sorry for your loss, but I think you are seriously over reacting to Dilbert's post.

Dilbert's post wasn't meant in any way humorous and at least in this forum he came back and noted that he was misinformed that it was a Johns Hopkin's post and clarified some points, but the original post is largely accurate.

Only a few notes were made to clarify what it said.

Not quite sure why you would think it was meant to be humorous or facetious in any way. It was meant to educate in a good way.
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Old 04-02-2020, 11:49 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by Muy Largo View Post
A guy going by the handle of Dilbert Firestorm posted a stupid, insensitive, and phony report about COVID-19 on the Dakotas board the other day. I’m not sure what his point was, though it appears he thought his post was funny. The Dakotas board is my area board, and Firestorm is from New Orleans, so I thought that was unusual. I then noticed that Mr. Firestorm posted his stupid and insensitive information on many boards across the entire country. Why is he posting his stupid and insensitive post in so many places? That’s not for me to understand. I lost a sister to this horrible pandemic, and I am angered when someone doesn’t take this problem seriously. Does this guy think this pandemic is fertile ground for joke-telling? Does he think this is a big prank, a conspiracy or a hoax? Mr. Firestorm, get your nose out of the sewer. We all need to maintain a sense of humor through this difficult time. There are reasonable things to laugh at, but COVID-19 is not one of them.

So WTF did he post? I am always curious when someone wants to use a personal experience (who knows if it's true) to shut others up. Assup wanted to stop others from using the term "drinking the koolaid" because his boyfriend was in Jonestown. You want to limit what others can say about COVID19 because... I don't know what he posted but sometimes all you can do is laugh at this shit.
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Old 04-02-2020, 12:00 PM   #10
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One thing I learned fighting wars was that when you’re forced to embrace the suck, a little levity is many times helpful. While I don’t see ~at all~ where Dilbert was trying to make a joke, I’ll leave you with this. I like my women like I like my Coronavirus, 19 and easily spread.
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Old 04-02-2020, 12:20 PM   #11
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Muy Largo,

Sorry for the loss of your sister. It must be devastating to lose someone who was here yesterday and gone today with little warning or rationale.

With all due respect, consider taking time off from the board and seeing a professional.

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Old 04-02-2020, 01:03 PM   #12
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Tiny and others - lots of good thoughts in thread.

J- truly funny - a good levity break!

Quote Tiny - No good deed goes unpunished. You're being far too hard on Dilbert. His intention was to post something that might have saved the lives of people like your sister. Did the list actually come from Johns Hopkins? Hell if I know, but it's generally good advice. There were a couple of things I'd question. One is the recommendation is to mix one part bleach with 5 parts of water to create a disinfectant. I guess you could do that but you'd probably want to be careful with it and it wouldn't go far. The standard advice is one cup bleach to 5 gallons water. Also, this may be true:

The bleach for disinfectant is good advice - for surfaces like tile not subject to chlorine damage.

And - because we have learned to never underestimate certain segments of the public :

Do Not Drink diluted Bleach - It does NOT disinfect your system from Wuhan virus!!!!!

Thank you - the Poison Control Center Number is :American Association of Poison Control CentersCall (800) 222-1222
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Old 04-02-2020, 01:49 PM   #13
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The Trumpholians have no compunction finding it, reposting it and then doublings down on it.

The worst are those who claim to have medical training who are spreading fake news and dangerous trope. Anyone come to mind?

These are the same folks who deny science and fight wars from their keyboards.

Be careful peoples. And be safe.
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Old 04-02-2020, 01:50 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by gnadfly View Post
Muy Largo,

Sorry for the loss of your sister. It must be devastating to lose someone who was here yesterday and gone today with little warning or rationale.

With all due respect, consider taking time off from the board and seeing a professional.

Yous should heed your own advice, nadsy.

You're the poster child for "this is a hoax."

Clean it up, motherfucker.
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Old 04-02-2020, 01:51 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by AMAZING.ALANNAH View Post
It's not a conspiracy it's truth watch the video. You can't even get a virus from the air. Smh.
Quit spreading this bullshit, AA. It's not doing anybody any good.
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