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Old 08-18-2019, 03:19 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by Kickrocks View Post
Better yet, the customer usually receives gifts, not the merchant.

This is a business transaction although there are perks when it comes to having a big soulpole as well as doing little things like cleaning an incall.
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Old 08-18-2019, 03:21 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by Kickrocks View Post
Im pretty sure youd be quick to say this is a business and want to be paid for all of your time. So I wouldn't give a gift to someone I'm doing business with. They get my money and nothing more.
Not true but you assume that because I'm a hooker right.

Have you met me kick or actually talked to me. I'm actually pretty generous with my time. My sessions often run over and I have never asked a client once to pay me for overage. I work with clients within in reason on certain donations. Respect and being nice goes a long way. Contact me appropriately and I'm always willing to work something out with in reason. Demand it or expect and then no. Clients run late and I could be a bitch and just cancel but I understand and still see them even if 20 mins late. Thats being generous with my time. My regulars get time free when it's their birthday. I run specials often and they are very generous. Maybe ask some of the gentlemen who contact me when Specials were offered but their references never got back or they ran out of time if I still offered that special when they tried to book again on a different day. So before you have met me do not assume you know me or how I do business. I'm really a nice person.
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Old 08-18-2019, 03:23 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by Agent220 View Post
Say that again...the class needs you to repeat that.

Church, preach...tabernacle.
Haven't you been warned to leave me alone sir? I've told you numerous times that your stalking will not be tolerated and I will take it to the next level! Should we go there?
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Old 08-18-2019, 04:18 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by Britttany_love View Post
Haven't you been warned to leave me alone sir? I've told you numerous times that your stalking will not be tolerated and I will take it to the next level! Should we go there?
I have never stalked anyone nor have even so much as a traffic ticket on my personal record. Any directive I recieved from this site (which are no longer enforced were in regards to another person and not you).

What I can prove is that you got a 72 hour ban from p411 from outing my Facebook profile. Be happy I only asked for a reprimand and not a full ban which you are eligible.

Now run along.
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Old 08-18-2019, 05:01 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by Agent220 View Post
I have never stalked anyone nor have even so much as a traffic ticket on my personal record. Any directive I recieved from this site (which are no longer enforced were in regards to another person and not you).

What I can prove is that you got a 72 hour ban from p411 from outing my Facebook profile. Be happy I only asked for a reprimand and not a full ban which you are eligible.

Now run along.
That's all bullshit Agent220 everyone knows exactly what you did. Other girls have had the same experiences with you. I was never banned on p411 my account never went anywhere you tried to start shit and when I sent proof to p411 about you stalking and what was in the alert boom your bs was done. Go ahead give me this proof please! Because I do however have all emails, threats, pms, conversations with p411, mods and all the ones where you tried hiding and booking under this new handle since your old one is banned here on eccie. I didnt know who you were or any info about you at that time. Gina doesn't allow the clients to determine if a provider is banned on p411 nice try. Outting is strictly enforced on p411 and no you get booted and do not get an account back period. You are banned on oh2 with bright big black letters for continuously stalking and harrassing and trying to change handles to see me after being caught, asking clients and other providers information about. Your emails calling me a bitch and other threats were sent to the mods. The alert I posted about you was already made public and it had all your hobby handle information not a single thing about your real world info. Thats why the same alert is still posted on both sites and was never taken down.
No real world info/no outing nice try though again.

Your ex provider girlfriend put all your real world info out along with your picture on blast. Nice try.

The fact that you have to omit that you have had directives speaks volumes to your character.

Like I said before your continuous threats and stalking will not be tolerated. Trying to see me and gain information about will not work I have nothing to hide. I warned you after the last email you sent that I would take legal actions if you come at me again. My last warning!
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Old 08-18-2019, 05:32 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by Britttany_love View Post
This hate is always from you and others and quit frankly it's old and tiresome. I must really rile you up enough to constantly have you bringing me up one way or another.

So ya when you have real facts, evidence, a lady speaks up or I see it for myself that someone posts publicly that I have harmed them girl or guy then you will have some credibility. Cause right now this bullshit you are spewing is just that a whole bunch of lame ass hate on Britttany because she shit on you gift parade.


I love how you're here saying that you're constantly on my mind when I didn't even respond to your cancerous ass until you came after me first. I mean you literally contradict yourself right after by saying how you "shit on you gift parade" to start this little tiff.

And yeah it's not spoken much in public for obvious reasons. The obvious reason is you will blacklist guys with your little cohorts and you'll bully girls over all kinds of shit. Most commonly rates. So people don't speak up. Now me personally it occurs to me that if you and the people you associate with want to black list me that's kind of doing me a favor. And most of the girls I get with these days couldn't care less about your shit or more commonly I just find them off the boards. So hey why not put you on blast?

And I meant what I said at the beginning here. You are pure cancer.
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Old 08-18-2019, 06:00 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by Killeeninformer2 View Post
I love how you're here saying that you're constantly on my mind when I didn't even respond to your cancerous ass until you came after me first. I mean you literally contradict yourself right after by saying how you "shit on you gift parade" to start this little tiff.

And yeah it's not spoken much in public for obvious reasons. The obvious reason is you will blacklist guys with your little cohorts and you'll bully girls over all kinds of shit. Most commonly rates. So people don't speak up. Now me personally it occurs to me that if you and the people you associate with want to black list me that's kind of doing me a favor. And most of the girls I get with these days couldn't care less about your shit or more commonly I just find them off the boards. So hey why not put you on blast?

And I meant what I said at the beginning here. You are pure cancer.
Comparing me to cancer? You are truly sick. A horrible disease that kills children and other men and women, rips apart families and devastates people and ruins their lives. My dad is dying of cancer so fuck you for a shit ass comment like that. How fucking dare you!
Mods I will gladly take points for saying that Because that was pure hate from you right there.

Yup every chance you get you throw stones my way and if someone else says something about me you jump on in so yes you always gotta say something. Where did I quote you or even direct my comment above to you. I said something about a gift being a gift and you took offense and slammed me. Your name was not in my comment what so ever. You got your panites in a wad and decided to talk shit.

I've never once made a comment to you or came at you. You did came straight for me.

Quit with this blacklist bs. An alert is not a blacklist it is to warn another lady about bad behavior. Every single lady has put an alert out on someone on the boards just as you have blasted how many girls. So quit that shit and saying I'm cohorts with the ladies.

A seccond ago you said ladies hated me now I'm cohorts with them all which is it now?

Rates? Where the hell is that from? Where have I ever posted or had a conversation with any lady here about rates that's absurd. I have never ever told a lady what to charge or made any comments what so ever about how to run their business or anything to do with finances that's complete bs. Bully the ladies again what are you talking about. I call out hate and bullshit if that bothers a lady well I'm sorry but you need to get thicker skin.

I've made comments on more than one occasion that I think some of the rates are ridiculously high why the hell would I be talking to other ladies about donations. It took me 10 years before I decided to up mine $50 bucks when have I ever talked donations? Nope never have never will. If I was in cohorts wouldn't I be on the same train trying to get $300 an hour I mean it seems everyone else is trying. Nope that's not me.

Blacklist you why? I dont know you and have never met you. I'm not vindictive
(even though you think so)and even though you hate me so much I don't have the same hate for you and would have no reason to put something bad out there about you. I alert on dangerous threats not guys who bully me and when we have never met. The way you threaten, belittle, name call, and just out right here on the people around here will land you naturally on a ladies blacklist. You do it to yourself.

I'm done with your hate and negativity. I'm not going to talk to you any longer. I've had a fabulous sunday afternoon and I will not let you ruin my happiness. I've got enough tragic things happening in my life with my loved ones that I'm not going to bring your added hate into it as well.
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Old 08-18-2019, 06:10 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by jerryjones View Post
I have been fortunate to have a few long-term excellent girls. I have given the typical body lotion, perfume, lingerie, Lululemon to celebrate anniversaries, birthdays and holidays. Would it be appropriate to give some inexpensive jewelry like Kendra Scott?

Would like to get some ladies input.
I'm truly sorry your thread was hijacked and became a clusterfuck.

You seem like a sweet guy and any of longterm lovelies would adore anything you gave them.
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Old 08-18-2019, 06:14 PM   #24
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Understatement of the year. God, I don't even know what to do with this thread because it is such a RUDE disservice to a nice guy with a nice question. One that I think a lot of people would like to comment on.

I'm going to do something I have honestly never seen before and split off the prehijacked thread and see if we can get a do over.
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Old 08-18-2019, 06:26 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by Britttany_love View Post
I'm truly sorry your thread was hijacked and became a clusterfuck.

You seem like a sweet guy and any of longterm lovelies would adore anything you gave them.

Then don't start attacking people in his thread?

Literally the only time we interact is when I say something and you jump on me. I'm sure you'd like to be able to talk shit and never have it reciprocated but that doesn't really work with me. Seriously if you never came after me I would continue to ignore you. But hey I'm sure you've got another 7-8 paragraphs in you if you dig deep.
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Old 08-18-2019, 06:29 PM   #26
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And let me make it clear. If anyone derails the original thread again, there will be serious consequences.
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Old 08-18-2019, 06:36 PM   #27
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And before all of you bitch about any infractions for thread hijacking "because you needed to respond"...there is a NEW THREAD option.

That is what should have happened here. OR BETTER YET - the Private Message system. A simple, "Let's take this Private" or "I started a new thread to address this" is what was warranted. NOT a wall of vitriol on a very feel good thread.

People complain about COED not having good discussions and then people crap all over it. Not cool.


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