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Old 09-18-2019, 06:20 PM   #46
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Originally Posted by andymarksman View Post

Yeah what's the use of running away, he's a dead meat anyway even if he's a CHL holder.

well that was such an insightful video! tells me that guy is a cop hater. what does it tell you? to hate cops? sounds like it. some background on this ... since the video gave next to nothing.


by the way andy, didn't you know that all cops nationwide are under orders from Trump to shoot on sight anyone named Rashad?


now that's we've had our little laugh here .. play the video in the link i posted and you'll know what happened and why.

this fine citizen had a gun on his lap .. which is actually a violation of CHL rules. what does CHL stand for? CONCEALED HANDGUN LICENSE. let me repeat that for clarity ..

CONCEALED. are we all clear on that? Good! now one can assume that this citizen left the gun in the car he rode in while he was dancing .. unless he's as stupid as Plaxico Burress ..

so it's reasonable to assume he was merely retrieving it. which is fine. up to the part he knows there is a cop approaching and he keeps it there? first he should have had it CONCEALED as the law requires. if he didn't even have a holster then he's even more of an idiot. he should have immediately placed the gun on the floor. or better still the glove box if possible. the gun is supposed to be .. CONCEALED .. not in open sight.

did i mention yet how stupid it is to have a presumably loaded firearm laying in your lap in the first place? yeah .. that's real smart isn't it? that's an accidental discharge waiting to happen.

did this officer overreact? maybe .. but the very fact this fine citizen had a gun openly displayed, aside from being against the CHL rules, gave the officer reason to be suspicious.

i had a CHL in Kentucky, and under the CHL rules there at the time .. any weapon that can be concealed was covered. i don't know or care about now as i haven't lived in Kentucky in 20 years but i may just dial up my equally Trump supporting 2nd amendment believer brother and ask him. he does still have a Kentucky CHL. anyway .. then at least .. if you could conceal a pitch fork it was covered. Machete? covered. Viking long sword. covered. a bit impractical but covered!

now .. in Texas where i do have a CHL, i know for a fact the gun must be concealed at all times. forget open carry. that's a different thing. a CHL holder in Texas must keep their weapon concealed. exactly what this guy in Indiana DIDN'T DO.

an interesting point about Texas CHL rules. if you are carrying a concealed weapon and you are stopped, you must inform the officer immediately. you must provide the officer with your CHL along with your driver's license. the officer can request that the weapon be secured. they usually take possession of it from you and lay in the hood of their patrol car. while you stay back and away and make no sudden moves of course.

this has happened to me twice. without incident. twice i have not disclosed i have a CHL. Why? i wasn't carrying and the law states you only have to inform the officer if you are. of course when he ran my license it came up and he asked why i didn't inform him. i told him the law states you only have to do so if you are carrying and i was not at the time.
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Old 09-18-2019, 06:31 PM   #47
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President Trump’s failures in ethical and responsible leadership are apparent in each course of conduct that should be scrutinized in an impeachment inquiry. President Trump could have ensured that the Russia investigation was conducted with the independence and cooperation from his office and associates that it deserved, but he did not. Instead, the Mueller Report sets out clear evidence that President Trump repeatedly sought to obstruct and curtail the investigation—especially after it became clear that his own conduct was under scrutiny.

And of course charge lyingdowski with contempt...but piss boy Barr will continue to obstruct Justice for the trump party and its self proclaimed chosen one.
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Old 09-18-2019, 07:08 PM   #48
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Originally Posted by Jaxson66 View Post
President Trump’s failures in ethical and responsible leadership are apparent in each course of conduct that should be scrutinized in an impeachment inquiry. President Trump could have ensured that the Russia investigation was conducted with the independence and cooperation from his office and associates that it deserved, but he did not. Instead, the Mueller Report sets out clear evidence that President Trump repeatedly sought to obstruct and curtail the investigation—especially after it became clear that his own conduct was under scrutiny.

And of course charge lyingdowski with contempt...but piss boy Barr will continue to obstruct Justice for the trump party and its self proclaimed chosen one.


Behind the Obama administration’s shady plan to spy on the Trump campaign


i like to remind you at every opportunity that Obama is the treasonous traitor.

Mueller's report looks bad for Obama


since you love the Mueller report so much like Jimmy Swaggart and the gospel ..

Mitch McConnell Didn’t Stop Obama from Doing Anything about Russia in 2016


Graham open to putting Obama under oath in probe into Russia investigation origins


oh i'm sorry! am i stomping on your anti-trump parade? u betcha!!

Why didn’t Obama do more to counter Russia’s interference in our election?


Obama and Russian collusion


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Old 09-18-2019, 07:30 PM   #49
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. The president, by and through subordinate executive branch officials as well as outside entities including his businesses, has also attempted to stonewall Congress’s efforts to investigate his misconduct. This obstruction of Congress includes matters central to the president’s potentially impeachable conduct, such as the administration’s refusal to comply with Congressional subpoenas requesting an unredacted version of the Mueller Report and underlying investigative materials and the administration’s assertion of dubious privileges and immunities to prevent key government witnesses from testifying or to limit the scope of their testimony. In April, President Trump stated that he and his administration would be “fighting all the subpoenas,” and they have made good on their promise. By asserting baseless privileges and immunities in response to Congressional subpoenas and forcing Congress to litigate each appearance in court, President Trump and his associates are interfering with the basic checks and balances of our Constitution.
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Old 09-18-2019, 07:40 PM   #50
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.Democratic Congressman Lou Berrea got Corey Lewandowski to say that he knew nothing about the Russians contacting anyone in the Trump campaign. But the Mueller report spells out that George Papadopoulos sent an email to Lewandowski about his meeting with a Russian intermediary. Lewandowski just got caught lying, in provable fashion. This means he’ll face a perjury indictment the minute Trump is gone

Or an honest AG who isn’t a Russian sympathizer and trump’s piss boy.
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Old 09-18-2019, 07:49 PM   #51
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Originally Posted by Jaxson66 View Post
.Democratic Congressman Lou Berrea got Corey Lewandowski to say that he knew nothing about the Russians contacting anyone in the Trump campaign. But the Mueller report spells out that George Papadopoulos sent an email to Lewandowski about his meeting with a Russian intermediary. Lewandowski just got caught lying, in provable fashion. This means he’ll face a perjury indictment the minute Trump is gone

Or an honest AG who isn’t a Russian sympathizer and trump’s piss boy.
You’ve been wrong 100% of the time. Quite a streak.
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Old 09-18-2019, 07:51 PM   #52
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You mean more horseshit coming, since there were no ‘gotchas’. That would imply that they got something, which they haven’t, because there’s nothing to get.
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Old 09-18-2019, 09:08 PM   #53
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Originally Posted by bambino View Post
You’ve been wrong 100% of the time. Quite a streak.

so what you are really saying is ... don't let Jax pick your horses at the track??

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Old 09-18-2019, 09:19 PM   #54
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Originally Posted by bambino View Post
You’ve been wrong 100% of the time. Quite a streak.
That’s bold talk coming from someone who has posted mostly deep state bullshit.
Get yourself ready for the FISA deep state bullshit to be outed as the bullshit it is.
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Old 09-18-2019, 09:23 PM   #55
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Originally Posted by Jacuzzme View Post
You mean more horseshit coming, since there were no ‘gotchas’. That would imply that they got something, which they haven’t, because there’s nothing to get.
Well, if you aren’t to stupid to read you can read the truth for yourself.
Start with volume ll 80 million people have downloaded the report, don’t be the last.
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Old 09-18-2019, 09:32 PM   #56
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Originally Posted by Jaxson66 View Post
Well, if you aren’t to stupid to read you can read the truth for yourself.
Start with volume ll 80 million people have downloaded the report, don’t be the last.

i read page 449 .. the list of indictable offenses ..

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Old 09-18-2019, 09:37 PM   #57
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Originally Posted by Jaxson66 View Post
Democratic Congressman Lou Berrea got Corey Lewandowski to say that he knew nothing about the Russians contacting anyone in the Trump campaign. But the Mueller report spells out that George Papadopoulos sent an email to Lewandowski about his meeting with a Russian intermediary. Lewandowski just got caught lying, in provable fashion. This means he’ll face a perjury indictment the minute Trump is gone

[COLOR="red"]Or an honest AG who isn’t a Russian sympathizer and trump’s piss boy.[COLOR]

Let the Lewandowski Circus Change Congressional Hearings Forever


For starters, lawmakers could increase the amount of time allowed for questioning by staffers, who tend to have more expertise, more time to prepare and less incentive to showboat. Under the current rules, House committees have the option of allotting a single hour for questioning by the staff, to be divided equally between the minority and the majority. Why not bump that time up to two hours — or three?

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Old 09-19-2019, 07:50 AM   #58
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Default Memory fuzz...

Originally Posted by Jaxson66 View Post
the Mueller Report sets out clear evidence that President Trump repeatedly sought to obstruct and curtail the investigation—especially after it became clear that his own conduct was under scrutiny. .

Remember that line in the report where Weisman and Muller said that they were blocked from interviewing people? Me neither!

Remember that line in the report where Weisman and Muller said that were blocked from issuing subpoenas? Me neither!

Remember that line in the report where Weisman and Muller said that were blocked from getting ~$40M for the investigation? Me neither!

Remember that line in the report where Weisman and Muller said that they determined there was obstruction of justice? Me neither!

Remember that line in the report where Weisman and Muller said that there was NO collusion? I sure do!
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Old 09-19-2019, 08:27 AM   #59
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Originally Posted by eccieuser9500 View Post
For starters, lawmakers could increase the amount of time allowed for questioning by staffers, who tend to have more expertise, more time to prepare and less incentive to showboat. Under the current rules, House committees have the option of allotting a single hour for questioning by the staff, to be divided equally between the minority and the majority. Why not bump that time up to two hours — or three?
Fuck the staffers. Nobody elected them! If a member of Congress can't perform his/her sworn duties and is so incompetent they have to delegate the job to some unelected junior staff toadies, they should resign immediately!
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Old 09-19-2019, 09:44 AM   #60
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Originally Posted by Jaxson66 View Post
There’s lots more gotchas coming. unlike Benghazi, emails and deep state bullshit. All the way into the election year.
Funny, I was just thinking the same thing... about how those indictments of Comey et al. will be rolled out for maximum impact during the runup to the 2020 election.

I'll bet AG Barr will show a knack for great timing when he declassifies all those documents (FBI emails, texts, FISA apps) exposing the deep state machinations to spy on trump during the 2016 campaign and then reverse the election outcome.

All of this is bound to generate sympathy for trump and outrage against the left as November 2020 approaches.
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