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Old 05-23-2019, 09:44 PM   #1
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Default High School Spends $53,000 To Reprint Yearbooks After Students Flash Racist Sign

Who knew??????

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High School Spends $53,000 To Reprint Yearbooks After Students Flash Racist Sign


Andy Campbell, HuffPost 6 hours ago

A high school in a Chicago suburb is spending more than $53,000 to reprint its 2018-2019 yearbook after staff discovered photos inside in which students were flashing the white supremacist “OK” hand sign.

Administrators at Oak Park and River Forest High School released a statement last week notifying parents that they were withholding the yearbooks from distribution after they discovered the photos, according to CBS Chicago.

This week, the Chicago Tribune reported that the high school will pay Jostens $53,794 to reprint the books and that the new versions are expected to be delivered to students by mid-June.

The racist adaptation of the “OK” hand sign began on 4chan ― an anonymous message board frequented by racists, trolls and extremists ― and has since been co-opted by prominent white supremacists who often use it to signal their presence to like-minded extremists. It’s prominent enough that those who use it have been fired from their jobs or faced other consequences ― recently, a Chicago Cubs fan was banned indefinitely from Wrigley Field after flashing the hand sign behind a black reporter during a live broadcast.

While the students’ intent was unclear and the photos weren’t made available, the content was apparently jarring enough that staff felt it necessary to reprint the yearbooks.

An email to parents, from school district Superintendent Joylynn Pruitt-Adams, notes that while the hand gestures could have been in reference to the classic schoolyard made-you-look “circle game,” its use by hateful people and ideologies led to the decision:
We’ve been made aware that this year’s ‘Tabula’ yearbook, which has not yet been distributed, contains several photos of students making a hand gesture that has different meanings. In some cases it’s used in what is known as the circle game. However, the gesture has more recently become associated with white nationalism. Regardless of intent, the potential negative impact of this gesture has led us to decide that we cannot distribute the yearbook as is. We are looking at alternative options, and in the coming days we will share further details about distribution plans. In the meantime, we appreciate your patience and support as we work through this situation.
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This article originally appeared on HuffPost.
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Old 05-23-2019, 10:04 PM   #2
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let's explore this in a deep dive of the interwebs shall we? i thinck our liberal friends here (all 4 of them) will be SHOCKED!!!!!!!

Some have suggested Trump's 'OK' hand gesture when speaking is a white power symbol. What are your thoughts? Did he use this gesture before becoming POTUS?


Syd Bartlett, Student at Plymouth University
Updated Dec 27, 2017

At what point did this…

…become a symbol for white supremacy?
He’s used this symbol plenty of times, but usually it’s just him trying to put emphasis on what he’s saying.

You can see this quite easily in his speeches, he uses his hands a fair bit, Obama wouldn’t use his hands as much, but when he did, he used them in much wider variety, he had lots of other physical movements that would give emotion or emphasis, for example he would sometimes lean ever so slightly to one side of the podium after making a point.
Here’s a short video of Trump at a Rally in Phoenix:
His hands are in the air most of...


Gary Henderson, Rocket surgeon
Answered Sep 6, 2017

I've heard the same allegations. Supposedly the middle, ring and little finger are forming a W while the thumb and index finger form a P, giving us the WP of “white power”.
Sounds more than a trifle preposterous to me. I find it highly unlikely given that nobody was mentioning this prior to his running.

I mean, who knew the Buddha was a white supremacist?!? LOL (Actually that's nothing of any sort, of course. It's called a “mudra”. Google it!)
As to whether he was doing it prior to his inauguration, yes he definitely did. I remember finding it and other excessive facial histrionics quite remin...


Su FranklinYou wrote a funny answer. Thanks!

1 more comment from Takamasa Ishihara

Ilya Bulanov
Answered Mar 31, 2018

Whoever suggested that is either a gullible idiot or thinks that you are one.
The idea that the “OK” hand sign is a symbol of white supremacy is a ploy orchestrated by the almighty 4Chan:

Their intention? To trick left-leaning media outlets into reporting that the “OK” hand sign is racist, thus losing the trust of the common man (AKA plebs) and scoring a victory for their cause.
Needless to say, some fringe media fell for it

Now, there is actually a “white power” hand sign, but it looks nothing like the “OK” hand sign.
Now, Trump did use the gesture before becoming the President. Here’s an artic...


Takamasa IshiharaThe three fingers represent the W in white and the P formed with the thumb represents the P in po...

1 more comment from John Hong

Harrison Stewart, B.S.E. from Western Washington University (2019)
Answered Sep 6, 2017

It’s not, people are just looking for racism when it isn’t there

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Takamasa IshiharaThe three fingers represent the W in white and the P formed with the thumb represents the P in po...

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James Rosten, Study current events. the world's best civics class
Answered Mar 24, 2018

Truthfully, that OK symbol means OK. Unless of course unless you are talking about these low life Racists we all have marked down as not to be trusted:




You know, sometimes a hand gesture is just a hand gesture. The real signs of what is inside a people are a lot more complex.
Go to YOU TUBE. You will find out that by reading their hand signals, everyone in Hollywood worships the devil.
Wait…that might be true.

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Takamasa IshiharaThe three fingers represent the W in white and the P formed with the thumb represents the P in po...

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Old 05-23-2019, 10:39 PM   #3
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Old 05-24-2019, 12:03 AM   #4
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National Lampoon had a gay issue back in the 60s. According to them, the OK sign actually means "there is a Turkish freighter downtown and my asshole is bleeding like a bitch." So you see, I have a Harvard education.
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Old 05-24-2019, 12:13 AM   #5
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They all got that shit from Buckwheat, "OTay", lol.

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Old 05-24-2019, 04:04 AM   #6
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If they destroy the old books how will we identify the racists 30 years from now when President Ivanka Trump Kushner nominates them to the Supremes.
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Old 05-24-2019, 06:01 AM   #7
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Let's not forget Rodney Dangerfield. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4YYnz2-bsJo

"Give me one of these."
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Old 05-24-2019, 06:01 AM   #8
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We live in a fucked up country when Bill Deblasio can flash white nationalist symbols and get away with it.
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Old 05-24-2019, 06:52 AM   #9
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The "OK" sign is racist and saying "n******" is racist. If you are white. If you're black, it's cool.

I'm starting to see a pattern.

In other news, a Dim committee has been unable to determine that the high school yearbook that has a picture of the Virginia governor in a Klan outfit and a guy in blackface is actually the governor even though he's admitted it's him.
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Old 05-24-2019, 08:23 AM   #10
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BAI juice is healthy, delicious and RACIST !!!! 00:09
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Old 05-24-2019, 08:57 AM   #11
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Its Okay the liberal re-tards need a safe place , Cant offend anyone
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Old 05-24-2019, 12:58 PM   #12
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then there is this ..


Bushie Jr a SATANIST!!! who knew?

not mad about his tailor ...

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