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Old 04-29-2019, 12:03 AM   #1
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Default Why Trump will win in 2020 and it won't even be close

Why Trump will win in 2020 and it won't even be close


Hugh Hewitt,The Independent 15 hours ago

The 2020 election isn’t going to be close.

The first-quarter gross domestic product growth rate of 3.2 per cent sets up the first reality that will be noted in November 2020 because it telegraphs where the economy will be then: not in recession.

Recessions are charted when GDP growth is negative for two consecutive quarters or more. That can and has occurred in sudden fashion – financial panics don’t send “save the date” cards.

But the economy over which president Donald Trump is presiding is strong and getting stronger.

Innovation is accelerating, not declining. A recession before election day looks less and less likely by the day.

Small wonder then that Trump dominates the GOP with an approval rating above 80 per cent.

His administration’s deregulatory push is accelerating. More and more rule-of-law judges, disinclined to accept bureaucrats’ excuses for over-regulation, are being confirmed to the bench. Readiness levels in the US military have been renewed. America’s relationship with its strongest ally, Israel, is at its closest in decades. Meanwhile, the Democrats are facing a Hobbesian choice of Bernie Sanders or Kamala Harris, or former vice president Joe Biden.

Sanders and Harris are too far to the left, Sanders by a lot. Biden is far past his best years. The nice folk lower down are looking for other rewards. The nomination going to someone such as Pete Buttigieg, mayor of Indiana’s South Bend, is possible, I suppose, but what happens when the dog chasing the car catches it?

What was an entertaining and amusing aside suddenly becomes a commitment and, with that, well, comes a barrage of attacks. Where Trump deflects incoming with ease, the Democrats scatter, some limping away, some blown out of the picture.

This will come as news to #Resistance liberals, who are certain Trump will lose, because they dislike him so much. They still haven’t figured out that 40 percent of the country love him and at least another 10 percent are very much committed to considering the alternative in comparison to Trump, not reflexively voting against him.

That decile is doing very well in this economy. Unemployment remains incredibly low. The markets are soaring. That’s not a given for the fall of 2020, but better to be soaring than falling 18 months out.

On immigration, border security has always been a legitimate concern (and Immigration and Customs Enforcement a legitimate agency).

People don’t talk much about it as they decline to state anything that will see them labelled racist, but the reality of open borders is understood to be an unqualified disaster by most of the country, and most of the country understands the Democrats to be arguing for a de facto open-border system, if not a de jure one.

The Green New Deal sounds like a bad science-fair project where the smart kids got the colours to combine via an elaborate device and make all the “lava” flow black down the volcanoes’ sides and the village is destroyed.

Medicare-for-all is a professor Harold Hill production, headed for Iowa as was the Music Man.

There’s not a lot of serious thinking or talking among the Democrats about the People’s Republic of China and the “nine-dash line” in the South China Sea (which many may think is some sort of shorthand for their marks on the debate stage), or Huawei, which is just too complicated to try to debate in five-minute exchanges.

Senator Elizabeth Warren’s turn as Madame Defarge may even wake up some of the wealthy-woke to their peril. It’s a circus coming to a cable-news network near you soon.

Last week’s message from a booming economy should have rocked the Democratic field. Alas, the party seems collectively intent on poring over the Mueller report yet again in the hope that, somehow, someway, there’s something there.

But the probe is over. No collusion. No obstruction.

Democrats have to campaign on something else besides a great economy, rising values of savings, low unemployment across every demographic, clarity about allies and enemies abroad, and a rebuilding military.

It’s a tough needle to thread, condemning everything about Trump except all that he has accomplished that President Barack Obama couldn’t or wouldn’t.

Not just tough – it’s practically impossible.

This article was first published in The Washington Post
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Old 04-29-2019, 06:11 AM   #2
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Yeah, in 16 nobody knew he could produce results. In 20, they’ll know he can produce results.


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Old 04-29-2019, 06:40 AM   #3
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Possible. Very possible. There will be no landslide on either side in my opinion.

And who is Hugh Hewitt? A very right-of-center Conservative. So is it surprising he is a firm Trump supporter? So take his comments FWIW.

Trump continues to have the lowest approval ratings over his time in office than any other POTUS since approval ratings have started (with Truman). 41.2% according to FiveThirtyEight. 43.1% according to RealClearPolitics. Some recent polls have him under 40%.

What does it all mean at this point in time? NOTHING!
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Old 04-29-2019, 06:54 AM   #4
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Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX View Post
Possible. Very possible. There will be no landslide on either side in my opinion.

And who is Hugh Hewitt? A very right-of-center Conservative. So is it surprising he is a firm Trump supporter? So take his comments FWIW.

Trump continues to have the lowest approval ratings over his time in office than any other POTUS since approval ratings have started (with Truman). 41.2% according to FiveThirtyEight. 43.1% according to RealClearPolitics. Some recent polls have him under 40%.

What does it all mean at this point in time? NOTHING!
Yes indeed. NOTHING! Obama was averaging 43-44% during his tenure during the equivalent last few weeks of his term.

And I agree, it's not going to be a huge landslide, but there are certainly rumblings of more Blue states possibly in play than the left wants to admit.

I think the final Dem candidate makes or breaks them and none of them are making a huge splash yet.

As noted by the OP, Trump has a fairly solid 40% or so of the electorate that he will probably receive with many more on the fence watching for who/how the Dems present themselves.
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Old 04-29-2019, 06:58 AM   #5
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He has a good shot. But if Biden is the challenger he will have to fight for it. It's still a long way away. Still got a year before it's much worth talking about. So much can and will happen. Whats great now is a horror show then you never know.

Seen a bunch of people saying trumpers are going to start blowing shit up if he doesn't win. What if this time the Russians help the dems lol. God damn yall would go nuts!
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Old 04-29-2019, 07:21 AM   #6
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If Putin sides with the DPST's - a party much more in tune with his ideology- The DPST's would lap it up and love it.

As long as hillary can arrange plausible deniability.
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Old 04-29-2019, 07:23 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by eccielover View Post
Yes indeed. NOTHING! Obama was averaging 43-44% during his tenure during the equivalent last few weeks of his term.

And I agree, it's not going to be a huge landslide, but there are certainly rumblings of more Blue states possibly in play than the left wants to admit.

I think the final Dem candidate makes or breaks them and none of them are making a huge splash yet.

As noted by the OP, Trump has a fairly solid 40% or so of the electorate that he will probably receive with many more on the fence watching for who/how the Dems present themselves.
I agree.

What states that Clinton won in 2016 do you think are now up for grabs in 2020? Minnesota possibly.
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Old 04-29-2019, 07:27 AM   #8
Chung Tran
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what the guys above said.

as far as the economy, one good quarter isn't decisive 19 months from the Election. remember early 2000, "everyone" thought the economy was super strong.. Time Magazine came out with a cover story, "why aren't you rich"?, talking about all the new Millionaires. except they were the "paper wealthy", their value was derivative, based on the price their Tech stocks would trade at the time. 2 months later, those Millionaires were Thousandaires..
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Old 04-29-2019, 07:28 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by Trey View Post
He has a good shot. But if Biden is the challenger he will have to fight for it. It's still a long way away. Still got a year before it's much worth talking about. So much can and will happen. Whats great now is a horror show then you never know.

Seen a bunch of people saying trumpers are going to start blowing shit up if he doesn't win. What if this time the Russians help the dems lol. God damn yall would go nuts!

And just where did you hear this bullshit? A bunch of people? Really?
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Old 04-29-2019, 07:30 AM   #10
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Yup we will see , so far in my opinion But-Pug petie is the only dim wit that may have a chance
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Old 04-29-2019, 07:31 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by Chung Tran View Post
what the guys above said.

as far as the economy, one good quarter isn't decisive 19 months from the Election. remember early 2000, "everyone" thought the economy was super strong.. Time Magazine came out with a cover story, "why aren't you rich"?, talking about all the new Millionaires. except they were the "paper wealthy", their value was derivative, based on the price their Tech stocks would trade at the time. 2 months later, those Millionaires were Thousandaires..
The economy averaged 3% LAST year. The 1st qtr this year blew away estimates. The economy is on solid footing.
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Old 04-29-2019, 07:32 AM   #12
dilbert firestorm
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the people who will decide the 2020 elections are the ones who vote with their money. that's the 11%.
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Old 04-29-2019, 07:37 AM   #13
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Originally Posted by bambino View Post
The economy averaged 3% LAST year. The 1st qtr this year blew away estimates. The economy is on solid footing.
Yes it is. And it was on solid footing in November 2018 when, if memory serves me correct, every Trump supporter on this forum predicted the House would remain in Republican hands and possibly increase their majority. Their reasoning -- the economy was doing so well. Obviously the economy is not the only factor that voters are looking at when deciding for whom to vote.
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Old 04-29-2019, 07:45 AM   #14
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Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX View Post
Possible. Very possible. There will be no landslide on either side in my opinion.

And who is Hugh Hewitt? A very right-of-center Conservative. So is it surprising he is a firm Trump supporter? So take his comments FWIW.

Trump continues to have the lowest approval ratings over his time in office than any other POTUS since approval ratings have started (with Truman). 41.2% according to FiveThirtyEight. 43.1% according to RealClearPolitics. Some recent polls have him under 40%.

What does it all mean at this point in time? NOTHING!
Hewitt is no fan of Trump, he’s just stating facts:

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Old 04-29-2019, 08:26 AM   #15
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Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX View Post
I agree.

What states that Clinton won in 2016 do you think are now up for grabs in 2020? Minnesota possibly.
I certainly think Minnesota, Nevada, and New Mexico are in about the possible swing position as Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania.

Other outliers being discussed that I'm not so sure about are New Hampshire and Colorado.
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