Men have an organ called a prostate that fill up with fluid that dilutes the sperm. All male mammals have one.
"a warm-blooded vertebrate animal of a class that is distinguished by the possession of hair or fur, the secretion of milk by females for the nourishment of the young, and (typically) the birth of live young.
Mammals belong to the class Mammalia, which contains the subclass Prototheria (monotremes) and the infraclasses Metatheria (marsupials) and Eutheria (placental mammals such as rodents, cats, whales, bats, and humans)."
Filling the prostate is influenced by hormones. With some species the effect is seasonal with both males and females. With a male elephant it is extreme. Stay out of the way of a bull elephant during that season; he is more than a little crazy - he is totally crazy.

His body even has physical changes during the season of the musk.
Lucky for humans, it isn't as extreme as with elephants. With humans, guys may want sex all the time, most of the time or some of the time all year long. A full prostate brings a need to have it emptied. Hello girls!
Of course our women can get pregnant all year long for several days during her cycle.
About half way through her cycle an egg is released along with an increased flow of hormones. She may feel an increased need this time, as the hormones prepare her body to get pregnant.

If it doesn't happen the flow of hormones decrease and change until a repeated change during the next cycle. If it doesn't happen, moods can get strange

as the hormones change.

But, I have heard the politically correct people say that we are suppose deny

this really happens.
"This is the time that tries men's souls", and the time for guys to leave the girls alone. Understand they don't hate us during this time.

Just go out with the guys and leave her alone.
There is an old saying: "The good Lord invented hunting and fishing, so that men could get out of the house.
OK, now you know why you get horny. It is your body and mind feeling the affects of constantly changing hormones.
It is a part of life, and Mother Nature calling for us to create new life. You are not going crazy; everyone feels this way at times.
Didn't everyone get this information during High School health classes: that is a ninth or tenth grade class? Maybe, maybe not.