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Old 03-30-2020, 11:27 AM   #136
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Originally Posted by Levianon17 View Post
Guess what stupid, if I am laying on a gurney taking my last breath, Trump and your crying bullshit and everything else is the farthest thing my mind. You don't have Covid19 but those that do Trump is responsible? What about the 98% that recover who's responsible for that?
Yeah, well that fat lying bastard wasted weeks of preparation time getting his ego stroked by Xi while ignoring his security briefings. So who’s to blame...Obama?

The 98% that recover can thank the healthcare professionals not the orange cocksucker.

Guess what moron, when you’re lying on that gurney , me, j666 isn’t going to give a shit who you do or do not blame.
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Old 03-30-2020, 11:35 AM   #137
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Originally Posted by oeb11 View Post
The j666 fireman who thinks the Fascist DPST WaPo and NYT propaganda is the religiosity to be followed unquestioning.

give it up and get some professional help - fireman.

You need some serious help for your TDS and Trump hatred.

It is self-destructive.

so Sad

Anyone believing china's propaganda is on a fool's errand for Comrade XI.
Hey cocksucker, you take your evaluation of my metal health, write your findings down on your big Chief tablet, roll it up and shove it up your lying ass, you fucking moron.
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Old 03-30-2020, 11:35 AM   #138
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j666- u care about no One else in your Trump hate - Get some help.
Your hostile posts wishing harm to others show you need it!
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Old 03-30-2020, 02:01 PM   #139
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Originally Posted by Jaxson66 View Post
Yeah, well that fat lying bastard wasted weeks of preparation time getting his ego stroked by Xi while ignoring his security briefings. So who’s to blame...Obama?

The 98% that recover can thank the healthcare professionals not the orange cocksucker.

Guess what moron, when you’re lying on that gurney , me, j666 isn’t going to give a shit who you do or do not blame.
So do you think in your feeble mind that if Trump wasn't president this Pandemic wouldn't exist? By the way dummy not everyone who has this virus ends up in the hospital.
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Old 03-30-2020, 02:11 PM   #140
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Originally Posted by oeb11 View Post
The j666 fireman who thinks the Fascist DPST WaPo and NYT propaganda is the religiosity to be followed unquestioning.

give it up and get some professional help - fireman.

You need some serious help for your TDS and Trump hatred.

It is self-destructive.

so Sad!

Anyone believing china's propaganda is on a fool's errand for Comrade XI.
I can't believe that idiot was ever a fireman. I can't believe he has the competence to put out a grass fire, less a building.
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Old 03-30-2020, 02:40 PM   #141
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These are tough times, and everyone on the planet will be effected on some level. The risk of getting the virus, losing loved ones, etc is a scary thing. The one thought I have had late at night since all this started that kept me up? What would the reality of a Hillary Clinton led response look like? That my friends is some scary shit!
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Old 03-30-2020, 03:15 PM   #142
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Originally Posted by DNinja69 View Post
These are tough times, and everyone on the planet will be effected on some level. The risk of getting the virus, losing loved ones, etc is a scary thing. The one thought I have had late at night since all this started that kept me up? What would the reality of a Hillary Clinton led response look like? That my friends is some scary shit!
She would have staged riots and other chaos in the streets so she could declare Martial Law. Then come up with a bullshit solution so she could look like a hero. Liberals think Trump has an out of control ego, at least he has something to show for it. Clinton is out of her mind. Has the Clinton Foundation come into play to help with anything? No of course they haven't.
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Old 03-30-2020, 03:32 PM   #143
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'Insulting' Frontline Health Workers, Trump—Without Evidence—Accuses Hospital Staff in New York of Stealing Protective Gear

"This man is a serious danger to the health and safety of every health care worker in the nation."

President Donald Trump on Sunday suggested that nurses and doctors in New York, the area in the U.S. hardest-hit thus far by the coronavirus outbreak, are stealing and selling facemasks and other protective gear meant to keep them safe as they handle an unprecedented influx of patients sick with the disease spreading across the country.

"Where are the masks going, are they going out the backdoor?" Trump said, implying that healthcare workers were smuggling personal proteective equipment (PPE) out of hospitals for resale on the black market.

"There's something going on. I don't think it's hoarding. I think it's maybe worse than hoarding," the president added, telling the assembled reporters to look into it.

Why didn’t the fat lying bastard order his piss boy Barr to look into his excuse. The great leader was reading the TV ratings while professionals were trying to warn the fat lying bastard of the danger.
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Old 03-30-2020, 03:37 PM   #144
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Originally Posted by Levianon17 View Post
She would have staged riots and other chaos in the streets so she could declare Martial Law. Then come up with a bullshit solution so she could look like a hero. Liberals think Trump has an out of control ego, at least he has something to show for it. Clinton is out of her mind. Has the Clinton Foundation come into play to help with anything? No of course they haven't.
Judge Says Trump Must Pay $2 Million Over Misuse Of Foundation Funds


The Clinton foundation is still going strong
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Old 03-30-2020, 03:53 PM   #145
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Originally Posted by Jaxson66 View Post
Trump says federal guidance urging social distancing will stay in place through April 30...
He must think he's doing the country a favor by making us think it will be over soon. As if maybe we won't all go out and shoot each other if we think we'd only have to be locked down for 2 weeks instead of him saying a month initially for example. Or maybe he just doesn't want us being mad at him if he gives us bad news....but as he's now realized-- he had to give it to us later anyway. The more times he has to keep pushing this thing further and further out, the worse it looks on him.

What he should have done was OVERESTIMATE how long we'd need to be under the stay@home order. It's always better to say "Hey...I guess we beat this thing sooner than I thought--y'all can go out and play now" than to have to say "Sorry folks...another 3 months are what's needed."
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Old 03-30-2020, 04:13 PM   #146
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Originally Posted by tia travels View Post
He must think he's doing the country a favor by making us think it will be over soon. As if maybe we won't all go out and shoot each other if we think we'd only have to be locked down for 2 weeks instead of him saying a month initially for example. Or maybe he just doesn't want us being mad at him if he gives us bad news....but as we see, he had to give it to us later anyway.

What he should have done was OVERESTIMATE how long we'd need to be under the stay@home order. It's always better to say "Hey...I guess we beat this thing sooner than I thought--y'all can go out and play now" than to have to say "Sorry folks...another 3 months are what's needed."
Trump is doing a great job and is attempting to encourage people to hang in there.
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Old 03-30-2020, 04:15 PM   #147
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Originally Posted by Jaxson66 View Post
'Insulting' Frontline Health Workers, Trump—Without Evidence—Accuses Hospital Staff in New York of Stealing Protective Gear

"This man is a serious danger to the health and safety of every health care worker in the nation."

President Donald Trump on Sunday suggested that nurses and doctors in New York, the area in the U.S. hardest-hit thus far by the coronavirus outbreak, are stealing and selling facemasks and other protective gear meant to keep them safe as they handle an unprecedented influx of patients sick with the disease spreading across the country.

"Where are the masks going, are they going out the backdoor?" Trump said, implying that healthcare workers were smuggling personal proteective equipment (PPE) out of hospitals for resale on the black market.

"There's something going on. I don't think it's hoarding. I think it's maybe worse than hoarding," the president added, telling the assembled reporters to look into it.

Why didn’t the fat lying bastard order his piss boy Barr to look into his excuse. The great leader was reading the TV ratings while professionals were trying to warn the fat lying bastard of the danger.
Awww, another butthurt TDS thread. If you stepped out of your echo chamber sometime, you'd hear the reality of what's going on.

Trumps announcement was after Cuomo's and since Cuomo had the state police open an investigation, there certainly should be no need for Barr to intervene.


People are stealing face masks and other health equipment from hospitals and other facilities where their existence is necessary amid the rising number of COVID-19 cases in the United States.
Andrew Cuomo, the governor of New York, claimed that thefts were happening in New York at a press conference Friday, CNBC reported.
"Not just people taking a couple or three, I mean just actual thefts of those products," Cuomo said. "I've asked the state police to do an investigation, look at places that are selling masks, medical equipment, protective wear, feeding the anxiety."
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Old 03-30-2020, 04:42 PM   #148
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Originally Posted by friendly fred View Post
Trump is doing a great job and is attempting to encourage people to hang in there.
That's good. There's nothing wrong with that. But for me, I'd rather be given the bad news up front so I can figure out how I'm going to handle things.

For example, if at a restaurant...I place my order. The waitperson says "Your dinner will take 30 minutes til I can get it to your table. Will that be okay?" I'd say "yes, it's fine. I'll just have some more drinks while I wait."

I'd rather have that scenario so I know what to expect....and then be excited if my dinner comes earlier than was quoted--than to have the server return to the table 3 more times telling me each time, "well, it's going to be another 7 minutes." or "...another 10 minutes". I mean, if I knew up front the length of time it's going to take and if I wasn't happy with it, I'd go some place else. But being told over and over that it's going to take longer and longer will only make people angrier and more sad....just the opposite of what Trump is trying to do (with encouragement).

So there's nothing wrong with encouragement, but he probably knew it would take longer (per the experts on his staff) yet he chose to tell us less time. That's what I don't care for.
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Old 03-30-2020, 04:47 PM   #149
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Originally Posted by Jaxson66 View Post
Trump made us No. 1 — in the spread of a deadly disease

The United States reached two grim milestones on Thursday: Fatalities from covid-19 topped 1,000, and it became the country with the most confirmed cases of coronavirus, surpassing China with more than 82,000. (Keep in mind, there is reason to doubt that China’s tally is accurate, absent a free media or independent verification from an international organization.)

We are only at the beginning of the deadly pandemic that President Trump once promised would “completely disappear.” Trump once promised that 15 initial cases would go down to zero but, of course, that was either a deliberate untruth or ignorance magnified by denial. (The apex in New York City won’t be here for about three weeks, according to the state’s governor.)
Full coverage of the coronavirus pandemic

Despite at least two months warning, Trump’s disastrous missteps and willful blindness have stripped away our defenses and set us back in mitigation efforts. The New York Times recounts, “A series of missteps and lost opportunities dogged the nation’s response. Among them: a failure to take the pandemic seriously even as it engulfed China, a deeply flawed effort to provide broad testing for the virus that left the country blind to the extent of the crisis, and a dire shortage of masks and protective gear to protect doctors and nurses on the front lines, as well as ventilators to keep the critically ill alive.”


This fiasco would have been unlikely under President Clinton or President Pence for one simple reason, they would have listened to the professionals and heeded their advice.
The OP is a lie. When you adjust for population, the US is 11th in the world and that doesn't count China. So don't post lies in a time of crisis.
The shortages...especially in New York go back to the failure of Cuomo to not heed the experts or common sense. They didn't masks, they claim they didn't know about the ventilators in New Jersey, and the SEIU union was found to be sitting on N95 masks...that they offered to sell for 4 times the price.
Yeah, democrats are shit.
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Old 03-30-2020, 04:48 PM   #150
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Originally Posted by Jaxson66 View Post
Judge Says Trump Must Pay $2 Million Over Misuse Of Foundation Funds


The Clinton foundation is still going strong

still going strong?

if you say so

Clinton Foundation cash flow continues to drop years after 2016 election loss


Cash flow to the Clinton Foundation continues to plummet, leaving the organization in the red for a second straight year after Hillary Clinton’s unsuccessful bid against President Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election, newly released tax returns reveal.

The Clinton Foundation’s $30.7 million revenue last year is less than half the $62.9 million it raised in 2016 as Clinton was at the height of her presidential campaign. Each of the two years since Clinton’s loss in the 2016 election has seen the organization’s revenue drop to record lows, raising less than any fiscal year in more than a decade — a sharp contrast to the $249 million raised during Clinton’s first year as secretary of state.

The foundation received less money from fundraising events and its service programs last year compared to previous years but kept investing tens of millions in the programs. Paid speeches accounted for $369,899 of the foundation’s intake, a mild uptick from the $297,976 it received in 2017 but a huge drop from $3.6 million in 2014.

The foundation continued to chip away at its savings, burning more cash than it raised in 2018. With revenue of $30.7 million, it spent $47.5 million last year on payroll, grants and promotion, among other items. It also scaled back spending on domestic grants and foreign activities compared to the prior year, but spent more in 2018 on advertising, promotions and fundraising efforts.

The Clinton Foundation's History of Controversy

The FBI's latest probe into the foundation may seem like a political witch hunt, but there are reasons to wonder what's going on with the organization.
Jeffrey BerryJan 24, 2018https://psmag.com/news/whats-going-on-with-the-clinton-foundation

With few exceptions, most presidents fade from public life once they step down.

Bill Clinton, however, has shunned leisure time since his administration ended in January of 2001. Instead, he has whiled away the hours toiling for an eponymous foundation he established with his wife Hillary Clinton. At least initially, the foundation seemed well-suited for cleaning up his legacy, after the ugliness of the Monica Lewinsky scandal and the subsequent impeachment and Senate trial tarnished it.

But now the Federal Bureau of Investigation has reportedly re-opened an investigation of the foundation's alleged "pay-to-play" politics while Hillary Clinton served as secretary of state.

At first blush, this might appear to be a purely partisan witch hunt launched by the Clintons' conservative political enemies. Based on my scholarship regarding relationships between the government and non-profits as well as philanthropists, I believe it's fair to say that large foundations tend to be scandal-free.

That is not the case for the Clinton Foundation, however, which has repeatedly stirred controversy over its unusual fundraising practices.

Influence Peddling

The Clintons launched their primary public charity in 1997. It has since grown from an organization to raise funds for the Clinton Presidential Library into one of the nation's most visible foundations. It runs ambitious programs in such areas as HIV/AIDS, climate change, healthy children, economic development, and Haiti earthquake relief, along with a variety of other initiatives.

If reports that the FBI re-opened its investigation are accurate, it would be the first time the foundation has been investigated since 2016—and the first time since Donald Trump, whose campaign demonized his opponent Hillary Clinton with "lock her up" chants at his rallies, took office.

While it is highly inappropriate for a sitting president to call on his own Department of Justice to investigate his political opponents, Trump has nevertheless openly pushed for investigations of the Clintons while in office. Attorney General Jeff Sessions, on the outs with his boss because of his recusal in the Russia investigation has, according to the Washington Post, begun to look "into matters that Trump has publicly complained are not being pursued."

The charges against the foundation have ranged from ridiculous to serious. Two days after the initial reports of the Trump administration's new probe, multiple conservative websites falsely claimed that 22 of the foundation's employees had been arrested. There were no arrests.

Many charges are trivial. Fox News reported that a donor to the foundation, Terrence Duffy, asked then-Secretary Clinton for help in setting up business meetings in Singapore and Hong Kong. Yet United States embassies do this routinely.

Other accusations are far more troubling. Human rights-abusing governments, including Algeria, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Oman, have donated millions to the Clinton Foundation. Saudi Arabia alone has contributed $10 million to $25 million.

Ukrainian steel magnate Victor Pinchuk also gave the foundation $10 to $25 million. And he was by many accounts not shy about asking for help from Hillary Clinton when she served as secretary of state. While there's been no indication of what the new FBI investigation is looking into, over the years these probes have usually focused on influence peddling allegedly enabled by the Clinton Foundation's fundraising.

Poorly Endowed

Why does the Clinton Foundation find itself in the position its in? Its structure under federal law regulating foundations has a lot to do with it.

The Clinton Foundation differs from most prominent foundations in that it is an operating public charity, which means it raises money on an ongoing basis and then funds its projects with those donations.

Like the nation's largest foundations, such as Gates, Ford, Robert Wood Johnson, and Packard, which push for goals such as environmental protection, expanded access to health care, and social justice, the Clinton Foundation largely promotes liberal causes.

But those institutions are backed by substantial endowments donated by families with vast fortunes. The Gates Foundation's endowment, worth at least $40 billion, is the biggest. It funds much of what it does from the income that the endowment's investments in stocks, bonds, and other assets produce every year.

The Clinton Foundation's endowment, worth only $109 million, is puny by comparison. Its investments returned just $2.9 million in 2015. Given the foundation's ambitions, $2.9 million doesn't go very far. From donations, though, the foundation has raised north of $2 billion over its lifetime, allowing it to spend more than $200 million a year on its programs.

Despite its vast donor base—more than 200,000 have contributed since its 1997 inception—much of its funding comes from major donors, including other foundations, wealthy individuals, and, of course, foreign governments. The foundation's own records show that it has received seven gifts of more than $25 million and another 19 worth $10 to $25 million.

Impressive Score

The foundation has made notable contributions in global health, HIV/AIDS, and women's empowerment. Perhaps its most notable success was in negotiating a significant drop in the price of drugs used to fight AIDS and then bringing those drugs to Africa, where an epidemic was ravaging the continent.

Despite the suspicions conservatives have long raised about the Clinton Foundation, Charity Navigator, a group that rates the fundraising and spending practices of non-profits, gives it high marks. The foundation spends 87 percent of what it raises on the programs it supports, a higher share than most of its peers.

But Charity Navigator doesn't assess or compare the motives of donors. I believe that the foundation's high ambitions and thirst for funds make it too open to unsavory gifts that, in turn, damage its reputation.

Foreign governments find the foundation attractive because they are limited in what they can otherwise do to improve their access and influence with American policymakers. The law prohibits their donations to American political candidates, although they may hire lobbyists.

With or without an indictment, fines, or other punishment, the Clinton Foundation's outlook will remain murky as long as its endowment remains small. Should the Clinton Foundation ultimately fold, its legacy is likely to be its fundraising practices, not its good works.

This article was originally published on The Conversation. Read the original article. Jeffrey Berry is a professor in the department of political science at Tufts University.

Scam Exposed: Donations To Clinton Foundation Plummeted After Clinton Lost The Election


Corruption: Throughout the presidential campaign there was plenty of talk about whether the Clinton Foundation was a legitimate charity or a pay-to-play scam. The latest financial data from the charity provides the answer.

Controversy over the foundation erupted after Peter Schweizer's 2015 book — "Clinton Cash" — suggested that the foundation served as a way for donors to curry favor with then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

Donations Evaporate

But the most glaring indictment of the Clinton Foundation came from what happened last year, after Hillary Clinton lost the election — and effectively ended her political career.
First, the Clinton's almost immediately shuttered the Clinton Global Initiative and laid off 22 employees.

Now, fresh financial documents show that contributions and grants to the Clinton Foundation plunged since Hillary lost her election bid. They dropped from $216 million in 2016 to just $26.5 million in 2017 — a stunning 88% fall. Throughout Clinton's tenure as Secretary of State, the foundation pulled in an average of $254 million a year. (See the nearby chart below for a timeline)

If the Clinton Foundation was as good as defenders claimed, why did all its big-time donors suddenly lose interest? The only reasonable explanation is that donors weren't interested in what the foundation supposedly did for humanity. They were interested in the political favors they knew their money would buy.

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