Originally Posted by Blue Moon Man
No reviews. Don't go. You want to be o n the news? And if you know of someone busted you should post details or get off of here.
BMM, I'm glad you responded. She told me in confidence. I'm not going to violate her trust. I know her and we actually crossed paths in the real world before she started providing. On the other hand, I don't know you. The only contact I've ever had with you is when you were careless enough to include your professional email address on a review a few years back and I was kind enough to alert you. Never got a thank you from you, not even a thumbs up. So I think it's reasonable for me to not reveal her name, especially not to you.
To the rest of you, she's going UTR unless you're a regular and in that case, She'll be contacting you with her new number. These women are still people and some end up being friends. If you are going to cry because a member has a sliver of honor, grow up.