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Old 11-16-2019, 04:18 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by greensand View Post
Last time I went, the room smelt like dank rancid water or stale shit, I'm not sure which one
WTF, when did they install a Fetish Room?
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Old 11-16-2019, 09:09 PM   #17
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The place feels like damp fuckshack, very crappy and noisy. No wonder they advertise like crazy but it works and the old farts and young knuckheads fall for it.
I agree, POA is the nicer one, but the choices are not great.
Old farts are the ones keeping this business afloat ,and the girs know that so they like them more
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Old 11-16-2019, 10:03 PM   #18
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I also respect BB's input, but on this topic I'd like to add:

1. Everyone can have a bad day, including the provider who apparently spurred this thread.

2. To extrapolate from that one experience to condemn the whole spa (the most popular spa we have, for good reason), is a frequently recurring move from some, but remains IMHO illogical and silly, especially (in this case) given the OP's acknowledgement that Blue remains busier than ever (so if it's "losing its appeal," that loss certainly isn't objective or widespread but quite subjective and limited).

3. This thread seems to be degenerating further into the typical mendacious and equally silly attack on Blue's facilities from Blue haters with transparently problematic credentials (like the four-poster immediately above). Blue's facilities are solidly within the normal range of the average DFW AMP in all respects, and are maintained better than most in my view.

4. The spa is in no way "losing its appeal" for me and the legions of other frequently returning happy hobbyists in thrall to its (generally) premium providers.

P.S. The Chicago song Ghostrider cites may have more applicability than may appear at first -- for the hobbyist as well as the girl. And GR, sorry if I was pounding too loudly for you . . . I actually often find the sounds emanating from the next door rooms an amusing and sometimes stimulating part of the experience!
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Old 11-16-2019, 10:18 PM   #19
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Might be older than a few of you, but not fat. I can still pop two or three times in an hour so no complaints and happy to spend some time in the amps when in Dallas.
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Old 11-16-2019, 10:21 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by BobbyMann View Post
1. Everyone can have a bad day, including the provider who apparently spurred this thread.

2. To extrapolate from that one experience to condemn the whole spa (the most popular spa we have, for good reason), is a frequently recurring move from some, but remains illogical and silly, especially (in this case) given the OP's acknowledgement that Blue remains busier than ever (so if it's "losing its appeal," that loss certainly isn't objective or widespread but quite subjective and limited).

3. This thread seems to be degenerating further into the typical menduacious and equally silly attack on Blue's facilities from Blue haters with transparently problematic credentials (like the four-poster immediately above). Blue's facilities are solidly within the normal range of the average DFW AMP in all respects, and are maintained better than most in my view.

4. The spa is in no way "losing its appeal" for me and the legions of other frequently returning happy hobbyists in thrall to its premium providers.

P.S. The Chicago song Ghostrider cites may have more applicability than may appear at first -- for the hobbyist as well as the girl. And GR, sorry if I was pounding too loudly for you . . . I actually often find the sounds emanating from the next door rooms an amusing and sometimes stimulating part of the experience!
Bobby, please spare us the defense of Blue. The provider did not spur this thread. And this is not my first time at Blue, yet I don’t frequent it near as much as others. So the Chicago song cited doesn’t apply to me, as you imply, as much as it perhaps might apply to you.

And looks like the “legions” are speaking and there’s not an overwhelming appeal for them either. It’s a rather balanced debate we’ve got happening here on this thread. But your unbiased contributions are appreciated.
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Old 11-16-2019, 10:30 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by BigBamboo View Post
Bobby, please spare us the defense of Blue. The provider did not spur this thread. And this is not my first time at Blue, yet I don’t frequent it near as much as others. So the Chicago song cited doesn’t apply to me, as you imply, as much as it perhaps might apply to you.

And looks like the “legions” are speaking and there’s not an overwhelming appeal for them either. It’s a rather balanced debate we’ve got happening here on this thread. But your unbiased contributions are appreciated.

1. The provider didn't spur the thread? Then why highlight her name prominently in your original post?
2. The Chicago song applies to me? I don't need time away from Blue; I've actually not been to Blue in quite awhile, having frequented a number of other spas instead -- but those experiences have in the main heightened my appreciation of Blue.
3. It's not a balanced debate when you contradict yourself as to whether you want me to participate or not.
4. Your fundamental contradictions also persist: if Blue is "losing its appeal," why are you and the others complaining that it's too busy? Makes no sense.
5. The "legions" are speaking? You mean the limited number of posters on this thread, like the guy who had four dubious posts? Please don't further debase your credibility, BB. Your substantive information is often worthwhile, but your reasoning here leaves much to be desired.
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Old 11-16-2019, 11:24 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by BobbyMann View Post
4. Your fundamental contradictions also persist: if Blue is "losing its appeal," why are you and the others complaining that it's too busy? Makes no sense.
I believe Yogi Berra said, "Nobody goes there anymore. It's too crowded."
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Old 11-16-2019, 11:24 PM   #23
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BM you protest too much.
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Old 11-16-2019, 11:49 PM   #24
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I believe " the guy with four dubious posts"has more credibility than a shill incessantly bumping his own surrealistic reviews with idiotic and lame comments like the Foxy2.0 "masterpiece" more than 3 month old. Get a life,bro. Everybody laughs at you, in case you do not know that.

I am done wasting time with eccie. I do not need it, I have the phone numbers. Be happy in your own bubble.
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Old 11-17-2019, 12:07 AM   #25
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Originally Posted by billw1032 View Post
I believe Yogi Berra said, "Nobody goes there anymore. It's too crowded."

I'm pretty sure Patrick Bateman said this about Dorsia too.

I have been to Blue several times but just not recently. To say that Blue's facilities "are solidly within the normal range of the average DFW AMP in all respects, and are maintained better than most in my view" is absolutely not accurate at all. Even if I exclude the top 2 AMP's in terms of facilities (Pearls and JuJu in my opinion), Blue is still not within the normal range of the average.

I am not hating on Blue because their lineup is arguably the best in AMP land (and lineup is really the only thing that matters in the grand scheme of things), but I did feel obligated to speak up about the statement about Blue's facilities.
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Old 11-17-2019, 12:37 AM   #26
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Contradictions? Debasing my credibility? WTF are you talking about dude?!?! F... YOU!

I don’t give a fuck about your opinion Bobby. You just jump on this thread and state shit like your word is the mother fucking gospel. We should ALL agree with you. But apparently you can’t be unbiased so forget it then... your contributions aren’t appreciated. Is that contradictory enough for you? Have I further debased my credibility?

You apparently didn’t bother to read my initial post on this thread. Instead you get all defensive about your beloved Blue spa. Read it again and you will realize I’m not stating Blue is losing its appeal to everyone. I was referring to myself and how it is losing its appeal to me. But in your eyes apparently other people here are not entitled to have the same sentiment as I do. Is that right?

Holy shit you are blind as a bat some times. I swear!
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Old 11-17-2019, 02:17 AM   #27
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Originally Posted by BobbyMann View Post
3. This thread seems to be degenerating further into the typical mendacious and equally silly attack on Blue's facilities from Blue haters with transparently problematic credentials (like the four-poster immediately above). Blue's facilities are solidly within the normal range of the average DFW AMP in all respects, and are maintained better than most in my view.
"The lady doth protest too much, methinks."

I'm an AMP newbie. I popped my AMP cherry at Blue. I've been to Blue about 10 times now, which is double the amount of visits I've made to any other singular spa.

Blue's facilities are the worst, and it's not even close. They're not terrible, but they're not good. Blue is the only spa where I've gone into a room (more than once) and I've been grossed out by the smell, silently hoping that the girl doesn't think it's me. On top of that, I always get a shower-room at other spas, whereas at Blue I have to run down/across the hall to the shower. Again, it's not the worst thing in the world, but I can't believe that you're comparing Blue's facilities *favorably* to other spas. It's quite frankly absurd.

Why do people (myself included) keep going back to Blue? The girls... oh, and the fact that it's the most prominently featured spa on this board. I mean, that's why I went there for my first AMP visit, so it stands to reason that this phenomenon has occurred more than once. Especially if I were an out-of-towner, Blue seems like the slam dunk choice at a glance. And it's no wonder, with the same 5 or so "users" bumping months-old reviews of the same few girls, all posting the same few comments (sometimes in broken english), over and over, ad nauseam. It took me too long to catch on to this fact, but I am thankful for him/her/them. Without it, this board would feel much more deserted. I have as much respect for you, Bobby Mann, as an internet stranger can have for another, but I ignore your reviews (now) for these reasons, and the adamant defense of Blue is icing on the cake. Defending Blue's girls, sure, that is subjective, but Blue's facilities are pretty cut-and-"not"-dry. However, WALDT, so maybe I'll just chalk it up to that.

So how about the real reason that anyone goes to an AMP? How are the girls at Blue?

They're... okay. Blue has provided my single favorite AMP experience (Foxy). It has also provided me with a few abysmal ones, though I will say that no matter how bad the session is the girls always get the job done, so kudos to them. Variance in quality is to be expected, especially with so many options to choose from, so I can't fault Blue for some bad sessions. What I *can* fault Blue for is shorting me on time, which is unfortunately normal for me. MSOG? Forget about it. When I go to Blue, I consider myself lucky if I even get the full hour. It kinda feels like a bait-and-switch. I see a few MSOG comments on here so I go see the girl. Girl is really trying for round one, so I let her win thinking that I'll get a double... Nope. This has never happened. After round one, I am given a water bottle and am walking down the hall. One time, the girl insisted that we take a nap, which is better than being shown to the door, but still not what I'm looking for. Only Gold has tried for round 2 with me, and aside from her, Foxy is the only other girl to give me a full hour. I should know better by now and hold it in, but I convince myself in the moment that the Blue MSOG comments can't all be lies... and I'm sure that they're not, they just aren't true for me. If I want a full hour at Blue, *I'm* the one who has to work for it. This is my only real issue with Blue, and it is non-existent for me at other locations.

But believe it or not, I'm not a Blue hater. I've been many times, and I'll continue to go due to the sheer amount of ladies who work there, but I refuse to provide defense where one is not warranted. I will say that Blue's line-up is definitely the best, though. I don't mean that every girl who works there is a top quality girl, no, that's not what I mean. What I mean is that the literal "C'mon, girls, line-up!" at Blue has yet to be beaten for me, because there are just so many to choose from. It's probably the best place to go if you have no idea what you're in the mood for.

Originally Posted by BetterJuiceOK View Post
I believe "the guy with four dubious posts" has more credibility than a shill incessantly bumping his own surrealistic reviews with idiotic and lame comments like the Foxy2.0 "masterpiece" more than 3 month old
I'd write Foxy a fucking love letter if certain things were arranged... joking joking

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Old 11-17-2019, 05:26 AM   #28
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Originally Posted by Mick Jagger View Post
Since I qualify as being an old fart I got to say that I wonder about you self proclaimed young, goodlooking and fit guys that can always make the girls cum 3 or 4 times a session. Why do you even have to go to the spa? When I was younger I sure in the hell didn't need to! It was only when I became an old fart that I started going. Yeah, and I've noticed when I see a young guy there they hate to make eye contact. Like they are embarrassed about being there. But I guess I would be too if I were you. Because you are on the same level as us old farts! You got to pay the same price for pussy as we do!
Words of wisdom that cut straight through the bullshit. Bravo Mick!

I'm on the younger side (younger, not young) but I hobby because I'm a super obese man with all the serious health problems that are associated with morbid obesity. Women enjoy talking to me because I'm a social confident man despite my looks but they always say "Oh don't worry, I'm sure there's a woman out there waiting for you". I noticed that the woman they described is never them lol. It's always some other woman out there. I don't blame them. I'm not attracted to extremely fat women either.

My point is, anyone who tells you that he's a "young, fit, good looking man who's also a sex god and can make the AMP ladies cum multiple times" is flat out lying. There are a good number of young dudes visiting AMPs but they have other issues that prevent them from attracting young civilian women in real life. Maybe they're carrying several extra hundred pounds like me. Or maybe they're socially awkward life losers who can't interact with women. A young fit good looking man can hook up with hot partners for free using Tinder, Grindr, Match.com etc.

When I see an old man, I don't look down on him. I envy him. I hunger for all the years that he's lived that I will never get to live. I will never get a chance to turn into an old fart. I won't even get a chance to turn into a middle aged man. I will die long before that due to my health issues and my uncontrollable desire to binge eat every day.

So if you're an "old fart" then wear that label with some fucking pride. Plenty of young Americans die every day...but you didn't. That's partly due to your perseverance and partly due to sheer luck. Whatever the reasons might be behind your survival..you won the lottery of life. You won the jackpot. Don't let anyone take that away from you.
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Old 11-17-2019, 07:21 AM   #29
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Originally Posted by VeryClean View Post
Words of wisdom that cut straight through the bullshit. Bravo Mick!

I'm on the younger side (younger, not young) but I hobby because I'm a super obese man with all the serious health problems that are associated with morbid obesity. Women enjoy talking to me because I'm a social confident man despite my looks but they always say "Oh don't worry, I'm sure there's a woman out there waiting for you". I noticed that the woman they described is never them lol. It's always some other woman out there. I don't blame them. I'm not attracted to extremely fat women either.

My point is, anyone who tells you that he's a "young, fit, good looking man who's also a sex god and can make the AMP ladies cum multiple times" is flat out lying. There are a good number of young dudes visiting AMPs but they have other issues that prevent them from attracting young civilian women in real life. Maybe they're carrying several extra hundred pounds like me. Or maybe they're socially awkward life losers who can't interact with women. A young fit good looking man can hook up with hot partners for free using Tinder, Grindr, Match.com etc.

When I see an old man, I don't look down on him. I envy him. I hunger for all the years that he's lived that I will never get to live. I will never get a chance to turn into an old fart. I won't even get a chance to turn into a middle aged man. I will die long before that due to my health issues and my uncontrollable desire to binge eat every day.

So if you're an "old fart" then wear that label with some fucking pride. Plenty of young Americans die every day...but you didn't. That's partly due to your perseverance and partly due to sheer luck. Whatever the reasons might be behind your survival..you won the lottery of life. You won the jackpot. Don't let anyone take that away from you.
You make some excellent points but the only thing good about getting old is not dying yet. I work hard to maintain my health and still jog and lift weights, but I don't bounce back as fast from either injuries or sex.

It is actually very easy to pick up average girls these days, but it was never too hard if you could make a good presentation. However, in the old days I still liked a little strange action when I couldn't get a really pretty girl at that "critical" moment and above all when I didn't want to play the game a few hours nor account for my time with nosy people.

The girls would often ask me why I didn't have a girlfriend but I told them I did - and a wife too. I just saw too many other girls I also wanted to fuck.

Now, as a certified old fart, never knowing when disability will render me useless as a man (or get cancelled by society) and having perhaps more money than time, pretty working girls are a gift from above.

As for your health I'm not qualified to say but I would start with a psychologist - there is some underlying reason you binge eat and you might be able to overcome it. Good luck!
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Old 11-17-2019, 08:30 AM   #30
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Whenever B****M*** write a review, everybody knows he get paid for it. Whenever G****R**** bump every BLUE thread like crazy and completely ignore other Spas, everybody knows why he is doing it. And when guys (BB in this case) post some HONEST thoughts and facts about BLUE, the panic mode will be on and they turned to be aggressively defensive, sometimes even start attacking people who speak out truth.

We are all mongers, but we are not idiots.
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