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Old 09-01-2019, 03:39 AM   #1
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Default Five dead, 21 hurt in Texas shooting

notice i have altered the headline to correctly show this as what it was. a criminal evading arrest. not a racist attack. not a terrorist attack. once again the leftist press wants to use this as a call for gun control. there weren't two suspects as initially reported, only one. stealing the USPS vehicle was simply the criminal trying to evade capture.

this has about 48 hours to drop off the radar completely once it is found that the suspect had warrants out for his arrest and was evading arrest. no racism. no terrorism. just a criminal who didn't want to do time in prison.

notice of course that the press tries to tie this into El Paso. and that at least two Democratic candidates jumped on the bandwagon quickly. both are no chance losers, Beto O'Dork and Fidel Castro. they won't retract their comments when the facts come out.

Five dead, 21 hurt in Texas shooting


Ian Timberlake, AFP 1 hour 44 minutes ago

Washington (AFP) - A gunman hijacked a US postal truck and opened fire at random in the US state of Texas Saturday, shooting dead at least five people and wounding many others before dying in a shootout with officers.

Police identified the suspect as a white man in his mid-30s, but could not yet name him or say why he carried out the attack in the West Texas cities of Midland and Odessa.

Coming less than a month after a gunman killed 22 people in the Texas city of El Paso, the latest bloodshed immediately ignited fresh calls for gun control to stem the US scourge of mass shootings.

"We have at least 21 victims, 21 shooting victims and at least five deceased at this point in time," Odessa city Police Chief Michael Gerke told reporters.

Three police officers were injured, he said.

The Odessa Police Department had earlier reported that a suspect was "driving around Odessa shooting at random people" and "just hijacked a US mail carrier truck."

- A rifle through the window -

Troopers had initially tried to pull over a passenger vehicle on the Interstate 20 highway but before it stopped, "the male driver (and only occupant in the vehicle) pointed a rifle toward the rear window of his car and fired several shots toward the DPS patrol unit," the Texas Department of Public Safety said in a statement.

One trooper was wounded, the suspect fled the scene, "and continued shooting innocent people," the department said.

Some of the shots were fired on the highway linking the cities of Odessa and Midland, where cars were left with bullet holes.

"I just found out a friend of mine passed away," David Turner, the mayor of Odessa where the incident ended, told Fox News.

"This coward pulls up beside" and opens fire on the car where the man and his family were waiting at a stop light, Turner said.

During his rampage, the suspect had switched vehicles by hijacking the postal van, and Gerke said he "would assume" the postal worker was among the victims.

Police said the suspect died during an exchange of fire with law enforcement at a movie theater in Odessa.

Alex Woods, a witness, told CNN that near the movie theater "I could see a bunch of gunfire going off. And I could see the officer walking up to the mail van and discharging his weapon into it.

"And I believe that was when the shooter was killed."

President Donald Trump tweeted that he had been briefed by Attorney General Bill Barr.

The latest incident came after the early August mass shooting at an El Paso Walmart, where many victims were Hispanic.

In that case, officers arrested Patrick Crusius, 21, a white Texan, who told police that he was targeting "Mexicans," according to an arrest warrant published by US media.

The tragedy in El Paso was committed on the basis of "racist" anti-Mexican rhetoric, Jesus Seade, Mexico's foreign ministry undersecretary for North America, said during a memorial after that shooting.

Critics of Trump have accused him of stoking such hatred.

The shooting in El Paso came hours before a gunman in Dayton, Ohio killed nine people, reigniting calls for gun control in the United States where firearms were linked to nearly 40,000 deaths in 2017.

"We need to end this epidemic," former Texas congressman Beto O'Rourke reacted on Twitter after the latest killings.

Another Democratic contender, former San Antonio mayor Julian Castro, appealed on Twitter to the Republican-controlled Senate "who refuse to move on gun reform."

"What is the number? How many Americans are you willing to sacrifice to the NRA?"

After a series of mass shootings since late July Trump had expressed provisional support for implementing universal background checks.

The president's position is crucial, because congressional Republicans, who count on gun rights supporters for votes, cannot move on tougher firearms legislation without his support.

However, US media including The Washington Post and The Atlantic in late August quoted White House sources as saying Trump promised National Rifle Association head Wayne LaPierre he would not pressure Congress for a stringent, universal, pre-sale review of all gun buyers.
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Old 09-01-2019, 04:25 AM   #2
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Old 09-01-2019, 04:32 AM   #3
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Originally Posted by Trey View Post


T&P? is that Toilet and Paper?

watch the news. let's see if this guy had a criminal record and warrants. what ya gonna say if that's true? mental illness or just a bad guy who didn't want to go to prison?

they already know the identity of this guy. they already know if he was wanted. what happens if he's actually an illegal in the US? how's that gonna spin for the leftists? not well!
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Old 09-01-2019, 04:59 AM   #4
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It's a white guy so it's mental illness. Don't matter if he had a record still mental illness. If he is an illegal then he is the reason we need the wall. If it was a black guy it would be another thug.

Thoughts & prayers. Get your mind out the gutter with toilet paper. SMH.
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Old 09-01-2019, 05:09 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by Trey View Post
It's a white guy so it's mental illness. Don't matter if he had a record still mental illness. If he is an illegal then he is the reason we need the wall. If it was a black guy it would be another thug.
I figured you'd be celebrating.

He shot 3 "cops"! #1 victim was a Trooper.

Are you at least happy he's dead? Had it been a Black guy would you be be whining about "police brutality" and "Black lives matter"? You don't give a shit about the families and victims!
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Old 09-01-2019, 05:17 AM   #6
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It wasn't the guns that killed and injured the people. He could have just as easily been throwing knives, right? Im pro guns and second amendment but some people need to pull their heads out of their asses
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Old 09-01-2019, 05:26 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by LexusLover View Post
I figured you'd be celebrating.

He shot 3 "cops"! #1 victim was a Trooper.

Are you at least happy he's dead? Had it been a Black guy would you be be whining about "police brutality" and "Black lives matter"? You don't give a shit about the families and victims!

You sir don't give a shit. I'm just adjusting to watching people die and no changes just excuses. And I already said if was a black guy he would be a thug. You don't read very well.

I would be more upset if I didn't expect to see at least 2 more of these before thanksgiving at this rate. At this point I just don't much care anymore.
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Old 09-01-2019, 05:29 AM   #8
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I'm so glad I'm under the weather. My dumb ass would have been in Hodessa yesterday afternoon. Like I usually do.
Instead of pulling hair we could use some blood out here. No I cant donate right now. I just did. Thank you very much if you will.
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Old 09-01-2019, 05:41 AM   #9
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Still doesn't change the fact that Texas is a crazy state. Carry on.
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Old 09-01-2019, 06:02 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by themystic View Post
It wasn't the guns that killed and injured the people. He could have just as easily been throwing knives, right? Im pro guns and second amendment but some people need to pull their heads out of their asses
Physician, heal thyself.
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Old 09-01-2019, 06:06 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by Trey View Post
You sir don't give a shit. I'm just adjusting to watching people die and no changes just excuses. And I already said if was a black guy he would be a thug. You don't read very well.

I would be more upset if I didn't expect to see at least 2 more of these before thanksgiving at this rate. At this point I just don't much care anymore.
You don't get it. Another one and they do the same old thing every time. The left screams, they cry, and they put the same anti second amendment crap that was written 30 years ago.
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Old 09-01-2019, 06:27 AM   #12
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And you offer... Nothing.
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Old 09-01-2019, 06:39 AM   #13
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Originally Posted by Trey View Post
And you offer... Nothing.
Barley corn drops by to show us his big bag of nothing. Again
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Old 09-01-2019, 06:55 AM   #14
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Originally Posted by Trey View Post
You sir don't give a shit.
It's too bad you've never gotten away from the keyboard to do anything about it .... all you do is run your mouth and whine.

Typical. Are you the Mayor of Chicago in real life? You sound like him!
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Old 09-01-2019, 06:56 AM   #15
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Originally Posted by Trey View Post
And you offer... Nothing.
Originally Posted by LexusLover View Post
It's too bad you've never gotten away from the keyboard to do anything about it .... all you do is run your mouth and whine.

Typical. Are you the Mayor of Chicago in real life? You sound like him!
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