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Old 04-28-2019, 08:23 PM   #31
Savannah Moon
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Originally Posted by JRLawrence View Post
Was she willing to show you her drivers license, and her other real world information? Probably not!

It is likely that that information would be written down and traded back and forth with the network of hobby managers. That data base has been growing with each year, and everyone knows it. With the providers and managers, names change on a regular basis for many. Phone numbers change rapidly. Ladies fly into KCMO, and swiftly leave on an organized rotation. The traveling ladies maybe tempting: the chance to confirm the information about them may not be satisfactory.

Caution tells us that:
  1. Local ladies with a long time history are probably safer and less chance of management.
  2. Stable contact information is good.
  3. Good reviews, by guys not know to promote individual women is good. Look for guys who promote certain women, and avoid those women.
  4. Excessive tattoos, and certain types of tattoos, may mean closely managed women.
Most of the younger women have tattoos..that's what "IN"

Just FYI..there is a ton of freedom in this INDUSTRY

Goes like this.. IF you don't like the screening process..move on

IF you don't like request for Donation for time...move on

IF you don't like options available..
Move on.

Trying to change a women's policy is going to do ABSOLUTELY nothing for you.

This is about women's safety..of course it becomes about our credibility as Providers and how evasive our screening can be & who is pimped or not..ECT..ECT

Ladies..this part is for you
Within 30 days I have heard of one beating & 1 rape within 6 weeks 3 local busts.

IF a gentleman does not like your screening process..move on.

IF you don't have a screening process or it is a light one..
IF you are new & don't know how to, there are several women who have been around for awhile that I am certain they can assist in giving you ideas on screening & safety precautions.

Just like all policies, find what fits you the best..but, absolutely know, in my opinion if a gentleman has issues with screening ..
He either is Law enforcement ( which we have discovered they can crack our codes)
They have had issues with Providers.
Have a dark side..which can be stalking, Threatening, Robbing, Beating, Raping, shooting, attempting BBFS, Shorting Donations, videos with out consent, or be on a killing spree.
I'm sure there is more.
Oh NCNS..Time wasting..you get where I am going.
or he just likes to power trip..I won't be screened ( usually that means one of the above)
There is always one in the crowd..and guess what.
10 min later a gentleman whom has NO PROBLEM with screening will contact you..

Bad things occur if you don't take time to implement screening of sorts.
Things that can be avoided.
My biggest fear is not getting home to my offspring..especially after I went from single parent to only parent.
I lose several clients due to screening...but not the ones who care about my peace of mind when we meet.
And I recently had to make some adjustments to my policies.
So off with a few more.
And it's ok.
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Old 04-28-2019, 08:45 PM   #32
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Excellent post, Ms Moon!
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Old 04-28-2019, 09:18 PM   #33
Savannah Moon
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Originally Posted by Wizard of Ahhhhs View Post
Excellent post, Ms Moon!
Thank you Love
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Old 04-29-2019, 09:26 AM   #34
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Originally Posted by Savannah Moon View Post
Most of the younger women have tattoos..that's what "IN"

We all know that, some people just don't like it because excessive tattoos are just funny: Do I make exceptions, of course.

Just FYI..there is a ton of freedom in this INDUSTRY
We all know that: you are independent but you have complained about the pimps.

I have moved on, that is why I have never reached out to you, even when a friend of yours has suggested doubles with you. You are on my no will see list, and I don't need to tell anyone why. For whatever reason; guys have the right to make choices - for nor reason or any reason, just the same as ladies have the right to make choices. ....
Have a dark side..which can be stalking, Threatening, Robbing, Beating, Raping, shooting, attempting BBFS, Shorting Donations, videos with out consent, or be on a killing spree.
I'm sure there is more.
Oh NCNS..Time wasting..you get where I am going.
or he just likes to power trip..I won't be screened ( usually that means one of the above)
There is always one in the crowd..and guess what.
10 min later a gentleman whom has NO PROBLEM with screening will contact you..

Bad things occur if you don't take time to implement screening of sorts.
Things that can be avoided.
My biggest fear is not getting home to my offspring..especially after I went from single parent to only parent.
I lose several clients due to screening...but not the ones who care about my peace of mind when we meet.
And I recently had to make some adjustments to my policies.
So off with a few more.
And it's ok.
"My biggest fear is not getting home to my offspring..especially after I went from single parent to only parent. "

Guys have the same safety concerns. Most guys, including me, would agree with all of your concerns. You are an independent lady, and you are appreciated.

Guys should look for ladies like you. They can also make choices, just like the ladies.

In a perfect would, this would all be nice. But this is not a perfect world, or a perfect hobby. For the new guys, keep in mind that the hobby is full of wolves.
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Old 04-29-2019, 10:01 AM   #35
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Originally Posted by JRLawrence View Post
"My biggest fear is not getting home to my offspring..especially after I went from single parent to only parent. "

Guys have the same safety concerns. Most guys, including me, would agree with all of your concerns. You are an independent lady, and you are appreciated.

Guys should look for ladies like you. They can also make choices, just like the ladies.

In a perfect would, this would all be nice. But this is not a perfect world, or a perfect hobby. For the new guys, keep in mind that the hobby is full of wolves.
Agreed, JR. We all have the same concerns. I rarely post on here, and this seems controversial, but guys need to be concerned about their safety as well. The threats are not limited to the ladies. Gents, let your wallets do the talking.
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Old 04-29-2019, 10:33 AM   #36
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Originally Posted by JRLawrence View Post
"My biggest fear is not getting home to my offspring..especially after I went from single parent to only parent. "

Guys have the same safety concerns. Most guys, including me, would agree with all of your concerns. You are an independent lady, and you are appreciated.

Guys should look for ladies like you. They can also make choices, just like the ladies.

In a perfect would, this would all be nice. But this is not a perfect world, or a perfect hobby. For the new guys, keep in mind that the hobby is full of wolves.
I am very aware of all the concerns the men have..VERY.

My thought is, do not devalue this thread. I don't think that is your intent..perhaps my perception.
It is about women's safety.for the most part. We can get comfortable & forget how much of a reality the dark side of this industry is. UNTIL something happens to us or close to home.

A close friend of mine clearly states her screening policy. If the gentlemen don't comply or make it difficult..it's over.
IF you want to start a thread about mens safety & how screening has caused them personal injury..then by all means, do so.
I will contribute.I've heard a few safety stories.
But for this thread..be compassionate and understanding to our needs.
Without us and the portion WE the women contribute to the scenario..now is not a good time for changing the agenda or POWERFUL message Brandi is delivering.

And thank you for the compliments JR.
And just for the record ..I would not ever see you, so we are definitely on the same page.
She may have offered it,(doubles with you) but it was without my consent and I made that clear with her & No, it wasn't Kimmy.
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Old 04-29-2019, 10:42 AM   #37
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Originally Posted by ChatPlayCuddle View Post
Agreed, JR. We all have the same concerns. I rarely post on here, and this seems controversial, but guys need to be concerned about their safety as well. The threats are not limited to the ladies. Gents, let your wallets do the talking.
Then start a thread about it..upper left hand corner of the main coed menu.
Like I have said twice now, obviously some of you aren't aware of what is CURRENTLY going on with the women in this industry.
This thread is vital, especially to the new female members. We do want these ladies to be safe now don't we?
I want everyone to be safe, as it should absolutely be...
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Old 04-29-2019, 12:45 PM   #38
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Originally Posted by Savannah Moon View Post
Then start a thread about it..upper left hand corner of the main coed menu.
Like I have said twice now, obviously some of you aren't aware of what is CURRENTLY going on with the women in this industry.
This thread is vital, especially to the new female members. We do want these ladies to be safe now don't we?
I want everyone to be safe, as it should absolutely be...
I don't think you are understanding what I'm saying. It's getting dangerous out there for both women and men now. I'm not trying to discriminate. That is the truth, and it has not always been that way. I had one of my regular providers retire recently for this very reason, as have two of my monger buddies. At some point, the risk is no longer worth it, so hats off to the OP and best of luck in your future endeavors.
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Old 04-29-2019, 01:18 PM   #39
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Yes, she does.
Given an equal amount of screening or research, the risks for the women are still exceedingly higher than for the guys.
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Old 04-29-2019, 02:13 PM   #40
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This will be my last post on the subject, then I will be back to lurking and posting on my normal forum. The risk is jail time, getting robbed and/or assaulted, and getting killed. That is for both parties. The girls often have management that adds to the danger. And I can tell you that every girl says that she is "independent", even though its simply not true.

One side simply does not have more danger than the other anymore. I have been around the hobby for a while, and this is the most dangerous I have ever seen it. The only reason that the girls *may* have more risk is if they are seeing multiple clients. Savannah and Carpenter, flame away. You will not be hearing from me again on the topic. We've met before in Wichita, Savannah, and I think we can both agree, the hobby was not always like this.
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Old 04-29-2019, 02:57 PM   #41
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Originally Posted by Savannah Moon View Post
I am very aware of all the concerns the men have..VERY.

My thought is, do not devalue this thread. I don't think that is your intent..perhaps my perception.
It is about women's safety.for the most part. We can get comfortable & forget how much of a reality the dark side of this industry is. UNTIL something happens to us or close to home.

A close friend of mine clearly states her screening policy. If the gentlemen don't comply or make it difficult..it's over.
IF you want to start a thread about mens safety & how screening has caused them personal injury..then by all means, do so.
I will contribute.I've heard a few safety stories.
But for this thread..be compassionate and understanding to our needs.
Without us and the portion WE the women contribute to the scenario..now is not a good time for changing the agenda or POWERFUL message Brandi is delivering.

And thank you for the compliments JR.
And just for the record ..I would not ever see you, so we are definitely on the same page.
She may have offered it,(doubles with you) but it was without my consent and I made that clear with her & No, it wasn't Kimmy.
I agree 100% with everything said here; and no, I was not referring to Kimmy. She has wonderful ratings. Just for the record, a "no will see evaluation" is a personal matter: it is not a rejection of the individual. My evaluations constantly change, as new information is added. I understant that my thinking is not common because it allows for the things I do not know. The hobby, as does religious thought, depends upon what is called "a leap of faith". In the hobby there is the danger: it takes a leap of faith to see someone you know little about. Hey, maybe - just maybe, things may change and we will see each other sometime. What? that would ignore the emotional side of life: kinda like seeing your divorced spouse.

I have seen women that I totally failed at evaluating properly. It is difficult to know about a stranger, until you meet. Then, there are those who linger in the background.

I really hurt when I hear of women, or guys, being injured in the hobby. Women are, at times, controlled, manipulated or robbed by a few. Evil exists, all of us should avoid it when possible. It should not be so difficult for us to enjoy each other's company without being exposed to possible danger by a few. As Bandi put it: It only takes one bad apple to spoil the entire barrel.
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Old 04-29-2019, 03:11 PM   #42
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Originally Posted by ChatPlayCuddle View Post
This will be my last post on the subject, then I will be back to lurking and posting on my normal forum. The risk is jail time, getting robbed and/or assaulted, and getting killed. That is for both parties. The girls often have management that adds to the danger. And I can tell you that every girl says that she is "independent", even though its simply not true.

One side simply does not have more danger than the other anymore. I have been around the hobby for a while, and this is the most dangerous I have ever seen it. The only reason that the girls *may* have more risk is if they are seeing multiple clients. Savannah and Carpenter, flame away. You will not be hearing from me again on the topic. We've met before in Wichita, Savannah, and I think we can both agree, the hobby was not always like this.
Things have always been like this..
NOBODY is is saying that men don't have risk..That is not at all what I have stated nor UC.
Reread OP's original post.
What we have now is the availability to warn each other..that is what the change is.
Like I stated, this is about screening & women & the dangers that are currently going on with women in OUR community.

His response was a typical JR response.
This has ZERO to do with men & pimps and a womans credibility, Tattoos or his lack of desire to see me.( Thank you God)
This post has EVERYTHING to do with the importance of screening
And Womens Safety.
Notice how not one mention of the rape or beating or the 3 local stings They were not even addressed by him.
Yes men have extremely dangerous situations occur... that hasn't ever changed either.
Sorry you got caught in the crossfire there is a review that actually should be a thread about a gentleman whom was robbed.
Pull it over & start a thread about it..someone truly should.
That's how we teach each other, warn each other and keep each other SAFE.
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Old 04-29-2019, 03:14 PM   #43
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