Originally Posted by bb1961
Hey SPEED this doesn't mean anything correct...the polls and all 
Uncle Joe ain't radical enough for them...burn or poka.
Poor Joe. Yet Fox News, which has bent over backwards in the past to support Trump, has Trump well behind Biden in their most recent poll.
And in the latest poll by NBC/WSJ:
The latest NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll contains good, bad and ugly numbers for President Trump.
"The good: Despite his overall job-approval rating at 43 percent, Trump’s approval rating in handling the economy is much higher — at 49 percent approve, 46 percent disapprove. (The poll was conducted mostly before Wednesday’s 800-point drop in the Dow.)
The bad: The sliver of Americans who approve of Trump’s job handling — but who disapprove of his overall job performance — aren’t potential Trump voters in 2020. In fact, they back a generic Democrat over Trump, 73 percent to 5 percent.
The ugly: Only 36 percent of Americans say they approve of Trump’s handling of the aftermath of the El Paso and Dayton shootings that killed more than 30 people."
I can believe the OPINIONS of people on this forum or I can believe the polls which have been very accurate over the years, as they were in 2018. The question is whether or not a person disapproving of Trump's performance today correlates into a vote against Trump on voting day.