MSN Polls - FYI
Some lower number number of polled, but interesting how the DPST's are tearing themselves to pieces trying to be the Far-Leftist-Socialist -Totalitarian - gimme all "Dat" candidate.
Who are you most likely to support in the 2020 presidential race?
- 49%
A Republican
- 37%
A Democrat
- 3%
Someone from another party
- 11%
I don't know
Total responses: 420,779 votes
Who would you vote for if the 2020 presidential election were held today?
- 28%
Former VP Joe Biden (D)
- 51%
President Trump (R)
- 16%
Neither of the above
- 5%
I don't know
Total responses: 267,165 votes
Who would you vote for if the 2020 presidential election were held today?
- 17%
Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D)
- 55%
President Trump (R)
- 25%
Neither of the above
- 3%
I don't know
Total responses: 224,066 votes
Who would you vote for if the 2020 presidential election were held today?
- 22%
Sen. Bernie Sanders (I)
- 56%
President Trump (R)
- 20%
Neither of the above
- 2%
I don't know
Total responses: 208,854 votes
Who would you vote for if the 2020 presidential election were held today?
- 22%
Mayor Pete Buttigieg (D)
- 55%
President Trump (R)
- 20%
Neither of the above
- 3%
I don't know
Total responses: 199,526 votes
Who would you vote for if the 2020 presidential election were held today?
- 22%
Sen. Kamala Harris (D)
- 55%
President Trump (R)
- 20%
Neither of the above
- 3%
I don't know
Total responses: 193,033 votes
Who would you vote for if the 2020 presidential election were held today?
- 24%
Former Rep. Beto O'Rourke (D)
- 55%
President Trump (R)
- 18%
Neither of the above
- 3%
I don't know
Total responses: 190,147 votes
Trump is ar from an ideal candidate - but the DPST's have nothing constructive to offer other than Far Leftist candidates.
The platform of
Soylent Green New Deal,
Slavery reparations
Term birth abortion
Free College for all
Hateful Plantation racial politics
Open borders to All
Welfare to all - including all of central and south America
Gun Confiscation - abolish the Second Amendment
Does not fly with Middle America.
Using Kalifornia and NY - banksrupt and corrupt States as a model for the Venezuelan plan for America - does not pass Muster.