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Old 12-03-2018, 06:11 PM   #1
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Default Is it just me, but when you are ready to play - you can't find a provider?

Question to my fellow hobbyist?

Have you ever had one of those days where you are ready to play and you can't find a provider that fits the bill?

I had a day where I had everything lined up on my end, the money, the time, the window (my old lady was out of town, so I didn't have to worry about rushing from and to an appointment).

So I contacted a provider I've seen before and it all started off good, I texted her, she texted me back, we worked out the logistics, I scrubbed the hell out of my body so we could have a good time. Went to the ATM to go get the cash for her time and for the room. As I wrap up from the ATM, I text her so she can tell me which way to go? No response?

I understand, maybe she's with another client at that moment, I can wait a minute. So I head back to the house. Decided to give her about an hour. Waited for an hour, called her - she said "hey, I'm headed back to my room, give me a minute to get settled, I had to run back home for a minute."

So, 15 minutes later - I get a text from her saying "hey babe, where you at?" - I was excited because things were getting on track. I told her I was waiting for her to give the me location so I can be headed her way. I waited 20 minutes for a response, I called and no answer. I texted, no reply. I called, no answer.

Now, from the beginning of scheduling a date with the provider in reference, until that point, about 4 hours had transpired since my initial point of contact. Now this provider I'm talking about, claims she likes early appointments, so if you want to get with her, you literally need to start texting around 7am. Which I liked, because I am an early bird and I always have a raging hard on early in the morning. But that day she really killed my wood with the shenanigans.

I just said screw it and went to Adultlook, Skip the Games, and Eccie. Now with Adultlook, the women are a little more legit. Skip the Games seems to have more fake ads and is hit or miss, with more miss. Now with Eccie, there are you usual providers - but for Mississippi, 90% of the women that regularly post on here are on the gulf coast, the others that are in Jackson either want $300+ an hour or do not see black males and I am not going to beg anyone that doesn't bend that way, and providers say respect their rates, so I respect their wishes and don't haggle on prices.

But I tried Angel Luv and she was ready and willing. Her rates worked out for me and everything came together after that.

But I would love to know if any of you guys ever have days like that, when you are ready to play and you have a hard time finding a provider?
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Old 12-03-2018, 10:54 PM   #2
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Originally Posted by SirWonderful1906 View Post

But I would love to know if any of you guys ever have days like that, when you are ready to play and you have a hard time finding a provider?
90% of the times that I come to Mobile, Al
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Old 12-04-2018, 06:31 AM   #3
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Thought I was the only one with that kind of luck. I could fall into a barrel of titties and come up sucking my thumb.
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Old 12-04-2018, 12:51 PM   #4
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Happens to me all too frequently. I hate it when plans with a provider fall through at the last min, then I start dialing, searching STG and the longer that goes on, the worse my judgment gets.....
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Old 12-04-2018, 04:20 PM   #5
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Not trying to make it about race but I'm black to and when I can't get something set up with my main girl I'm s.o.l. I look around on the same sites but sometimes those rates are to high or the provider doesn't cater to aa men. On top of that I have a job to were I'm only at home(coast) about a day a week so needless to say when I want to party, I want to party right? I'd meet a new provider and ask the questions I always ask and that's aa men? And rates? 9 times out of 10 I hear nothing back and most of the girls from STG are trash (I have horror stories) so I try not to mess with that site unless desperation kicks in. All in all I only "hobby" once a month sometimes twice if my money is right but lot of the time I end up with nothing but a pocket full of money which is ok I guess.
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Old 12-04-2018, 04:53 PM   #6
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Default I feel your pain.

Originally Posted by Deeznutz00 View Post
Not trying to make it about race but I'm black to and when I can't get something set up with my main girl I'm s.o.l. I look around on the same sites but sometimes those rates are to high or the provider doesn't cater to aa men. On top of that I have a job to were I'm only at home(coast) about a day a week so needless to say when I want to party, I want to party right? I'd meet a new provider and ask the questions I always ask and that's aa men? And rates? 9 times out of 10 I hear nothing back and most of the girls from STG are trash (I have horror stories) so I try not to mess with that site unless desperation kicks in. All in all I only "hobby" once a month sometimes twice if my money is right but lot of the time I end up with nothing but a pocket full of money which is ok I guess.
Here's the kicker with this story, it was a black provider that gave me the run around that day
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Old 12-04-2018, 05:17 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by Deeznutz00 View Post
Not trying to make it about race but I'm black to and when I can't get something set up with my main girl I'm s.o.l. I look around on the same sites but sometimes those rates are to high or the provider doesn't cater to aa men. On top of that I have a job to were I'm only at home(coast) about a day a week so needless to say when I want to party, I want to party right? I'd meet a new provider and ask the questions I always ask and that's aa men? And rates? 9 times out of 10 I hear nothing back and most of the girls from STG are trash (I have horror stories) so I try not to mess with that site unless desperation kicks in. All in all I only "hobby" once a month sometimes twice if my money is right but lot of the time I end up with nothing but a pocket full of money which is ok I guess.
But you know what Dee - some providers will state no AA - but there are some that will see you if you inbox them and say you are on Eccie or p411 where they can verify you. But on a place like STG, they are weary of pimps and robbers. Sucks, but gotta be honest.

I've had two successful dates by inboxing providers and being on the up and up. Now don't press, just say, "hey, I was wondering if you were open, I know sometimes you have to post no A.A.'s to keep the white clients coming, BUT I don't haggle on rates................etc etc etc"

It has worked for me, but make sure its a provider you are truly attracted to.
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Old 12-04-2018, 05:21 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by Deeznutz00 View Post
Not trying to make it about race but I'm black to and when I can't get something set up with my main girl I'm s.o.l. I look around on the same sites but sometimes those rates are to high or the provider doesn't cater to aa men. On top of that I have a job to were I'm only at home(coast) about a day a week so needless to say when I want to party, I want to party right? I'd meet a new provider and ask the questions I always ask and that's aa men? And rates? 9 times out of 10 I hear nothing back and most of the girls from STG are trash (I have horror stories) so I try not to mess with that site unless desperation kicks in. All in all I only "hobby" once a month sometimes twice if my money is right but lot of the time I end up with nothing but a pocket full of money which is ok I guess.
And one more thing, as you keep meeting providers and doing reviews, guys like BC, Guitar will vouch for you and sometimes recommend providers your way. There are some cool fellow hobbyist that will make sure you are on the up and up with providers. Its all about being respectful, playing safe, and having fun.
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Old 12-04-2018, 06:04 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by SirWonderful1906 View Post
Here's the kicker with this story, it was a black provider that gave me the run around that day

Damn, I don't really book black providers, it's just not my taste. I'm the "typical" black guy who likes thicc, chunky, and fat white women (not many providers like that on the coast) but if they're profile states no aa I don't waste my time. That's not the 1st time I've heard about asking anyway though.
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Old 12-04-2018, 06:06 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by SirWonderful1906 View Post
And one more thing, as you keep meeting providers and doing reviews, guys like BC, Guitar will vouch for you and sometimes recommend providers your way. There are some cool fellow hobbyist that will make sure you are on the up and up with providers. Its all about being respectful, playing safe, and having fun.

Oh yea I know. The godfather of hobbying has put me on one before.
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Old 12-06-2018, 07:58 AM   #11
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Sounds like y'all need a lil Majic tlc
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Old 12-06-2018, 08:17 AM   #12
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Thanks SirWonderful, for the confidence. I'd like to know that yall would look out for me as well. I'm sure of that about you, Sir. Thanks again. Stay SAFE!!
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Old 12-06-2018, 08:20 AM   #13
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A lot of the no AA girls will see AA guys if you ask them and agree to not let anyone know. You live in the deep south a lot of old white guys dont want to fuck a girl who lets black guys touch her. It is what it is I am not saying I agree or disagree its just how things are. So if you see no aa dont just let it go send her a pm and say hey I am a aa but I am respectful and I will agree to not review you if you see me. Whats the worst that can happen she already says she wont see you so how bad is it if she comes back with a NO I DO NOT SEE AA. Then you spend your money somewhere else her loss not yours. Trust me you will find someone willing to take your money. A lot of the girls who have AA pimps/BF also say no AA so its not always a race thing. Some black dudes actually think that as long as their girl only fucks white guys that its ok its not like she is fucking other men since white men dont count lol
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