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Old 03-25-2019, 06:43 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by kushella View Post
The best way (at least for me) is to straight up say it. Like "I'm looking for cim. Is that ok?" then I will say no and that's that. "Do you do bbj?" I'd say yes but if you turn around and ask "how much?" The answer will be idk cause I have no idea. I don't charge for bbj, I charge for time so how much time are you looking for? Lmao asking for services will either get you an answer, blocked or a vaguely worded answer but there's nothing wrong with asking. Just don't be the dummy that attaches a rate to anything specific talmbout "can I get msog bbbj for 120?" because no you can't and you have the wrong number If you want to be safe then just bring a little extra with you and ask the lady to her face after you've already met and gotten comfortable.
This is the best way to expose yourself to legal risk. This is a gift-wrapped prostitution charge if either end of the conversation is a vice cop.

Originally Posted by needingmilking View Post
There is a belief that discussing menu will provide police with probable cause, but if they are checking your communication, you are already cooked and ready to be served...
BS. Vice cops and DAs can be extremely persuasive in getting ladies to cooperate in other investigations. Limit your communication to not discussing rates or activities at all and they have nothing. Sure, they can still arrest you, but what evidence of prostitution will they have?

Ladies and Gentlemen, it's all about reducing risk. This site allows for the risk to be greatly reduced. We can all do our research. We can all have generic conversations about what we like and don't like. And when it's time to book an appointment, we can all shut up and just talk about when, where and for how long.
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Old 03-26-2019, 08:47 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by Crock View Post
This is the best way to expose yourself to legal risk. This is a gift-wrapped prostitution charge if either end of the conversation is a vice cop.

BS. Vice cops and DAs can be extremely persuasive in getting ladies to cooperate in other investigations. Limit your communication to not discussing rates or activities at all and they have nothing. Sure, they can still arrest you, but what evidence of prostitution will they have?

Ladies and Gentlemen, it's all about reducing risk. This site allows for the risk to be greatly reduced. We can all do our research. We can all have generic conversations about what we like and don't like. And when it's time to book an appointment, we can all shut up and just talk about when, where and for how long.

So you get there and she giving amazing head but doesn't want you to COF so you think you've wasted your money. You say that you would have seen someone else if you knew before. Big deal. Small price to pay for safety.

You'll waste much much more on attorney fees and have a solicitation conviction on your record.

Don't ask about rates or activities. Simple.

Ladies, if a guy ask anything about rates or activities, stop all communication with him. Police don't need you to speak about both. Either money or activity is enough.

Also, don't fucking ruin it by stating your rate in a pm.

Unfortunately I think you have to assume he knows it. He should.

If he's passed screening on here, assume he doesn't want to screw up his reputation by screwing you out of money.
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Old 03-26-2019, 10:57 PM   #18
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Vice will arrest you regardless. If it's actually a cop, they'll need proof of you speaking or planning on sexual activities in exchange for money otherwise the charge will get dismissed for entrapment.
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Old 03-27-2019, 03:38 AM   #19
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I keep any activity inquiries to PM at the site. I don't call and ask. I don't ask in texts. I also do not let my references get burned just to be able to ask under any circumstances. Some pro's do not want to discuss topics under any auspice. I respect it and play a skip card.

If I can not get it sorted out through research, monger references, or PM then I have to throw the towel. No matter how plump and round that ass is. Took me 3 instances of walking out of in-calls to understand that it's best not to go in vague. Save your time, save their time, and prevent the grief.

Word your interest like your trying to discover boundaries with your SO. You're golden at that point. That is the end goal here; consenting adults that want to get fresh.
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Old 03-27-2019, 06:46 AM   #20
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Curb your expectations.....
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Old 03-28-2019, 11:33 AM   #21
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Originally Posted by kushella View Post
Vice will arrest you regardless. If it's actually a cop, they'll need proof of you speaking or planning on sexual activities in exchange for money otherwise the charge will get dismissed for entrapment.
Entrapment? Methinks you do not know what that word means. Lack of evidence does not equal entrapment.
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Old 03-28-2019, 02:00 PM   #22
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Plus, advertising that you offer sexual services or writing reviews about said services virtually obliterates and chance of an entrapment defense.
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Old 03-28-2019, 09:08 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by Crock View Post
Entrapment? Methinks you do not know what that word means. Lack of evidence does not equal entrapment.
I'm experiencing déjà vu.
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Old 03-31-2019, 03:56 PM   #24
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Until they extra piss you off? 🤣
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Old 03-31-2019, 05:22 PM   #25
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So I know this question will be different for everyone and every girl/guy will answer different to this. Like with anything, it's whatever the girl feels comfortable with. For me personally, once you're screened I would much rather you ask me if there's something specific you're looking for and you weren't able to figure out if I provided it, or if my reviews were unclear. I don't want us going to have a nice date together only to be met with an awkward situation because you were expecting something that I was clearly not okay with providing. That being said, if you just come out of the blue, not yet screened, and start off with some crazy shit like "hey I want to fuck you in the ass, how much does it cost?" you will be lucky to get a response out of me, and if I do feel you warranted one, it will not be nice lol.
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