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Old 12-05-2018, 07:19 PM   #16
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Mh you always bring a good party and fun girls

GreAt review and nice girl

Mh lmk next party and I can bring few utr girls to join the fun
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Old 12-05-2018, 08:13 PM   #17
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MH their are appreciation by many for the work you do to help provide these parties. Thank you
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Old 12-05-2018, 08:20 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by primo2 View Post
MH their are appreciation by many for the work you do to help provide these parties. Thank you
we at the next one primo, ill bring a few of them girls u saw pics of, good times,
mh be throwing a good party
this girl sounds like fun time, great review
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Old 12-06-2018, 05:42 AM   #19
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funny paulie critiques every one of us when we seek out a bargain , or dont possess the time means or inclination to have a hobby limo or mansion but when 20.00 cover is in play its worth complaining about.

to me major hands is just a horny dude trying to lead the life of a horny dude and along the way he helps a few fucked up girls connect with a few fucked up guys to make a buck or get their rocks off

u know girls spend money on ads clothes condoms toys hotels motels notels lubes and pubes all in the hopes of attracting enough perves and $ to pay the bills.

if one or a hundred girls make a few extra customers a few extra $ because of hands and feel its appropriate to throw a bj or roll in the hay good for hands and kudos to the girls.

while i have never attended one of pauls parties i hear some awesome stories and great times seem to be had. kudos and thanks to paulie. if some wonderful women decde to thank paulie with a 50 or 40 all night session for being good to them and helping them good for him good for her and good for us.

paulie thank u and major a big thank u for ur efforts ... if a hundred girls fucked and sucked u for nothing i would be happy for u as i know u do a ton of legwork with little or no reward and always time and $ out of pocket
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Old 12-06-2018, 05:52 AM   #20
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Complaining About twenty dollars

The mansion must look like a one br on avenue d

Reality is his dream

Mh never done me wrong and yep he just having fun
Kudos to him this review has brought more light to a great girl abreast
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Old 12-06-2018, 11:27 AM   #21
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Beyond laughable!!
A bottle of well booze goes for less than ten bucks, so that's fifteen bottles of booze for 13 guys... I would hope there was some leftover for the next party....
But not as laughable as 13 guys paying 260 beans to share one hooker!!!
So when you rigged the raffle.... the "winner" got 80, the hook got 80 and you kept the 100 plus the commission???
How many cases of whipped cream were left over??
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Old 12-06-2018, 11:33 AM   #22
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Originally Posted by Missburger View Post
Complaining About twenty dollars

The mansion must look like a one br on avenue d

Reality is his dream

Mh never done me wrong and yep he just having fun
Kudos to him this review has brought more light to a great girl abreast
oh Stewie……

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Old 12-06-2018, 11:40 AM   #23
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Yeah, I'd rather buy 10 buck shots of Patron for an inked up, flat chested, stripper who will do nothing and have to listen to crappy music all night.
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Old 12-06-2018, 11:44 AM   #24
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You were forced to buy $10 shots where exactly?
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Old 12-06-2018, 11:52 AM   #25
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Originally Posted by Paulwantsya View Post
You were forced to buy $10 shots where exactly?

I didn't say forced. I declined the hustle. Body Shop, if that's important.
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Old 12-06-2018, 12:08 PM   #26
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Patron henny remy

That cost me 100 120 the way these girls drink

So twenty bucks I’m in

Fucking millennials
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Old 12-06-2018, 03:54 PM   #27
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Not sure how you construed that math, but Ok, critical reading not a strength, Paulie. Got it.

I've provided some graphical aids to help you understand more fully.

Looks like I was off by about .1 earlier and initial supplies were a bit over $$.1, but you get the gist. If you read the line detail on the Tops item, you can see what was merchandise and what was cash back.

I didn't get the pizza (my co-host took care of that), so no paper trail there, but 3 large pizzas with toppings costing about .5 should not strain credulity.

This is the left over beverages minus some mixers, sodas, and egg nog either consumed or left at the house. A couple full bottles (1.0 ltr JFire and 1 ltr V) half a 2 Ltr Jfire were also consumed. All the snacks were eaten.

So let's go over the math again.

260 Cover
- 100 Voucher (all passed to Gia at the request of the winner who didn't even use it for play.)

- 260 Expenses (146 Booze, 67 misc food/mixers/drinks/supplies, 50 pizza)
- 100 Loss (divided between co-hosts at 50 overhead each)
+100 Overhead (Co-host and I each kicking in 50

As for the drawing...all drawings, including this one had the tickets in a clear glass container that everyone could see. The tikets were shaken inside the container and a provider picked the ticket in from of the whole party and read out the winning number. Once the tickets were in the jar, I had no direct contact with them.

As for the providers who attended and were available for play: Zylee was only one of several girls there. Others included Kristina and Veronica from Buffalo, Sammi (Roch), Gia, Kalia, her friend Jessica, and Alessa. AngelT was there too, and may have been open to play, but not sure she did anything. Chloe was there, but only socially, and also one other surprising lady involved in the hobby but not providing. By my count, that's 15 dudes and 8 girls available to play.

Does that help Paulie? I seriously don't get why you are so determined to mis-characterize these parties, and the way they are run. It's this simple. We don't profit from our parties, and we don't collect or require any consideration from the providers for their participation. If we play, we are donating like everyone else.

Nothing you have conjectured about took place. You've got it wrong. I'll say it again. If you pass on the chance to come to the next party, then you are conceding that you are not interested in the truth. It means you are only interested in perpetrating rumors. The ball is in your court.

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Old 12-06-2018, 04:02 PM   #28
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Originally Posted by MajorHands View Post
Not sure how you construed that math, but Ok, critical reading not a strength, Paulie. Got it.

I've provided some graphical aids to help you understand more fully.

Looks like I was off by about .1 earlier and initial supplies were a bit over $$.1, but you get the gist. If you read the line detail on the Tops item, you can see what was merchandise and what was cash back.

I didn't get the pizza (my co-host took care of that), so no paper trail there, but 3 large pizzas with toppings costing about .5 should not strain credulity.

This is the left over beverages minus some mixers, sodas, and egg nog either consumed or left at the house. A couple full bottles (1.0 ltr JFire and 1 ltr V) half a 2 Ltr Jfire were also consumed. All the snacks were eaten.

So let's go over the math again.

260 Cover
- 100 Voucher (all passed to Gia at the request of the winner who didn't even use it for play.)

- 260 Expenses (146 Booze, 67 misc food/mixers/drinks/supplies, 50 pizza)
- 100 Loss (divided between co-hosts at 50 overhead each)
+100 Overhead (Co-host and I each kicking in 50

As for the drawing...all drawings, including this one had the tickets in a clear glass container that everyone could see. The tikets were shaken inside the container and a provider picked the ticket in from of the whole party and read out the winning number. Once the tickets were in the jar, I had no direct contact with them.

As for the providers who attended and were available for play: Zylee was only one of several girls there. Others included Kristina and Veronica from Buffalo, Sammi (Roch), Gia, Kalia, her friend Jessica, and Alessa. AngelT was there too, and may have been open to play, but not sure she did anything. Chloe was there, but only socially, and also one other surprising lady involved in the hobby but not providing. By my count, that's 15 dudes and 8 girls available to play.

Does that help Paulie? I seriously don't get why you are so determined to mis-characterize these parties, and the way they are run. It's this simple. We don't profit from our parties, and we don't collect or require any consideration from the providers for their participation. If we play, we are donating like everyone else.

Nothing you have conjectured about took place. You've got it wrong. I'll say it again. If you pass on the chance to come to the next party, then you are conceding that you are not interested in the truth. It means you are only interested in perpetrating rumors. The ball is in your court.

MH going with the analytics in this new world, love it. Great numbers, solid.

Miss the days of stopping in that liquor store and seeing the judge before her prior troubles.

good stuff MH, any info on kalia friend Jessica?
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Old 12-07-2018, 08:18 AM   #29
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Someone sure does go to a lot of time and trouble to protest making money at his events that charge a cover.
Not interested in seeing a fifty yard dash with the female participants mentioned.
And definitely not interested in attending any parties where money and sex is exchanged. It's that simple.
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Old 12-07-2018, 08:52 AM   #30
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A ten yard dash would finish off most of the "BBW"'s
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