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Old 05-05-2019, 08:15 AM   #61
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Originally Posted by bambino View Post
I don’t tend to forget anything. You do. You tend to forget that the media coverage on Trump is more than 90% negative. Clinton and Obama had hugely positive coverage. And WTF is Biden’s economic message? Dignity? WTF is he talking about? He and Obama didn’t care for the dignity of coal miners or people who lost manufacturing jobs due to their policies. Trump will have favorable trade deals like NAFTA 2.0 and with China. That will help the economy BIGLY. And you failed to mention the Republicans picked up a Democratic Senate seat in Indiana. The bottomline is, Republicans picked up seats in the Senate. Something Clinton and Obama didn’t do. And the Republicans lost less house seats than Clinton or Obama.
Coal miners lost their jobs for 2 reasons -- less dependence on coal compared to natural gas and improvements in productivity that led less need for workers.

NAFTA 2.0 has been a big zero. Negotiations with China have been a big zero thus far. Meanwhile the tariffs Trump has imposed have cost me hundreds of dollars and the people in this country millions of dollars. Maybe in the future Trump's trade policies will bear some fruit but not as of this time.

I didn't "forget" the GOP pickups in Indiana. Trump won the state big time in 2016 and the Senate seats in states like Indiana and ND were predicted to go Republican. Even I predicted that.

What I look at as important in the 2018 midterms is what happened in swing states. The Democratic nominee is not going to win in Indiana or ND. Or several other states. However, in order to win in 2020 the states of Michigan, PA, and Wisconsin are of the utmost importance to Democrats. And the results from those states in 2018 were totally positive for Democrats.
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Old 05-05-2019, 08:51 AM   #62
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Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX View Post
I have NOT predicted a Trump loss in 2020. Yes, Trump was not on the ballot in 2018 but just about everyone understands that midterm elections are in part a referendum on the sitting POTUS.

Yes, Republicans picked up 2 seats in heavily Republican states but Republican candidates lost in states Trump won in 2016 -- Montana, West Virginia, Arizona. Could have been much worse for Democrats.

And yes, the U.S. Steel announcement was positive for Trump, but again it is in the economic sector and that is but one factor in the 2020 election. You tend to forget that health care and immigration weigh more heavily on voter's minds than the economy.

SR - you are right about health care - Francis O'Rourke and other DPST's are back-walking on Bernie's Medicare for all - a sure rationing system of medical care. They are now proposing keeping private insurance and "incrementally " changing it over.. People do not want to loose access to their doctor and pay more taxes for a massive bureaucracy to manage their care - instead of their physician.

Many are getting very tired of the DPST "Open Border" act. Opening the country to all of central America is not a good idea. Except to the rich Senators who want cheaper maids, cooks, gardeners, etc. Bernie wants more care-takers for his three homes. Hypocrites.
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Old 05-05-2019, 09:02 AM   #63
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Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX View Post
Coal miners lost their jobs for 2 reasons -- less dependence on coal compared to natural gas and improvements in productivity that led less need for workers.

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Old 05-05-2019, 01:13 PM   #64
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Originally Posted by LexusLover View Post
Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

Coal miners lost their jobs for 2 reasons -- less dependence on coal compared to natural gas and improvements in productivity that led less need for workers.

Let's see .... since the Obamniable Administration had successfully replaced coal with "alternative energy" resources, the coal mining jobs were lost, so it was ok to us EXECUTIVE ORDERS and AGENCY REGULATIONS to restrict the coal mining business from polluting the "environment" ... particularly the "environment" in those countries to which the mining companies were exporting coal.

If that sounds somewhat confusing ....

... the Snake Oil salesman rarely made sense.
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Old 05-06-2019, 06:47 AM   #65
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Originally Posted by LexusLover View Post
The cited article is totally irrelevant to my post which gave reasons why coal mining jobs have been lost over the years. Coal is still being produced. But the number of people working in the coal mining industry is holding steady, at best, and is predicted to continue its decline.

"President Donald Trump arrived in Charleston, West Virginia, this week with a message for the state's coal miners: My administration is putting you back to work.

But nearly two years since he was elected president, the needle has barely budged on U.S. coal mining employment. The long decline in job losses appears to have leveled off — and may be ticking higher — but there are still few signs that a revival on the scale Trump has promised is on the horizon."


"Coal miners have kept employment steady at about 51,000 to 53,000 positions during President Donald Trump’s first two years in office.

A surge in U.S. exports has offset the continued closure of American coal-fired power plants during that time.

It could become harder to hold the line on employment, because U.S. coal exports are expected to fall over the next two years."


So jobs in the coal mining industry have not rebounded as Trump promised. The jobs were about 76,000 in 2014 and are at about 52,800 today. They aren't coming back. Prior to the election in 2016, Hillary Clinton's proposal was to retrain those laid off workers. This is one time she was correct in her assessment of the situation.
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Old 05-06-2019, 06:53 AM   #66
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Originally Posted by LexusLover View Post

Let's see .... since the Obamniable Administration had successfully replaced coal with "alternative energy" resources, the coal mining jobs were lost, so it was ok to us EXECUTIVE ORDERS and AGENCY REGULATIONS to restrict the coal mining business from polluting the "environment" ... particularly the "environment" in those countries to which the mining companies were exporting coal.

If that sounds somewhat confusing ....

... the Snake Oil salesman rarely made sense.
Every article I have read on why jobs in the coal mining industry have gone down dramatically have not mentioned and regulations imposed by Obama.

"Trump has taken steps to ease regulations on the coal industry, reversing the trend under the Obama administration. Some of the regulations passed over the last decade hastened the closure of coal-fired plants slated for retirement.

But the bigger driver for coal-mining jobs is market forces at home and abroad.

Coal-fired power plants have continued to shut down under Trump’s watch, eliminating a major source of demand for the nation’s miners.

Continuing the long-term trend, markets are turning to cheap, cleaner-burning natural gas and wind and solar farms to generate electric power, pushing coal out of the energy mix.

But American coal miners have gotten a boost from foreign markets in recent years. Coal exports jumped over the last two years, driven by healthy demand in Europe and Asia and disruptions in coal supplies from Australia, Indonesia and China.

But over the next two years, the outlook for the industry looks tougher.

After rising in 2017, U.S. coal production dipped 3 percent last year, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration. EIA expects output from the nation’s mines to fall another 4 percent this year and 6 percent the following year.

The reason: EIA not only expects the nation to burn less coal to generate electricity, but it also sees the export bump ending. The bureau expects exports to fall by 13 percent this year and another 8 percent in 2019."

So continue to blame Obama if you like. Even with the Obama regulations removed, the coal industry continues to fall.
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Old 05-06-2019, 06:55 AM   #67
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Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX View Post
The cited article is totally irrelevant to my post

Of course, you would say that, because it shows your post is bs.

While you were listening to "Bill" talk about "his girl" (not Monica + 100's of others), I was listening to the former coal miners and mine owners BEFORE the 2016 election .... you were "poll watching" .... I was also listening to the former and current manufacturing workers discussing their preference for Trump and WHY!

BTW: THEY were saying we'll even give him a second term as long as he's working on it!!!!

Well ... irrespective of YOUR BEST EFFORTS AND THE LIKES OF YOU .... Trump IS WORKING.

I hope you and the rest of the AntiTrumpers keep listening to the pollsters and the LameStreamMedia ... and forget about "lessons learned"! .... I've kind of enjoyed the whining, cry-babies who have hysterically lost control of themselves and keep shitting in their pants. A major difference between me and the likes of you is I want this country to be successful irrespective of who is the President.

When Obaminable signed on I listened and watched. Event #1 was the green light for killing the pirates off the African East coast .... I was pleased at the messaging and results. IMO it went down hill from there. Maybe he got "queasy" when he saw their heads explode. I don't care .... his reason. Or perhaps the sheep finally surfaced. Oh, and don't give me that Bin Laden bullshit .... George set that up ... Bill Clinton fucked around on him for 8 years ... this is your man Obaminable:

Making America Weak Again!!!! By over regulating and squeezing Russian thighs!!!!!
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Old 05-06-2019, 07:04 AM   #68
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Originally Posted by LexusLover View Post
What an in-depth, astute, and intellectual conclusion! (Sarcasm Alert)


Now if one really wants to flex their prowess at predictions simply predict TODAY what will be the CAUSE of the TURNOUT....... OR LACK THEREOF!!!!

And continue the silliness of making a useless statement like "turnout will decide an election" .... by announcing proudly AFTER THE ELECTION that it would have been won had only the Socialist run by the DNC had been able to get .... "the turnout"!

Is that what defeated HillariousNoMore? A SHORTAGE OF VOTES?

There are caravans of voters coming North to sneak across the Southern Border!

The way the DNC did it in Bexar County (San Antonio) for years was gather the "voters" at a predetermined spot with the help of a "block captain," load them in the back of a "vegetable truck" (like those large ones one sees in the Latin American countries .... as long as one gets off the tourist trap), hand them a piece of paper telling them for whom to vote with a promise of "tamales" and "cerveza" after they vote according to the paper, and then a trip to the nearby COUNTY PARK (paid for by the real taxpayers of the county) TO ENJOY THEIR BOOZE AND EATS. aka "voter turnout"!!!!

So the DNC doesn't even have to dream up a strategy to use them after they sneak in.
You are correct in that turnout always decides an election. In 2016 Republicans did a much better job of motivating their supporters to get out and vote. In 2018, in my opinion, Democrats did a much better job of motivating their supporters to get out and vote.

Whichever party does the better job of motivating their supporters to get out and vote will in all likelihood determine who will win in 2020. To you an obvious statement. If you want to hammer me on it, feel free to do so. Petty.

Illegal voting? Have any factual information to back up your OPINION that illegal voting has ever played a major role in determining the outcome of a national election?
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Old 05-06-2019, 07:09 AM   #69
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Originally Posted by LexusLover View Post
Of course, you would say that, because it shows your post is bs.

While you were listening to "Bill" talk about "his girl" (not Monica + 100's of others), I was listening to the former coal miners and mine owners BEFORE the 2016 election .... you were "poll watching" .... I was also listening to the former and current manufacturing workers discussing their preference for Trump and WHY!

I hope you and the rest of the AntiTrumpers keep listening to the pollsters and the LameStreamMedia ... and forget about "lessons learned"! .... I've kind of enjoyed the whining, cry-babies who have hysterically lost control of themselves and keep shitting in their pants.
Again, irrelevant. What is relevant is that the coal mining industry continues its decline. Trump removing restrictions put in place by Obama has had no impact on the number of coal mining jobs. Of course coal miners, past and present, supported Trump in 2016. He told them what they wanted to hear -- he would revive the coal mining industry and bring back their jobs. Didn't happen. I'll let you decide whether Trump was lying to gain their votes or simply misleading them.
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Old 05-06-2019, 08:01 AM   #70
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Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX View Post
Again, irrelevant. What is relevant is that the coal mining industry continues its decline. Trump removing restrictions put in place by Obama has had no impact on the number of coal mining jobs. Of course coal miners, past and present, supported Trump in 2016. He told them what they wanted to hear -- he would revive the coal mining industry and bring back their jobs. Didn't happen. I'll let you decide whether Trump was lying to gain their votes or simply misleading them.
Actually that's just incorrect. The coal mining industry has reversed it drastic decline of many years and has stayed relatively stable without additional losses due to increased exports since Trump took office and removed some of the restrictions. It hasn't necessarily revived, but it certainly hasn't been gutted to the extent as in the past. Not shedding jobs at the previous pace is certainly some revival to the industry. You decide if that was misleading or just reality of Trump.

According to BLS numbers.

In February 2019, the industry employed about 52,800 workers, figures from the Bureau of Labor Statistics showed on Friday. That’s up from a reading of 50,900 in February 2017.
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Old 05-06-2019, 08:20 AM   #71
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Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX View Post

Illegal voting? Have any factual information to back up your OPINION that illegal voting has ever played a major role in determining the outcome of a national election?
This is about as close as it has ever come to voter fraud and rigged Democrap Presidential elections...this is one I heard about as a young child and many people have talked about it over the years and many investigations...ABOUT AS CLOSE TO FACTUAL AS POSSIBLE.
Closest Presidential election in US history.

What is also SO prophetic about the article is that it tries to tell the Republicans to except out come of the 2016 election(they were sure Hellery was a shoe-in)...but the Democraps don't take their own advice...pretty fucking hypocritical!!
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Old 05-06-2019, 08:33 AM   #72
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Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX View Post
Again, irrelevant.
Again, just because it disputes your bullshit doesn't make it "irrelevant." As a practical matter (and legal matter) I know more about "relevancy" than you'll EVER KNOW!

Your "MAN" wanted the likes of Solyndra ...

.. to succeed, so one effort is to downsize competitors with burdensome and oppressive regulations from oversight agencies using executive orders and agency authority to thwart their efforts to be viable and successful ....

.... as burdensome regs start taking their toll ... jobs go away and people quit mining ... because the owners get hammered with costs and fines to meet the regs WITHOUT GOVERNMENT SUPPORT ...

... AND ADUMBO and the other LOONS who are now running for office supplement their "GREEN ENERGY" friends with taxpayer money to make sure they stay afloat while the carbon industry dies from over-regulation.

And for you to blame it on "job loss" as "green energy" takes over is about as reliable as your prediction in the 2016 elections ....

See "ObamaCare" .... the secret is out of the closet ....

.... a "one-payor" system was always the goal .... listen to the loons now!!!!

The ACA .. was crafted to wreck the healthcare system, drive doctors away, and drive up premium costs so that more people (who had employer coverage before) have to seek government assistance and reduced benefits to have "insurance" so they will become DEPENDENT on the government for health care and when the ACA folds it's "MEDICARE"!!!!! and "MEDICAID"!!!!!!!!!! with the resulting consequences. It was all a lie, just like Solyndra!!!!

BTW: What the fuck difference does it make to a miner if he gets paid to dig coal for your furnace or "Omar's" in Bumfuck underdeveloped country ... or China? I'll answer: NONE!!!! And that is RELEVANT!!!!
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Old 05-06-2019, 01:08 PM   #73
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Originally Posted by eccielover View Post
Actually that's just incorrect. The coal mining industry has reversed it drastic decline of many years and has stayed relatively stable without additional losses due to increased exports since Trump took office and removed some of the restrictions. It hasn't necessarily revived, but it certainly hasn't been gutted to the extent as in the past. Not shedding jobs at the previous pace is certainly some revival to the industry. You decide if that was misleading or just reality of Trump.

According to BLS numbers.
There has been a tiny upward bump in the number of workers in the coal mining industry. When Trump took office the number was 50,800. February 2019 it was 52,800. So yes, there has been a modest increase in mining jobs in 2 years. An additional 2,000 mining jobs. Obama had a similar increase of 2,000 mining jobs in his last 6 months in office according to BLS figures. So you tell me why both Obama and Trump had similar results in increasing mining jobs? Probably factors totally unrelated to the actions of either POTUS.


No, I don't expect the number of mining jobs to significantly decrease as they did earlier in this decade. But the point remains that there are approximately 33,800 less mining jobs today than in 2009 and Trump promised miners he would "bring back the dying coal industry".

"At a May 2016 campaign rally in Charleston, W.Va., Trump told the crowd: “If I win, we’re going to bring those miners back. You’re going to be so proud of your president.”

“For those miners, get ready, because you’re going to be working your asses off,” candidate Trump told the crowd at the end of the rally.

At a November 2018 rally in West Virginia, President Trump told the state’s coal miners: “You’re back in business.”

But the following month, the federal Energy Information Administration released projections that showed coal consumption by utilities had dropped to its lowest levels since 1979. The use of coal by the U.S. power sector dropped 4 percent in 2018, to levels not seen since Jimmy Carter was president. And the EIA predicts that decline will double to 8 percent in 2019.

The rapid decline of the coal industry as the leading electricity source in the U.S. is not triggered by federal regulations but by economics. Coal, as well as nuclear power, simply can’t compete with cheaper, cleaner and safer renewable energy from solar and wind.

Instead of false promises, Art Sullivan told CNN, “What you need to say to coal miners is ‘We’re going to figure out a way to give you better, safer, healthier jobs.’”"

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Old 05-06-2019, 01:12 PM   #74
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Originally Posted by LexusLover View Post
Again, just because it disputes your bullshit doesn't make it "irrelevant." As a practical matter (and legal matter) I know more about "relevancy" than you'll EVER KNOW!

Your "MAN" wanted the likes of Solyndra ...

.. to succeed, so one effort is to downsize competitors with burdensome and oppressive regulations from oversight agencies using executive orders and agency authority to thwart their efforts to be viable and successful ....

.... as burdensome regs start taking their toll ... jobs go away and people quit mining ... because the owners get hammered with costs and fines to meet the regs WITHOUT GOVERNMENT SUPPORT ...

... AND ADUMBO and the other LOONS who are now running for office supplement their "GREEN ENERGY" friends with taxpayer money to make sure they stay afloat while the carbon industry dies from over-regulation.

And for you to blame it on "job loss" as "green energy" takes over is about as reliable as your prediction in the 2016 elections ....

See "ObamaCare" .... the secret is out of the closet ....

.... a "one-payor" system was always the goal .... listen to the loons now!!!!

The ACA .. was crafted to wreck the healthcare system, drive doctors away, and drive up premium costs so that more people (who had employer coverage before) have to seek government assistance and reduced benefits to have "insurance" so they will become DEPENDENT on the government for health care and when the ACA folds it's "MEDICARE"!!!!! and "MEDICAID"!!!!!!!!!! with the resulting consequences. It was all a lie, just like Solyndra!!!!

BTW: What the fuck difference does it make to a miner if he gets paid to dig coal for your furnace or "Omar's" in Bumfuck underdeveloped country ... or China? I'll answer: NONE!!!! And that is RELEVANT!!!!
Yet again irrelevant. This is a discussion on jobs in the mining industry. Talking about Bill Clinton's love interests is irrelevant. Talking about illegal immigrants is irrelevant. Talking about Obamacare is irrelevant. Solyndra is irrelevant. The post by eccielover was 100% relevant.
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Old 05-06-2019, 01:17 PM   #75
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Originally Posted by bb1961 View Post
This is about as close as it has ever come to voter fraud and rigged Democrap Presidential elections...this is one I heard about as a young child and many people have talked about it over the years and many investigations...ABOUT AS CLOSE TO FACTUAL AS POSSIBLE.
Closest Presidential election in US history.

What is also SO prophetic about the article is that it tries to tell the Republicans to except out come of the 2016 election(they were sure Hellery was a shoe-in)...but the Democraps don't take their own advice...pretty fucking hypocritical!!
The first sentence of the article says it all:

Donald Trump’s repeated accusations that the 2016 presidential election is “rigged” have already changed the course of this election. Not because they’re valid charges—there’s no evidence to support Trump’s claims, and no serious expert believes that the current election is rigged.

I understand that you are already lining up excuses in case Trump loses in 2020. But let's use facts instead of fiction.
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