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Old 12-14-2018, 05:39 PM   #1
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Default Missing The Days When...

...you could log on to ECCIE and there were at least a dozen new encounter reports from along the Gulf Coast every single day between the providers and AMPS. Wow! Those were the days.
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Old 12-14-2018, 09:27 PM   #2
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Baby...it will never be the same again...
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Old 12-15-2018, 07:16 AM   #3
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Originally Posted by Kynsley Morgan View Post
Baby...it will never be the same again...
I prefer to believe it is cyclical. But even still - the cycle is taking a while to circle back around.

Local Sheriffs have election years to worry about - in between - things often relax a bit. Hopefully.
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Old 12-15-2018, 07:23 AM   #4
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Oh sweetie, the worst is yet to hit, after the New Year we will see how critical it will be for all CSW.
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Old 12-15-2018, 10:20 AM   #5
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Sex trafficking law leads to more street prostitution

Along with the rise in street prostitution has come a resurgence in pimping, which had faded in the internet age, according to sex workers and advocates. Alexander said a friend of hers was attacked by pimps who were incensed she was working without them, and Quinn said pimps have become much more aggressive now that they see a market.

Still, even activists who acknowledge a trend of more street prostitution believe the trafficking act is better than unchecked online exploitation.

Yvonne Ambrose'sStaff edit, forbidden topic. dj8 daughter Desiree Robinson was trafficked in Chicago on Backpage and was killed by a buyer on Christmas Eve 2016. Ambrose joined Trump at the White House when he signed the legislation.

The law, she said, is the change her daughter would have wanted.

"This law is for the bad actors out there," she said, "and to prevent them from doing more harm to more people."
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Old 12-15-2018, 12:08 PM   #6
Submissive MilfMarie
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Originally Posted by Vachon View Post
...you could log on to ECCIE and there were at least a dozen new encounter reports from along the Gulf Coast every single day between the providers and AMPS. Wow! Those were the days.
There are some factors that play into alot of that not just the NEW LAW they have past.

1. Few guys on eccie pretty much ridicule newbies for how they write there first review and was not perfect like the ones ridicule a new member for not being perfect on there first review like the guy was when he post his first review.

I Know alot of guys that will not post on eccie here but use it to look for us ladies..

2.Way to much drama on Mississippi board all the time. They do not care for that shit. There here to get away from there drama and headaches from work and home not to get on here and have more drama in there life.*I do not care who started it nor do they. It is a he said she said. We all were not present to see what started it, how or who started and what was said.Do not really know the truth nor do most really care. The guys come here to meet and enjoy themselves with us ladies.
Keep your drama at home we really do not like to hear it.

3.Some of the guys do not feel safe posting anything on the board do to be thrown back in there face , called a liar ,trying to stir shit up and so fourth.

4. Mens locker room is not safe no more than the ladies locker room is. Ladies posting alerts on a guy because whatever reason it was because he did not pay what she wanted or couldn't rush him out the room before his time was up and so on and so on.

5. Guys can not post reviews of ladies they see while there main lady is not available or traveling or sick or whatever the reason is. Because the guy will get backlash from the lady that thinks she owns his ass.

6.Some ladies do not give reference checks and some wait a day later or two to respond back on a reference check.

7.I had 3 ladies join on eccie or maybe 4. They stuck around about a year or so. One cause her own destruction and left but the others left due to the drama and there personal life being put out there by another person ruining there reputation here with guys where it was not worth staying on here to deal with it and if they hose to defend themselves on here.HOLY SHIT lookout here comes all the white knights to bash these ladies and protect the other as if this person is perfect and does no wrong.

8. some guys and ladies have multiple handles which is not to be allowed posting BS while pretending to be someone they saw and in reality its the same dumb ass playing a lot of guys on here like a fool and believe this shit.

9.Some ladies still around they just do not post on eccie cause some guys wanna treat them like street hoes or a cheap piece of meat.Guys calling wanting everything for 60-80 kiss my ass. I do not have a pimp or work for a service or work for another lady promoting me to make me and her money,

You guys talking about Tx Rates . do the math if a lady travels here and stays a week in a hotel , gas , food , clothes , and personal things a woman needs.

7 Days 6 guys per day at 60.
She is seeing
42 guys in a week
360 a day
2520.00 a week
After hotel fee and gas and food it turns into
around 100 to 200 per day and if she has a pimp
she probably is not getting any of her money.
That is not worth to me nor will i do it and if i offend any of you guys because i will not then to bad and threaten me to write a bad review go right a head.

10. Ladies out here harassing other ladies but is smart enough to keep from using eccie where this person can get caught. I know who you are and so do you. I am not one of these weaker ladies that will bow down to you. Send ur emails to me block i do not care. Do not worry about my rates or whats going on in my life worry about your own life. Call me a cheap hoe cause you do not like what mine are and you think i should jack them up to please you. I remember your cheap ass 100 rates and much more.

10.You guys think its just a 330 fine for us ladies back in the early 2000 it was but in 2009 the Mississippi coast got smart now its a 300 prostitutes fine and can charge you up to 13 city ordance charges for running a independent escort serve a massage therapist without a business license, sexual orient escort business and the list goes on.

Say i do not know what i am talking about. I left in 2009 and stay gone for a long period and to finally get out of it it cost me 13000.00 in bail money court fees, attorney fees and fines and 1 yr probation and they wanted to put my ass in jail for a year cause i refused to corroborate with them. And not one of you guys nor ladies got betrayed by me and i paid the heavy price of not seeing friends for the longest time.

I will add my to the list when i finish what i have to get done in my life.
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