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Old 09-15-2019, 06:42 AM   #721
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Originally Posted by adav8s28 View Post
There is only one plant where enrichment is allowed and all 5,000 high-speed centrifuges were moved to that plant and turned off. There is software to detect enrichment of Uranium past 3.67% concentration of u-235. There is software to detect unanuthorized access to the 15,000 centrifuges that were shut off and under constant monitoring 24/7 in real time. Your problem is you think the scientists at Iran are smarter than the scientists at the IAEA.
This software of which you speak. Please elaborate on how it detects any unit outside of is purview? Which Iran is starting to admit they had and have at facilities outside the monitoring agreement. It was all from a never verified by the Obama administration baseline of Iran's capabilities, which the Albright report showed was way misinformed.

Obama was played by the Iranians, pure and simple.
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Old 09-15-2019, 06:46 AM   #722
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Originally Posted by eccielover View Post
This software of which you speak. .

Iran's stockpile of low-enriched uranium was reduced by 97 percent, from 10,000 kg to 300 kg.[68] This reduction will be maintained for fifteen years.[50][69][70][71] For the same fifteen-year period, Iran will be limited to enriching uranium to 3.67%, a percentage sufficient for civilian nuclear power and research, but not for building a nuclear weapon.[69][70][72] However, the number of centrifuges is sufficient for a nuclear weapon, but not for nuclear power.[73] This is a "major decline" in Iran's previous nuclear activity; prior to watering down its stockpile pursuant to the Joint Plan of Action interim agreement, Iran had enriched uranium to near 20% (medium-enriched uranium).[69][70][71] These enriched uranium in excess of 300 kg of up to 3.67% will be down blended to natural uranium level or be sold in return for natural uranium, and the uranium enriched to between 5% and 20% will be fabricated into fuel plates for the Tehran Research Reactor or sold or diluted to an enrichment level of 3.67%. The implementation of the commercial contracts will be facilitated by P5+1. After fifteen years, all physical limits on enrichment will be removed, including limits on the type and number of centrifuges, Iran's stockpile of enriched uranium, and where Iran may have enrichment facilities. According to Belfer, at this point Iran could "expand its nuclear program to create more practical overt and covert nuclear weapons options".[67][74]
For ten years, Iran will place over two-thirds of its centrifuges in storage, from its current stockpile of 19,000 centrifuges (of which 10,000 were operational) to no more than 6,104 operational centrifuges, with only 5,060 allowed to enrich uranium,[50][69] with the enrichment capacity being limited to the Natanz plant. The centrifuges there must be IR-1 centrifuges, the first-generation centrifuge type which is Iran's oldest and least efficient; Iran will give up its advanced IR-2M centrifuges in this period.[48][70][71] The non-operating centrifuges will be stored in Natanz and monitored by IAEA, but may be used to replace failed centrifuges.[75][76] Iran will not build any new uranium-enrichment facilities for fifteen years.[69]
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Old 09-15-2019, 06:47 AM   #723
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Originally Posted by adav8s28 View Post
Thanks to Obama's nuke deal, Iran missiles will not carry an atomic bomb. Iran doesn't have any "weapons grade Uranium". This fact was confirmed by Albright a former inspector at the IAEA.
This fact was confirmed based on the IAEA inspection criteria, which was also never verified to take into account as all of the Iran's capabilities, and is also from 2+ years ago for his confirmation.

You can only verify compliance via Albright several years back. Latest releases show Iran is indeed in violation in both quantity of enriched Uranium and the cutoff for enrichment.

Which is exactly what Trump predicted was going to happen when he pulled the US from the agreement.

So keep going back 2+ years to justify your claims. Iran has and is violating the agreement with the remaining countries. The US is out. And Iran is getting far more aggressive, as predicted by Trump as well, in international trade and terrorism.
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Old 09-15-2019, 06:47 AM   #724
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Originally Posted by adav8s28 View Post
Nice Try. Link does not work.
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Old 09-15-2019, 06:55 AM   #725
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Originally Posted by eccielover View Post
Nice Try. Link does not work.

Works now.
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Old 09-15-2019, 07:03 AM   #726
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Originally Posted by eccielover View Post

You can only verify compliance via Albright several years back. Latest releases show Iran is indeed in violation in both quantity of enriched Uranium and the cutoff for enrichment.
Before Trump left the deal Iran had enriched to just 3.67% of u-235. Now that Trump is out of the deal, Iran has enriched to 4% concentration of U-235. This percentage is far below the weapons grade level of 20% concentration of u-235 they had before the deal WAS signed. Iran does not have weapons grade uranium and thus does not have an Atomic Bomb.
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Old 09-15-2019, 07:05 AM   #727
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Originally Posted by adav8s28 View Post

Iran's stockpile of low-enriched uranium was reduced by 97 percent, from 10,000 kg to 300 kg.[68] This reduction will be maintained for fifteen years.[50][69][70][71] For the same fifteen-year period, Iran will be limited to enriching uranium to 3.67%, a percentage sufficient for civilian nuclear power and research, but not for building a nuclear weapon.[69][70][72] However, the number of centrifuges is sufficient for a nuclear weapon, but not for nuclear power.[73] This is a "major decline" in Iran's previous nuclear activity; prior to watering down its stockpile pursuant to the Joint Plan of Action interim agreement, Iran had enriched uranium to near 20% (medium-enriched uranium).[69][70][71] These enriched uranium in excess of 300 kg of up to 3.67% will be down blended to natural uranium level or be sold in return for natural uranium, and the uranium enriched to between 5% and 20% will be fabricated into fuel plates for the Tehran Research Reactor or sold or diluted to an enrichment level of 3.67%. The implementation of the commercial contracts will be facilitated by P5+1. After fifteen years, all physical limits on enrichment will be removed, including limits on the type and number of centrifuges, Iran's stockpile of enriched uranium, and where Iran may have enrichment facilities. According to Belfer, at this point Iran could "expand its nuclear program to create more practical overt and covert nuclear weapons options".[67][74]
For ten years, Iran will place over two-thirds of its centrifuges in storage, from its current stockpile of 19,000 centrifuges (of which 10,000 were operational) to no more than 6,104 operational centrifuges, with only 5,060 allowed to enrich uranium,[50][69] with the enrichment capacity being limited to the Natanz plant. The centrifuges there must be IR-1 centrifuges, the first-generation centrifuge type which is Iran's oldest and least efficient; Iran will give up its advanced IR-2M centrifuges in this period.[48][70][71] The non-operating centrifuges will be stored in Natanz and monitored by IAEA, but may be used to replace failed centrifuges.[75][76] Iran will not build any new uranium-enrichment facilities for fifteen years.[69]
So, I'm missing where there is software monitoring anything that wasn't part of the "baseline" agreement that was never actually "baselined" as to Iran's capabilities.

A wiki article stating Iran was/is in compliance is pretty laughable, but not surprising as support for how Obama was played.
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Old 09-15-2019, 07:14 AM   #728
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Originally Posted by adav8s28 View Post
Before Trump left the deal Iran had enriched to just 3.67% of u-235. Now that Trump is out of the deal, Iran has enriched to 4% concentration of U-235. This percentage is far below the weapons grade level of 20% concentration of u-235 they had before the deal WAS signed. Iran does not have weapons grade uranium and thus does not have an Atomic Bomb.
Yes, so they continue to be in violation of the agreement they have with others.

So we should trust them in any way why?

You keep arguing to keep the Obama legacy alive, which has been shown to be that Obama was played as IB keeps saying, "before the ink was dried" or in reality, "before the ink was put to paper".

It was a deal guaranteed to be to Iran's advantage and ignored largely by Obama for his "legacy".

What's your answer moving forward then? Rejoin the agreement Iran has already stated they have repeatedly violated, as well as almost every agreement in the past?
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Old 09-15-2019, 07:20 AM   #729
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Originally Posted by eccielover View Post
So, I'm missing where there is software monitoring
Try clicking on the links (they are in blue with a different font)



Click on links 91 and 92. That is where you will find out about that software.

You didn't see all the footnotes the wiki link had??????

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Old 09-15-2019, 07:34 AM   #730
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Originally Posted by adav8s28 View Post
Try clicking on the links (they are in blue with a different font)

LOL. That remains funny considering the OP. All of what you are talking about are new facilities and operations and how they "might" be found according to the articles.

The OP and Albright's report already show that Iran had more capabilities and facilities than were being watched. The already had tubes hidden according to the OP, which obviously were never vetted by the Obama Admin.

Nothing in your links shows anything that could be construed as solid monitoring of what they don't know about, which the Iranians keep saying they had, but Obama never verified.

A "might" or "should" be able to determine is hardly what I want to hang my hat on as ironclad proof of verification.

Obama was played plain and simple from the start.
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Old 09-15-2019, 07:45 AM   #731
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Originally Posted by adav8s28 View Post
Click on links 91 and 92. That is where you will find out about that software.

You didn't see all the footnotes the wiki link had??????

So if you really want to discuss all the drill down details in your bullshit references, maybe we should look at at least link 91.

David Albright, a former weapons inspector and founder of the Institute for Science and International Security, said successful monitoring will require changes at the IAEA. Monitoring trade data means analyzing hundreds of millions of transactions. “The IAEA certainly can’t do that now,” Albright said.
Did the IAEA ever implement anything to actually successfully monitor? I'm not seeing where it did.
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Old 09-15-2019, 08:35 AM   #732
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Originally Posted by themystic View Post
You are a cherry picker IB. Iran never shot down a drone under Obama. Trump didn't do anything when Iran did that. When Iran took our failed Navy members Obama got them back. We were a lot safer under Obama. IB and Lollipop Hankering didn't have to worry
You and adav8s28 would be the lollipop sucking clowns, Moscow Mystic, cherry picking your way around the discovery of unexplained radioactive material in a place where it shouldn't have been and the fact that Israel just this week produced photos of an Iranian nuclear facility that Odumbo, et al, never knew existed.

And Odumbo was the piss poor leader who put the sailors in danger in the first place, and Odumbo went to fucking bed and let four Americans die in Benghazi!

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Old 09-15-2019, 09:21 AM   #733
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Originally Posted by eccielover View Post
So if you really want to discuss all the drill down details in your bullshit references, maybe we should look at at least link 91.
You are not looking. There is plenty of technology that the IEAE is using to detect cheating. You don't understand science.

Electronic seals on centrifuge machines, containers used to store nuclear fuel, and other components idled by the deal will send messages by radio or satellite signal to IAEA monitors in Vienna.

• Sensors will monitor uranium ore as it’s mined, milled, processed and enriched into fuel that can be used in a reactor.

• Computerized accounting programs will track that information as it's gathered and flag anomalies.

It seems that you missed these from link 91.

Was that accidental or intentional?
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Old 09-15-2019, 09:26 AM   #734
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Originally Posted by adav8s28 View Post
You are not looking. There is plenty of technology. You don't understand science.

Electronic seals on centrifuge machines, containers used to store nuclear fuel, and other components idled by the deal will send messages by radio or satellite signal to IAEA monitors in Vienna.

• Sensors will monitor uranium ore as it’s mined, milled, processed and enriched into fuel that can be used in a reactor.

• Computerized accounting programs will track that information as it's gathered and flag anomalies.

It seems that you missed these.

Was that accidental or intentional?
That's a false statement. Radioactive material found at a site during a physical site visit has yet to be explained, and its presence wasn't picked up by your magical, all-knowing sensors beforehand.

“the storing of radioactive material in a secret facility without informing the IAEA is a breach of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons [NPT], to which Iran is a signatory.”

(The Times of Israel)
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Old 09-15-2019, 09:40 AM   #735
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Originally Posted by I B Hankering View Post
That's a false statement. Radioactive material found at a site during a physical site visit has yet to be explained, and its presence wasn't picked up by your magical, all-knowing sensors beforehand.
You be the liar Hankering and you are ignorant of science. The accounting software to detect enrichment past 3.67% worked perfectly. When Trump left the agreement Iran enriched past 3.67%
to 4% concentration of U-235 and the accounting software picked it up (as it was designed to do).

The unexplained radioactive material was it U-235? U-235 is not the only radioactive substance in nature. For example Carbon-13 is radioactive. You can't make a bomb with it.

You keep doing an end around of the FACT that your favorite scientist Albright CONFIRMED that Iran GAVE UP its "WEAPONS GRADE URANIUM"

Without "weapons grade uranium" you don't get an explosion and you CAN'T get an ATOMIC BOMB.
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