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Old 06-30-2019, 07:17 AM   #106
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Originally Posted by Levianon17 View Post
That's has nothing to do with what Iam talking about. Organizations like that don't have a Government origin.
Exactly! The point, which you missed, is some people outside of government are helping to solve the homeless problem.
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Old 06-30-2019, 07:19 AM   #107
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Originally Posted by eccielover View Post
But, but it's near Austin(not actually in it) and Austin granted the guy a least to a plot of land actually in Austin 6 years before he got this place going, but the bigots in Austin didn't want it in their "back yard".

And GASP!!!, it was founded by a Christian through his church goings and is now operated apparently by a non-profit Christian group.

I can't wait to hear the libs rail against any overlap of church and state at this place. They'll probably make them rename their streets of Grace, Mercy, and Goodness to Biden, Warren and Beto lanes.
My church, Riverbend, is one of the churches sponsoring it. You are right that very few in ANY community want such a facility near their homes. NIMBY.
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Old 06-30-2019, 09:36 AM   #108
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Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX View Post
I am calling the popular vote, not the electoral college which determines who wins the presidency. What lack of knowledge am I showing regarding the electoral college?

How many Trump supporters on this forum have already called the 2020 race?
Your party had two presidential debates (circuses) and the left wing pundits are VERY worried...they are making carl marx look moderate...if you think this type of pandering is going to win with the masses you're sadly mistaken. As the video shows they know this SHIT doesn't win elections...you must think otherwise. Don't forget the radical nominees in 72' & 84'...quite an ASS stomping they received. Why are they so worried about the "socialism" label...Hummmmmmmm
Have you EVER heard of ANYONE being afraid of the "conservative" label....Hummmmmmm


Your words..."if the electoral college is in disagreement"...with fucking what...the popular vote has never been the final say.The electoral college is all that matters.Fuck the liberal voters of the massively populated southwest and northeast...the don't control the MAJORITY of the country (thank God for the founding fathers). That is what you don't understand SPEED.
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Old 06-30-2019, 09:44 AM   #109
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Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX View Post
Exactly! The point, which you missed, is some people outside of government are helping to solve the homeless problem.
I am not denying that outside organizations help to curve the homeless problem or any of societies problems for that matter. There intentions are to truly help while Governments sole intentions are more on the level to control.
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Old 06-30-2019, 10:01 AM   #110
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Originally Posted by bb1961 View Post
Your party had two presidential debates (circuses) and the left wing pundits are VERY worried...they are making carl marx look moderate...if you think this type of pandering is going to win with the masses you're sadly mistaken. As the video shows they know this SHIT doesn't win elections...you must think otherwise. Don't forget the radical nominees in 72' & 84'...quite an ASS stomping they received.


Your words..."if the electoral college is in disagreement"...with fucking what...the popular vote has never been the final say.The electoral college is all that matters.Fuck the liberal voters of the massively populated southwest and northeast...the don't control the MAJORITY of the country (thank God for the founding fathers). That is what you don't understand SPEED.
I’ve read your post several times now, bb1961, and honestly, I don’t understand the point of that rant. Seems like you were deeply offended and angered by the Democrats in their debates, which I agree were circus-like, but missing the one Bozo who is responsible for that unwieldy field.

Are you concerned for the “liberal pundits?” What do you care if they’re worried?

Are you mad at voters from the Southwest and Northeast because they’re liberal? Because they disagree with your take on the elections stolen by Trump and Bush? Some other reason?

Would you prefer the Democrats discuss issues that Trump’s ever dwindling base is concerned with? Apparently Trump’s pathological lies aren’t among the GOP talking points. Or addressing the crushing student debt that benefits nobody but the private lending institutions. Or fixing healthcare. Or the erosion of our strategic alliances. Or the daily attempts to expand the power of the executive branch by the administration.

Seems like we agree on the importance of a number of issues. Why are you so pissed that Democrats envision a different solution than Trump and McConnell? Why would you expect otherwise?

What part of “opposition party” don’t you understand?
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Old 06-30-2019, 10:11 AM   #111
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Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX View Post
My church, Riverbend, is one of the churches sponsoring it. You are right that very few in ANY community want such a facility near their homes. NIMBY.
A number of local corporations also are involved in the sponsorship of that organization.
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Old 06-30-2019, 10:29 AM   #112
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Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post
I’ve read your post several times now, bb1961, and honestly, I don’t understand the point of that rant. Seems like you were deeply offended and angered by the Democrats in their debates, which I agree were circus-like, but missing the one Bozo who is responsible for that unwieldy field.

Are you concerned for the “liberal pundits?” What do you care if they’re worried?

Are you mad at voters from the Southwest and Northeast because they’re liberal? Because they disagree with your take on the elections stolen by Trump and Bush? Some other reason?

Would you prefer the Democrats discuss issues that Trump’s ever dwindling base is concerned with? Apparently Trump’s pathological lies aren’t among the GOP talking points. Or addressing the crushing student debt that benefits nobody but the private lending institutions. Or fixing healthcare. Or the erosion of our strategic alliances. Or the daily attempts to expand the power of the executive branch by the administration.

Seems like we agree on the importance of a number of issues. Why are you so pissed that Democrats envision a different solution than Trump and McConnell? Why would you expect otherwise?

What part of “opposition party” don’t you understand?
I'm glad you responded YR, because I want you to tell me ANYTHING the the left wing socialist have planned that won't bankrupt this great nation.

1) Student loans...forgiven because they shouldn't be responsible for the debt they incurred...GOTCHA!!(something about self-reliance)...couldn't be!!

2) The immigration issue...weren't you on another thread where you said some shit like, "talking about legalizing immigration"...WTF was that shit!!

3) Healthcare for all...yeah even the left wing pundits known this this ain't going to fly...THE COST IS ASTRONOMICAL...your sweetheart AOC can't explain how the fuck to pay for it...just do it, the fucking nut says...YEAH RIGHT!!

Please YR tell me ANYTHING the left has planned that isn't ABSOLUTE nonsense...the have no plans!!
Do tell YR, how is Trump responsible for your field of absolute nuts running...Hummm

What I don't understand is how could ANY thinking person vote for this socialist garbage...you need look no farther then Venezuela.
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Old 06-30-2019, 11:21 AM   #113
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Originally Posted by bb1961 View Post
I'm glad you responded YR, because I want you to tell me ANYTHING the the left wing socialist have planned that won't bankrupt this great nation.

1) Student loans...forgiven because they shouldn't be responsible for the debt they incurred...GOTCHA!!(something about self-reliance)...couldn't be!! Are you aware of the growing number of student loan forgiveness programs currently offered around the country? Do you know the cause of the massive loan debt? Have you given this any real thought? I'd be interested in your analysis.

2) The immigration issue...weren't you on another thread where you said some shit like, "talking about legalizing immigration"...WTF was that shit!! Before you accuse, insult and criticize, take a couple of minutes and find the quote. I think Mayor Castro made an interesting point about decriminalization of asylum seekers entering this country. He probably knows a little more about that issue than most on the stage and therefore his thoughts are worth considering.

3) Healthcare for all...yeah even the left wing pundits known this this ain't going to fly...THE COST IS ASTRONOMICAL...your sweetheart AOC can't explain how the fuck to pay for it...just do it, the fucking nut says...YEAH RIGHT!!
What is your obsession with the "left wing pundits?" But what frothing post from a Trump support doesn't include a reference to AOC??? LOL! She isn't my representative, but sure scares the shit out of just about everybody here. There could be numerous reasons for that, but considering our forum is comprised by whore mongers (myself included) who are driven to moralize online, I'll just leave that alone.

That said, the cost factor will only come down when universal healthcare or, my preference, a public option becomes reality. Right now you're already paying for healthcare for all. And between the hospitals and the pharmas, you're taking it up the ass. They're bankrupting the country, not the illlleeeegals! You might want to make it simpler and more efficient long term.

Please YR tell me ANYTHING the left has planned that isn't ABSOLUTE nonsense...the have no plans!! (I suppose you won't be voting blue this time, eh? LOL! Maybe if the D's propose a wall that Mexico will pay for?)

Do tell YR, how is Trump responsible for your field of absolute nuts running...Hummm (He's singlehanded turned our country into the least-trusted nation on the planet. Our allies are both petrified and disgusted. The American people are searching for answers. It isn't a true/false question, man. But a multiple choice answer to an urgent question. I suppose you'd prefer Trump ran unopposed. So would he. LOL!)

What I don't understand is how could ANY thinking person vote for this socialist garbage...you need look no farther then Venezuela.(Fox News Dog whistle)
bb1961, your seething anger has closed your mind to any idea that doesn't come from the Trump bullshit machine.

I guess the Marianne Williamson campaign won't be counting on your vote, then!

Another five star post, amigo!

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Old 06-30-2019, 12:00 PM   #114
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Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post
bb1961, your seething anger has closed your mind to any idea that doesn't come from the Trump bullshit machine.

I guess the Marianne Williamson campaign won't be counting on your vote, then!

Another five star post, amigo!

You're fucking OBSESSED with the stars...no one else gives a fuck...are your feeling hurt.
You have yet to say anything that the democraps can DEFEAT Trump with...and you never will.
As for "close minded" the lefts ideas are "mindless"...pretty simple there.
These two circuses as you have admitted aren't going to win over the popular vote...PERIOD!!
The platform that the left is putting forward now got their asses handed to them in 72' & 84' and will again in 2020.
Decriminalize ILLEGAL immigration (asylum seekers)...that is a left wing dream. YR is there a monumental crises at the boarder??
Open the boarders and turn this, the greatest country on earth into a third world shit hole that they are all fleeing from...another EXCELLENT idea from your buddies on the left.
As far as unopposed...this field now is a close second!!
What ideas should I take from the liberal "bullshit machine??
Venezuela being a FOX dog whistle...tell that to the people there that are dying and starving that it is just in their imagination!!
Were you saying something about close minded...
What the fuck has the "Gumment made simpler and more efficient"...what a fucking oxymoron!!

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Old 06-30-2019, 02:14 PM   #115
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OK. So I responded to your previous rant and your reply was ... another rant.

What “boarder” are you talking about?


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Old 06-30-2019, 03:39 PM   #116
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Old 06-30-2019, 04:51 PM   #117
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Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post
OK. So I responded to your previous rant and your reply was ... another rant.

What “boarder” are you talking about?


you know about rants don't you Sparky
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Old 06-30-2019, 08:30 PM   #118
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Originally Posted by Austin Ellen View Post
I can't believe I just heard Cory Booker speak Spanish.
He's desperate for votes apparently.
He's brushing up for his new constituents sneaking across the border.
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Old 06-30-2019, 08:32 PM   #119
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Originally Posted by Levianon17 View Post
I am not denying that outside organizations help to curve the homeless problem or any of societies problems for that matter. There intentions are to truly help while Governments sole intentions are more on the level to control.
So that's where they get the pup tents in the camps under the freeways. I'm glad because it's really unpleasant to walk through their body fluids running across the sidewalks downtown on the way to the office.
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Old 07-01-2019, 12:50 AM   #120
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Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post
OK. So I responded to your previous rant and your reply was ... another rant.

What “boarder” are you talking about?


As usual you have not responded to the ludicrous garbage you spew and you focus on the word border being misspelled.
I still love the " talking about decriminalizing ILLEGAL immigration"...what a crock of liberal dribble.

What clown is going to beat the devil Trump...you don't have an answer...because not a single one of those clowns running can get the job done.

Hopefully we will have a repeat of the 72' or 84' election...because this field of clowns all mirror those two super socialist that found out that their ideology doesn't sell.

If you're still around after the 2020 election your meltdown will make Chernobyl look like a minor incident. That will be a huge event. you star struck valued poster!!
That's where the real rants will play out...can't wait.
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