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Old 06-19-2019, 01:24 PM   #1
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Default Clients Sharing Intel - Creepy or Not?

I happened upon this post by a British provider on Twitter. When I read her initial tweet I was a little surprised. Then as I continued to read I see that the opposing opinions are largely drawn right down the male/female line. I am not sure where the ladies' outrage is coming from, but perhaps it's because of my male perspective. The big surprise to me is just how deplorable these providers find the sharing of intel to be. Or, it could be that two of these dudes wanted to actually meet up for this discussion in person.

Perhaps it's also my knowledge that we guys are not giving one another stroke by stroke accounts of what we're doing BCD, but I feel it's similar to what ladies do to screen us. The parameters aren't exactly the same, but the principle is: Will I feel comfortable with her? Does she do the little things that I like? Are there any absolute deal breakers that would make me regret a date with her? Are there conversely things about her that would make me break the bank and go outside my price range just for a little private time with her?


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Old 06-19-2019, 01:41 PM   #2
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If a provider doesn't want to be reviewed they should have the right to say so and it should be respected. Operative word is SAY. Most of these forums encourage reviews for a reason and in a modern porn culture I think there is a bit of voyeur in all of us. I feel the same way about clients. I typically dont write reviews and I dont provide reference. Digital footprints are too much of a liability. If a provider insists on reference I just dont see them. If people question my credibility, to each there own. Unless we start signing NDAs I think each participant in an encounter does reserve the right to share it with whomever and to whatever level of detail they're comfortable with.
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Old 06-19-2019, 02:21 PM   #3
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It's part of the game, on both sides. Anyone who doesn't accept it needs to do something else.
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Old 06-27-2019, 02:54 AM   #4
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hmmmmm .....

"This new phenomenon of “clients” meeting up to compare notes on sexual experiences with providers they have both met will never not be gross to me.

Y’all are really making BOYS CLUBS over mutually enjoyed pussy? Creepy AF.

Our need for community is *a lot* different from yours."
"What is the purpose of it unless to use it to manipulate us?"
"If this is human nature it’s gross."

i can understand why that twitterer would have a diff need for community.

but "new phenomenom" ??? where has she been for the last couple of million years? it is difficult for me to understand that a female would think that guys would NOT share their stories about having sex w/ a female (or male), either in person or via the internet.

and she seemingly is not able to think about sharing escapades in a manner other than "manipulating"

and she thinks sharing details is "gross" ?!?!
imagine what some conservative/ultra-religious person thinks about what she does.

i agree w/ some posters in this thread - if you cant stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.
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Old 06-27-2019, 03:25 AM   #5
Lester Krinklesac
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Yeah that’s a real shame... not.
I find it creepy these providers are sharing actual personal info in places you can’t access, screw what they like.
Pussy can be found everywhere, earning money with no skills is a lot harder.
You are in charge no matter what they scream.
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Old 06-27-2019, 06:50 AM   #6
Sir Lancehernot
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Originally Posted by thewoodthatcould View Post
If a provider doesn't want to be reviewed they should have the right to say so and it should be respected.

If a provider doers not advertise anywhere and does not want to be reviewed, that should be respected.

But I think it's perfectly acceptable to review a provider who places an an ad anywhere that's accessible to the general public. Why shouldn't clients be able to inform other prospective clients of the quality of the product being offered?

Now, if she asks you not to and you do it anyway, you run the risk of whatever retribution may follow.
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Old 06-27-2019, 07:21 AM   #7
Wile E Coyote
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A provider can ask a client all she wants to not or to do a review of their session, and he is under no obligation to do or not to do one.

But the fact is, if she is a member of a provider review board or advertises her services in public, either via a website or places an ad in a internet site forum, she has no say in the matter if a client chooses to do a review if he wants to, especially if the session was sub par at best.

If he goes against her wishes, she can text him to death, not see him anymore, smear his handle on the internet, ect. but she can not MAKE him do anything.

Reading the tweet further, it seems she is fine with doing anonymous reviews on review boards, but her problem is guys meeting up in person over coffee to talk about their personal BCD time with her and compare notes that supposedly creeps her out. I have to agree that is a bit weird, but to each their own.
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Old 06-27-2019, 01:27 PM   #8
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Default WTF!? SERIOUSLY? Go back to your Men's Lounge.

Originally Posted by Lester Krinklesac View Post
Yeah that’s a real shame... not.
I find it creepy these providers are sharing actual personal info in places you can’t access, screw what they like.
Pussy can be found everywhere, earning money with no skills is a lot harder.
You are in charge no matter what they scream.

WHAT! YOU find it creepy that providers share info in a place that YOU can't access??? What about the frickin MEN'S ROOM??

Do you talk about your favorite type of tea and scones? The best fitting jeans? Or do you share the most intimate, personal private info on a lady that you can, so you can be slapped on the back and called an "atta boy! You go get that!" I don't know but it seems to be a little boys room where he can tell ALL. And it doesn't even have to be true! Make it up, it's sexier right?
And if WHITE KNIGHT happens to come along and say no guys she's not like that, then you tear him a new one.

And I can tell you that I have never received, asked for or provided any private personal info to another provider. We don't do that in the Powder Room. It's about SAFETY for us and about bad clients who don't compensate or they hurt you. And there ARE VERY strict rules on what we can say and we cannot give out personal info or we're banned. What kind of rules do you have in the little boys room, hmmm?

BTW, DICK and PRICK can be found everywhere too, just like pussy. And it's free and much easier to get than pussy. I mean it's so easy! Sit at a bar, smile, give your big lashes a long up and down look and then touch his knee, just a little. "Sorry to bother you, but do you have the time?. Or just go to a club, get free drinks and dance your heart out until you pick one to let him take you home.

And believe me, we have SKILLS. I have 3 college degrees. Many ladies over 40 have worked in RL jobs their whole life, like me.
After 40, my sex drive exploded and I just happened to find this life online. After a few weeks of the $$$$$$$$ and the sex I wanted, I found my chosen profession finally. Don't make stupid assumptions.

Ohhhh. But Krinkled up sac; you don't have ANY encounters and you can't afford PA. AWW. You're not allowed in the Boy's Club. Too bad. You're just their type I'm sure. But not a providers' type.

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Old 06-27-2019, 02:17 PM   #9
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No men’s lounge lol
Go back to flipping burgers is what I’ll be saying.
And I won’t be a 50 yo SW when I say it hahahaha.
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Old 06-27-2019, 02:55 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by Lester Krinklesac View Post
No men’s lounge lol
Go back to flipping burgers is what I’ll be saying.
And I won’t be a 50 yo SW when I say it hahahaha.
You don't qualify for the Men's Room, soo..., and I'm not an escort and I'm not 50. But we all will be 50 one day. God willing and the creek don't rise. I look forward to it. 49 on July 3, 2019!!!

Too bad you don't have Premium Access and so you don't have access to the information on my signature line. So sad.


Here's a little help for you. You seem like you need it. This is for the MEN only. so if you're actually female, skip it.

And I've never had a job flipping burgers in my life. Just plain old saving lives in major trauma units. But I don't particularly care to be tied to a schedule and what can I say? Just divorced, wanted sex and money and a job where I was my own boss. Best thing in the world ever. And I still have my knowledge and my extensive education.
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Old 06-27-2019, 03:09 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by GingerKatt View Post
WHAT! YOU find it creepy that providers share info in a place that YOU can't access??? What about the frickin MEN'S ROOM??

Do you talk about your favorite type of tea and scones? The best fitting jeans? Or do you share the most intimate, personal private info on a lady that you can, so you can be slapped on the back and called an "atta boy! You go get that!" I don't know but it seems to be a little boys room where he can tell ALL. And it doesn't even have to be true! Make it up, it's sexier right?
And if WHITE KNIGHT happens to come along and say no guys she's not like that, then you tear him a new one.

And I can tell you that I have never received, asked for or provided any private personal info to another provider. We don't do that in the Powder Room. It's about SAFETY for us and about bad clients who don't compensate or they hurt you. And there ARE VERY strict rules on what we can say and we cannot give out personal info or we're banned. What kind of rules do you have in the little boys room, hmmm?

BTW, DICK and PRICK can be found everywhere too, just like pussy. And it's free and much easier to get than pussy. I mean it's so easy! Sit at a bar, smile, give your big lashes a long up and down look and then touch his knee, just a little. "Sorry to bother you, but do you have the time?. Or just go to a club, get free drinks and dance your heart out until you pick one to let him take you home.

And believe me, we have SKILLS. I have 3 college degrees. Many ladies over 40 have worked in RL jobs their whole life, like me.
After 40, my sex drive exploded and I just happened to find this life online. After a few weeks of the $$$$$$$$ and the sex I wanted, I found my chosen profession finally. Don't make stupid assumptions.

Ohhhh. But Krinkled up sac; you don't have ANY encounters and you can't afford PA. AWW. You're not allowed in the Boy's Club. Too bad. You're just their type I'm sure. But not a providers' type.

I don't know why guys swear we're in the powder room giving eachother guys' phone numbers and addresses like...... we're talking about good areas to buy an apartment in we're not thinking about you only guys wanna know what a provider wears, what positions she does, how loud she moans, what she smells like, her social security number with pics and vids of the session. You don't need all that and it's creepy that's it pretty much encouraged for guys to overaggerate in their reviews and give every single detail about their visit. Recommending a provider to a friend or co-worker because you enjoyed yourself is cool but meeting at Applebee's to talk about it over some long islands is sketch.
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Old 06-28-2019, 10:01 AM   #12
Lindsay Lee
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Default Give me a fricken break! We are in Charge when it comes to BCD!

Seriously!! If the P can be found anywhere, why are you here complaining? Just asking....

You are NOT IN CHARGE WHEN it comes to BCD! We ARE! Do your research and decide who you want to see... But we are in charge of our person... our bodies.

Originally Posted by Lester Krinklesac View Post
Yeah that’s a real shame... not.
I find it creepy these providers are sharing actual personal info in places you can’t access, screw what they like.
Pussy can be found everywhere, earning money with no skills is a lot harder.
You are in charge no matter what they scream.
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Old 06-28-2019, 10:02 AM   #13
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I’m sorry but did your eyes see me paying for pussy anywhere?
You don’t get to BCD if we don’t give you money.
You are the ones in need, just like a bum at at stop light.
Only difference is the bum doesn’t have to sell his soul.
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Old 06-28-2019, 10:05 AM   #14
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Default Lol... Where are your reviews?

TROLL much?

Originally Posted by Lester Krinklesac View Post
I’m sorry but did your eyes see me paying for pussy anywhere?
You don’t get to BCD if we don’t give you money.
You are the ones in need, just like a bum at at stop light.
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Old 06-28-2019, 10:09 AM   #15
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So let me ask you? When the government takes away the internet from providers, where will you be then, stoplights?
I have a no review policy
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