Originally Posted by sjomonty
Someone correct me if I am wrong but I dont believe any site rules have been violated in this thread.
Where did I say any site rules were being violated? I was saying stop being so fucking inconsiderate of others safety. It's not you're safety you're risking, it's theirs. And they don't want y'all talking about them publicly like that. DO BETTER. BE BETTER.
Originally Posted by sexymaid_69
Oh and Gabs,
I mentioned the Marriott"awareness training program" on Indy's about 10 years ago. It's not new news.
Perhaps someone still on Indy's can find her a screenshot of my post from 2007?
You can save your screenshot. Just as you attempted to downplay my info last spring when I posted it...they have NEW training. It came from the collaborative of the DHS (department of homeland security), the FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation), ICE (need abolished) as well as local and state level law enforcement agencies. The link to the training where they added NEW information is floating round on Twitter somewhere. But you already know this and this is just a low dig cause I called y'all out on Twitter for that new platform y'all are running. Remember the one that y'all so desperately advertised on MY thread? That one?
BTW - y'all are acting just like pi. Y'all gonna start breaking bones and sexually assaulting folks next? Y'all always need to be putting someone down to feel better about yourselves :HUGEeyeROLL: DO BETTER. BE BETTER.
Originally Posted by berryberry
What the hell are you talking about.
Oh...well in that case, I still wasn't talking to you. I don't know you. Nor do I ever want to know you. Stop talking to me, I only read your comments when my snapchat collective screenshots it and sends me comments to post in response to what ever nonsense the "look at me because I'm so important that I always "pull" strippers for free and that's why I hang out on a slobbyist board all day, every day" is spewing forth that day
Have a seat, nobody cares what you have to say...and by nobody I mean me...I don't give a fuck what you have to say.
You do realize I give FREE naked pics and awesome videos as rewards for my Snapchat collective that keeps an eye on y'all for me? Right? You know I don't read 1/2 of what the MOBCJC posts, RIGHT?
Back on subject - strip clubs -
Mons Venus

I had a breakup party there once, with a bunch of guys from some group I use to fuck around with. They purchased an entire bucket of long stemmed red roses for me to give to the ladies. It was a good night

Now that I think of it, another time they did the same when we were seated outside to enjoy dinner in Ybor city. We went to the club across from Mons that night.

Same group, different guys went to Rachel's in Orlando...where they let me buy all the strippers dinner and drinks...dropped a few grand...and they left the strippers in the club as they didn't wanna risk their safety.

Same group, different guys dropped a few hundred on lunch just before an event started in Cape Canaveral...and a few hundred on the strippers. They didn't risk those strippers either.

Same group, different guys visiting New York...oh New York. That group weekend, well I've never stepped onto a bus full of men wearing nothing but a trench coat, thigh highs and heels. (That's fun...think I wore a similar outfit when I was dating Tannana too) The first time I fucked around and fell in love with someone I met "at work". We had a lot of fun, but didn't make it to strip club that weekend in New York, we stayed in, ate Carmine's takeout, naked and watched the PSU/OSU game...however we did fly to Pittsburgh a few times to visit Cheerleaders. We didn't put the strippers at risk.

Then I had my divorce party at a book in Tampa...where I was not working, but I was one of the few female guests who wasn't talent that weekend....those guys were so fucking...mmm...anyways...afte r I was in "the play" with a few of the "better" actors of the group...we all ended up at...yep, you guessed it...Mons Venus.

Then the next night I went to one of the guys wifes charity galas, she sent a special invite...with the guys I just banged, about 20 of them. After we left, we went back to Mons Venus where none of the guys put the strippers at risk. Sadly that was the last official party, the "royal council" saw the new laws coming and changed the rules, no more entertainment.

But hey...I didn't put anyone at risk with this little story that started and ended in Mons Venus strip club, right? RIGHT? I'm not sure any of you MOBCJC's would ever get such invites to even know what I'm talking about.
Cheerleaders is still my favorite in Pittsburgh. The baby strippers are da bomb there.