Originally Posted by Here4theFUNofIT
Damn her first review is a no? I’ll pass this up. Thanks for looking out
Definitely not an auspicious beginning. We know that a mandle or the warm review of her by a tender-dick white-knight or two is soon to follow.
The overwhelming examples of escorts that ill-suitable has baffled me. There was a provider that had caught my eye on BP a few years back. She eventually showed up on Eccie, and we ended up messing around for a while. We got cooler than I usually care to get with providers. There is no pussy more expensive than FREE escort pussy! I’d rather pay.
She never got much further than the welcome forum. The guys on here were not feeling her at all. It was brutal, bun funny as hell to read. I realized why eventually. She, like many current or future providers, was introduced to the hobby from her prior career as a stripper. Stripping doesn’t translate well to anything but eminent poverty and chaos. Stripping indoctrinates the ladies with the values of bullshitting and hustling guys out of money without giving them anything in return.
She was hell bent on starting each ad and conversation by putting her foot down and making sure she stated all of her “NO’s” before she said hello. She wanted provider rates, and would get pissed if you suggested that she crawled a few feet before sprinting. I guess this is a symptom or example of GPS. She fizzled out after BP went down. Last I heard she was working in fast food.