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Old 12-31-2018, 04:05 PM   #16
The Grey Knight
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TTH got me thinking about escort services and the yellow pages. I can’t count the number of times I’d check into a hotel room on a business trip and go down the list of services. I don’t think I ever placed a call, though. One reason is that early in my hobby career the Lakers’ James Worthy got busted for solicitation in Houston before a game with the Rockets when he placed a call to an escort service. That left an impression.

The bigger impediment for me was when hotels started charging for local calls made from your room. This was before cell phones, and I sure as hell wasn’t going to risk some enterprising gal in my company’s A/P department going over my expense report and getting curious about that call I made at 11pm one night. I’m not sure if all hotels even listed called numbers on their hotel bills, but I wasn’t going to wait until checkout to find out.

I probably was a better boy on the road than I was at home in those days....
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Old 12-31-2018, 04:58 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by BLM69 View Post
You guys have had a long run of tricking. I'm about 15 years in, I've learned a whole lot and thought some being on this site. The new guys have a lot of information available
The best thing about this site is it makes it easy to avoid most of the mistakes the rest of us had to endure. Frankly, the hobby is safer for all involved thanks to sites like this. That may be the most shameful thing about fosta/sesta.
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Old 12-31-2018, 04:58 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by BLM69 View Post
You guys have had a long run of tricking. I'm about 15 years in, I've learned a whole lot and thought some being on this site. The new guys have a lot of information available
You are correct, Sir. You young guys are awesome. I think Tin Man and I just want to share how things were back in the day. We can’t impress on you enough-this thing we enjoy was so different in the late 90’s. Hopefully, we can share that with you alll. It will never be like it was 22+ years ago. We would just like to share. Ok?
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Old 12-31-2018, 05:06 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by TinMan View Post
The best thing about this site is it makes it easy to avoid most of the mistakes the rest of us had to endure. Frankly, the hobby is safer for all involved thanks to sites like this. That may be the most shameful thing about fosta/sesta.
I agree.
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Old 12-31-2018, 05:30 PM   #20
Charlie Brown
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Default Yep !

We've lived an extraordinarily similar hobby life Tin Man.

The little blonde I found on the street and saw many times ended up looking out a peep hole and on the other side was either her pimp or disgruntled customer who fired a pistol into her eye.

Of course she was killed instantly. I read about it in the paper.

That took me off the street for a long time. She was a sweet person.

I'll never go back to looking on the street.
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Old 12-31-2018, 05:42 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by TinMan View Post
TTH got me thinking about escort services and the yellow pages. I can’t count the number of times I’d check into a hotel room on a business trip and go down the list of services. I don’t think I ever placed a call, though. One reason is that early in my hobby career the Lakers’ James Worthy got busted for solicitation in Houston before a game with the Rockets when he placed a call to an escort service. That left an impression.

The bigger impediment for me was when hotels started charging for local calls made from your room. This was before cell phones, and I sure as hell wasn’t going to risk some enterprising gal in my company’s A/P department going over my expense report and getting curious about that call I made at 11pm one night. I’m not sure if all hotels even listed called numbers on their hotel bills, but I wasn’t going to wait until checkout to find out.

I probably was a better boy on the road than I was at home in those days....

75% of those Yellow Page escort ads in Houston were linked to HPD. TTH just got lucky. HPD busted numerous pro athletes back in those days.
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Old 12-31-2018, 11:43 PM   #22
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I've appreciate the stories as both entertaining and sparks for my own remembrances and recollections. I, too, patronized HH, the amps, and April's, and the trailers along 121 on what has been a long hobbying career. Never going on the road for work kept me from enjoying that aspect, or from being ripped off whichever the case may be.

The ladies I met on HH were driving and would brake check you, or flash their lights to let you know they were available. Met my first Columbian MILF that way. Though of course we didn't call it that back then.

This post also reminds me of the books I've read by Amarillo Slim, Doyle Brunson, Chip Reese and others telling stories about the old days in Poker. Back then games were played in shit holes and almost always crooked, certainly illegal. Now that Poker is somewhat main stream these guys can tell their stories and make a lot of money putting them in a book. Too bad that probably won't happen with this hobby. My two great loves, Poker and Pussy.

Keep up the stories. Because even if the young guys don't learn anything, us older guys enjoy the walk down memory lane.
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Old 01-01-2019, 01:36 AM   #23
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I enjoy reading all of your stories how the hobby was, I thought the notes in the yellow pages of what agencies to use was brilliant! Kinda low tech with great information when found, reminds me of the bathroom stalls writings "call xXxX for a good time" that stuff still works today
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Old 01-01-2019, 07:45 AM   #24
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Might be stupid but what is ASPD?
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Old 01-01-2019, 07:56 AM   #25
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Ah, you’re getting ahead of my story lol.

ASPD was the mother of both ECCIE and OH2. I believe it began in 1999, and was retired in 2009 after the owner died. The structure both sites owe a huge debt to ASPD. OH2 acknowledges this debt by maintaining a forum dedicated to its predecessor.

I’ll talk a lot more about ASPD when I get to that part of my story. Jim will likely focus on it, too, when he posts his remembrances of the time.
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Old 01-01-2019, 11:51 AM   #26
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Great read Tinman. Looking forward to Part 2.

After moving to the area in the late 70's, I frequented the bars and dance joints along NW Hwy. Favorite place was Mad Cap Mollies if I have remembered the name correctly. Spent many hours and $ there chasing poon with little to moderate success. On those washout nights when the urge was strong, instead of heading back to my apartment in the Village, I headed out to places in drunken pursuit of relief. I've always been partial to the rub and tug but don't recall how I found out about any of these places since there was no intel source. All I remember was the massage ads in the Dallas Morning News and Star Telegram.

One was already mentioned..... the spa or tub clubs near Preston and 121. Never forget the time I had to pee and the lady insisted on going to the bathroom with me so she could hold my cock. Said she enjoyed doing that. Other places were

An Asian place in a trailer in Kennedale on a pathetic street just south of where Dreamers (the old Log cabin place) and other adult book stores were near 287 business on the southside of I-20. Quite a ways from the Village Apts. but liquor and hormones can make that drive seem easy.

A spa near downtown Dallas near or maybe even on Industrial Boulevard. It really wasn't a spa, you paid to spend time with a lady and negotiated further activities once in the room.

A spa in far southeast Dallas. Only reason I ever drove on Highway 175 was to go there. There was a hot tub in the place and the girl would get in with you. She would be wearing a bikini. I don't remember the ladies removing any clothing until business was transacted.

And I remember a trailer in what is now I believe Irving. That was in the late 70's. Wish I knew where that place was so I could compare to what is there now.

The Executive Spa Club Tinman mentioned. If you didn't bring a lady you could get one there for not much cost to give you a massage. They let you soak in the hot tub until you were ready for your massage. Then you used a phone in the room like an intercom to tell the clerk you were ready for the massage. Most of the time that's all I got but on occasion a lady would be willing to do more to increase her income.

Fortunately I found Anne Marie in the late 90's when she was advertising in the FW star Telegram and working solo out of her house north of downtown FW. By this time I was living in Arlington. One day while at her place on the west side of FW (not Pamper Clinic .... the other one) she told me about ASPD.
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Old 01-01-2019, 12:28 PM   #27
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I miss the Harry Hines girls in cars....
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Old 01-01-2019, 12:36 PM   #28
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Beautifully penned TinMan !! Enjoyed reading it !!
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Old 01-01-2019, 12:40 PM   #29
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Tin Man, we lead parallel lives. Went to many of those places. At the same time. Had a few HH girls. But I would usually divert off to the streets close by European Crossroads. Found a couple of gems. So many memories.
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Old 01-01-2019, 12:57 PM   #30
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I’m glad you mentioned the want ads in the dailies, Survivor. The only hobby-related bug (pun intended) I contracted was thanks to the Startlegram.

While I was too chicken to call an ad in the Yellow Pages, I did get up enough nerve to try a few want ads. The most memorable, for several reasons, was a young nursing student who offered nondescript services for $75. She hosted at her apartment, and she was the very definition of YMMV.

At the time I was a nice change from her usual clientele. I wasn’t much older than her, in good shape, professional, and had all my teeth (I still check off 2 of those 4 boxes). She wasn’t exactly GFE, but CFS was available to me.

I visited her twice. She was more comfortable the second time, and I left thinking I may have given her an orgasm. I still was to learn about IOP.

Unfortunately, she did give me something: crabs. I felt the itch when I got back to work. Went to the bathroom and saw the little critters. Time to panic!

I told my boss I was feeling ill, and rushed to the pharmacy so I could get home and take care of things before the SO arrived. I remember jumping in the shower, opening up the medicated shampoo, and the powerful odor had me thinking, “how the hell am I going to hide this?!?”

I finished my shower, combed my hair (so to speak), and washed my clothes (probably trashed my underwear). I learned what a skilled liar I was by not showing any nervousness when the SO arrived. Everything was in order.

I surreptitiously continued the treatment for a week, avoiding any intimate contact with the SO. She was never the wiser.

Needless to say, I was done with the nursing student. I hesitate to think what happened if she actually completed her schooling and entered the profession. Her diagnostic skills left much to be desired, in my opinion.
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