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Old 07-11-2019, 03:26 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by Hotrod511 View Post
Speedy sounds just like the party he voted for! he's only concerned with one person himself! just like they are only concerned with staying in power and fuck everybody else!
How Obama was anybody’s savior is beyond me.
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Old 07-11-2019, 04:15 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX View Post
I already responded to your question. I was a one issue person in 2008. I was anticipating retirement and just saw my 401k lose 25% of its net worth. I looked at the McCain/Palin ticket and saw nothing. Sarah Palin happened to be, in my opinion, the dumbest person to run for President/Vice President in my lifetime. Imagining her being a heartbeat away from being POTUS was beyond comprehension.

As for the issues:

NO ONE is proposing open borders. NO ONE. Got it?

Two candidates, Sanders and Warren, are proposing Medicare for All. JUST TWO.

NO ONE is proposing massive amounts of money being spent on climate change.

Again I ask you to FOCUS on the primary issues important to voters in 2020. Republicans have offered NOTHING on health care, the number one issue among voters. Immigration is #2 and thus far Trump has had little success. But there is opportunity on this issue. The economy is #3 and that is the one area where Trump can claim a level of success. However, if the economy falters in the next 16 months . . .

What you seem to not understand is that I am hardly alone in my dislike for Trump. Many people voted against him in 2016 based solely on his character and I predict many more will vote against him in 2020 for that reason alone. Then you add in what I perceive to be a horrible track record thus far on political issues and you will realize why I will not vote for him in 2020.

My guess is that your "political ideology" has had you voting Republican all your life. That is fine. Just don't pretend to be an open-minded voter when you enter the voting booth. It is obvious you consider any Democrat to be a far left Socialist/Communist.
You might want to consult with your man Obummer's DHS...


GOT IT SPEED...the WHOLE LOT of these fucker want to "decriminalize" ILLEGAL immigration...what the fuck do you call this other than open borders.This will completely destroy the fabric of this great nation. This is a loosing stance on ANY rational thinking America loving voter.

The left already past Obummercare without a single Republican vote on this unconstitutional nightmare...one step from COMPLETE Gumment controlled healthcare...the Gumment has no fucking business in our healthcare. So the main concern with voter is to make sure they continue to get their heavily subsided or completely free healthcare...nice huh speed.

All the candidates believe in the expenditure of Billions if not Trillions on the unproven "MAN MADE CLIMATE CHANGE". Ask any of them and see what answer you get speed...it's the religion of the left.I'm sure you're good with this.

When was the last time a President has lost on his character...when your prayers are answered this will be a first.
The LSM does all they can to avoid reporting on the economy.As the line has been for many elections..."it's the economy stupid"...but your hoping against all hope will overcome that.
Welcome to the crowed of TDS people.

Open mined my ass...that's code word for let socialism have a chance, it just hasn't been implemented correctly...SOCIALISM takes and CAPITALISM gives opportunity to everyone. Insofar as to vote for a Democrap not a fucking one has a policy that will keep the country the greatest country in the world. They are all about handouts...EVERY FUCKING ONE.

I love your #1 and #2 one the voters minds 1) Everyone wants a form of Gumment subsidized(socialized) healthcare...healthcare isn't a right and shouldn't be paid for by other peoples tax dollars.
2) Illegal Immigration shouldn't be "decriminalized' so that we can be overwhelmed with third world people...how do you think that is going to go over with the majority of the voters.

Yeah speed you still failed to tell how you transitioned from a Republican to a democrap other then possibly TDS invaded your thought process.

P.S. Still asking for you to expound on the virtues of the Democrap platform and your reason of embracing this philosophy after so many years as a Republican...other than your MAJOR dislike of Trump. Congrads...throwing the baby out with the bath water!!
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Old 07-12-2019, 06:43 AM   #18
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Originally Posted by gnadfly View Post
You sound conflicted. Also, inconsistent.

You don't consider much of the Democratic party has moved to the left? You don't consider Joe Biden one heartbeart away from the Presidency scary? Obama had a supermajority for almost two years and "my insurance premium isn't the size of my monthly cellphone bill." Wake up.

Also, please stay on topic.
"Please stay on topic"? I was responding to YOUR post #3 in this thread.

"Speedy, walk into the 21st Century with us. This ain't your father's Democratic party anymore. Look around. I'll admit it ain't my father's Republican party either. The Democratic Senators are a corrupt joke."

As with most every thread on this board, it starts out in one direction and takes twists and turns.

No, I don't agree with those on the far left any more than I agree with those on the far right on many issues.

Joe Biden is old, as is Bernie Sanders. Trump is almost as old. McCain had health problems prior to his running for office. If Trump kicked off today, I have faith in Mike Pence's ability to step in and take over. Had McCain been elected and died in office could YOU imagine Sarah Palin being POTUS????

I can't speak for the impact of Obamacare on everyone. Some people's premiums went up. Some people's deductibles went up. I was still working for a major corporation at that time and Obamacare had no impact on me. Obamacare went into affect in 2010. It is far from perfect. But the Republicans have offered no viable alternatives in more than nine years.

Now back on subject. Please reread my post #2 in this thread.
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Old 07-12-2019, 06:47 AM   #19
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Originally Posted by bb1961 View Post
You might want to consult with your man Obummer's DHS...


GOT IT SPEED...the WHOLE LOT of these fucker want to "decriminalize" ILLEGAL immigration...what the fuck do you call this other than open borders.This will completely destroy the fabric of this great nation. This is a loosing stance on ANY rational thinking America loving voter.

The left already past Obummercare without a single Republican vote on this unconstitutional nightmare...one step from COMPLETE Gumment controlled healthcare...the Gumment has no fucking business in our healthcare. So the main concern with voter is to make sure they continue to get their heavily subsided or completely free healthcare...nice huh speed.

All the candidates believe in the expenditure of Billions if not Trillions on the unproven "MAN MADE CLIMATE CHANGE". Ask any of them and see what answer you get speed...it's the religion of the left.I'm sure you're good with this.

When was the last time a President has lost on his character...when your prayers are answered this will be a first.
The LSM does all they can to avoid reporting on the economy.As the line has been for many elections..."it's the economy stupid"...but your hoping against all hope will overcome that.
Welcome to the crowed of TDS people.

Open mined my ass...that's code word for let socialism have a chance, it just hasn't been implemented correctly...SOCIALISM takes and CAPITALISM gives opportunity to everyone. Insofar as to vote for a Democrap not a fucking one has a policy that will keep the country the greatest country in the world. They are all about handouts...EVERY FUCKING ONE.

I love your #1 and #2 one the voters minds 1) Everyone wants a form of Gumment subsidized(socialized) healthcare...healthcare isn't a right and shouldn't be paid for by other peoples tax dollars.
2) Illegal Immigration shouldn't be "decriminalized' so that we can be overwhelmed with third world people...how do you think that is going to go over with the majority of the voters.

Yeah speed you still failed to tell how you transitioned from a Republican to a democrap other then possibly TDS invaded your thought process.

P.S. Still asking for you to expound on the virtues of the Democrap platform and your reason of embracing this philosophy after so many years as a Republican...other than your MAJOR dislike of Trump. Congrads...throwing the baby out with the bath water!!
Thank you for your wonderful insights. Sorry if my responses to your rambling posts do not satisfactorily meet your expectations.
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Old 07-12-2019, 07:51 AM   #20
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Plenty of dumbasses that eclipse your impressive of Sarah Palin.
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Old 07-12-2019, 08:37 AM   #21
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From SR

Joe Biden is old, as is Bernie Sanders. Trump is almost as old. McCain had health problems prior to his running for office. If Trump kicked off today, I have faith in Mike Pence's ability to step in and take over. Had McCain been elected and died in office could YOU imagine Sarah Palin being POTUS????

I can't speak for the impact of Obamacare on everyone. Some people's premiums went up. Some people's deductibles went up. I was still working for a major corporation at that time and Obamacare had no impact on me. Obamacare went into affect in 2010. It is far from perfect. But the Republicans have offered no viable alternatives in more than nine years.

I must agree with You , SR. McCain lost the election due to his poor choice of a running mate.

Conservatives rightly criticize the ACA for over-regulation, loss of choice, and increased cost - all different than promised by Obama -"you can keep your doctor, and it will be cheaper"

Like all government run medical programs - it is a tax supported rationing scam
Requiring membership- or being fined was draconian of the government - Just a prelude to Medicare for All. and the destruction of all private insurance and private care in the US.
ACA did one good thing - it ensured coverage for those with pre-existing conditions.

Conservatives are negligent in their opposition to ACA - without a sound proposal for replacement including coverage for those with pre-existing conditions.
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Old 07-12-2019, 12:22 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by oeb11 View Post
I must agree with You , SR. McCain lost the election due to his poor choice of a running mate.

disagree with you on McCain. He didn't lose the race because of Palin.

He lost because he ran a shit-show campaign. He never intended to win it.
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Old 07-12-2019, 12:45 PM   #23
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McCain was a total Pussy, Obama was an outright fool, well, so was Bush II... 16 years of incompetence...
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Old 07-13-2019, 08:01 AM   #24
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