Originally Posted by Zena
Anyone else having the problem of missing a certain someone that shares your secret fetish and they live far away ??? YOUU!!!! Some of you ARE SO SO AMAZING !!!! BUT HERE I AM IN CENTRAL TX, AND I CANT BE IN 17 PLACES at once...and ....
Sigh..... I just cant reach all of you via my phone or
Keyboard..... sigh....
I know, I know they make toys for this.... lol...
I know some of you can relate...... I am not the only one....
....... Have a great evening........ Zena. 
I Feel your Pain I Live now where i grew up as a youth back when i was not yet a adult and could not indulge in adult activities -Bars-nightclubs-swingers clubs_ETC ETC and really IOWA did seem kinda boring but what the hell it was MY hometown .
Now being 49 and i,am single and have no kids and having seen and experienced A lot but still not enough I recently in the last couple months came to the conclusion that now being a little wiser than i was as a youth and also now having enough $ to dabble in whims of what ever the fuck nature at the entry level or higher scale that i need to find a couple of like minded new friends to party and do fucking stuff with ,
In the last 10 years (i stopped counting when it got around 20 )lost almost all my very very very close friends to death either to the war or suicide or fucking cancer oh one to a high speed boat accident etc etc but most of them blew there fucking heads off or gassed themself with a extension pipe on the cars exuast and extend the pipe into the car window and roll up all the windows and --well the end result is there fucking dead.
And i Cant ever forget the M.I.A"S
Anyway sorry to be a debbie the fuck downer cuz im ready to push the limits and meet some new (Good Hearted ) but crazy as shit in a good way people .