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Old 03-02-2019, 09:45 PM   #1
I B Hankering
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Default 92% Of Left-Wing Activists Live With Their Parents And One In Three Is Unemployed

Thus confirming what everyone already expected to be true.

92% Of Left-Wing Activists Live With Their Parents And One In Three Is Unemployed
By Dave Burke////////////Published: 11:48 EST, 7 February 2017
  • Figures were compiled by the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution
  • Of those arrested for politically-motivated offences, 84 per cent were men
  • The majority, 72 per cent, were aged between 18 and 29
  • Of offences against a person, four out of five cases were against police officers

(The Daily Mail)
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Old 03-02-2019, 09:54 PM   #2
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Originally Posted by I B Hankering View Post
Thus confirming what everyone already expected to be true.
I don't why you find this so hard to believe. In Trumps economy the Mexicans are taking these young Americans jobs. What's sad is since Trump was more concerned about tax cuts for the rich instead of building a wall to keep the illegals out, things will only get worse. We didn't have these problems when Obama was in charge. Sad Trump doesn't care about todays American youth. maybe after he build Trump Tower Moscow some of these kids get jobs in Russia
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Old 03-02-2019, 10:13 PM   #3
I B Hankering
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Originally Posted by themystic View Post
I don't why you find this so hard to believe. In Trumps economy the Mexicans are taking these young Americans jobs. What's sad is since Trump was more concerned about tax cuts for the rich instead of building a wall to keep the illegals out, things will only get worse. We didn't have these problems when Obama was in charge. Sad Trump doesn't care about todays American youth. maybe after he build Trump Tower Moscow some of these kids get jobs in Russia
There was never any doubt that I believed Antifa types were unemployed and living in their mothers' basements, Jussie. But you're wrong about Trump's job market, Jussie. The job market is so tight in the U.S. that you had to hire two black guys to play white thugs, Jussie.

BTW, Jussie, they caught that 19 year old punk who beat up the 81 year man in the parking lot, Jussie. The 81 year old man fought back, Jussie, but the punk -- a former student athlete -- was just younger and stronger than the 81 year old man, Jussie. Be proud of your ilk, Jussie, beating up women and old men with sucker punches, Jussie.

Suspect, 19, Charged with Assault of Senior Citizen

(Tapinto News)
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Old 03-02-2019, 10:24 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by I B Hankering View Post
There was never any doubt that I believed Antifa types were unemployed and living in their mothers' basements, Jussie. But you're wrong about Trump's job market, Jussie. The job market is so tight in the U.S. that you had to hire two black guys to play white thugs, Jussie.

BTW, Jussie, they caught that 19 year old punk who beat up the 81 year man in the parking lot, Jussie. The 81 year old man fought back, Jussie, but the punk -- a former student athlete -- was just younger and stronger than the 81 year old man, Jussie. Be proud of your ilk, Jussie, beating up women and old men with sucker punches, Jussie.
Anyone who beats up an 81 year old man should go to jail. Lets hope he is able to be rehabilitated since he is so young. That's something right wing fanatics like you have lost sight of. Your lock them up and throw away the key mentality has caused America to have the highest incarceration rate in the world. I could show you hundreds of links of white kids doing the same crimes. You have an uncanny ability to make sure you always find a black kid to make the star of your racist posts. By the way I seem to recall some old white man sucker punching a black youth at a Trump rally. Your ilk are real brave except when you are by yourself. Then your scardy cats
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Old 03-02-2019, 10:49 PM   #5
I B Hankering
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Originally Posted by themystic View Post
Anyone who beats up an 81 year old man should go to jail. Lets hope he is able to be rehabilitated since he is so young. That's something right wing fanatics like you have lost sight of. Your lock them up and throw away the key mentality has caused America to have the highest incarceration rate in the world. I could show you hundreds of links of white kids doing the same crimes. You have an uncanny ability to make sure you always find a black kid to make the star of your racist posts. By the way I seem to recall some old white man sucker punching a black youth at a Trump rally. Your ilk are real brave except when you are by yourself. Then your scardy cats

"Scardy cats" wear masks like your Antifa buddies, Jussie. They don't want their mamas to recognize them when they do disgusting, criminal things, Jussie. Their mamas might kick their unemployed asses out of the house if they knew what they were doing with all of their free time, Jussie.

Your notion that you have the right to assault a woman or an old man because of they way they dress is immature and criminal, Jussie. Immature people who have weak minds act without thinking, Jussie. People who don't think about the consequences of their behavior are dangerous people, Jussie. That's why so many of your buddies are locked up, Jussie. They're dangerous people who don't think, Jussie.

It's immature people like your infantile Antifa friends who delusionally believe they can do what the fuck they want when they want that commit criminal acts and are prosecuted for those criminal acts, Jussie. That's why they are incarcerated, Jussie.

BTW, Jussie, did you see this video? Kinda blows your "racist" shit out of the water, doesn't it Jussie?


And Jussie, did you read the Podesta memos detailing how Team hildebeest sent paid agitators to Trump's rallies. O'Keefe even captured Team hildebeest movers-and-shakers admitting they'd hire street bums, dress them for the occasion, pay them plus cover any legal or medical costs they might incur while agitating at a Trump rally, Jussie. Did you see that, Jussie? Or is that something you want to forget, Jussie? You want to forget hildebeest's criminality, don't you, Jussie?

Greenberg, the assailant at Berkeley, wasn't black, btw, in case you didn't notice the difference because you're so blindly dedicated to your disingenuous "race card" agenda, Jussie.
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Old 03-02-2019, 11:24 PM   #6
Yssup Rider
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Hey, IBH, what the actual fuck is this about?

Your story was about left wing activists in GERMANY, 2003-2013.

Is this what’s you’re outraged about? You really didn’t read it, did you?

WTF does Antifa or Clinton have to do with your own OP?

Seems like you’ve got a very large bug up your ass.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Meltdown BETO continues
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Old 03-02-2019, 11:29 PM   #7
I B Hankering
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Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post
Hey, IBH, what the actual fuck is this about?

Your story was about left wing activists in GERMANY, 2003-2013.

Is this what’s you’re outraged about? You really didn’t read it, did you?

WTF does Antifa or Clinton have to do with your own OP?

Seems like you’ve got a very large bug up your ass.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Meltdown BETO continues

Your buddy obviously spouted off without reading the article and made it about Trump and the American scene. It's a shame you had to embarrass him like you just did. hildebeest's criminality is a part of that American scene.

But the Antifa leftist movement is an international anarchist organization. Antifa in the U.S. and Antifa in Germany embrace the same ideology and symbols: they're your kissing kin.
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Old 03-03-2019, 12:41 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by I B Hankering View Post
"Scardy cats" wear masks like your Antifa buddies, Jussie. They don't want their mamas to recognize them when they do disgusting, criminal things, Jussie. Their mamas might kick their unemployed asses out of the house if they knew what they were doing with all of their free time, Jussie.

Your notion that you have the right to assault a woman or an old man because of they way they dress is immature and criminal, Jussie. Immature people who have weak minds act without thinking, Jussie. People who don't think about the consequences of their behavior are dangerous people, Jussie. That's why so many of your buddies are locked up, Jussie. They're dangerous people who don't think, Jussie.

It's immature people like your infantile Antifa friends who delusionally believe they can do what the fuck they want when they want that commit criminal acts and are prosecuted for those criminal acts, Jussie. That's why they are incarcerated, Jussie.

BTW, Jussie, did you see this video? Kinda blows your "racist" shit out of the water, doesn't it Jussie?


And Jussie, did you read the Podesta memos detailing how Team hildebeest sent paid agitators to Trump's rallies. O'Keefe even captured Team hildebeest movers-and-shakers admitting they'd hire street bums, dress them for the occasion, pay them plus cover any legal or medical costs they might incur while agitating at a Trump rally, Jussie. Did you see that, Jussie? Or is that something you want to forget, Jussie? You want to forget hildebeest's criminality, don't you, Jussie?

Greenberg, the assailant at Berkeley, wasn't black, btw, in case you didn't notice the difference because you're so blindly dedicated to your disingenuous "race card" agenda, Jussie.
I don't know one single member of Antifa Ib aka Cesar Sayoc. You just cant seem to tell the Truth can you. Maybe its because the man you blindly follow has told 8,000 lies and counting. You cant distinguish the true from the false. So YR called you out on more of your Bullshit, Thank God for YR, He keeps liars like you in check. I only call people who lie liars IB. Good luck in the Election in 2020. But don't wear your MAGA hat scardy cat. Snowflakes like you might melt down. IB,,,,,,,,BOOOOO!!!!!!!!!
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Old 03-03-2019, 05:01 AM   #9
dilbert firestorm
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Originally Posted by themystic View Post
I don't why you find this so hard to believe. In Trumps economy the Mexicans are taking these young Americans jobs. What's sad is since Trump was more concerned about tax cuts for the rich instead of building a wall to keep the illegals out, things will only get worse. We didn't have these problems when Obama was in charge. Sad Trump doesn't care about todays American youth. maybe after he build Trump Tower Moscow some of these kids get jobs in Russia
Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post
Hey, IBH, what the actual fuck is this about?

Your story was about left wing activists in GERMANY, 2003-2013.

Is this what’s you’re outraged about? You really didn’t read it, did you?

WTF does Antifa or Clinton have to do with your own OP?

Seems like you’ve got a very large bug up your ass.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Meltdown BETO continues

if anyone is having a meltdown, its you!

now this article is about germany. it indicates that antifa is compromised of unemployed useful idiots. they drink violence like they drink coffee. what is true in germany is also true in USA regarding unemployed useful idiots.

these idiots who don't have a job and are mooching off their parents (at least they are not Dustin) have the potential to cross that violent line and do something stupid like killing someone.

they were 11 murders committed by german antifa assassins.
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Old 03-03-2019, 07:19 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm View Post
if anyone is having a meltdown, its you!
And on a daily basis.
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Old 03-03-2019, 07:25 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by themystic View Post
Anyone who beats up an 81 year old man should go to jail. Lets hope he is able to be rehabilitated since he is so young. That's something right wing fanatics like you have lost sight of. Your lock them up and throw away the key mentality has caused America to have the highest incarceration rate in the world. I could show you hundreds of links of white kids doing the same crimes. You have an uncanny ability to make sure you always find a black kid to make the star of your racist posts. By the way I seem to recall some old white man sucker punching a black youth at a Trump rally. Your ilk are real brave except when you are by yourself. Then your scardy cats
It was the democrats who came up mandatory minimums which put thousands of black people in prison. Same thing when the democrats came up with chain gangs.
Then there was the college professor who hit someone in the with a bicycle lock hidden in a sock. (Concealed weapon?)
The woman surrounded and pelted with eggs while being verbally abused.
The man with a MAGA hat was threatened with a gun.
An illegal alien woman attacked a man wearing a MAGA hat.
Here in Olathe, a counter clerk berated a 14 year-old boy in public with profanity.

You'll never accept it (brain damage?) but the democrat party has been on the wrong side of history since slavery.
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Old 03-03-2019, 07:56 AM   #12
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antifa is a world wide danger

they are not just in the united states

its a terrorist organization established in many countries

they believe violence is legitimate in that they are saving the world

similar to other extremist groups like radical islam, only they hold the answer

they believe their historical roots began in fighting the nazis

a lot of very damaged people are drawn to it

they believe others must not be allowed to speak

The radical left of antifa presents itself as being about compassion and empathy; it’s a Trojan horse.

their focus is about entitlement and rights, not responsibility.

When these people talk about freedom, they really mean freedom from responsibility.

small wonder 92% don't work and live off others
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Old 03-03-2019, 08:43 AM   #13
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Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post
Hey, IBH, what the actual fuck is this about?

Your story was about left wing activists in GERMANY, 2003-2013.

Is this what’s you’re outraged about? You really didn’t read it, did you?

WTF does Antifa or Clinton have to do with your own OP?

Seems like you’ve got a very large bug up your ass.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Meltdown BETO continues
What are any of your threads about? Seems like you’re in a constant state of “outrage”.
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Old 03-03-2019, 08:45 AM   #14
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Why aren’t you, bambino?

You like the president’s leadership skills?
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Old 03-03-2019, 08:47 AM   #15
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Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn View Post
It was the democrats who came up mandatory minimums which put thousands of black people in prison. Same thing when the democrats came up with chain gangs.
Then there was the college professor who hit someone in the with a bicycle lock hidden in a sock. (Concealed weapon?)
The woman surrounded and pelted with eggs while being verbally abused.
The man with a MAGA hat was threatened with a gun.
An illegal alien woman attacked a man wearing a MAGA hat.
Here in Olathe, a counter clerk berated a 14 year-old boy in public with profanity.

You'll never accept it (brain damage?) but the democrat party has been on the wrong side of history since slavery.
you poor thing. im so sorry that life is so harsh for you. you should stay indoors and not venture into the world. scardy cats have it so hard compared to everyone else. I mean , with democrats lurking on every corner .......barley............BOOOO O........LMAO!
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