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Old 02-27-2019, 05:43 AM   #46
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Originally Posted by marsoc1 View Post
I think you and I have met a few times Dog . My bad we should not discuss the fake named owners or workers personal life on here. We should keep the conversation to what illegal acts they preform ,how much we pay ,if the pussy is hairy ,smells bad and how long the stank lingers .

I agree!
And if your messing with bad smelling pussy, you need to upgrade!
Have a good day sir!
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Old 02-27-2019, 08:30 AM   #47
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Originally Posted by Dogface78 View Post
I would bet when this is all over that this cameras and mics in the room shit will be found to be overreach.
What's the number? I like the other side of the bet.

Originally Posted by Dogface78 View Post
We have what's called a reasonable expectation of privacy, when we go into a dressing room, doctors office, a public bathroom, and yes a massage parlor, and take off our clothes, even if a crimes maybe being committed in those places you are still not permitted to have cameras present even though to store owns the property they still cannot put them in their own dressing rooms, in their own place of business!

You don't enjoy the enhanced expectation of privacy anywhere but your hotel room or residence and a warrant supersedes it. Without dragging out SCOTUS citations, suffice it to say that in this case:

1. They had credible reports of prostitution on the premises.
2. They set up surveillance.
3. They documented instruments of crime in the trash.
4. They have witnesses who told them what was going on inside.

Despite having all this, they can't put cameras _inside_ yet. They show this to a judge, who issues the warrant for interior surveillance. While Bob Kraft might have some great lawyers they will be like the shit i took this morning: have a lot of sound and fury, but the effort won't go real far.

The blame here is on the dudes pulled over for not using their turn signals who didn't do the "am I free to go" routine and eat a ticket for failure to signal.
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Old 02-27-2019, 12:02 PM   #48
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Guys in Florida are lawyering up and fighting the argument that this IS in fact overreach.
I believe they have a case.
Walking into a massage parlor you should have privacy. Not everyone that goes to these places gets or even wants a happy ending. A fucking HUGE slippery slope here.
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Old 02-27-2019, 12:32 PM   #49
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Originally Posted by burgh1 View Post
You're making a joke out of it, but it's my point exactly....

I'm sure there are some high end girls and agencies that can be trusted by a public figure, but for the most part he would probably think the odds of being blackmailed are too high.... but no reputable provider would ever consider that sort of thing, right?
I was being completely 100% serious. I don’t take screening in a joking manner .
None that I know of.
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Old 02-27-2019, 01:10 PM   #50
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Tannana I might be wrong, but I believe that other law enforcement agencies would love to have done something like this!
And I am sure that they presented the same probable cause evidence to a judge and were shut down!
That type of evidence isn't hard to come by, but the go ahead for a judge to do something borderline is!
Hence we get what we have at PK, and Golden tree just to name two places!
And as someone mentioned before, let's not forget the innocent little waifs that were being trafficked all of the while law enforcement was gathering evidence! For what two years? Is that what I read, two years? In actuality if it went on more than five minutes and these girls were possibly being made to preform acts against their will, then they were wrong there also! When you suspect human trafficking you gotta stop that shit right away! Not gather evidence at the victims expense! And I believe this will be shoved up their asse's also!
Of course this is just my opinion!
And this is of course Florida and they do pretty much as they please there, like I said IMO!
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Old 02-27-2019, 07:37 PM   #51
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Originally Posted by Dreamgurrl View Post
I was being completely 100% serious. I don’t take screening in a joking manner .
None that I know of.
Uhhhhhh, yeah...... right.
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Old 02-27-2019, 08:42 PM   #52
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Guess the heat will be on amps everywhere. Would be a damn shame, as they don't go dark on a guy.
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Old 02-27-2019, 09:07 PM   #53
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Originally Posted by burgh1 View Post
Uhhhhhh, yeah...... right.
That’s why she got bitchslapped. Her screening is foolproof. The guy was a green square to boot.
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Old 02-28-2019, 08:07 AM   #54
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Originally Posted by berryberry View Post
And if you are worth $7 billion, why the hell are you going to an AMP when you can clearly afford better options
Agree totally. Someone with that worth can buy whatever or whomever he wants. Super model types would be lining up.
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Old 02-28-2019, 08:57 AM   #55
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Originally Posted by Dreamgurrl View Post
I was being completely 100% serious. I don’t take screening in a joking manner .
None that I know of.
Not ganging up on you but “none that I know of”?
A lot do. At one time I saw a girl from D4U regularly after She gave me her cell so I wouldn’t need to go thru Joe the dickhead.
Saw each other a lot then I got a little bored and moved on. She must not have been happy about that so sent me a text, saying she was pregnant and I’m the daddy. Told her I’d be worried if I hadn’t had a vasectomy. Never heard from her again. Lol
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Old 03-01-2019, 05:58 AM   #56
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Old 03-01-2019, 11:14 AM   #57
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Originally Posted by Charley3 View Post
Guys in Florida are lawyering up and fighting the argument that this IS in fact overreach.
I believe they have a case.
Walking into a massage parlor you should have privacy. Not everyone that goes to these places gets or even wants a happy ending. A fucking HUGE slippery slope here.
Again, you'd be wrong. Do you honestly think that this is either: 1. The first time cops in florida have busted AMPs with interior cameras? It isn't. 2. The first time someone with a good/greedy lawyer was involved? It isn't. The government, before it put cameras in the room, convinced a judge that nefarious shit was happening. That's what you need to "breach someone's privacy." Here's another hot tip: if the cops got the same evidence that they've released to date that you were doing this kind of thing in your home, they'd get a warrant in about 90 seconds to "violate your privacy." This is why you don't talk to police. Absent the dudes who fucking TOLD THEM they got a handy, they probably don't get warrants. Think about that for a second.
Originally Posted by ron32 View Post
Agree totally. Someone with that worth can buy whatever or whomever he wants. Super model types would be lining up.
Dude's making a bet that the handy-hands fresh off the boat from China wouldn't recognize him. Probably not a bad bed, until you get hit by the black swan of a surveillance warrant. How long you think one of our local independent providers would hide the fact they were banging a Rooney, hypothetically? If I'm ever fortunate enough to own a goddamned NFL team, I'm pretty sure I can predict which mouths I rented here will out me, and which ones won't--and I'll bet just about every monger with a brain in Pgh knows their own personal answer to this.
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Old 03-01-2019, 11:55 AM   #58
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Yes I agree, why would these shitbirds admit to getting hj's to the police over a traffic ticket!
What the fuck are you thinking?
And I just watched a "Pittsburgh" news report that was on the internet.
That this is all done due to a new enhanced Florida anti-prostitution human trafficking law!
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Old 03-01-2019, 03:09 PM   #59
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Originally Posted by tannana View Post
Again, you'd be wrong. Do you honestly think that this is either: 1. The first time cops in florida have busted AMPs with interior cameras? It isn't. 2. The first time someone with a good/greedy lawyer was involved? It isn't. The government, before it put cameras in the room, convinced a judge that nefarious shit was happening. That's what you need to "breach someone's privacy." Here's another hot tip: if the cops got the same evidence that they've released to date that you were doing this kind of thing in your home, they'd get a warrant in about 90 seconds to "violate your privacy." This is why you don't talk to police. Absent the dudes who fucking TOLD THEM they got a handy, they probably don't get warrants. Think about that for a second.

Dude's making a bet that the handy-hands fresh off the boat from China wouldn't recognize him. Probably not a bad bed, until you get hit by the black swan of a surveillance warrant. How long you think one of our local independent providers would hide the fact they were banging a Rooney, hypothetically? If I'm ever fortunate enough to own a goddamned NFL team, I'm pretty sure I can predict which mouths I rented here will out me, and which ones won't--and I'll bet just about every monger with a brain in Pgh knows their own personal answer to this.
Who the fuck are you??!! A lawyer? I doubt it. Or maybe a guy with the decision making skills to pick Gabrielle as a girlfriend. Lol
I know for a fact that guys down there that have not had their names released yet are fighting this. Will they be successful? I don’t know but neither do you.
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Old 03-02-2019, 05:39 AM   #60
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So many opinions out of people who won't step up for change?
-sigh- You know there's a new end demand law being proposed to put the CUSTOMER on Megan's list for 15 years? No worries I'm working on that too. Didn't tannana say when someone fights this y'all were gonna stand up and donate? Well SWOP Behind Bars has not recieved any Pittsburgh donations from anyone I don't already know.

Tannana...just stop. "Mouths I've rented"? You use to date one of those "rented mouths". You're better than this.

Oh and monger is not a good term, fyi.
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