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Old 01-17-2019, 07:47 PM   #1
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Arrow Any interest in a Free verification app like p411?

What about a website like P411 where clients can request references from escorts? Providers would be able to:

* Verify if a client met with someone on a given date / city
* Verify if a client was safe & paid agreed upon amount
* Rate client's hygiene (bad, ok, great)
* Notify if other providers can contact you about a client
* Leave a small comment (viewable by other providers)

I know that P411 is available (I used it the past) however not many providers were on it or rarely asked for it. It also required a $$$ fee and eventually it closed its membership so I never joined again.

Currently providing references whenever I meet someone is a bit painful for a few reasons:

* Many providers don't reply back quickly or reply back at all
* Some providers change numbers often or don't remember all clients

I work as a application developer and was playing around with the idea of building something like this but I'm not sure how useful it would be. I had a few other features / ideas:

* No Ads (verification site only)
* Allow searching by Phone numbers ?
* Integrate with other site like Eccie for provider verification
* Alerts by City
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Old 01-17-2019, 08:10 PM   #2
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I think it’s a great idea. Things are getting really weird; hobbiest not knowing how to be gentlemen ;asking all kinds of unessary explicit questions.anndd I’ve been getting random emails and calls and I know I’m only of interest to a select safe few!!
I’m from a small place. I am who I say I am...I’m thinking of ending my little bag chasing adventure....you know be a good wife, a good mom. But I’m addicted. Tell me how I know I’m safe on here because I’ve had some pms that I’m positive are not.
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Old 01-18-2019, 07:59 AM   #3
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Originally Posted by txguy210 View Post
What about a website like P411 where clients can request references from escorts? Providers would be able to:

* Verify if a client met with someone on a given date / city
* Verify if a client was safe & paid agreed upon amount
* Rate client's hygiene (bad, ok, great)
* Notify if other providers can contact you about a client
* Leave a small comment (viewable by other providers)

I know that P411 is available (I used it the past) however not many providers were on it or rarely asked for it. It also required a $$$ fee and eventually it closed its membership so I never joined again.

Currently providing references whenever I meet someone is a bit painful for a few reasons:

* Many providers don't reply back quickly or reply back at all
* Some providers change numbers often or don't remember all clients

I work as a application developer and was playing around with the idea of building something like this but I'm not sure how useful it would be. I had a few other features / ideas:

* No Ads (verification site only)
* Allow searching by Phone numbers ?
* Integrate with other site like Eccie for provider verification
* Alerts by City
Think the site verifyhim.com does much of what you're suggesting. I understand they gather data somehow from P411 and TER without permission. They are based out of Singapore. Many ladies won't admit to using it because it can supply your personal information. I'm not sure if its free to them. Let's see if a lady will step up to the plate and enlighten us.
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Old 01-18-2019, 11:10 AM   #4
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Oh interesting never heard of verifyhim.com (tried searching for myself but nothing came up). I have heard of another website called date check but when I visited it in the past it had so many ads and bright colors that I instantly clicked away.
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Old 01-18-2019, 12:41 PM   #5
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The problem you'll run into is: do you let just anyone use the app?.... or do you take the time and make the effort to verify that only legitimate clients and providers use the app.?

The latter takes A LOT of time and effort to do even "kind of" well, and the former simply means the app, while well intentioned, will be used by any and everyone who wishes to cause harm.

Security should always be number one in this thought process, but anything that can help the members of the community go home safe at night has a thumbs up from me .

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Old 01-18-2019, 03:02 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by GinaXXX View Post
The problem you'll run into is: do you let just anyone use the app?.... or do you take the time and make the effort to verify that only legitimate clients and providers use the app.?

The latter takes A LOT of time and effort to do even "kind of" well, and the former simply means the app, while well intentioned, will be used by any and everyone who wishes to cause harm.

Security should always be number one in this thought process, but anything that can help the members of the community go home safe at night has a thumbs up from me .

Thanks for the feedback Gina. You are right it’s hard to verify someone is who they say they are and hard to prevent anyone from making an just making a new account and leaving fake / false information. Also the hosting and administrative portion would take work that I’m not sure I have fully considered. Keep up the solid effort on P411.
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Old 01-18-2019, 03:36 PM   #7
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The problem I for see is providers not following up to confirm they have seen the clients. Unless the website is going to complete background checks and confirm who they are how will the website know they paid the requested $$.

There are several sites ready where reviews can be verified by providers, and most providers rarely follow up and verify it's a legitimate review.

I like your idea and like the fact it will make it easier to verify us guys, but not sure on how you plan to get around the issue of providers never following up.
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Old 01-18-2019, 03:53 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by Fizley View Post
The problem I for see is providers not following up to confirm they have seen the clients. Unless the website is going to complete background checks and confirm who they are how will the website know they paid the requested $$.

There are several sites ready where reviews can be verified by providers, and most providers rarely follow up and verify it's a legitimate review.

I like your idea and like the fact it will make it easier to verify us guys, but not sure on how you plan to get around the issue of providers never following up.
I think it can be similar to P411, you visit a provider and after you send her link to give you an OK. Some providers will not do it, and others will. The only way to know a client paid is by having the provider check the box on the review. The benefit will be that only providers who rate will be able to see reviews on other clients. Its the same reason guys leave reviews.

I guess this would be much easier to add onto an already establish site like Eccie ? But I havent see any sites allow providers to leave feedback for us guys. For those of us who show up on time and don't caught trouble it would be beneficial to make screening easier.
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Old 01-19-2019, 02:32 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by Tiffany@Taylor View Post
I think it’s a great idea. Things are getting really weird; hobbiest not knowing how to be gentlemen ;asking all kinds of unessary explicit questions.anndd I’ve been getting random emails and calls and I know I’m only of interest to a select safe few!!
I’m from a small place. I am who I say I am...I’m thinking of ending my little bag chasing adventure....you know be a good wife, a good mom. But I’m addicted. Tell me how I know I’m safe on here because I’ve had some pms that I’m positive are not.

I was thinking the same thing about Eccie being kind of strange. I thought the men on here would be more gentleman like, professional, and direct. Since most of us are verified, referenced, or something. But instead it’s been rude men, explicit requests and texts, negotiating about everything lol, and then some men are just plain sketchy lol. I love doing this too. But the more people I talk to the more withdrawn I’m seeming to become lol. And all the warnings everywhere on the site just stick out and scream “stay tf away.” Lmao. So knowing how r safe on the site would be good to know
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Old 01-19-2019, 11:30 AM   #10
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Personally I prefer female ran websites. I would never only use one type of information for verification. Instead I use many things to verify someone as safe and someone I want to see. I've never had a problem with references (once in a blue moon) usually we all get along and want the same thing. To be safe. If someone baulks at the idea of references and my screening process... it's a done deal they aren't a good fit for me.
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Old 01-19-2019, 02:51 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by NaughtyMaddy View Post
Personally I prefer female ran websites. .

Which is why many agency owners use woman names.
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Old 01-19-2019, 07:01 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by NaughtyMaddy View Post
Personally I prefer female ran websites
Yes I can see why that would be a good thing, you girls understand the screening and all that better.

My interest would just be in building the site (I have a tech background), I have no interest in running anything. Ideally a few female providers would be admins and handle any daily admin tasks.
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Old 01-19-2019, 09:49 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by zmonator View Post
Think the site verifyhim.com does much of what you're suggesting. I understand they gather data somehow from P411 and TER without permission. They are based out of Singapore. Many ladies won't admit to using it because it can supply your personal information. I'm not sure if its free to them. Let's see if a lady will step up to the plate and enlighten us.
I have used Verify Him and it was very very helpful..if ladies would take the time to put good/bad info about clients it would be even more helpful but it provides alot of things such as black lists, search by phone/email/name/handles, it gives u ALOT of info on someone if properly done and the info is available . The only thing is , it does cost money ..so when business is slow i dont even bother with it because its not worth it unless I am traveling, advertising on multiple sites, having alot of new clients etc.... I am not sure if i answered your question or not lol ?
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Old 01-22-2019, 02:33 PM   #14
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Speaking of P411, I have tried to log on to their site several time this month and it keeps coming up as "server not found." Is something up that I missed, like they moved their primary web entry point? I am a member, with a current paid subscription.
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Old 01-22-2019, 05:53 PM   #15
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Why not email support@preferred411.com?
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