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Old 09-27-2019, 06:40 PM   #46
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Originally Posted by Chung Tran View Post
I keep reading this "hearsay" stuff.. let's say you are right, it is 100% hearsay.. what do you want to do about it? Trump released the transcript, unredacted, and the hearsay was spot on. do you think we should ignore everything we know? your side keeps complaining others are "after" Trump, but Trump offered the transcript himself.. then you call it a "nothing burger".. if it is, why the complaining, you have nothing to worry about.. right?
Main reason they don't admit it is that they, like Trump, are liars. 100 members of congress changed their minds from don't impeach Trump to Impeach the Mother Fucker. All in less than a week. Obama never got impeached. He saved the US economy and won a Nobel Prize
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Old 09-27-2019, 06:46 PM   #47
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Lots of argument about issues where the specifics have yet to be defined - and talking points countered on both sides by accusations of lies. Some of the allegations may be true.

DPST's are seizing what seems to be another opportunity to hurt Trump's Presidency - which is their main agenda - not that of a loyal minority to work together to govern the country.

DPST attacks on Kavanaugh and Trump due to failure to accept 2016 is establishing new lows of political conduct, and changing the "Rules" of American politics.

DPST's will use the House majority to impeach Trump - however, conviction in the Senate is very unlikely - and they care less. They feel impeachment will damage Trump enough to allow a socialist candidate to defeat him in Nov 2020. They do not need a "Crime" - the Crime to the DPST's is that Trump won Nov 2016 = and Breathes. That is the real issue for the DPST's.

This debate may well end Biden's candidacy - and i feel he is not strong enough physically to endure a campaign and the most stressful office in the world. The DPST's have only Warren/Sanders - two nut case communists with no economic sense. That won't play well to the electorate outside of Socialist enclaves.

Most voters will see the Hatred and recognize the persecution behavior of the DPST's. And vote accordingly.

Impeachment is not a good answer for the DPST's for the long run. They are unhinged in the hatred and LSM egging them on.

It will not turn out well for the DPST's in Nov 2020.

They are
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Old 09-27-2019, 06:52 PM   #48
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No, I don't want you to ignore everything you know Chung.
I wish I could express myself better to you - the thing is, they come after Trump over everything. That's what I am angry about. I could understand if Trump did something that was a detriment to our country,ok? But does this look like he had nefarious intent towards the country? To me - no. I mean I'm looking for the beef but all I see is salad dressing. First, it was Russian dressing and now it's Thousand Island.

Originally Posted by Chung Tran View Post
I keep reading this "hearsay" stuff.. let's say you are right, it is 100% hearsay.. what do you want to do about it? Trump released the transcript, unredacted, and the hearsay was spot on. do you think we should ignore everything we know? your side keeps complaining others are "after" Trump, but Trump offered the transcript himself.. then you call it a "nothing burger".. if it is, why the complaining, you have nothing to worry about.. right?
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Old 09-27-2019, 06:56 PM   #49
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Go play in traffic.

Originally Posted by themystic View Post
Main reason they don't admit it is that they, like Trump, are liars. 100 members of congress changed their minds from don't impeach Trump to Impeach the Mother Fucker. All in less than a week. Obama never got impeached. He saved the US economy and won a Nobel Prize
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Old 09-27-2019, 07:09 PM   #50
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Originally Posted by Austin Ellen View Post
No, I don't want you to ignore everything you know Chung.
I wish I could express myself better to you - the thing is, they come after Trump over everything. That's what I am angry about. I could understand if Trump did something that was a detriment to our country,ok? But does this look like he had nefarious intent towards the country? To me - no. I mean I'm looking for the beef but all I see is salad dressing. First, it was Russian dressing and now it's Thousand Island.
lmao!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Old 09-27-2019, 10:52 PM   #51
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post
Perhaps you didn't learn anything in 2016 when War Chest size didn't matter.
One need only look at the clowns challenging Trump -- the Hooker, Spartacus, Fauxcahantas, Commie Sanders and Quid Pro Quo Joe -- to realize that the size of the War Chest will matter.

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Old 09-27-2019, 11:06 PM   #52
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Trump clogged the Swamp. The stench is bubbling over with Trump at the top of the heap
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Old 09-27-2019, 11:23 PM   #53
Chung Tran
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Originally Posted by Austin Ellen View Post
No, I don't want you to ignore everything you know Chung.
I wish I could express myself better to you - the thing is, they come after Trump over everything. That's what I am angry about. I could understand if Trump did something that was a detriment to our country,ok? But does this look like he had nefarious intent towards the country? To me - no. I mean I'm looking for the beef but all I see is salad dressing. First, it was Russian dressing and now it's Thousand Island.
that is a good explanation.. a visceral response, but good. they do come after Trump on just about everything, BUT.. if there is no there there, it would dry up faster than a raisin in the desert. I believe Trump feels like he did nothing wrong, and he was not trying to bring down our Country.. but his narcissism is extreme, and causes him to make poor decisions, even a few that are illegal.. he doesn't view them that way, nor do many followers, but that's why we have a Constitution.. without that, Rogue Actors would carry on, putting personal needs and desires first, putting the rest of us in bad positions, even dangerous positions.

and it's not just this Ukraine episode, it is continuous. but regarding Ukraine, Trump knew his action was not okay, which is why he set up the secret Server.. the Man is conniving, arrogant and narcissistic. deep down not a bad guy, if you stay off his enemies list. but if you don't play ball as he expects, he will bring the weight of retribution hard and fast, hence the great number of Cabinet defections and firings. I abhor this kind of person, but around 30% of the electorate adores that, and pees with joy every time Trump "defeats" another "enemy".
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Old 09-27-2019, 11:32 PM   #54
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Originally Posted by Chung Tran View Post
that is a good explanation.. a visceral response, but good. they do come after Trump on just about everything, BUT.. if there is no there there, it would dry up faster than a raisin in the desert. I believe Trump feels like he did nothing wrong, and he was not trying to bring down our Country.. but his narcissism is extreme, and causes him to make poor decisions, even a few that are illegal.. he doesn't view them that way, nor do many followers, but that's why we have a Constitution.. without that, Rogue Actors would carry on, putting personal needs and desires first, putting the rest of us in bad positions, even dangerous positions.

and it's not just this Ukraine episode, it is continuous. but regarding Ukraine, Trump knew his action was not okay, which is why he set up the secret Server.. the Man is conniving, arrogant and narcissistic. deep down not a bad guy, if you stay off his enemies list. but if you don't play ball as he expects, he will bring the weight of retribution hard and fast, hence the great number of Cabinet defections and firings. I abhor this kind of person, but around 30% of the electorate adores that, and pees with joy every time Trump "defeats" another "enemy".

set up a secret server? oh please .. stop babbling anything you can think of to claim Trump did anything illegal or impeachable. or unconstitutional.

the government has maintained secure servers for decades. one of this whistle blower's claims is that Trump had the transcript placed on an existing server primarily used for classified info where there was nothing classified about the transcript. well tell me since you are such a constitutional scholar .. can the president classify or de-classify anything he wants?

if you know anything about article II then you know the answer. Trump can de-classify all the data about little green men from Mars if he wants to. or keep it classified.
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Old 09-27-2019, 11:48 PM   #55
I B Hankering
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Originally Posted by Chung Tran View Post
that is a good explanation.. a visceral response, but good. they do come after Trump on just about everything, BUT.. if there is no there there, it would dry up faster than a raisin in the desert. I believe Trump feels like he did nothing wrong, and he was not trying to bring down our Country.. but his narcissism is extreme, and causes him to make poor decisions, even a few that are illegal.. he doesn't view them that way, nor do many followers, but that's why we have a Constitution.. without that, Rogue Actors would carry on, putting personal needs and desires first, putting the rest of us in bad positions, even dangerous positions.

and it's not just this Ukraine episode, it is continuous. but regarding Ukraine, Trump knew his action was not okay, which is why he set up the secret Server.. the Man is conniving, arrogant and narcissistic. deep down not a bad guy, if you stay off his enemies list. but if you don't play ball as he expects, he will bring the weight of retribution hard and fast, hence the great number of Cabinet defections and firings. I abhor this kind of person, but around 30% of the electorate adores that, and pees with joy every time Trump "defeats" another "enemy".

Bullshit! Let's nip that bullshit in the bud.

It's Trump's prerogative to have his conversations with foreign heads of state secured -- and it's been his policy for several months now. The fucking criminals are the fucking jackasses leaking this confidential info!

When the transcripts of two phone calls President Donald Trump had with foreign leaders leaked in the early days of his presidency, the procedure to store those logs changed, multiple sources familiar with the process told ABC News.

One former career intelligence official added that the administration "changed the dynamics of how these transcripts had been secured."

The two calls in early 2017, with leaders from Australia and from Mexico, leaked early in Trump's administration, and sources said the procedure to store them quickly changed -- many calls between the president and world leaders instead were stored in a secure server to avoid leaks. The sources who talked to ABC News did caution that it's unclear if the calls being stored were done so for national security or for political concerns.

One source said it became "basically standard operating procedure" for many of the conversations Trump has had during his time in office.

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Old 09-27-2019, 11:58 PM   #56
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Originally Posted by themystic View Post
Main reason they don't admit it is that they, like Trump, are liars. 100 members of congress changed their minds from don't impeach Trump to Impeach the Mother Fucker. All in less than a week. Obama never got impeached. He saved the US economy and won a Nobel Prize
Oh please, Like Ellen said go play in traffic.
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Old 09-28-2019, 04:09 AM   #57
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Originally Posted by Levianon17 View Post
Oh please, Like Ellen said go play in traffic.
are you and Moscow Ellen going to join me in the traffic? Be sure to wear your MAGA hats, Scardy Cats. See you soon
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Old 09-28-2019, 04:21 AM   #58
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Originally Posted by themystic View Post
are you and Moscow Ellen going to join me in the traffic? Be sure to wear your MAGA hats, Scardy Cats. See you soon

we'll send flowers to your funeral

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Old 09-28-2019, 04:27 AM   #59
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Originally Posted by Chung Tran View Post
that is a good explanation.. a visceral response, but good. they do come after Trump on just about everything, BUT.. if there is no there there, it would dry up faster than a raisin in the desert. I believe Trump feels like he did nothing wrong, and he was not trying to bring down our Country.. but his narcissism is extreme, and causes him to make poor decisions, even a few that are illegal.. he doesn't view them that way, nor do many followers, but that's why we have a Constitution.. without that, Rogue Actors would carry on, putting personal needs and desires first, putting the rest of us in bad positions, even dangerous positions.

and it's not just this Ukraine episode, it is continuous. but regarding Ukraine, Trump knew his action was not okay, which is why he set up the secret Server.. the Man is conniving, arrogant and narcissistic. deep down not a bad guy, if you stay off his enemies list. but if you don't play ball as he expects, he will bring the weight of retribution hard and fast, hence the great number of Cabinet defections and firings. I abhor this kind of person, but around 30% of the electorate adores that, and pees with joy every time Trump "defeats" another "enemy".
Right on the money Chung. I see that Waco and IB are already trying to rescue their hero. You tell the truth, they tell a lie. Hes on quite a few enemies lists of powerful people.. If you look at "the great negotiator". that's the one thing he cant do, negotiate. Hes good at fucking around people in a weaker position. He calls that being a good businessman. The clowns on here who support him aren't businessmen. At least not honest businessmen. They, like Trump, think that "winning" by any means, is the goal.

There are some honest businessmen who support Trump. Just not many in here. The ones who are here, Thank you
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Old 09-28-2019, 04:29 AM   #60
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Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid View Post
we'll send flowers to your funeral

Thanks Waco. Be sure you sign them Waco The Troll
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